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Distressing scenes as Calais migrant camp eviction resumes after clashes


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Distressing scenes as Calais migrant camp eviction resumes after clashes
By Seamus Kearney


CALAIS: -- It is another distressing moment at the migrant camp known as “The Jungle”: a migrant appears to threaten to harm herself before being overpowered by police officers.

This is just one of the scenes at the Calais camp in France where the controversial partial eviction of migrants and bulldozing of makeshift shelters is underway.

It is reported the woman was pregnant. She and another migrant were reportedly taken to a police station.

The camp is being slowly torn down after French authorities won a court order last week.

The eviction resumed on Tuesday after a night of violent clashes between police and some of the migrants.

The government is promising to offer alternative shelter to all of those in the camp, thought to number between 800 and 3,500, according to various estimates.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-02

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The Migrants are in a safe country, but they want to go to the UK where they think life will be better. The UK has no reason to let them in. They are there by their own choice.

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They are desperate to get to Britain , why? , i did not know there was a war in France , has Germany and the Nazis attacked again , is France occupied ? is it not a safe country any more , well thats them off my holiday list .

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They are desperate to get to Britain , why? , i did not know there was a war in France , has Germany and the Nazis attacked again , is France occupied ? is it not a safe country any more , well thats them off my holiday list .

All of them have to learn the French language, English, therefore England, is obviously more convenient. Generally the French don't speak English.

Clearly economic reasoning.

Edited by wabothai
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CALAIS: -- It is another distressing moment at the migrant camp known as “The Jungle”: a migrant appears to threaten to harm herself before being overpowered by police officers.

Reporting has now entered the realms of insanity.

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They are desperate to get to Britain , why? , i did not know there was a war in France , has Germany and the Nazis attacked again , is France occupied ? is it not a safe country any more , well thats them off my holiday list .

All of them have to learn the French language, English, therefore England, is obviously more convenient. Generally the French don't speak English.

Clearly economic reasoning.

And there are good financial benefits to be had in the UK

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They are desperate to get to Britain , why? , i did not know there was a war in France , has Germany and the Nazis attacked again , is France occupied ? is it not a safe country any more , well thats them off my holiday list .

All of them have to learn the French language, English, therefore England, is obviously more convenient. Generally the French don't speak English.

Clearly economic reasoning.

Most don't make any effort to integrate with their hosts so it matters not what language they speak.

France is a safe country, that's where they should stay, although if I were the French, I'd be attempting to ship them back to where they came from. Bally troublemakers most of them.

Edited by jesimps
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They are desperate to get to Britain , why? , i did not know there was a war in France , has Germany and the Nazis attacked again , is France occupied ? is it not a safe country any more , well thats them off my holiday list .

All of them have to learn the French language, English, therefore England, is obviously more convenient. Generally the French don't speak English.

Clearly economic reasoning.

And there are good financial benefits to be had in the UK

Not if you are a legal Thai wife to a British man there aren't.

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They are desperate to get to Britain , why? , i did not know there was a war in France , has Germany and the Nazis attacked again , is France occupied ? is it not a safe country any more , well thats them off my holiday list .

All of them have to learn the French language, English, therefore England, is obviously more convenient. Generally the French don't speak English.

Clearly economic reasoning.

And there are good financial benefits to be had in the UK

Not if you are a legal Thai wife to a British man there aren't.

Ah but a Thai wife isn't politically correct and probably wouldn't vote labour. Edited by jesimps
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"Distressing?" Is anyone surprised? Distressing in all its various forms are the only consequence of the rape of nations. Distress was/is predictable when you forcibly enter a nation and make demands, employing the emotional, violence, self violence, etc., to leverage gain from mercenary motives. From Greece to UK to Norway to France ad naseum, there is only distress. Step back, look where these people came from, there is only distress there too. Step back further, look in time, distress follows certain peoples and practices like a wake behind a ship. Distress? Yea, its distressing, but as predictable as the sun rising. You may object to my point, but it is valid. Distress will now be Europe's Daily Bread.

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What the heck.....

They are totally illegal...they have no visa...they have no permission to enter France/EC....they should NOT be there.

Europe, unlike Thailand/China/Russia/etc.....are just too soft on those that are illegal.

If you want to come to Europe then apply for residency, speak a European language, bring some skills or money, integrate, swear allegiance to the country that gives you the gift of a new life with rights.

Don't rip down fences, stone innocent lorry drivers, don't smash their lorries with iron bars, Don't protest before you even get into a country. From what I have repeatedly seen on TV these are very dangerous, violent young men.

Are these the people that would be of benefit to Europe to make her stronger? Or are they going to be a dangerous burden having seen their behaviour?

Many will not be of benefit...they will want benefits.

Thanks Germany...thanks Angela......nice job. And you want to keep the EC together?

Edited by harleyclarkey
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"Distressing?" Is anyone surprised? Distressing in all its various forms are the only consequence of the rape of nations. Distress was/is predictable when you forcibly enter a nation and make demands, employing the emotional, violence, self violence, etc., to leverage gain from mercenary motives. From Greece to UK to Norway to France ad naseum, there is only distress. Step back, look where these people came from, there is only distress there too. Step back further, look in time, distress follows certain peoples and practices like a wake behind a ship. Distress? Yea, its distressing, but as predictable as the sun rising. You may object to my point, but it is valid. Distress will now be Europe's Daily Bread.

It is distressing but if they were not illegally swarming over the EC borders .... then there would be no distress there. They should NOT be there. Therefore we would not witness this distress.

My view all along was to create a safe haven policed by NATO and the UN an a coastal strip in Syria/Libya where they would be safe until the disaster that is Syria/Libya is sorted.

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f.a. distressing about it, they should be discouraged the military geniuses have just sussed out that there are 5000+ active jihadis amongst the last years arrivals in Europe...as we the people have been saying that would be the case for the last couple of years.

Put them on a boat straight back to Turkey or N.Africa..which is legal and agreed strategy for illegal immigrants, once the commercial reasons for shipping these sad people here dry up, so will the numbers of them coming.

London is awash with people smuggled illegals, working to pay off criminal gangs as slave labour, or in serious organised criminal gangs, i.e. Somalis , who are way more savage and ruthless than even the Turks and Eastern Europeans.

These are not refugees, does anyone not get that? Incredible that all barriers and common rules have just been abandoned..for certain undesirable types. The big question is why? There is no free entry sans visa at the airports, why is that I wonder?

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History... even intermediate history, will judge people alive today as idiots! Europe is being invaded. Slice, dice, disassemble, call it whatever you wish, Europe is being invaded. Were we to agree to suspend the term "invasion" and apply instead all the ridiculous emotive labels that are thrown about-- migrant, refugee, economic migrant, worker, etc- we could still reverse engineer the problem from the conclusion- Europe is being destroyed and unraveling in real time.

The immediate evidence of this can be fired through the air like an arrow and we can already discern where the arrow will land- destruction, crime, dissolution of the familiar, degradation of ethics, oppression of women, black markets, violence, parallel legal systems, insurgent sub cultures, etc. So, call it whatever you wish but the end result is the end of Europe as we have known it. That conclusion, by definition, defines the problem.

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It is ironic that the GB lead by Tony Blair led the starting or wars along with USA against Iraq and Afghanistan. Now refugees from these countries are seeking asylum in Europe.

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There was one illegal immigrant a few days ago that sewed his lips together in protest, saying he wants to go to the UK...he looked like a complete idiot. and he must think we want people like him in our country?

Why do they think they have all these rights to make demands? They don't have papers, or visas to be there.

Distressing scenes? If they are distressed, maybe they should try and find another country to take them....

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Considering the greater majority of these ''refugee's'' are between the ages of 18 and 45 they should be allowed int the U.K. and then sent to a military training unit so as to train them in the art of defending and taking trip back to their own countries of origin so as they can then take their own country back and making it safe for their families.Those that may remain irrespective of age or gender should not receive any welfare payments at all.Let their fellow countrymen and women and the bleeding heart on a sleeve trendy liberals support them.

The 45 year older age group would of course be back up personnel in logistics catering medical services etc.

A wonderful way to let these people adhere to their own customs, their own culture and language and religious beliefs etc.

problem is though that there are of course a couple of barriers to the plan

First these characters are gutless cowards who expect others to fight for them.

Secondly of course in their own countries there is no welfare system unlike the U.K and a number of other European countries.

The best solution would be to bulldoze the illegal squatters camps in Calais, round up the gutless cowards and ship them back from whence they came.Europe owes them nothing and these ''refugee's'' will not be of any benefit to any country they descend upon as recent events so clearly prove'

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There was one illegal immigrant a few days ago that sewed his lips together in protest, saying he wants to go to the UK...he looked like a complete idiot. and he must think we want people like him in our country?

Why do they think they have all these rights to make demands? They don't have papers, or visas to be there.

Distressing scenes? If they are distressed, maybe they should try and find another country to take them....

I wasn't remotely distressed.
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There are distressing scenes all over Calais. Distressing for the citizens of Calais, that is:

"They enter private houses when people are home. They just take what they want".

"The police don't enter their jungle. It isn't allowed. There are rapes, there are..."

"There are said to be 18,000 of them. They are everywhere by the thousands."

It is the end of European civilization.

In response to her statement that they enter private houses when people are home and take what they want (while people are obviously defenseless:)

I Can Not Contain Myself and Must Say, and you know what I'm referring to:



















Edited by NeverSure
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Distressing ?

Wait until the "do gooders" get their way and these savages gain access to the UK !

It has already been proven that allowing people such as are massed in Calais into the UK results in both men and women being targeted for sexual attack.


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There are distressing scenes all over Calais. Distressing for the citizens of Calais, that is:

"They enter private houses when people are home. They just take what they want".

"The police don't enter their jungle. It isn't allowed. There are rapes, there are..."

"There are said to be 18,000 of them. They are everywhere by the thousands."

It is the end of European civilization.

In response to her statement that they enter private houses when people are home and take what they want (while people are obviously defenseless:)

I Can Not Contain Myself and Must Say, and you know what I'm referring to:



















No wonder Obama wants to strip away our 2nd Ammendment rights. More migrants to fill the walfare rolls and Democratiic voters.


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There was one illegal immigrant a few days ago that sewed his lips together in protest, saying he wants to go to the UK...he looked like a complete idiot. and he must think we want people like him in our country?

Why do they think they have all these rights to make demands? They don't have papers, or visas to be there.

Distressing scenes? If they are distressed, maybe they should try and find another country to take them....

I wasn't remotely distressed.

Me neither....

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They are desperate to get to Britain , why? , i did not know there was a war in France , has Germany and the Nazis attacked again , is France occupied ? is it not a safe country any more , well thats them off my holiday list .

All of them have to learn the French language, English, therefore England, is obviously more convenient. Generally the French don't speak English.

Clearly economic reasoning.

And there are good financial benefits to be had in the UK

Not as good as France

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