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My Expensive Mis-teak & Kidney Pie


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On Friday I was at a well known farang used Supermarket close to <deleted>
Picked out. Steak & Kidney pie from (I assumed was a chilled display)......ate it at 9 pm (my first food of the day).......3 am I am awoken by serious pains in my stomach.....then the inevitable occurred....from then throughout Saturday until my wife came home from work (hospita)......,she took one look at my condition and whisked me back there....

End result discharged earlier today......relieved of 23,000 baht.......plus the 47baht pie

Needless to say I will not be shopping at this <Deleted> store again but will get my requirements from a Top supermarket .....or in another food-land

Poor stock management struck again

Edited by Rimmer
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You can't assume it's the fault of the store, could just as easily be unsanitary conditions at it's point of origin or maybe a poorly refrigerated truck somewhere along the way.

I've learned the hard way to avoid prepared food in markets as there really is no reliable enforcement of food safety regulations.and prepared foods are among the most vulnerable.

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one night and some treatment 23,000 baht, they should be arrested.

its a wonder you didn't have a heart attack, you could have overstayed in Thailand for years and it would have been cheaper.

Edited by steve187
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So my wife came out cheap for food poisoning!

Only 18000 Baht for 8 hours in the well known rip-off wink.png

(she had to insist and sign for early discharge, they favored a night or two for "observation").

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Generally speaking such "upsets" are easily self managed with charcoal tablets and rehydration fluids both easily bought cheaply from a local pharmacy.

Medical help is only required in the event of a High Temperate, bloody diarrhoea or a persistence of symptoms beyond 3=4 days.

23,000 ? facepalm.gif

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Generally speaking such "upsets" are easily self managed with charcoal tablets and rehydration fluids both easily bought cheaply from a local pharmacy.

Medical help is only required in the event of a High Temperate, bloody diarrhoea or a persistence of symptoms beyond 3=4 days.

23,000 ? facepalm.gif

Or any of the small clinics around town.

A friend had waited too long and was dehydrated quite badly,

But still recovered after being treated in a clinic in Jomtien with infusion (lying down some 2h or so and then being transported back home).

Was it below or above 1000 Baht? I don't remember.

I myself had about three such "events" since living here. All treated at home with help from wife/family.

But the first poisoning in Thailand was in 2004 from some dubious meat ("farang" restaurant).

Fortunately I was with friends who got me the medication.

Cost me one day in the hotel bed.

Guess where it was whistling.gif


BTW same locaton with the event that my wife had.

Never that bad here in the upcountry village.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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To answer one response.....my temperature was 38.6. so not extreme

I was being a little sarcastic re the 47 baht pie. (Made locally by the appearence of it)

And here is the best bit........11 pm now. And I still have diarrhoea

Excuse me while I search through the 3,500 bahts worth of medicine they discharged me with?

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Firstly, I agree with the other posters who suggest you have been ripped off by the hospital. It's quite disgraceful what they purport to 'do' to justify your 'hotel ' stay.

Second, you are assuming it's the pie that has caused the problem. It's not clear from your post, but most people will have some veg etc with a pie. Also was it cooked properly.?

Like most people, if I get an upset stomach I immediately blame something that seems obvious. It's possible to get severe pains etc by simply swallowing a mossie or such like - without even knowing it.

If I were married I would certainly ask my wife not to be whisking me off to hospital at the drop of a hat.

Good luck, hope you don't get that experience again. If you do, try some home medication. Stomach pains can be awful I know, but they soon pass.

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I had a similar experience with a 70thb chicken and mushroom pie just this last week. 1 or 2 hours after eating all the pies I had terrible stomach pains, high temp aches and pains.. 48 hours of awful, but now right as rain..
Glad I was feeling too poorly to venture to the nearest hospital.

Got to be expected to get stomach bug here, or any where for that matter, plenty of water, plenty of rest..

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Not nice food poisoning, I had it in a taxi coming back from ko samet. Throwing up all the way back then passed out back in Pattaya.

I just rode it out, but yeah can be scary with a bad case. Although 23k seems a little high for what you actually needed.

Anyway hope you feel better shortly.

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I bought a pie & a sausage roll, they were made in Phuket.

I ate the pie (Not much good) took one bit of the sausage roll and threw it out to the soi dogs

even they turned their nose up at it.bah.gif

This is the reason I now make my own.thumbsup.gif

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Generally speaking such "upsets" are easily self managed with charcoal tablets and rehydration fluids both easily bought cheaply from a local pharmacy.

Medical help is only required in the event of a High Temperate, bloody diarrhoea or a persistence of symptoms beyond 3=4 days.

Yes. I had amoebic dysentery once decades ago (from a Western pizza restaurant in the RP). The hospital doctor there recommended well-done toast (carbon, as with charcoal), bananas (minerals) and lots of water. He was spot on and I have remembered the treatment, though thankfully I've never needed it since.

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If the food store is the one i think you are refering to is the one where they sell these "cheap" pies next to ones that cost about double , well i tried one once ,to be honest the "cheap" variety were disgusting in the extreme and i cannot believe that people could buy any of them after once tasting one , the "chicken" pie that cost about 47/48 baht must have just had chicken waved over it ,because none actually got into the pie , rant over , as for 23000 for a night in hospital plus 3500 baht for medicine , was the person who charged you wearing a mask and holding a gun?

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If the food store is the one i think you are refering to is the one where they sell these "cheap" pies next to ones that cost about double , well i tried one once ,to be honest the "cheap" variety were disgusting in the extreme and i cannot believe that people could buy any of them after once tasting one , the "chicken" pie that cost about 47/48 baht must have just had chicken waved over it ,because none actually got into the pie , rant over , as for 23000 for a night in hospital plus 3500 baht for medicine , was the person who charged you wearing a mask and holding a gun?


I would hazard a guess that the 'treatment' in the hospital was a 'drip', plus pain killers. That's the usual one as you can't discharge yourself if you are on a drip. Maybe the OP can confirm, and if I'm wrong I apologise in advance.

Whilst on, another poster referred to well done toast etc. I can confirm that is what I've always been led to understand, and it's not an 'old wives tale'.thumbsup.gif

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Why is this hospital in existence? to help people? - No they are here to make money! the sooner people realise this the healthier they will be, its a business folks!

I have been a long time expat, I carry probiotics at all times, if I do get a dose of the ****s lots of water with "real" salt added (not chemical table salt) and as others have said bananas and some eggs!

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If the food store is the one i think you are refering to is the one where they sell these "cheap" pies next to ones that cost about double , well i tried one once ,to be honest the "cheap" variety were disgusting in the extreme and i cannot believe that people could buy any of them after once tasting one , the "chicken" pie that cost about 47/48 baht must have just had chicken waved over it ,because none actually got into the pie , rant over , as for 23000 for a night in hospital plus 3500 baht for medicine , was the person who charged you wearing a mask and holding a gun?


I would hazard a guess that the 'treatment' in the hospital was a 'drip', plus pain killers. That's the usual one as you can't discharge yourself if you are on a drip. Maybe the OP can confirm, and if I'm wrong I apologise in advance.

Whilst on, another poster referred to well done toast etc. I can confirm that is what I've always been led to understand, and it's not an 'old wives tale'.thumbsup.gif

In fairness the 3,500 for take home meds' were included in the 23,000

Yes I was on an i.v. Drip (chained to the bed?)

Odd instruction with one of the satchets of pills ......take 3 times before meals.....enclosed also 10 satchets of electrolyte one seems to contradict the other.

Thanks to everyone for their response......

ps. I'm never getting dragged back there......even though she works there.....I keep asking her if she is on 10%

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the virus can lay dormant for several days and then break out. Could have easily been a semi bad egg your wife served up in an omelet or anything just about. It really does take a group of people to confirm the source

Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk

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There is a well known brand of pie makers in Pattaya,

i have seen them go into a chiller with a two week sell by date on them, not even an enclosed chiller, so that means when you see a pie that says expires in 3 days, its already been in there 11 days

No thank you, they must be full of preservatives

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When i was first in Pattaya ,back in the dark ages i got a terrible bug and after a few days dragged myself to a chemist who gave me ERFUZIDE , it was bloody fantastic ,cleared me up in no time ,these days you can buy the syrup or the capsules about 50 baht in Farcino , believe me its great ,i never go anywhere without it . and believe me i have had some nasty bouts of food poisoning over the years thumbsup.gif

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Why is this hospital in existence? to help people? - No they are here to make money! the sooner people realise this the healthier they will be, its a business folks!

I have been a long time expat, I carry probiotics at all times, if I do get a dose of the ****s lots of water with "real" salt added (not chemical table salt) and as others have said bananas and some eggs!

On a previous visit upon completing their after treatment questionnaire, I advised them that

Profit isn't a Dirty word......But "Greed is"

Obviously that fell on deaf ears

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The source of the OP's purchase might save others of us being food poisoned.

A copy of the receipt showing the item would prove what came from where.

Why let others get food poisoned ?

I'm afraid naming and shaming is rather frowned upon on Thai visa forum,and rightfully so under certain circumstances.

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I believe I know the store he is on about and I was there on Friday morning as they were restocking the pies in question, guess they may have been tainted on arrival as the cabinet tey were placed in is certainly kept cool.

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