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PM Prayut calls on media to uphold code of ethics


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I think many people do not understand the distinction between ethics and law.

Ethics are personal or organizational standards of behavior. They are generally established, monitored, and enforced by a group; such as the professional societies of doctors, engineers, or journalists.

The government really has little role in establishing the ethics of professions; ethics tend to transcend and set a higher standard than the law. In other words, you could be behaving legally, but unethically.

Punishment for violating a code of ethics is left up to professional organizations.

The PM is right when he calls for the media to be ethical; but his diagnosis of media issues seems disingenuous at best.

There is an interesting statement at the bottom of the Society for Professional Journalism (US) code of ethics:

The SPJ Code of Ethics is a statement of abiding principles supported by additional explanations and position papers (at spj.org) that address changing journalistic practices. It is not a set of rules, rather a guide that encourages all who engage in journalism to take responsibility for the information they provide, regardless of medium. The code should be read as a whole; individual principles should not be taken out of context. It is not, nor can it be under the First Amendment, legally enforceable.
Whoa! How did that First Amendment thing get in there? whistling.gif
Edited by phoenixdoglover
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Ethics ....... From the man who recently sold a plot of his own land for 600,000,000 to a company based in the British Virgin Islands that had only just opened for business and who only had one transaction on their books......his.

So.....tax evasion.....how ethical is it ?

Just ask Thaksin who did the very same thing a few years ago, just after he changed the laws regulating the percentage of foreign ownership.

Exactly !! And thank you for getting on board and supporting the facts !

If it was unethical for Thaksin to do it , how can it be ethical for the likes of Prayuth and Sondhi Limongkul along with countless others to do exactly the same thing ? People who talk big about ethics should take a good long look in the mirror before asking others to practice something that they themselves cannot.

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The people that feel one mans ethics are more important than a Nations are running at 99.3% we are told.

The media who seem to reflect a insignificant minority viewpoint ,get a great deal of focus by the wonderful moral leader himself.

This great individual is being hampered in revealing all that is just and good for the Nation by these pesky reporters.

He is now alluding to the fact punishment needs dispersing to protect the freedom of ethics in society from said people.

Democracy and ills of the past were now clearly seen after the Great March as being troublesome.

Thailand now needs leadership .

The people (99.3%) agree.

Ethical decisions require ethical leaders.

And so the Country must stamp out people who dare voice anything unethical to the security of a Nation.

The great Chinese leadership is now loaning its voice to helping Thailand as it militarises itself more (thanks to its dear friend Russia) and is helping it communicate the path forward a roadmap if you like .

Press and lying international commentary is something ethical Thais won't believe .

Lest they be cast into a 0.7% adjustment camp.

Next Farangs will need to sign forms of ""non interference "" when entering Thailand .

Under taking their promise to not blog , film or report on political opinions and matters at hand?

Who knows?

Certainly the ethics of a military state require its press to be subservient to it.

What follows is anyone's guess.?

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Ethics ....... From the man who recently sold a plot of his own land for 600,000,000 to a company based in the British Virgin Islands that had only just opened for business and who only had one transaction on their books......his.

So.....tax evasion.....how ethical is it ?

Just ask Thaksin who did the very same thing a few years ago, just after he changed the laws regulating the percentage of foreign ownership.

ahhh THAKSIN! you win the daily "but, but, Thaksin Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Award" for any poster who can include "Thaksin" in totally unrelated threads.

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