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Stickman Bangkok Versus Not Stickman Bangkok


Stickman Versus Not Stickman Bangkok  

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Anyone searching google for information on Thailand or Bangkok will not come across either of the two sites by accident (try it, try to find either one without using their names)


The gripe I have with Stickman is that if you put a search in Google for "Thai relationships" or relationship matters between Thais and Farangs he does come up. Most of his readers' submissions deal with this aspect (over and over again :o ) I read his site a year ago as i had initiated a relationship with a Thai woman. Back then we were separated as I lived in the Uk and she in Thailand, but now we're together and I couldn't have found a better partner. All the (biased) advice on Stickman does not apply to our relationship nor to many others I believe. Yet his site is still probably read and (even sadder) believed by a good number of people. What is sure is that Galt's site does nothing to balance out this aspect of the Stickman enterprise . . .

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I am interested because I have a very negative view of Stickman and have had so for one year. I have read John Galt's site but found that it is just slander combined with even more Stickmanesque garbage ie. even worse than Stickman.

The question here is not so much the information content of both sites, but to what degree a blogger can use the internet to not only slander but potentially destroy somebody else's whole existence by these anonymous accusations.

This is a few steps out of order. The frightening aspect is that it could happen to anyone. What defense is there to stop a blogger with a grudge to set up such a website other than going into complicated and most likely useless legal exercises?

ColPyat, I agree with you as I often do.

Stickman isn't the only victim of envious copycats. :o

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Anyone searching google for information on Thailand or Bangkok will not come across either of the two sites by accident (try it, try to find either one without using their names)


The gripe I have with Stickman is that if you put a search in Google for "Thai relationships" or relationship matters between Thais and Farangs he does come up. Most of his readers' submissions deal with this aspect (over and over again :o )

I can agree with you on that score mate as I was in roughly the same situation too, and that was why I have never revisited his site, you don't stop the drum making a noise until you stop hitting hit :D

It was the reference to the Lonely Planet that caught my eye as I find it highly unlikely that a fresh visitor to Thailand looking for information will ever find him.

If you are already in a relationship with a Thai national you would probably not be put off by the articles on Stick. If you are looking for a relationship without visiting here first and read his site you probably won't believe the vast majority of it anyway. :D

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discussion never killed anyone. if stickman is clean he hasnt got anything to worry about.

"Clean" isn't all that important; If you pay attention, some posters on Thai Visa twist the truth enough to make Mother Theresa look like a harlot or the devil look like a saint.

When these same types go after a relatively nice guy like Stick who is working hard and doing his best to provide a needed service some of the tons of sh*te that they throw is bound to stick. :o

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Yes, I wasn't aware of John Galt's site until this afternoon after reading this thread; and have just spent a couple of hours reading through most of his posts. Interesting.

I've been reading Stickman for about five years now and it was interesting to hear someone else's "very critical" views of Stickman and his writing.

And I think I have to agree with John Galt when he accuses Stickman of having used a ghost writer to pen his column on at least one ocassion.

Also, his appraisal of Mrs. Stick's replies to reader's questions, in my opinion, tends to be correct. The help and information she imparts does sometimes tend to err too much on the side of moderation and restraint ie. behaving in a typically Thai way and suggesting more often than not that a reader should basically just grin and bear it and not rock the boat too much.....when for the foreigner....usually male this is not always the best course of action. John Galt's responses to the same questions were much more helpful IMHO in that they encouraged the reader to take control of the situation more - particularly if money was involved - and be assertive. I find Mrs Stick's answers a bit wishy-washy and more often than not they tend to suggest 'the middle way' approach.. Only my opinion.

Also, not surprisingly, John Galt is correct to point out that Stickman has fallen into the same trap that Bernard Trink fell into - giving undue attention and praise to certain establishments (at the expense of others) that he may have some personal connection with through a third party.

All in all, Notstickman bangkok is a pithy and vindictive site aimed directly at one individual.....Stickman..... and you can't help but wonder...... why the the obsession with Stickman?.....Stickman must have wronged Galt or one of his friends in the past.......John Galt certainly has an axe to grind!

Edited by bulmercke
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I have read Stickmans site for some years and I must say some of his advices are usefull.

Just filter out the BS and you are OK.

What I do not understand is why he calls his wife: Mrs Stick

How do you call your wife?

Does anybody have meet Mrs. Stick in real?

How does she think or feel to be called Mrs. Stick?

I thought Stickman liked girls with an openmind and independant.

It would be more logical that the wife (if she really exist) uses her real (nick) name.

Therefore I think Stickman just came up with the alter ego of Mrs Stick to be able to answer questions from (what he thinks) the Thai point of view (Yes he thinks he knows Thai people and culture so well).

Don't get me wrong , I think that a lot of people can learn a lot about Thailand but lately he became just boring.


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Yes - he was sucked dry badly.

Oh, and for the record the indication is that Stickman was NOT manufacturing - he was marketing what was avaliable from the various shops - and you only have to do an internet search to see just how much stuff is avalible on the net from Thailaind.

I don't think its a case of farang snitching on farangs - people have jobs to do.

I do prison vists every 3 months, and in listening to the stories of some of the ex-pats doing time for drug offences, more than a few of them have told me that when the door was knocked down in the middle of the night, or they were pounced on in the street, it wasn't only Thai's, but "official looking farangs" as well who made a point of not saying much and were defienatly not there to assist with translation - never to be seen again throughout the rest of the judicial process.

One ex-pat prisoner who is in for a long stretch was shocked when he was arrested to notice that one of the team who arrested was a guy (farang) who moved into the apartment block he was staying in sometime after him. At some point in the judicial process he was escorted back to his flat to pack up his belongings and was told by the maid that the "farang policeman had moved out!!"

Scary scary!!


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I don’t think there is any confusion between John Karr and myself, it is just my signature does not follow the quotes when people quote me. As for the Lonely Planet, I would need to go back into the stickman archives and find that or if it was another website like the Lonely Planet I just am note sure what site. I think it was around the time stickman started to change the appearance of his website.

Galt’s website appears to be a bit of a tabloid. I know tabloids don’t exist in Thailand for a reason. I am smart enough to know that sooner or later Galt will hit on someone other than stickman who will not tolerated it and cause the start another murder thread in TV that features John Galt. Then we can all debate Darwin again.

Comment about ghost writers then I guess I am one of them. If you will recall the story about two months or so ago about Nicolas Cage shooting a movie at soi cowboy. The caption was word for word what I sent him, and the photos were from my phone cam. Stickman cant be everywhere so he does rely on people like Dave The Rave to do a roundup of Nana. The same is true in Pattaya he has some people that he trusts to feed him information. So in that case I guess Galt is attacking them too. The problem for Galt is they know who they are and Galt does not. I hope for Galt’s sake non of them have anger management problems.

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can't imagine the response if people actually cared...

i dont think anybody really cares who comes out on top here , the fact is both sites are about dirty girls , dirty men , sleaze , sex and salaciousness.

bar girl talk is not allowed on thai visa anymore , but wait , this is stickman.....an information site that is not only about bargirls , its about teaching too , and he has a photo competition , and he talks about hotels and visas too..... thats why this thread is flying.

its like the sunday sport , news of the world, national enquirer , the sun and readers wives all on one page .

whether we go down the bars , whether we stay at home , whether we'd like to go down the bars but the wife wont give us a visa to leave the house , or whether we are stained raincoated midnight creepers or even upright family men who wouldnt be seen dead in a bar , we all like to read about it and possibly imagine what we might get up to IF we went down the bars , we also like to read about other people jumping off balconies and we just love to read about other people getting cheated by bar girls (especially if those other people are getting laid more than we are with hotties younger and hotter than ours).

we all ...... bar none ....... like to read about sleazy sukhumvit sex and the disgusting and perverted performances of pattaya people

stickmans site and the 2nd rate blatant copy cheating stickman site just feed our base instincts , but do so under the guise of genuine helpful information.

sex is the main draw , any other news and information is just a cover waiting to be peeled away revealing the dripping red meat beneath.

if stickman stopped writing about bars , his site would fold in a week , likewise the gorillas site.

On Thai Visa we don'ttalk about Bar Girls and etc.

We only talk about how hi real estate shall go.

Buy houses more the better.

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Yes - he was sucked dry badly.

Oh, and for the record the indication is that Stickman was NOT manufacturing - he was marketing what was avaliable from the various shops - and you only have to do an internet search to see just how much stuff is avalible on the net from Thailaind.

I don't think its a case of farang snitching on farangs - people have jobs to do.

I do prison vists every 3 months, and in listening to the stories of some of the ex-pats doing time for drug offences, more than a few of them have told me that when the door was knocked down in the middle of the night, or they were pounced on in the street, it wasn't only Thai's, but "official looking farangs" as well who made a point of not saying much and were defienatly not there to assist with translation - never to be seen again throughout the rest of the judicial process.

One ex-pat prisoner who is in for a long stretch was shocked when he was arrested to notice that one of the team who arrested was a guy (farang) who moved into the apartment block he was staying in sometime after him. At some point in the judicial process he was escorted back to his flat to pack up his belongings and was told by the maid that the "farang policeman had moved out!!"

Scary scary!!


to add to that story,

in the early nineties i had an archetect friend staying in bangkok doing business.


im at his condo one night and he introduces me to an D. E .Agent staying in the same condo, as they had become friendly.

this guy's working with the thai narcotic police on contract from the U.S.A.

after a few drinks and a chat the dude leaves and goes home to his condo.

after a week or so i make my way down to koh tao.

im sitting in the restaurant middle of the day and who comes strolling down the road.?

its this D.E.A agent dressed up as a hippie complete with cloth shoulder bag and the whole bit. :D

he's casing out koh tao and nobody would of ever known that he was a drug officer.

there was alot of people just having a bit of a smoke in those early days and i bolted around to everybody i knew there to tune them in what was going on.

very enlightening experience for myself and a few other people when i told them that story. :o

scary as well. :D

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On Thai Visa we don'ttalk about Bar Girls and etc.

We only talk about how hi real estate shall go.

Buy houses more the better.

Oh dear.

Q. I need a non imm o

A. Buy a house

Q. My girlfriend wants us to go home

A. Buy a house

Q. What breed is your dog

A. Buy a house

etc etc etc .... ad infinitum.

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Maizefarmer I do not get your point.

You post in wrong topic?

Sorry - I should have mad it clear that it was in response to JimsKnight postings about 2 before mine - which is the subject that this thread has been about.


good reply tim, and i was doing what tim was doing. :D

cheers punters :o

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Yes - he was sucked dry badly.

Oh, and for the record the indication is that Stickman was NOT manufacturing - he was marketing what was avaliable from the various shops - and you only have to do an internet search to see just how much stuff is avalible on the net from Thailaind.

I don't think its a case of farang snitching on farangs - people have jobs to do.

I do prison vists every 3 months, and in listening to the stories of some of the ex-pats doing time for drug offences, more than a few of them have told me that when the door was knocked down in the middle of the night, or they were pounced on in the street, it wasn't only Thai's, but "official looking farangs" as well who made a point of not saying much and were defienatly not there to assist with translation - never to be seen again throughout the rest of the judicial process.

One ex-pat prisoner who is in for a long stretch was shocked when he was arrested to notice that one of the team who arrested was a guy (farang) who moved into the apartment block he was staying in sometime after him. At some point in the judicial process he was escorted back to his flat to pack up his belongings and was told by the maid that the "farang policeman had moved out!!"

Scary scary!!


to add to that story,

in the early nineties i had an archetect friend staying in bangkok doing business.


im at his condo one night and he introduces me to an D. E .Agent staying in the same condo, as they had become friendly.

this guy's working with the thai narcotic police on contract from the U.S.A.

after a few drinks and a chat the dude leaves and goes home to his condo.

after a week or so i make my way down to koh tao.

im sitting in the restaurant middle of the day and who comes strolling down the road.?

its this D.E.A agent dressed up as a hippie complete with cloth shoulder bag and the whole bit. :D

he's casing out koh tao and nobody would of ever known that he was a drug officer.

there was alot of people just having a bit of a smoke in those early days and i bolted around to everybody i knew there to tune them in what was going on.

very enlightening experience for myself and a few other people when i told them that story. :o

scary as well. :D

....and to add to that:

Two South African girls (one a well known participant in beauty pagents) both of whom are now serving long sentances of around 20 years shared the detail of their arrest with me.

Their arrest took place on Sukhumvit at about mid-day in the late 1990's in the foyer of the shopping centre across the road from Central (the one up by the embassies). They were physically escorted into a unmarked minibus. When the darkened sliding door opened they were shocked to see inside 2 farang guys who had "coincidently" befriended them on more than one occassion since they had been in Bangkok.

They conducted several of the interviews/interrogations that took place later that day, spoke Thai fluently and carried some authority (although exactly how much the girls could never work out) as other Thai cops would often "wai" to them at the police station. They both wore what appeared to be Thai warrent cards around their necks when interviewing the girls.

What pxxxxd the girls off was not they they had been nicked by these guys, but that when one asked them if the least they could do was help them to ensure all protocal was followed as it should be (like having your rights read to you and having a soliciter present when interviewed or the right to remain silent was made clear to them) was followed, they just shrugged their shoulders as if they didn't have care in the world. I can't see the value of the argument one way or the other, except that they felt one of their own was quite happy to see them fed to the wolves - however right or wrong that perception on their part may have been.

Yup - if you're up to hanky panky in Thailand just make sure your farang partners are who you think they are!


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....and to add to that:

Two South African girls (one a well known participant in beauty pagents) both of whom are now serving long sentances of around 20 years shared the detail of their arrest with me.

Their arrest took place on Sukhumvit at about mid-day in the late 1990's in the foyer of the shopping centre across the road from Central (the one up by the embassies). They were physically escorted into a unmarked minibus. When the darkened sliding door opened they were shocked to see inside 2 farang guys who had "coincidently" befriended them on more than one occassion since they had been in Bangkok.

They conducted several of the interviews/interrogations that took place later that day, spoke Thai fluently and carried some authority (although exactly how much the girls could never work out) as other Thai cops would often "wai" to them at the police station. They both wore what appeared to be Thai warrent cards around their necks when interviewing the girls.

What pxxxxd the girls off was not they they had been nicked by these guys, but that when one asked them if the least they could do was help them to ensure all protocal was followed as it should be (like having your rights read to you and having a soliciter present when interviewed or the right to remain silent was made clear to them) was followed, they just shrugged their shoulders as if they didn't have care in the world. I can't see the value of the argument one way or the other, except that they felt one of their own was quite happy to see them fed to the wolves - however right or wrong that perception on their part may have been.

Yup - if you're up to hanky panky in Thailand just make sure your farang partners are who you think they are!


Was that for smuggling dope that they got the hard time?

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in all honesty, notstickmans recent submissions really beat the living hel_l out of stickman. i have no prob w/ stickman. he provides a free, somewhat entertaining site, but as for content and quality he basically stinks the place up. hail the nazifacation of nonstickman.

eye think u r write, non stick had some very interesting recent reads but every sum times original stick comes up with a good one. This is a great battle, the battle of da sticks

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....and to add to that:

Two South African girls (one a well known participant in beauty pagents) both of whom are now serving long sentances of around 20 years shared the detail of their arrest with me.

Their arrest took place on Sukhumvit at about mid-day in the late 1990's in the foyer of the shopping centre across the road from Central (the one up by the embassies). They were physically escorted into a unmarked minibus. When the darkened sliding door opened they were shocked to see inside 2 farang guys who had "coincidently" befriended them on more than one occassion since they had been in Bangkok.

They conducted several of the interviews/interrogations that took place later that day, spoke Thai fluently and carried some authority (although exactly how much the girls could never work out) as other Thai cops would often "wai" to them at the police station. They both wore what appeared to be Thai warrent cards around their necks when interviewing the girls.

What pxxxxd the girls off was not they they had been nicked by these guys, but that when one asked them if the least they could do was help them to ensure all protocal was followed as it should be (like having your rights read to you and having a soliciter present when interviewed or the right to remain silent was made clear to them) was followed, they just shrugged their shoulders as if they didn't have care in the world. I can't see the value of the argument one way or the other, except that they felt one of their own was quite happy to see them fed to the wolves - however right or wrong that perception on their part may have been.

Yup - if you're up to hanky panky in Thailand just make sure your farang partners are who you think they are!


Was that for smuggling dope that they got the hard time?

Nope - it was Class A (heroin) - actualluy I went back online to check I had got this right and see that sentances are substantialy longer than what I quoted.

Despair - I don't how they sit their with a smile on their face when I visit them. Obviously glad to get a visitor, but the knowldege they'll effectively be spending the rest of their lives in jail has to be devastating. Not only that, the conditions are not pleasent to say the least.


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Personally I think the best part of Stickman Bangkok is the readers submissions but the bar girl stories and the stories about the bars and nitelife get a tad boring and I tend to skip over those myself as they don't interest me at all.

There is a raft of useful info on Stickman that is hidden and I for one believe it's time he got himself indexed to make it a source for useful info on life in Thailand than just a collection of stories. For sure things could be improved.

I also don't think John Galt will not last as he has nothing new or interesting to say.

I do find it amusing that some people believe that because you read Stickman that you must be interested in the sex industry, the bar girls, the nitelife and by association you are a sex monger. This is an absurd association to make and is no different to saying that because someone reads a about Space exploration that he suddenly takes on the form of a klingon or a Storm Trooper. My brother likes war movies and reads about WWII, so does that make him a member of the SS or Hitler youth just because of his interest in what was said about that era?

Making these assumed wild associations is no better than the USA asking an airline what each passenger ate on the flight into New York just because they want to make some wild association that because of what you ate on the flight could be construed to be that of an islamist and as such they automatically think you are there to be a terrorist as well.

As for stickman having a close call with the police, well I cannot substantiate this rumour but had that happened to me I wouldn't have stayed in Thailand and would have hot tailed it out of there yet he has stayed here for 8 years and climbing... which raises claims about what is true and what isn't. I am sure if stick was to post on here he would be refuting half of what has been implied or otherwise so far but one thing is for sure, John Galt is flying very close to the edge of becoming a target for libel for the things he has said on his website.

What a barmy world we are currently living in.

Edited by Casanundra
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I noticed just a few minutes ago that this week's opening article on Stickman's site is missing, the reason being that "With the beautiful weather we're having in Bangkok today, I took the day off."

Looks to me as if JG will be left to his own devices for his next set of articles. I'm wondering if this is deliberate on Stick's part and whether this is his way of trying to short-circuit the criticism from JG that he must have read.

This may get interesting...

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I noticed just a few minutes ago that this week's opening article on Stickman's site is missing, the reason being that "With the beautiful weather we're having in Bangkok today, I took the day off."

Looks to me as if JG will be left to his own devices for his next set of articles. I'm wondering if this is deliberate on Stick's part and whether this is his way of trying to short-circuit the criticism from JG that he must have read.

This may get interesting...

Good thought, If John Galt has any natural talent it will show up next I guess. If not then he may just appear to be a leach with nothing to feed on.

Edited by John K
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From Stickamn's column this week:

"A Day Off

With the beautiful weather we're having in Bangkok today, I took the day off. That means there is no opening piece as I was outside enjoying the sun and getting some fresh air. Still, there is heaps of news and views from around about, especially Fun City. Normal service should resume next week.


Stickman may deny - at least publicly - having ever visited John Galt's site, but this definitely appears to be a definite attempt by Stickman to deny John Galt further ammunition in his column - at least this week.

I don't believe Stick's comments for one moment - although in his defence he appears to produce a very good piece of work each and every week and that's a compliment to him.

Seems to be that Galt is now managing to SERIOUSLY affect the content of the Stickman column itself! :o

It'll be interesting to see how this pans out in the weeks to come.

Edited by bulmercke
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i think stick is doing a sensational job to not rise to galt bait. i have seen stick lurking on this thread so i'm sure he knows exactly what is going down and is a bit too smart to start responding to galts criticism.

its easy to criticize and slam someone but it's harder for that person to not respond.

sticks made a wise decision to get some sun today and i'll predict that he has the last laugh.

the road is long people and sticks been going down it a long time.

galt has really just started. :o

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