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I'm fed up with Thai food! Anyone else?


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​Many topics already on this forum provide my reasons:

Thrilled wrote (on a different thread):

"Do like I do boycott thai food. I don't eat it. Yes I spend more money buying International food."

​Me, too. No more Thai food. No more problems with digestion. Skin rash cleared up. No more bladder irritation. Sleep better at night without MSG making me restless.

​To be fair, even Western food in Western restaurants here, also has problems.

I don't care about cost of Western ingredients here, I'll buy them and prepare meals at home. I've changed from eating Thai food 2-3 times a day, every day, to now eating out perhaps once a month. And each time I enjoy it less.

A few examples: Waitrose (UK): frozen fish, cookies/biscuits, mayonaise, many others; all delicious. Amy's (USA) frozen entrees such as lasagna and tamales, with mostly organic ingredients. Arnotts cookies/biscuits (Australia). Jones sausages (USA). Sloan's sausages (made by a British chef here). Anchor butter (New Zealand). Mainland Cheese "Tasty Cheese" (New Zealand).

Anyone else?

Edited by PT4
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Switching from Thai food to highly processed western junk? No, thanks!

Thai food can be delicious and very healthy; just prepare your own/have your partner prepare it or pick a proper place to eat. There's plenty restaurants available that sell good, healthy Thai food with proper ingredients.

Edited by mjnaus
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Switching from Thai food to highly process western junk? No, thanks!

Thai food can be delicious and very healthy; just prepare your own/have your partner prepare it or pick a proper place to eat. There's plenty restaurants available that good healthy Thai food with proper ingredients.


People eat 30 baht gunk 3 times a day from Nosepicker Somchai, and then seemed surprised when they are fed up with it! laugh.png

Moving up a notch, or avoiding that lower notch all together is advisable. wink.png

Edited by condo bought
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One wonders why PT4 came to live here?

When viewing his posts and topics etc, he seems to be at odds with life here and none to complimentary about the locals and the lifestyle in general...

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I think Thai food is pretty varied. I eat probably 80 percent Thai cooking and that's maybe 100 odd dishes, all different. Some are my favourites, some not so much.

The problem is that if you only like one or two different things, then you're going to get bored very quickly. So be brave, try something new. You might be surprised!

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I like Thai food prepared using good quality ingredients by someone who knows what they're doing, hygiene and quality wise.

Not some 40 baht plastic plate of gunk served next to an open sewer.

you would like our cook!

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My wife is a good Thai cook and generally she cooks one Thai dinner a day for me, I do my own breakfast which is melon/mango/pineapple/ banana/etc depending what is in season and available and I make my own lunch which may be home made rolls with whatever I have, western food or perhapd a Thai curry my own way.

I also make my own ham/bacon/sausages/sausage rolls/pork pies/bread/rolls/cakes/biscuits etc.

Retirement is a wonderful time to learn all the thing I took for granted that my ex wife made.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My wife is a good Thai cook and generally she cooks one Thai dinner a day for me, I do my own breakfast which is melon/mango/pineapple/ banana/etc depending what is in season and available and I make my own lunch which may be home made rolls with whatever I have, western food or perhapd a Thai curry my own way.

I also make my own ham/bacon/sausages/sausage rolls/pork pies/bread/rolls/cakes/biscuits etc.

Retirement is a wonderful time to learn all the thing I took for granted that my ex wife made.

So, you miss her

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i am in thailand and i am soo sick of thai food!!!! can't take it anymore!!!!

oh wait...what is that thing flying in the air or on the road that seems to go another country....

what do you mean other countries have different foods???

ok, i'll leave....but then i will complain about their food!!!!!

oh, i hate human food!!!!!!!!!!!

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Funny part is a friend, back in kansas...drives 50 miles to go to a Thai Restaurant. He says it is fantastic, and pays fifty bucks for two people. He told me it is his favorite food in the world. I am thinking they are serving a "fusion" type of food...perhaps not the spice, boiled out crap (with low grade meat/ingredients)..that they serve at most of the cheaper places here in Thailand.

Nobody can prepare a decent dish for forty baht, and have it compare internationally.

Edited by slipperylobster
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On the other hand, it always frustrates me a lot when I go to some Thai restaurant here in Paris and I pay 13 or 15 euros for a dish that's just marginally more copious and with better ingredients than what I can buy I some places I know for 40 bahts while in Thailand (OK, let's say 80 bahts "kap khao" style)

The fancy plates, pristine white tablecloth and wannabe exotic decoration just don't cut the price difference.

Edited by Lannig
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The OP mentioned Arnotts Biscuits, Australia

Arnotts Tim Tams...I do not understand why it is so hard, seemingly anywhere in the world, not just Thailand, to get something even remotely close to Tim Tams????

Even in the US, world capital of junk food, theres nothing

There is always a pack of two of Tim Tams in my carry on.

They brought out Limited Edition Pina Colada Tim Tams a couple months back, OMG mouth orgasm

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