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When I talk Sukhumvit, I'm referring to the section between Asok Rd and Soi 0. I just entered my 5th year in this wonderful stomping grounds and I'm not the least bit tired of it. This area has become my home. I love going for walks everyday as no 2 days are alike. I know I'm not the only one who worships this area as I see countless same faces around (farang) as well as newcomer after newcomer, male and female. So I must ask the question, why do you love Sukhumvit?

PS: more evidence that this area is adored is the numerous skyscraper condos going up on Sois 11 and 13. I wonder how many units we're talking about. I know the number is large


You have to love it! The high quality sex-pat and sex-tourist always around! The Fabulously over-priced everything! The clean air and effortless traffic-flow!


ahhhh , lower sukhumvit.

the knightsbridge , the 5th avenue , the champs elysses of bangkok.

stroll relaxedly along the greasy sidewalks , gently sidestepping the open sewers , thoughtfully placed lamp posts , telephone kiosks , and fizzing high voltage cables . get into the action as you experience the thrill of dodging motor cycles as they buzz you incessantly.

try out your new climbing gear as you negotiate 2 metre high kerbstones , enjoy local culture as your are assailed with the delicate sounds of jolly natives as they curse you viciously for not buying their crap , smile thankfully as diseased hermaphrodites thrust their hands into your pockets and help to check your change for you , reel staggeringly across the pavement as a hard blast of garlic , chilli , stale tobacco and gum disease breath from a gold encrusted lowlife tout peels the suntan from your face . listen attentively as a polyester clad indian beseeches you to enter his shop to buy an overcoat , and gaze in wonderment as local food sellers demonstrate their fastidious attention to personal hygiene by pulling grenade sized lumps of viscous mucus from their tiny little noses before putting those papays chunks into a plastic bag for you to eat.

watch sophisticated european and americans , wobble gracelessly along , their sleeveless t shirts revealing humid jungly carpets of body hair , their menfolk meanwhile belching approvingly as another mouthful of beer dribbles off their chin .

watch swarthy middle eastern types search in vain for that hard to find razor blade shop , whilst their pear shaped women waddle behind them carrying large suitcases full of smaller suitcases.

bulge and throb excitedly as herpetic doxies blow kisses at you and tempt you with offers of unspeakable delights , and throw all caution to the wind as you enter madam happies emporium of soapy and oily delights , well you would if only that bad tempered nagging crone that you married 25 years ago would fukc off and leave you alone for a couple of hours.

lower sukhumvit ? ....... its best by skytrain.


I enjoyed it taxexile, particularly this tidbit:

well you would if only that bad tempered nagging crone that you married 25 years ago would fukc off and leave you alone for a couple of hours.

That is classic. I am picturing my exwife right now upset that she cannot give me cross looks for walking the Suk.

I like the warts and all of Sukhumvit; but, I get this nagging suspicion that I am less anonymous each time I walk it.


All of the above.....

For me however, I particular enjoy the waft of pong you get when walking across the sewage...sorry storm water..drains right next to the railway line and soi zero.

Just what I need first thing in the morning.


I hate it and avoid it like the plague. It is really unfortunate that so many visitors (and many residents) think that is Bangkok, when in fact that is a small, small dysfunctional area in huge city.



Basically probably because it everybody's idea of what an oriental city should be like (in their dreams) but of course its all just a.... fantasy..but nice..init. :o


Id avoid Nana....but must say that when i think back...some of the best restaurants have been found in soi 11. about 4 years ago there was a thai restuarant at the place that is now Lemoncello...

the best thai (proper) that you could find in central bangkok....Kannicha....authentic taste...serves you rice in 3 different colours...just an added charm...and if you were in a somewhat big group...you could ask for the big table that sits inside the glasshouse looking area....

i sure miss being able to find good thai food places to take friends to in downtown bangkok :o

another one in place now also in soi 11...looks touristy maybe...but i tried it and the food is great. not gonna reveal the name though...keeping it my secret :D


Soi 11 was jumping last night. Hot thai and farang girls abound. The strip was loaded with people having a great time. Not bad for a place that so many forumers seem to hate. I wonder where the haters hang out. I'd like to know cause to me sukhumvit is tops

ahhhh , lower sukhumvit.

the knightsbridge , the 5th avenue , the champs elysses of bangkok.

stroll relaxedly along the greasy sidewalks , gently sidestepping the open sewers , thoughtfully placed lamp posts , telephone kiosks , and fizzing high voltage cables . get into the action as you experience the thrill of dodging motor cycles as they buzz you incessantly.

try out your new climbing gear as you negotiate 2 metre high kerbstones , enjoy local culture as your are assailed with the delicate sounds of jolly natives as they curse you viciously for not buying their crap , smile thankfully as diseased hermaphrodites thrust their hands into your pockets and help to check your change for you , reel staggeringly across the pavement as a hard blast of garlic , chilli , stale tobacco and gum disease breath from a gold encrusted lowlife tout peels the suntan from your face . listen attentively as a polyester clad indian beseeches you to enter his shop to buy an overcoat , and gaze in wonderment as local food sellers demonstrate their fastidious attention to personal hygiene by pulling grenade sized lumps of viscous mucus from their tiny little noses before putting those papays chunks into a plastic bag for you to eat.

watch sophisticated european and americans , wobble gracelessly along , their sleeveless t shirts revealing humid jungly carpets of body hair , their menfolk meanwhile belching approvingly as another mouthful of beer dribbles off their chin .

watch swarthy middle eastern types search in vain for that hard to find razor blade shop , whilst their pear shaped women waddle behind them carrying large suitcases full of smaller suitcases.

bulge and throb excitedly as herpetic doxies blow kisses at you and tempt you with offers of unspeakable delights , and throw all caution to the wind as you enter madam happies emporium of soapy and oily delights , well you would if only that bad tempered nagging crone that you married 25 years ago would fukc off and leave you alone for a couple of hours.

lower sukhumvit ? ....... its best by skytrain.

Ha! Loved that!

I live in Pattaya, but whenever I vist BKK I usually trawl Nana, Cowboy and points in-between. But I travel by taxi or skytrain. Walking Sukhumvit is only bearable for those few hours at night after the vendors have left, but before they setup the sidewalk bars.

How anyone would want to buy muti-milion Baht apartments and live on Sukhumvit, deal with the human pollution, the traffic, the noise, the congestion, the hassles every day is beyond my understanding.

Well we got a basher right off the bat. That figures when you try to have a positive thread.

I live on lower Sukhumvit and get Anything,and I mean anything without going more than 1 Klick from my pad.Could spend the rest of my life without going more than one klick!Eat your hearts out! :o:D:D:D:D:D:D


Cwilliam, you're the man dude. I knew there were some of you out there. We love our sukhumvit. I'm heading out right not and in 5 minutes I will be walking the sukhumvit stoop and loving every minute of it. I won't be hailing any taxis or motorbikes. It's all walking distance baby. so sweet

I will be walking the sukhumvit stoop and loving every minute of it. I won't be hailing any taxis or motorbikes. It's all walking distance baby. so sweet

the sukhumvit stroll of shame , the garden of earthly delights , from nana to cowboy .

its a well trodden route. its desperation row , its a visual feast , knee deep in human slime. :o

So I must ask the question, why do you love Sukhumvit?

Because it's densely populated with people doing things they ought not to be doing.


I love it, so much energy,it assaults the senses,leaves you reeling with its in your face attitude........if you tire of sukh, you tire of life, as many of the old farty knockers seem to have done.Thank god you won't bump into any of them in a bar, pious tits.

if you tire of sukh, you tire of life, as many of the old farty knockers seem to have done.Thank god you won't bump into any of them in a bar, pious tits.

Bravo PanzerJohn! :o


An analog to Sukhumvit would be Vegas's Strip,

It's all there, the good, the bad, and the ugly, .... :D

I miss the Middle Eastern fortune teller, with his tried and true carnival, cold- reading routine.

Was a staple around Foodland, how he amazed, ....

... why that's true ! :D How did you know I had a relative that died !,

And for a mere 2000b you can tell me what lies ahead for me !, .... :D

Only on Sukhumvit, :o:D


Absolutely love it for the freakshow quotient... it is without question a cesspool where the dregs of humanity shamble about hoping to fulfill the basest of human instincts, but for some reason I can't stay away for more than a few weeks at a time. :o

I can't fathom wanting to live there - something about not sh!tting where you eat - but I reckon those who don't have the wherewithal to live in a more upscale area (i.e. lang suan/lumpini park, silom), or the language skills to hang out in a more "real Thai" neighborhood (i.e. Pathumwan, Pahonyothin), lower Suk might be the easiest most convenient place to seek refuge.

Sometimes you just need to rally the mates, stroll the Suk and have a gander at the underbelly of society on display, grab some quick counter chow at Foodland Took Lae Dee, go check out the young hotties fresh off the bus from Udon or Buriram live on stage at Rainbow 4 etc., make a sweep of the Nana parking lot at closing time, and finally watch the nonstop erotic cabaret move past from an open air bar on the Suk at 3 AM with a Sangsom soda in hand.

If I did that scene every night it would definitely get old quickly - pure sleaze is downright boring as a steady diet - but once or twice a month it's great for shats and cackles.


Suk ? amusing place, a bit like a mans Disney Land, thing is after you've tried a few rides and been there a few times you realise it's become predictable. Fun to visit perhaps but live there ?? :D hmmm no thanks. :o

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