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Please Help Me,can I Bring My Thai Love To The Uk

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would it be possible for me to get my thai girlfriend a passport and a tourist visa within three weeks when I go and see her in november this year?

I was dating with her for 7 months last year when I lived in Thailand. I have 3 months of bank statements showing money I have sent her,I have phone bills showing loads of calls to her,I have photos of us together and me with her family.

I have a house in England where she can stay and I have money in the bank so she can surport herself.

We would only be staying in the UK for 3 to 4 months.

would it be possible and how much would it cost me.

If you could help me that would be fantastic,I am so tired of looking for a answer to my question.

Thank you so much. Tyler :D:o:D:D

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Do you mean within 3 weeks of you arriving there ? If you do then certainly in theory its quite possible. From what i understand from my Thai friends , its quite a simple process to get the Thai passport and once you have the correct documents for one its issued pretty much straightaway. I could be wrong but its a simple matter for your g/f to be checking now by contacting the passport office in Bangkok for example .I'm sure she could have a passport by the time you arrive IF she is prepared to get on with it.

HOWEVER thats not IMHO your biggest problem. Getting the visa is.

From the little detail you have posted you are well able to provide accomodation and financial support for her , and you will of course have to prove all that to the Embassy with the relevant documentation as they will ,believe it or not , definately not just take your word for it . So be getting that all in order. You should read the websites of the British Embassy Bangkok and UK Visas both of which you can find easily by any search engine. Although they don't spell out exactly what is required , they do give you a good idea and common sense should tell you the rest.

Your biggest problem will be your girlfriends status in Thailand . From what you have said it is fair to assume she has no job (?) , or if she does , then no savings (otherwise why would you need to send her money all the time ). Its difficult from your sparse details but would i be right in guessing she owns no land in her name in Thailand? The reason for the questions is that one of the key conditions for a visitors visa is that the applicant needs to show "reason to return" to Thailand (or at any rate to leave the UK) at the end of her stated stay. If she has one that you haven't mentioned then thats good, but otherwise you will have to rely on your relationship. You would have to state convincingly that you both understand the importance of her abiding by the conditions of her visa this time , so as not to impede and prejudice any future applications she may want to make , like a future settlement visa application if you both decide in the fututre to settle in the UK.

This situation has been covered pretty extensively on this forum , i would hazard a guess at at least 4 or 5 times a month so with a little effort you can read the threads of others in almost exactly your position . And some of them are success stories too so it can be done for sure.

Lastly , i think your idea of a 3-4 month visit is too long . She is going to have a tough fight to get the visa anyway , so making the visit so long will not help. You must make it a more believable 3-5 weeks visit. This point has often come up on this forum and i think its one of the things all us members agree on , up to a month is about right.

Oh i just spotted another thing thats a bit strange , or it could be just me . If you lived together for 7 months LAST year , then how have you kept the relationship going since. I mean thats almost a year apart now isn't it ? Thats a long time to be apart . Maybe i'm imagining things , and i know a relationship can survive a long separation , but you might want to be thinking of how that will look to a visa officer and how you are going to address it .

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I agree with what atlastname has written. If you take on board has comments you will realize that the visa application is not to be taken lightly, but this attitude will help you. You should read through the links on vinny’s post then work through the checklist. If your application has any weakness i.e. reason to return, then you should give this special attention in your covering letter and also the VAF1 form has a section where the applicant can add any information. You can say that you are in a long term relationship, will want more visits in the future and you are aware that any infringement on the visa conditions will effect future visa applications.

You should also consider the length of the visit. A shorter visit is easier to get and visa aside, she might not like winter in UK and 4-5 months is a long time.

Best of luck

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