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GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns


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"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui, 20, a student at the school who was among those celebrating. "We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

Actually Kamran Siddiqui, it is you who represent everything America is not. Third World thuggery like this is what the Clintons, Sanders, and GOP elite are really all about. And this is especially what the open borders fanatics want to turn America into, a Third World conglomeration of competing hordes, corrupt, filled with bribery, and Third World style campaign violence.

The howls of outrage and the blatant racism when brown people get uppity. I guess for someone who sees brown people here as something to exploit for your own benefit, then the nastiness apparent in the post should not be surprising.

The White Blue Collars don't take well to their Divine One choking in the face of a wave of protest. Such comments from one of the loudest mouths on the Trump threads are contemptible.

Expect the reaction to the Trump divisiveness to grow exponentially. These are the young. There are more of them and they have far more energy than the tired old White Right and this silly, impotent rage against the World that has passed them by.

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"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui,

Sounds like a real American name now doesn't it.

Not white enough for you? What would a real American name be then? Something in Navaho? Perhaps Sioux?

Why is such stupidity to be expected from a Trump supporter? They think that these kinds of remarks are free speech. The free speech that they claim was violated by commies and anarchists and devious rich people. It is not free speech. It is pig ignorance.

You have some reason for your superiority over someone with such a name?

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"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui, 20, a student at the school who was among those celebrating. "We came in here and we wanted to shut this down. Because this is a great city and we don't want to let that person in here."

Actually Kamran Siddiqui, it is you who represent everything America is not. Third World thuggery like this is what the Clintons, Sanders, and GOP elite are really all about. And this is especially what the open borders fanatics want to turn America into, a Third World conglomeration of competing hordes, corrupt, filled with bribery, and Third World style campaign violence.

The howls of outrage and the blatant racism when brown people get uppity. I guess for someone who sees brown people here as something to exploit for your own benefit, then the nastiness apparent in the post should not be surprising.

The White Blue Collars don't take well to their Divine One choking in the face of a wave of protest. Such comments from one of the loudest mouths on the Trump threads are contemptible.

Expect the reaction to the Trump divisiveness to grow exponentially. These are the young. There are more of them and they have far more energy than the tired old White Right and this silly, impotent rage against the World that has passed them by.

I saw no reference to color in the original remarks, but if you insist on playing identity politics here's Alan West's take on the riots, or would you rather dismiss him as being an Uncle Tom?


Folks, this is getting out of hand. Whatever your personal opinions on Donald Trump may be — clearly, Americans are polarized on this — you’ve got to hand it to Trump for coming out and declaring he doesn’t condone this violence. That’s more than our current president has done in addressing the likes of Black Lives Matter. In fact, one can’t deny the president’s role in getting our country to this current level of division and polarization.
Edited by Steely Dan
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The Left/Communist anti-Trump hysteria I see on this forum mirrors that of the violent mobs on the streets of Chicago and the paid propagandists for CNN, Fox, National Review, MSNBC, and all the other establishment owned media. Last week, you/they said Trump was Mussolini. Now, it's Hitler. Looks like you've played the last desperate card in your hand. And you lose.


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The Left/Communist anti-Trump hysteria I see on this forum mirrors that of the violent mobs on the streets of Chicago and the paid propagandists for CNN, Fox, National Review, MSNBC, and all the other establishment owned media. Last week, you/they said Trump was Mussolini. Now, it's Hitler. Looks like you've played the last desperate card in your hand. And you lose.

The "Left/Communist" ball of wax mumbo-jumbo made me think of this....

Trump: A Modern Day Joe McCarthy

This phenomenon is dismaying but hardly unprecedented. Joe McCarthy did exactly the same thing. Like Trump, who knows next to nothing of the Middle East, Islam, terrorism, military affairs, or any related field, McCarthy was an ignoramus who knew little of the threat he was purporting to address — in his case, communism. But just as Trump is a master of taking advantage of the war on terror to sow suspicion and hatred of Muslims, so McCarthy took advantage of the Cold War to sow suspicion and hatred of supposed Communist Fifth Columnists — which, in his telling, included such distinguished anti-communists as Secretary of State Dean Acheson and General George C. Marshall. And just as Trump plays the media like a Stradivarius, so, too, did McCarthy.


KKK, McCarthy, Mussolini, Hitler. You forgot Alfred Packer. This is desperation politics on the part of the Left. They fear Trump like they've never feared anything before. With good reason. Things are about to change.

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chuckd wrote:

"I am getting to the point where there is very little choice left.

Cruz is a non-player to me. His personality is such that I see no way he can ever win the Presidency. He supposedly has a brilliant legal mind and is a very good debater but I just don't feel he has the overall support needed to win the office.

Rubio and Kashich don't have any real support outside their own states so that is enough to disqualify them in my mind.

Trump is drawing massive crowds, the Republican participation in the primaries is considerably higher that previous years so he is growing the brand. I don't like some of his rhetoric and don't consider it Presidential but then I believe he is capable of sitting at an adult table due to his many business ventures, meetings and, if the truth were known, probably invitations to state dinners.

I don't agree with all of his stances and political positions but we must remember that without a consenting Congress, there won't be a lot he can do anyway. I don't see him abusing the executive office privileges as the current WH resident has chosen to do. I do believe he is smart enough to know what he doesn't know and will surround himself with the necessary expertise to make sound decisions.

There are many things I have misgivings about but the man is no dummy. Perhaps after the current President leaves office, Trump will be exactly what we need.

On the Democratic side, we have a 73 year old self avowed Socialist who has never held a job outside government service in his life. He has some grand ideas that will not prove workable. His tax plan has been estimated by some to raise taxes by some $14 Trillion over the next decade. The American tax payer can't take that just for some give away programs to win an election.

Hillary? Where do I start. She is so scandal ridden, dishonest and criminal that she should not even be running. Having spent many years in the classified field, I can see instances where she has broken federal laws as SecState that, had I done any of them, would have put me in Leavenworth many years ago.

I am completely convinced that Hillary will get the nomination from the Democrats. They're not going to favor an Independent with their party nomination under any circumstances and Bernie doesn't have the necessary delegate vote anyway.

So where does that leave me?

Right now it looks like Trump has to be my choice. I am not entirely unhappy with it but I do wish he would calm his rhetoric down.

Now, who do I think would win the general election.

I am again leaning toward a Trump win due to a couple of factors. One is he has energized the republican party like no other since Reagan. I think you will see a very large turnout for the Republicans if he is the nominee.

Hillary, on the other hand, has the charisma of a squid and will not inspire Democrats to go out and vote for her, as Obama did. Bernie Sanders is the only living human in the Democratic campaign right now with his young people. When (not if) Hillary becomes the nominee I believe these young people will return to their cloistered halls where the frat parties and beer busts will be more appealing than a vote for Hillary and she will not get out the necessary votes to otherwise carry the day.

So, I suppose it has to be Trump for me as well.

How could an experiment with Trump work out any worse than the current experiment has proven to be."

Pinot responds:

Yeah, let's give Adolph a chance, what could possibly go wrong? clap2.gif

At some point in the last 20 years the entire conservative movement became delusional. Intellectualism was thrown out the window and fear embraced. The hatred was fanned by Fox News and the right wing echo chamber media. The Internet became the place the wingnuts could go to hate together.

1. "Trump is drawing massive crowds, the Republican participation in the primaries is considerably higher that previous years so he is growing the brand."

Trump wishes he had the crowds Bernie Sanders is getting. Massive crowds? MASSIVE crowds? Please. 35% of the Republican base (and I do mean base) and he's hit the ceiling.

2. "I don't see him abusing the executive office privileges as the current WH resident has chosen to do. I do believe he is smart enough to know what he doesn't know and will surround himself with the necessary expertise to make sound decisions."

When you say ridiculous things like this...everything you say after this will be bullshit as well. There has been no abusing of executive privileges in the current WH. It has been a lily white record under President Obama much to the chagrin of the do nothing Republicans. Having nothing to investigate...they make stuff up. What causes you to infer President Trump would attract the intellectual and experienced he's going to need for an administration? Right now we got Sarah Palin? Trump has shown he's incapable of sound decisions and he can't control his racist pie hole. He's a bully. He's the unelectable, perfect candidate for the Republican party.

3. "Hillary? Where do I start. She is so scandal ridden, dishonest and criminal that she should not even be running."

Republican lose their minds over Hillary much like Obama was the devil for 7 years. It colors everything else they espouse. She's not scandal ridden, dishonest or a criminal. It's Republicans being delusional because they sit in front of Fox News all day where they tell the lemmings what evil people HRC and Obama are. They're convinced! Pathetic.

4. "So, I suppose it has to be Trump for me as well."

Well thanks for sharing chucky. I know everyone was holding their breath wondering who you were going to stroll off the cliff with. Best of luck to you guys and remember. It's not who wins or loses, it's who crushes.

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Good for these people in Chicago. Trump has his "Brown Shirt" thugs to punch out people that say no to the idiot, these people shut all that down before Trump's thugs could advance.

Trump is a new version Nazi, plain and simple. No room for this as*hole in America.

Yes. This is a Nazi style racist movement. Pure evil.

No point in beating around the Bush. George or otherwise. People all over the world see this for what it really is.

Well, it seems like a lot of Americans don't agree with you and I know a lot of non-Americans who don't agree with you either.... Trump is winning because he's saying what has been on an awful lot of people's minds for a long time now, and while he's crude, he's looking like the only one who's prepared to do anything radical to change the politically correct bullshit society we've created in the west.

I don't believe he's a racist like his enemies are trying to portray him..... He's a strong patriot and there's nothing wrong with that.

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Trump has no ticker. A few protesters exercising their right to free speech and Trump does a runner. When the going gets tough Trump gets going. Really? a world leader. More like Mr Big Mouth who can't back up his own rhetoric. Pussy.

This is a real negative point in electing a business man to public office. Unlike in a business where only one voice is heard the public actually get a say. Trump is simply not up to the job.

Let me get this straight.

When the liberals send several hundred of their very likely paid goons to a political rally of several thousand with the sole intent of disrupting it, you think the event should go ahead and possibly break out into riots?

You claim Trump has "done a runner" simply because he cancelled the event to prevent possible blood shed from the protest and then end your diatribe by calling him a "pussy".

I guess it takes one to know one, but here is how CNN described the event.


Trump supporters, protesters clash after Chicago rally postponed
By Jeremy Diamond and Theodore Schleifer, CNN
Updated 0557 GMT (1357 HKT) March 12, 2016
The announcement comes amid heightened concerns about violence at the GOP front-runner's rallies
Chicago (CNN)Donald Trump's campaign on Friday postponed a rally in Chicago amid fights between supporters and demonstrators, protests in the streets and concerns that the environment at the event was no longer safe.
The announcement, which came amid large protests both inside and outside the event at the University of Illinois at Chicago, follows heightened concerns about violence in general at the GOP front-runner's rallies. Illinois holds its Republican primary on Tuesday.
Hundreds of demonstrators packed into an arena, breaking out into protest even before Trump had shown up. At least five sections in the arena were filled with protesters.
"Mr. Trump just arrived in Chicago, and after meeting with law enforcement, has determined that for the safety of all of the tens of thousands of people that have gathered in and around the arena, tonight's rally will be postponed to another date," the Trump campaign said in a statement. "Thank you very much for your attendance and please go in peace."


Let me get this straight.


Let me be the first to say.

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"Trump represents everything America is not and everything Chicago is not," said Kamran Siddiqui,

Sounds like a real American name now doesn't it.

Did you do a little fist pump when you wrote that?

Meanwhile, here is a list of American names.

See if yours is on it.


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George W's Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer had an accurate assessment of how dangerous Trump is to both Repubs and Dems and how he appeals to all the white male blue collar types out there (which we seem to have many of on this forum):

Trump is not really a Republican. He is an independent who has leased the title of Republican so that he can temporarily affix it to the campaign he is building. He’s a wrecking ball, swinging through the Republican Party, destroying the GOP positions on entitlement reform, free trade and Planned Parenthood.

But if he’s the nominee, his wrecking ball will swing through the Democratic Party, too. Republicans have long dreamed of growing the party with blue-collar, working-class Americans, and especially against Clinton, Trump has a chance to gain these new voters.


Here is yet another assessment from your link:


Newt Gingrich

Member (R-Ga.), House of Representatives, 1979 to 1999; House speaker, 1995 to 1999

In truth, the two most likely Republican nominees both represent a widespread rebuke to party elites. With Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz (Tex.) having won 80 percent of the delegates chosen so far, it is time for the elites to accept that ordinary Republicans — their own voters — want an insurgent outsider.

In the event of a Trump nomination, the question will be whether the party elites suicidally do to their nominee what they did to Barry Goldwater in 1964 or come around to supporting him, as they did with Ronald Reagan in 1980. It’s easy to forget that the establishment similarly disliked Reagan, whom they viewed as an outsider, before he became a Republican hero.

Chuck, you of all members of this forum, whom I consider to be a true conservative Republican, surprise me with your acceptance of Trump as your nominee. He really will be a wrecking ball for your party, and might also steal working class voters from the Dems, but it would have to be a massive defection for him to win a general election.

Once in place, he lacks all the core beliefs of Republicans, and is a wild card, uniformed on policy, and lacks a temperance to be a world leader.

Myself, I've voted for true Republican presidents before the party got hijacked by nuts, and spent a fascinating evening with one who is still esteemed and living.

Trump is not and never will be a Ronald Reagan or anything remotely close.

Even in better times, the electorate broke down as about 35% partisan Republican & 35% partisan Democrat........fully entrenched in the well crafted and choreographed left/right paradigm. The $$$billions spent on election campaigns was to get the other 30% to swing in one of the two directions. Some of the hard core partisans are realizing that their party leaderships don't deliver to the people and are drifting away decreasing those numbers. You can't even count on the Evangelicals to immediately support the "God" candidate Cruz .

Trump is no more a Republican than Sanders is a Democrat but both are getting support. Personally, I think these political parties should be outlawed as they prove to be more a conflict of the We the People's interests than anything. Since that won't happen, the next best thing is to establish that a candidate no longer has to swear allegiance to the Oligarchs two political wings and then it might set the stage in the near future for viable Independent runs and better choice.

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It doesn't matter if he's a racist xenophobe or not. His base is and he's much worse than crass. He's a dangerous psychopathic demagogue.

"Bernie voter: One who uses a device invented by a capitalist to whine on Twitter invented by a capitalist--about the need for socialism. - Larry Elder.

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Trump in Dayton Ohio right now. Huge crowd in airport hanger. Chicago helped to consolidate Trump supporter resolve. It showed how ugly his opposition really is.


If the "powers that be" and their media are going to resort to fascist rent-a-mobs and anarchy to sabotage the American electoral process, then there are probably bigger issues than Trump

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In America the only form of free speech is acceptable speech. It has been some time since disagreeable political/social speech has been tolerated. After all, Free Speech is only designed for the political/social, disagreeable. And no speech but approved speech is acceptable.

The rage, hate, nihilism, and communist foundations of those that oppose Trump are evident more every day. The thing is, we are not surprised. We know this about these takers, these redistributionists. We know these people are consuming all that is good in the US, and screaming entitlement, demanding more, doing less. We know they have totally destroyed our culture, our bank, or polity, and our social space. We know this and that is why Trump has become a lightening rod for this. We know these people in the US have become successful and debasing the US because forces outside of the US who oppose US supremacy seek the US debasement, and equally oppose Trump for the same reason. These people are not just disagreeable, they are what Cicero referred to as enemies within the gates. We read of them daily outside of the US, and now we read about their Soros funded provocations inside the US. (Expect escalation).

Those who oppose Trump, under the cover of free speech, will move quickly now toward the racial, toward hatred, to open violence, and we can expect Obama/DoJ to fuel it. We can expect the Balkanization of America to now move into the open spaces.

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Silly boy. (And others)

Doesn't comprehend:



"the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and othertopical issues."

cheesy.gif cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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The clown show.

With a Pathetic remnant of the Tea Party.

How'd that work out?


Nice tie made in Mexico, or was it China, Donnie?

Is this seriously the best you can do? Ad hominem attacks are the proof someone has no real argument.


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Careful, you may be accused of an ad hominem attack.


And given the fact that the bloviator has exported 1000's of jobs to the very people he is vilifying, some of you are absolutely hilarious.


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"Trump gets 35% of the Republican primary voters. The rest of the Republican party can't stand him."

QUESTION: So why do the other candidates not join together and crush this insect alleged megalomaniac ?


In light of that - what's their motto - "DIVIDED WE FALL?" sad.png

With 65% of the Republican vote - DIVIDED THEY ( Cruz, Rubio et al) FAIL - for damned certain

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