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Thaksin Shinawatra warns govt about Thailand’s economy


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All the mismanagement, high debts, high cost while productivity remains low, stemmed from Thaksin and his puppets. And now he wants to teach?

Perhaps he should first pay back the damages caused to Thailand from his rice scam policy?

Khaw thoot na, let's move on khappp wai2.gif

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Thaksin was in charge following a landslide election victory in 1998, following the Asian economic crisis, when he did indeed manage the administration which restored economic benefits to Thailand and he retains the admiration and appreciation of the majority of Thais. Unfortunately, there is a large minority of influential Thais that resent that he is also successful in the management of his personal finances.

Unfortunately, there is a large minority of educated Thais that resent that he is unable to differentiate between the management of his personal finances and the wealth and interests of the nation.

BTW confusing the two is generally referred to as corruption.

Edited by halloween
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Thakisn maybe right but he and his cohorts don't have a clue either and his past policies are in part to blame.

How did anyone ever take this man seriously!

One of Thaksin "clueless" cohort was called back to to join Prayuth cabinet and help the ailing economy and many of his policies including the infrastructure projects are copied.

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This fugitive's place is not to judge, but to come do time for his transgressions. Arrogancy supreme.

If they were to imprison all corrupt, lying, cheating, robing scheming self interest first politicians, they would need a plot of land the size of Australia to build the prison

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Thaksin Shinawatra Warns Junta about Thailands Economy"

Perhaps people in Thailand will finally take the failing economy seriously instead of wasting billions on nonsense projects and military weapons. The government is throwing away billions on the unnecessary charter for instance but they don't care as the game is about power, the feudal system must prevail.

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Self-made Billionaires especially if they have come from non-privileged background are super intelligent if not genius. Unfortunately being ruthless is a part of the formula in the chemistry of their persona

He is just a lot cleverer than all of you. Having knowledge is not intelligence; intelligence is what you do with that knowledge.

The country has been on a downward spiral for tourist, ex pats and the peasant classes ever since the 2006 coup

Pity that your genius theory fails the "non-privileged background" test. Perhaps you should google "CEO psychopath" and look at the interesting results.

I would love to see Thaksin's results on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. But you could try it yourself! http://vistriai.com/psychopathtest/

I believe your post equally pertains to the present incumbents.

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Mr T was a great leader but it was not the country that benefited it was his business empire, just like the rest of these so called champions of the people .

That is the very point! there are no champions of the people, Regardless self interest comes first

I might be wrong,but I think there is one great man in Thailand that place nation before self.

He is one of the most respect guy in the kingdom.

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Thaksin Shinawatra Warns Junta about Thailands Economy"

Perhaps people in Thailand will finally take the failing economy seriously instead of wasting billions on nonsense projects and military weapons. The government is throwing away billions on the unnecessary charter for instance but they don't care as the game is about power, the feudal system must prevail.

Not to mention the NINETY THREE BILLION loans to farmers just approved. Hypocrisy much?

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so pleased Thaksin is back in our lives again, gives us all focus once more on TV.

I agree, however, given the clampdown on any political discourse here, some who disagree with General P have nowhere else to turn to express their dissatisfaction. 'Bed made' now 'lie in it'. (Apologies for the pun ..)

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The Junta lack talent to fix the ailing economy!

I've got an idea,, Thailand is the biggest producer of hard drives in the world. Why doesn't the Government buy all of the hard drives at an inflated market price from the factories (using tax payers money) and store then and hold them until demand becomes so rampant that they can sell at huge profits and benefit all the factory workers.

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Self-made Billionaires especially if they have come from non-privileged background are super intelligent if not genius. Unfortunately being ruthless is a part of the formula in the chemistry of their persona

He is just a lot cleverer than all of you. Having knowledge is not intelligence; intelligence is what you do with that knowledge.

The country has been on a downward spiral for tourist, ex pats and the peasant classes ever since the 2006 coup

... ever since this thief became PM

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All the mismanagement, high debts, high cost while productivity remains low, stemmed from Thaksin and his puppets. And now he wants to teach?

Perhaps he should first pay back the damages caused to Thailand from his rice scam policy?

The Poor Thai's Debt Load is Huge! Yingluck's Buy a car Scheme. Pay 200% for rice. Quality, types, and imported cheap rice from

Cambodia, No Problem. We'll give you double the value! Then they ran out of money, the car was repossessed, no more rice money,

they now owe the balance of the car loan after it was sold wholesale plus interests. A few of the farmers just went and committed

suicide. Under Thaksin and his puppets 20% of the Thai's economy was corruption money, so that part of the economy, that benefited

a few red Shirts, is Gone. Sure there' a little corruption, but not massive under Yingluck and the number one puppet Thaksin!

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Self-made Billionaires especially if they have come from non-privileged background are super intelligent if not genius. Unfortunately being ruthless is a part of the formula in the chemistry of their persona

He is just a lot cleverer than all of you. Having knowledge is not intelligence; intelligence is what you do with that knowledge.

The country has been on a downward spiral for tourist, ex pats and the peasant classes ever since the 2006 coup

... ever since this thief became PM

Not really. As much as I dislike Taksin, it had been universally agreed he took Thailand's economy to another level. However, hubris got the better of him. As it inevitably does with the power crazed ..

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Self-made Billionaires especially if they have come from non-privileged background are super intelligent if not genius. Unfortunately being ruthless is a part of the formula in the chemistry of their persona

He is just a lot cleverer than all of you. Having knowledge is not intelligence; intelligence is what you do with that knowledge.

The country has been on a downward spiral for tourist, ex pats and the peasant classes ever since the 2006 coup

If he were a genius he would have reined in his own greed and could very well still have been the PM now.

Edited by teatree
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The Junta lack talent to fix the ailing economy!

I've got an idea,, Thailand is the biggest producer of hard drives in the world. Why doesn't the Government buy all of the hard drives at an inflated market price from the factories (using tax payers money) and store then and hold them until demand becomes so rampant that they can sell at huge profits and benefit all the factory workers.

You may want to have a conversation with somebody that understands these things.

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Self-made Billionaires especially if they have come from non-privileged background are super intelligent if not genius. Unfortunately being ruthless is a part of the formula in the chemistry of their persona

He is just a lot cleverer than all of you. Having knowledge is not intelligence; intelligence is what you do with that knowledge.

The country has been on a downward spiral for tourist, ex pats and the peasant classes ever since the 2006 coup

Pity that your genius theory fails the "non-privileged background" test. Perhaps you should google "CEO psychopath" and look at the interesting results.

I would love to see Thaksin's results on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist. But you could try it yourself! http://vistriai.com/psychopathtest/

You are classing deciet and inside trading as being cleverer than all of us, yes he gained the monitary advantage, Now the smart thing for him to do is go and enjoy the spoils of his ill-gotten gains, At the end of the day he and the rest of us, you can not take it with you, what is said in history about the man will be a substantial diatribe.

On ya Lee.

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The Junta lack talent to fix the ailing economy!

I've got an idea,, Thailand is the biggest producer of hard drives in the world. Why doesn't the Government buy all of the hard drives at an inflated market price from the factories (using tax payers money) and store then and hold them until demand becomes so rampant that they can sell at huge profits and benefit all the factory workers.

You may want to have a conversation with somebody that understands these things.

I think you missed the sarcasm my friend... Think Rice pledging scheme...

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Self-made Billionaires especially if they have come from non-privileged background are super intelligent if not genius. Unfortunately being ruthless is a part of the formula in the chemistry of their persona

He is just a lot cleverer than all of you. Having knowledge is not intelligence; intelligence is what you do with that knowledge.

The country has been on a downward spiral for tourist, ex pats and the peasant classes ever since the 2006 coup

He's definitely not "self-made" and has got to be the most stupid genius on the planet!

Tourist numbers are at record levels, there's a growing number of ex-pats due to easy immigration policy, and if I recall the first thing the Junta did after the last coup was to get the farmers paid what was owed from the rice debacle created by that intelligent knowledgeable billionaire genius.

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