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Israel cooperation puts Palestinian forces in a tough spot


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Israel cooperation puts Palestinian forces in a tough spot

RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — It was nearly 2 a.m. when Amjad Sallaj heard a loud explosion outside his home. In a matter of seconds, Israeli troops burst into the building, ransacking apartments in a door-to-door search for wanted Palestinian militants.

When the raid was over, the apartments had been trashed, furniture destroyed and Sallaj's 30-year-old son, Ahmad, had been taken into custody.

Palestinian officials say that such raids, carried out in Palestinian-controlled territory, have become a daily occurrence since a wave of violence erupted five months ago — undermining the public's trust in their own security forces and jeopardizing one of the last areas of official contact between Israel and the Palestinians.

"The Israeli forces enter our territory every night, since the beginning of the current uprising, and this has a significant impact on the morale of our forces and on the image of these forces in the eyes of the public," said Adnan Dameri, the spokesman for the Palestinian security forces.

"In every joint meeting, we tell the Israeli side that the daily incursions embarrass the Palestinian forces," he added.

Security cooperation between the Israeli military and Palestinian security forces began following interim peace accords reached in the 1990s that granted the Palestinians limited autonomy in 40 percent of the West Bank.

Although those agreements gave Israel overall security control in the West Bank, it yielded significant day-to-day responsibilities to Palestinian forces in a joint effort to control Islamic militants and to prevent friction between Israeli troops and Palestinian civilians.

The system broke down during the second Palestinian uprising in the early 2000s, but resumed once the fighting subsided and has continued to function for the better part of a decade.

Today, at a time when peace efforts are at a standstill and tensions are high, security is one of the last areas of coordination, playing a critical role in preventing near-daily violence from spinning out of control.

The security coordination has also benefited Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. A clampdown by his forces and Israeli troops has kept the rival Hamas militant group in check.

But the Palestinians say Israel's recent stepped-up activity is putting them in a difficult situation. With the coordination still in place, the public widely sees the forces — and Palestinian political leaders — as essentially helping perpetuate Israel's half-century military occupation of the West Bank. Israel captured the area, along with east Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip — all claimed by the Palestinians for a future independent state — in the 1967 Mideast war.

The cooperation also has hurt morale. Under procedures in place, Israeli forces inform the Palestinians they are going in, ordering them to retreat to their barracks until they complete their operation.

"It's very depressing to leave your position and our missions just because the occupation forces have an operation that you know is against your people," said Saleh Naser, a police officer in Ramallah.

Sallaj said that during Tuesday's night-time raid on his home, which is located in Askar refugee camp near the city of Nablus in the northern West Bank, troops detonated the main entrance to the building, and then pried open the doors of the four apartment units where his sons and their families live.

He described seeing hundreds of soldiers in the camp, including dozens throughout his building.

Sallaj, 55, said the families were each confined to one room of their apartment as soldiers moved through, leaving behind a trail of destruction. When troops found photos of children holding plastic guns, he said they interrogated two of his grandsons, a 9-year-old and a 5-year-old, about the pictures. Sallaj said he does not know why his son was arrested. He said it is the first time he has been sent to jail.

"This is the occupation," he said. "We expect nothing but the destroying of our life and our properties."

In a statement, the military said it confiscated guns, ammunition and grenades during the raid on a number of locations in Nablus and arrested nine Palestinians. It said soldiers were attacked by a stone-throwing mob, and that it shot one man "in light of the continued assault."

The current wave of violence erupted last fall, with clashes between Palestinian protesters and Israeli security forces at a Jerusalem holy site quickly spreading across Israel and into the West Bank. Twenty-eight people have been killed on the Israeli side in Palestinian stabbings, shootings and car ramming attacks, while at least 166 Palestinians have been killed, including 119 people said by Israel to be attackers.

Lt. Col. Peter Lerner, a military spokesman, confirmed there has been "increased activity" in the West Bank due to the rising violence. The breadth of operations is based on the "threat assessment," he said.

Lerner said Hamas has been trying to take advantage of the unrest, and that Israel has uncovered bomb labs and foiled planned suicide bombings, kidnappings and shootings of Israelis. He said the raids took place in "order to prevent those attacks before they put innocent lives at risk."

Amani Sarahneh, spokeswoman for the Palestinian Prisoners' Club, said she monitors new raids daily.

"Each day, I collect the names of the detainees arrested overnight. Usually, I have up to 30 people arrested every night in various places in the West Bank," she said.

Israeli officials say they are aware of the Palestinian concerns and keep them in mind as they set security policy, but ultimately they do whatever security conditions dictate.

Alon Eviatar, a former high-ranking official with COGAT, the Israeli military body that oversees Palestinian civilian affairs, said the Palestinian complaints are not a "new phenomenon," and Israeli officials are aware of this constraint.

"As long as the Palestinian security apparatus can do the job, Israel wants to let them do it," he said. "If they can do it, do it. Better for Israel."

Associated Press Writer Josef Federman in Jerusalem contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-02-25

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Another Israel topic.

Another chance for over the top obsessive Israel demonizing posts.

Fooling nobody.

You can SMELL the hate.

Israel is a sovereign nation and while no doubt their settlement policy in the west bank invites lots of valid criticism, as a sovereign state, there is really no other reasonable choice for Israel but to pursue terrorist individuals that have been attacking Israelis during this recent Knife Intifada. Most here would expect the same from our governments if faced with a wave of terrorism. But somehow, Israel, the Jew of nations, is expected to bend over and say, Knife us... thank you very much, may I have another?

Sure it would be much better if the Palestinian Authority could do their job better, or would want to do their job better, but that's not the case now.

To those who assert that all Israel needs to do is withdraw all west bank settlements and the conflict will be over ... that's totally wrong and nobody credible believes that. That doesn't mean Israel shouldn't withdraw someday ... in an environment of good faith negotiations between the sides not really possible anytime soon.

Edited by Jingthing
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Another Israel topic.

Another chance for over the top obsessive Israel demonizing posts.

Fooling nobody.

You can SMELL the hate.

Israel is a sovereign nation and while no doubt their settlement policy in the west bank invites lots of valid criticism, as a sovereign state, there is really no other reasonable choice for Israel but to pursue terrorist individuals that have been attacking Israelis during this recent Knife Intifada. Most here would expect the same from our governments if faced with a wave of terrorism. But somehow, Israel, the Jew of nations, is expected to bend over and say, Knife us... thank you very much, may I have another?

Sure it would be much better if the Palestinian Authority could do their job better, or would want to do their job better, but that's not the case now.

To those who assert that all Israel needs to do is withdraw all west bank settlements and the conflict will be over ... that's totally wrong and nobody credible believes that. That doesn't mean Israel shouldn't withdraw someday ... in an environment of good faith negotiations between the sides not really possible anytime soon.

as i said before, you should ask yourself why that many people over recent years dont like actions of Israel!?

even many Isrealis start the question the reality.

no one is demonizing Israel but just speaking about plain 'reality'.

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Israel has de facto annexed the West Bank and holds the Palestinian people under a brutal occupation and apartheid conditions.

My gut feeling is: well you Israelis claim the West Bank as part of Israel, then you look after security and your duty of care towards the residents under the Geneva Convention. Why should the Palestinians do your dirty work for you? It would certainly cost Israel more money, manpower and hassles. That's the price you pay when you invade another's land. Som nam na.

Maybe the gloves would be off then, and we would see more clearly on the social and international media what thugs the IDF terrorists are, and could hasten the end of this monstrous injustice.

But I also feel that would cost more Palestinian lives, if the PA police weren't protecting some of their own as best they can against IDF atrocities. I would not want to see that.

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Israel has de facto annexed the West Bank and holds the Palestinian people under a brutal occupation and apartheid conditions.
My gut feeling is: well you Israelis claim the West Bank as part of Israel, then you look after security and your duty of care towards the residents under the Geneva Convention. Why should the Palestinians do your dirty work for you? It would certainly cost Israel more money, manpower and hassles. That's the price you pay when you invade another's land. Som nam na.
Maybe the gloves would be off then, and we would see more clearly on the social and international media what thugs the IDF terrorists are, and could hasten the end of this monstrous injustice.
But I also feel that would cost more Palestinian lives, if the PA police weren't protecting some of their own as best they can against IDF atrocities. I would not want to see that.

So you have no evidence to back your claim, but will continue to post hateful rubbish to suit your agenda.

Continue grinding your teeth, because Israel and Jews are not going anywhere any time soonthumbsup.gif

PS. One with any common sense would start to wonder if life was as bad as you so desperately painting it out to be for Arabs in Israel with Israeli passport, they would be migrating to other countries or even to refugee camps to run away from bad Jews, and yet they would rather live in apartheid state, then enjoy the life under Sharia Law or a dictator. May be getting a few shekkels less per month is better than being shot for celebrating new years or a weddingcoffee1.gif

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Sorry thread full.
PattayaAl wrote...
Thank you for clarifying, so then every arab, the entire 2 million of them living in Israel are terrorists and should be jailed or shot?
You do of course understand, the 2 million of them who do not bludge off the state of Israel do pay taxes to support IDF right?
They do not migrate to another Arab state, nor do they run to refugee camps
Now, do direct me in direction of archaeological finds with Palestinian history.
I have no doubt they squandered around in the sands, but lets see some evidence of Palestinian civilization.
There seems to be plenty of jewish finds dating back as far as 7000 year ago, but i would like to see some evidence of Palestinian history to support your claim
Total waste of time even replying to you. I should have known better. The 1.8 million Israeli Palestinians living in Israel have always lived there. It's the Israeli Jews who are the immigrants. The West Bank is a different story..well it's not really, but it's a line in the sand that the Palestinians have drawn...enough's enough. Not sure if you understand the diference between the two parts of the country.
The rest of your post is just pseudo history mythological garbage . We've had these deflections debunked many times before..the type which every colonising power invents to justify its theft. Would love to tear it apart, but I fear we would be drifting off topic...another thread another time maybe. You are clearly not interested in discussing the OP.
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Sorry thread full.
PattayaAl wrote...
Thank you for clarifying, so then every arab, the entire 2 million of them living in Israel are terrorists and should be jailed or shot?
You do of course understand, the 2 million of them who do not bludge off the state of Israel do pay taxes to support IDF right?
They do not migrate to another Arab state, nor do they run to refugee camps
Now, do direct me in direction of archaeological finds with Palestinian history.
I have no doubt they squandered around in the sands, but lets see some evidence of Palestinian civilization.
There seems to be plenty of jewish finds dating back as far as 7000 year ago, but i would like to see some evidence of Palestinian history to support your claim
Total waste of time even replying to you. I should have known better. The 1.8 million Israeli Palestinians living in Israel have always lived there. It's the Israeli Jews who are the immigrants. The West Bank is a different story..well it's not really, but it's a line in the sand that the Palestinians have drawn...enough's enough. Not sure if you understand the diference between the two parts of the country.
The rest of your post is just pseudo history mythological garbage . We've had these deflections debunked many times before..the type which every colonising power invents to justify its theft. Would love to tear it apart, but I fear we would be drifting off topic...another thread another time maybe. You are clearly not interested in discussing the OP.

I am in full agreement with you, it is total waste of time even replying to you.

Nothing but unfounded, hateful rubbish,

Following your mental capacity, all jews should be killed because they are in Israel while all camel jokey's are angels, must be the reason why all across the world any area where jews live turn into most expansive suburbs, while anywhere arabs live turns into violent, drug dealing, criminal filled dirtiest, rubbish dump.

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Boo hoo,poor us.Maybe if they stopped their murderous thugs from stabbing innocent people the raids would stop.

Palestinians are not stabbing innocent people. They are resisting a brutal occupying army and trespassing land thieving colonists who know full well why their housing is cheap...because the land it is built on is stolen and the real owners now languish in refugee camps. The colonists know the risks. They chose to live there. No sympathy. Get back to the 67 borders.

49 years now this occupation has lasted. Would you meekly put up with that for your entire life?

It doesn't matter whether or not you write 'innocent' in bold you are demonstrating as clear as day your support for premeditated murder by terrorists. I hope karma turns out to be a bitch for you as you so richly deserve it to. Some victims were children, some elderly, some not settlers, yet you would be the first to squeal collective punishment if the IDF demolishes the home of a murder.
Since October 170 Palestinians killed in their own land by invading soldiers. Google images: Palestinian children killed. I find those images obscene. It's pretty clear who the terrorists are.
I have no sympathy for occupying thieves.
Israel is the only one with an army. They hold all the power. They choose to steal land. They choose to smash up Palestinian homes in the OP and arrest people without charge. They know the risks.
Edited by dexterm
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As usual with every topic mentioning either Israel or the Palestinians, most posters got little to contribute directly on topic. Rather, it's the same old slogans, propaganda bits from other topics. Seems like the only purpose of "discussions" is to serve as a platform for rehashing the well entrenched positions of members.

Issues pertaining to the security coordination between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are complex. While the OP touches on that, it does so lightly. There isn't a unified "security coordination" as such, but rather, more than one agency involved on either side, and not all sharing the same views, policies and methods. Then there are politics and politicians (again, on both sides), dictating (to an extent, more so on the Palestinian side) certain things. Personal decisions (more on regional level etc.) contribute quite a bit to how things pan out.

This security coordination is a mutual interest to both leaderships. For those not getting it - if there was no security coordination (even at its current level) between the sides, things would go south very quickly. While this would pose difficulties for Israel, these are nothing compared with the implications for the Palestinians. There are good reasons Abbas sometimes threats to suspend it, but never follows through.

The OP mentions the security coordination with Israel (especially in the face of such incursions as described) to be detrimental to Palestinian security agencies image and prestige among the Palestinians. Fair enough. For obvious reasons, the OP does not expand nor explains that the resentment, mistrust, and lack of respect many Palestinian feel toward their own various security agencies got a lot to do with their conduct on more mundane issues. Then again, many Palestinians, while subscribing to the above sentiment, fear even more the probable chaos that will reign otherwise.

With the onset of the recent attacks, the security coordination ran into some problems. The main one being attackers are generally not well organized, often acting alone and impulsively. This means less alert options (which are the bread and butter of the security coordination). Less alerts spells more attacks carried out, not being well organized or equipped spells more Palestinian casualties, not being organized (as in strongly politically affiliated) feeds Palestinian anger and brings about more of the same. Essentially, the Palestinian security forces are caught between a rock and a hard place - no intel means they can't deliver, which makes them temporarily less valuable for Israel, actively curbing Palestinian demonstrations and attacks makes them be seen as traitors.

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Applying your usual brand of overreaching statements:

Palestinians are not stabbing innocent people.


Every Israeli Jew who is a member of the occupying army the IDF and every Jewish colonist who is illegally trespassing by living in the West Bank

Palestinians do not attack innocents? Seriously? There were no attacks well within the 1967 lines ? (recent attacks, older ones....whatever). Palestinians never attacked foreign peace activists or foreign officials in Palestinian territories? Were there no Israeli Arabs attacked?

The second bit is more of the same - how does things work out for non-Jewish IDF soldiers, then? Does it include post-service civilians eligible for reserve duty? If memory serves, your definition seems to include any action by an Israeli (or Jew) which could be construed as supporting the IDF. Do kids of illegal settlers count as legitimate targets? You seem to care about children.

Guess you haven't thought things through, or that your definition for "legitimate" targets is the usual double standard fare.

As for:

I do not advocate attacking Israeli Jews within the 67 borders,

Well...you might not "advocate" them as such, wouldn't be PC. But you do not denounce them either, and go to extremes in order to justify such attacks.

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Yes, get back to the '67 borders.

There's no demonization or hate in that simple statement.

It would be the first step towards reconciliation and peaceful co-existence with your neighbours.

The radical Zionists will have to be removed from power by moderate Israelis before this bloodbath ends.

One got to admire the grasp of Israeli politics exhibited. Pray tell....who are the "radical Zionists" and who are the "moderate Israelis"? Maybe that would clarify how, exactly, the former could be "removed from power" by the latter. Obviously, such divisions do not exist among the Palestinians (and if they do...well, can always dream up an out of touch one liner to deal with it).

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What have Palestinian forces done to stop or prevent or to warn of attacks? Nothing?whistling.gif

Off mark.

Overall, the security coordination is an asset to Israel (and before this will be taken out context by the usual suspects - works both ways). This is usually openly acknowledged by the IDF and other Israeli security agencies. The ones making light of it are mainly right wing politicians - even when they are in a position to know the facts.

The nature of most attacks in this so-called "Knife Intifada" makes it hard for security services on both sides to provide timely alerts and information. If these were available, there is little reason to doubt that attacks would have been curtailed. On this, the interests of both Israel and the Palestinian Authority coincide. The PA was basically caught up unprepared, same as Israel. Abbas isn't running the show, just managing (or milking, depends on point of view) it as best he can.

Even within the recent context, there were instances in which the Palestinian security forces detained potential attackers and prevented demonstrations from getting out of hand. To counter-balance, there were also a few attacks involving security personnel.

To put it another way, things would have been much worse if there was no coordination at all.

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Sorry thread full.

PattayaAl wrote...

Thank you for clarifying, so then every arab, the entire 2 million of them living in Israel are terrorists and should be jailed or shot?

You do of course understand, the 2 million of them who do not bludge off the state of Israel do pay taxes to support IDF right?

They do not migrate to another Arab state, nor do they run to refugee camps

Now, do direct me in direction of archaeological finds with Palestinian history.

I have no doubt they squandered around in the sands, but lets see some evidence of Palestinian civilization.

There seems to be plenty of jewish finds dating back as far as 7000 year ago, but i would like to see some evidence of Palestinian history to support your claim

Total waste of time even replying to you. I should have known better. The 1.8 million Israeli Palestinians living in Israel have always lived there. It's the Israeli Jews who are the immigrants. The West Bank is a different story..well it's not really, but it's a line in the sand that the Palestinians have drawn...enough's enough. Not sure if you understand the diference between the two parts of the country.

The rest of your post is just pseudo history mythological garbage . We've had these deflections debunked many times before..the type which every colonising power invents to justify its theft. Would love to tear it apart, but I fear we would be drifting off topic...another thread another time maybe. You are clearly not interested in discussing the OP.

Except your hypocrisy is shown by the FACT that the so called Palestinians not only didn't have a flag before 1967 but were perfectly happy to live in either Gaza or the West Bank, which were OCCUPIED by Egypt and Jordan respectively. I will post the link when I locate it again, but the most recent genetic studies show Jews, including Ashkenazi to have been indigenous to the levant, whist Palestinians were migrants from the Arabian peninsular, and were indeed the most recent Arabs to reach the levant. No doubt benefitting from the economic activity of less backward civilizations.

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In 1947 the UN has divided the land of Israel in a way that would have accommodated both Jews and Arabs in 2 separate states. The Jews accepted, the Arabs did not. A war erupted by the Arab countries in order to end the Jewish state before it even started. The Arabs lost.

That is EXACTLY what happened. The Arabs started the violence in the first place, they have repeatedly been beaten in wars that they started and they have been losing ever since. They are to blame for what they have done to THEMSELVES.

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The Palestinians are not the invaders; they have lived there for centuries. They are the indigenous people.

This is total poppycock. There never was a country called Palestine and there never was a people called Palestinians until some usurpers led by Arafat started calling themselves that in the 1960's.

There was a region called Palestine that encompassed part or all of several countries but they all had nationalities not called Palestine or Palestinian.

How can you say that these people occupied this land called "The West Bank" during history when the real part that's in dispute is E. Jerusalem? That's just part of The West Bank, but it includes much of ancient Jewish sites including the Mount of Olives, The Temple Mount, The Garden of Gethsemane and other places mentioned in the Bible regarding Israel? Those Arabs have that Old Testament and they know better.

Why don't you be honest? Instead of saying "The West Bank" or "67 Borders" when you talk about what you want, just say "East Jerusalem" or "Old Jerusalem" which is what it really is. Huh? It was always part of Israel.

Your arguments are so dishonest they are difficult for me to read.

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Palestinians are not stabbing innocent people. They are resisting a brutal occupying army and trespassing land thieving colonists who know full well why their housing is cheap...because the land it is built on is stolen and the real owners now languish in refugee camps. The colonists know the risks. They chose to live there. No sympathy. Get back to the 67 borders.

49 years now this occupation has lasted. Would you meekly put up with that for your entire life?

SO by your definition any Jew walking around is NOT innocent?

Please clarify your position, because when palis ram a car into a bus stop full of people waiting for a bus, in my poor understanding these people were innocent

Now if i cross over to your side, then by your admission any and every pali is a terrorist and should be either shot or put in prison.?

Every Israeli Jew who is a member of the occupying army the IDF and every Jewish colonist who is illegally trespassing by living in the West Bank on stolen land are occupiers the same as every other invaders in modern history. Palestinians not only have a moral right but a legal right to resist. I do not advocate attacking Israeli Jews within the 67 borders, and certainly not anywhere else in the world.

The Palestinians are not the invaders; they have lived there for centuries. They are the indigenous people. You seem to be unaware of the history of the conflict. I suggest you view Al Jazeera's Al Nakba series.

If any Palestinian in the OP had resisted arrest in their own home in their own land by IDF soldiers terrorizing them, they would have been shot dead, no questions asked.

The OP arrests are just the tip of the iceberg...

“Since the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory in 1967, more than 800,000 Palestinians have been detained under Israeli military orders in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt). This number constitutes approximately 20 percent of the total Palestinian population in the oPt and as much as 40 percent of the total male Palestinian population… 8,000 Palestinian children have been arrested since 2000.”


Thank you for clarifying, so then every arab, the entire 2 million of them living in Israel are terrorists and should be jailed or shot?

You do of course understand, the 2 million of them who do not bludge off the state of Israel do pay taxes to support IDF right?

They do not migrate to another Arab state, nor do they run to refugee camps

Now, do direct me in direction of archaeological finds with Palestinian history.

I have no doubt they squandered around in the sands, but lets see some evidence of Palestinian civilization.

There seems to be plenty of jewish finds dating back as far as 7000 year ago, but i would like to see some evidence of Palestinian history to support your claim

it is never about 2000 years ago! we talk about now.

then USA needs to hand all those land to Native Americans bc they were living there for thousands of years?

or if they claim it, do i need to empty my house now as there was a Thai guy living in my house and land 100 years ago?

if you dig around there, anyway you will find Assyrian, Hittite, Egyptian etc civilizations long before Jewish! So, now Israelis need to leave the land to for example Egyptians if they claim it?

just speak with some sense please.

basically what dexterm saying is true. Israel is occupying a stolen land and if they get stabbed for stealing land of locals there living or millenniums, that a risk they take so please dont play with a victim card! that is a price to pay!

and Israeli settlers are enjoying free and cheap land stolen from others (they get allowances from USA oh sorry Israel government as well).

you steal land of people and when they resists you say' there are terrorists trying to drive Israelis to the sea' to the world with a victim card played as a trump card.

but you tell these fairy tales to the Zionist friends or so called ones:) bc no one with a mind is believing them anymore. those days are passed. world is aware.

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In 1947 the UN has divided the land of Israel in a way that would have accommodated both Jews and Arabs in 2 separate states. The Jews accepted, the Arabs did not. A war erupted by the Arab countries in order to end the Jewish state before it even started. The Arabs lost.

That is EXACTLY what happened. The Arabs started the violence in the first place, they have repeatedly been beaten in wars that they started and they have been losing ever since. They are to blame for what they have done to THEMSELVES.

come on!

so all those Jewish people were living there in those lands those times?

what happened is UN backed by USA illegally tried to hand some land to Israelis and divide the land.

of course the land was basically stolen or bought (dirt cheap and mostly by force) from arabs living there.

do you accept if a guy from top comes to your house and land and suddenly wants to divide it illegally and wants to give it to someone else? of course locals living there also did not accept that naturally!

this is exactly what happened and happening now of course Zionists are totally aware of this but dont speak this simple fact aloud.

if you stole and occupy someone else's land and property, they have the right to protect it!

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what happened is UN backed by USA illegally tried to hand some land to Israelis and divide the land.

You seem to have left Great Britain and the League of Nations completely out of your little conspiracy theory. You need to do a LOT of reading before commenting on this topic.

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In 1947 the UN has divided the land of Israel in a way that would have accommodated both Jews and Arabs in 2 separate states. The Jews accepted, the Arabs did not. A war erupted by the Arab countries in order to end the Jewish state before it even started. The Arabs lost.

That is EXACTLY what happened. The Arabs started the violence in the first place, they have repeatedly been beaten in wars that they started and they have been losing ever since. They are to blame for what they have done to THEMSELVES.

Yeah we all know it is so easy to come and just tell the people to leave their house as it is now yours... please at least know History

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In 1947 the UN has divided the land of Israel in a way that would have accommodated both Jews and Arabs in 2 separate states. The Jews accepted, the Arabs did not. A war erupted by the Arab countries in order to end the Jewish state before it even started. The Arabs lost.

That is EXACTLY what happened. The Arabs started the violence in the first place, they have repeatedly been beaten in wars that they started and they have been losing ever since. They are to blame for what they have done to THEMSELVES.

Yeah we all know it is so easy to come and just tell the people to leave their house as it is now yours... please at least know History

I DO know history. If the Arabs had not started murdering Jews in the first place and lived in peace, there would have been no need for separate countries. They made their own bed.

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I DO know history. If the Arabs had not started murdering Jews in the first place and lived in peace, there would have been no need for separate countries. They made their own bed.

you probably wanted to write : and LEAved in peace,

There would need separate countries : israel doesn't want a single country which will have more arabs than jewsish...when the english gave them the land I am quite sure some people were already living there, right?

and i am not sure anybody asked them if they were ok to leave their land, would you?

Edited by GeorgesAbitbol
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Israel has de facto annexed the West Bank and holds the Palestinian people under a brutal occupation and apartheid conditions.
My gut feeling is: well you Israelis claim the West Bank as part of Israel, then you look after security and your duty of care towards the residents under the Geneva Convention. Why should the Palestinians do your dirty work for you? It would certainly cost Israel more money, manpower and hassles. That's the price you pay when you invade another's land. Som nam na.
Maybe the gloves would be off then, and we would see more clearly on the social and international media what thugs the IDF terrorists are, and could hasten the end of this monstrous injustice.
But I also feel that would cost more Palestinian lives, if the PA police weren't protecting some of their own as best they can against IDF atrocities. I would not want to see that.

Maybe you should brush up on your general knowledge of Israel and the so called "Palestinians". A race who has never existed ever in Caanan (now Israel. )They are ARABS descendants from various invaders. Maybe read the following ( written by an Arab from Jerusalem by the way !!) go and google

imninalu.net/myths-pals.htm. Maybe ALL commenting here on Israel should read this.

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Israel has de facto annexed the West Bank and holds the Palestinian people under a brutal occupation and apartheid conditions.
My gut feeling is: well you Israelis claim the West Bank as part of Israel, then you look after security and your duty of care towards the residents under the Geneva Convention. Why should the Palestinians do your dirty work for you? It would certainly cost Israel more money, manpower and hassles. That's the price you pay when you invade another's land. Som nam na.
Maybe the gloves would be off then, and we would see more clearly on the social and international media what thugs the IDF terrorists are, and could hasten the end of this monstrous injustice.
But I also feel that would cost more Palestinian lives, if the PA police weren't protecting some of their own as best they can against IDF atrocities. I would not want to see that.

Maybe you should brush up on your general knowledge of Israel and the so called "Palestinians". A race who has never existed ever in Caanan (now Israel. )They are ARABS descendants from various invaders. Maybe read the following ( written by an Arab from Jerusalem by the way !!) go and google

imninalu.net/myths-pals.htm. Maybe ALL commenting here on Israel should read this.

You mean by opposition of people like russian jewish, Usa, French, etc... they are not more on their land than the Palestinians then, right? i thought middle east could also be called "arabic land" but maybe they are all lying their, another conspiracy theory maybe?

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what happened is UN backed by USA illegally tried to hand some land to Israelis and divide the land.

You seem to have left Great Britain and the League of Nations completely out of your little conspiracy theory. You need to do a LOT of reading before commenting on this topic.

you mean 51st state great britain?

Those times ropes were in USA's hands and some in Russian's as they saved the a...s of Europe therefore Jewish communities.

please read more then come. you are not mentally and knowledge-wise ready to post in such thread if you dont know this.

Edited by Galactus
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Back to the OP after numerous phony history ramblings. Would love to respond but I fear we would be drifting off topic.

Since the OP story had widespread coverage in AP I tried to find out whether the detainee Ahmad Sallaj had actually been charged with any crime that warranted his home trashed and his family distressed and left uninformed in the middle of the night, or has he joined the other 6,700 other Palestinian political prisoners in the democratic state of Israel's jails, many of whom have been jailed indefinitely without charge.

This is not the way to win the hearts and minds of Palestinians in order to lessen tensions and restart peace talks.

Edited by dexterm
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The o.p is basically correct in as far as the Palestinian authority forces are in a bind. They are seen as collaborating with the Israeli army. Things are out of their hands though. There is clear incitement from the Palestinian leadership, which was instrumental in the intifada starting. Hence the Palestinian leaders have put their own security forces in a difficult position seeing as the Israelis are bound to go after suspected terrorists. Should Abbas ratchet things up too far I could see either Israel annexing the entire West Bank, or should they neglect to,do this and the Palestinian authority forces lose control then Hamas or even ISIS may fill the void. Abbas may then find his own head on a pole. If I were him I'd be making retirement plans in his native Country, Jordan.

Edited by Steely Dan
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