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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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Here is a #NoTrumper getting ready for the Convention bashing ..

attachicon.gifno trumper.jpg

I don't think anyone would be brave enough to walk around Walmart admitting they don't like Trump.

His rallies are probably packed with Walmartians.



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One of Obama's duties, according to the Constitution, is to appoint a Supreme Court nominee if there's a vacancy. Republicans, including Mr. 'Delay Delay Delay' Trump are trying to stop him from doing one of his Constitutional duties.

Also, it's very common for a president, whether or not a lame-duck, to opine about candidates for political office, including presidential candidates. I doubt you can show one example of a president in the past 100 years who has been apolitical near the end of his term. Obama has been quite reserved thus far. I'm impressed.

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Donald Trump lambasts 'rigged' delegate system

"Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has described as "rigged" the way the US state of Colorado picks its presidential nominee."

"They weren't given a vote. It's a crooked deal. The system is rigged, crooked. That's not the way democracy is supposed to work." clap2.gif

"But Colorado decided to select its delegates in a different way, at its own state convention." laugh.png


Boo Hoo. Welcome to the Machine. Should have read your history. (When they did it to one of their own, Ron Paul in 2012.)

Hey Donnie, maybe you can get some of your mob friends to go and make them an offer they can't refuse. cheesy.gif

The Bloviator will never become President of the United States. Ain't gonna happen.

You're not part of the club. And they detest you. Got it?

Your history of shady business tactics and despicable associations are no match for the Big Leagues. thumbsup.gif

Wether you like or dislike Trump or even Bernie...

Is that a good thing?

Should candidates for president be dictated by the 'machine' or the voters ?

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A recent chart. What's interesting is, among a sampling of all voters (not just one or the other affiliated sides), Kasich scores higher than Cruz or Trump overall - mainly because he has less negatives than the other two Republicans. This indicates Kasich has a chance to prevail if it (Republican convention) goes beyond a first ballot, which it likely will. Also note who scores the highest when the word 'terrible' is used: HRC (30%) and Trump (44%). Nearly half of US voters in the poll (covering all political parties), considered Trump 'terrible.'



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Donald Trump: Rules 'stacked against me'

"Donald Trump said Tuesday night that the political system is "stacked against me," and accused the Republican Party of conspiring to stop him from clinching the party's nomination."

"His comments elicited a tough response from Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus,
who tweeted: "Nomination process known for a year + beyond. It's the responsibility of the campaigns to understand it. Complaints now? Give us all a break."
"Trump, saying the Republican Party is "100%" controlled by the Republican National Committee, said he believes the RNC is rooting against him." Ya think? laugh.png
Nobody likes a crybaby...


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Great reasons;

Lets check out Donald Trumps presidential qualifications:

Obama is against Trump... Check

The Media is against Trump... Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

The UN is against Trump... Check

The EU is against Trump... Check

China is against Trump... Check

Mexico is against Trump... Check

Soros is against Trump... Check

BlackLivesMatter is against Trump... Check

MoveOn.Org is against Trump... Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump... Check


Plus THESE Bonus points!!! (Actually, these may be better reasons)


Cher says she will leave the country...

Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country...

Whoopi says she will leave the country...

Rosie says she will leave the country...

Sharpton says he will leave the country...

What's not to like.

Therefore, voting for Trump is only common sense!!

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Trump lost all of the delegates in Colorado because he and his staff were unqualified for the task of winning the delegates in that state. Yes, the Colorado rules are somewhat arcane, but if you and your team can't figure out how to get the delegates, you're not qualified for the job.

And let's remember that Trump "has a great mind. One of the greatest". And that he was going to have "the best people working for him".

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Great reasons;

Lets check out Donald Trumps presidential qualifications:

Obama is against Trump... Check

The Media is against Trump... Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

The UN is against Trump... Check

The EU is against Trump... Check

China is against Trump... Check

Mexico is against Trump... Check

Soros is against Trump... Check

BlackLivesMatter is against Trump... Check

MoveOn.Org is against Trump... Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump... Check


Plus THESE Bonus points!!! (Actually, these may be better reasons)


Cher says she will leave the country...

Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country...

Whoopi says she will leave the country...

Rosie says she will leave the country...

Sharpton says he will leave the country...

What's not to like.

Therefore, voting for Trump is only common sense!!

You forgot.

Former American POWs are against Trump.

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Donald Trump: Rules 'stacked against me'

"Donald Trump said Tuesday night that the political system is "stacked against me," and accused the Republican Party of conspiring to stop him from clinching the party's nomination."

"His comments elicited a tough response from Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus,
who tweeted: "Nomination process known for a year + beyond. It's the responsibility of the campaigns to understand it. Complaints now? Give us all a break."
"Trump, saying the Republican Party is "100%" controlled by the Republican National Committee, said he believes the RNC is rooting against him." Ya think? laugh.png
Nobody likes a crybaby...

Then there's this:


"If Donald Trump exceeds 1,100 votes, he will become the nominee even though he may not have 1,237," Evans said on MSNBC's "Morning Joe."

Read it and weep, porkers.

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What did you do? Only read the headline? cheesy.gif

Try going a few sentences down and you will find:

"But Evans also warned that if Trump slips much more, the nomination would likely fall to someone else."

"If he gets less than 1,000 delegates, then I think we're looking at a contested convention that could go on for many, many days," Evans said.

"And then in the middle, there's that grey area between 1,000 and 1,100, and that's where the unbound delegates or the delegates that have been released by other candidates,

come into play to see if there are enough of those to get either Cruz or Trump over the finish line," he added.


Wait a minute, I get it, you just read the Drudge headline and didn't even go to the source did you? clap2.gif

Nice try. NOT. laugh.png

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The ‘King of Whoppers': Donald Trump

"It’s been a banner year for political whoppers — and for one teller of tall tales in particular: Donald Trump."

"In the 12 years of FactCheck.org’s existence, we’ve never seen his match." clap2.gif

"He stands out not only for the sheer number of his factually false claims, but also for his brazen refusals to admit error when proven wrong." clap2.gif




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Great reasons;

Lets check out Donald Trumps presidential qualifications:

Obama is against Trump... Check

The Media is against Trump... Check

The establishment Democrats are against Trump... Check

The establishment Republicans are against Trump... Check

The UN is against Trump... Check

The EU is against Trump... Check

China is against Trump... Check

Mexico is against Trump... Check

Soros is against Trump... Check

BlackLivesMatter is against Trump... Check

MoveOn.Org is against Trump... Check

Hateful, racist, violent Liberals are against Trump... Check


Plus THESE Bonus points!!! (Actually, these may be better reasons)


Cher says she will leave the country...

Miley Cyrus says she will leave the country...

Whoopi says she will leave the country...

Rosie says she will leave the country...

Sharpton says he will leave the country...

What's not to like.

Therefore, voting for Trump is only common sense!!

Is it too early to begin nominations for "stupid post of the year"?

Nope. I'll be sure and nominate your post.thumbsup.gif

You're not gonna win the clever reply of the year award, that's for sure.

One would need the IQ of a Trump supporter to post nonsense like that.

Snappy retort, there, CousinEddie.

On a scale of 1-10 it's a really solid 2.

Maybe you'll get better in your second week of membership.

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It appears that all the bleeding heart liberals have no idea of how the US government works. You seem to think that the president of the USA calls all the shots. The job of the president is to persuade congress to do it his way. This requires negotiating skills. Obviously Obama has clearly shown that he does not have that skill. He has never heard of compromise. Maybe you should read Trump's book, The art of the deal. The way things are going now is for politicians to trade pork barrel projects and to waste billions of dollars. You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. Harry Reid has been awarded the Porker of the year trophy.

All I'm certain of is that drastic changes need to be made. I'm too old to worry much about it but my conscience nags me that eventually someone will have to pay the bill for the astronomical overspending. That means that my children and grandchildren will own the debt that is handed down to them.

One thing that is really disturbing is that an old communist has so much democratic support. That means that people are amazingly stupid or that they actually hate Hillary. Many years ago a wise man wrote that when people learn that they can vote themselves money, democracy is doomed.

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Right............."bleeding heart liberals have no idea how the government works".............sure mister why don't you explain it to us because we're all so stupid!

Well if Trump is such the skilled negotiator, if he duped enough right-whingers into buying his book "The Art of the Deal", I guess all you Trump followers will be quite happy with the brokered convention as The Donald's fine negotiating skills will have him sailing clear, correct?

Or, the guy is as abrasive as a brillo pad and no negotiating skills matter when you are just a complete a**h%le.

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Reminder: Donald Trump didn’t write ‘The Art of the Deal’

"This might seem a bit obvious to those in publishing —

that when a celebrity or political figure comes out with a memoir or autobiographical title, it’s not untypical that a ghost writer does all the heavy lifting."

"In most cases, a second by-line is included in the book’s artwork. Such is definitely the case for Donald Trump’s 1987 bestseller The Art of the Deal,

which acknowledges self-help author and ghostwriter Tony Schwartz on the bottom-right of the front cover."


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Reminder: Donald Trump didn’t write ‘The Art of the Deal’

"This might seem a bit obvious to those in publishing —

that when a celebrity or political figure comes out with a memoir or autobiographical title, it’s not untypical that a ghost writer does all the heavy lifting."

"In most cases, a second by-line is included in the book’s artwork. Such is definitely the case for Donald Trump’s 1987 bestseller The Art of the Deal,

which acknowledges self-help author and ghostwriter Tony Schwartz on the bottom-right of the front cover."


I read a bit of that book 20 years ago. What a jerk I thought. He hasn't changed. The ugly American.

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Can we believe anything Trump says? Ghost writer of Donald’s campaign book confirms he’s just a blustery huckster

"Donald Trump’s first campaign book, “The America We Deserve,” was published in 2000, when the real estate mogul began flirting with political office.

Like most campaign books, it was not written by the person whose face adorns the cover. Instead, the 286 pages of gas came from a ghost writer named Dave Shiflett."

"Trump is the well-to-do son of a real estate titan who, as Shiflett put it, “acts as if he had been raised in a barn.” The key word is “acts.” That’s what Trump is doing, and it’s working."


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Reminder: Donald Trump didn’t write ‘The Art of the Deal’

"This might seem a bit obvious to those in publishing —

that when a celebrity or political figure comes out with a memoir or autobiographical title, it’s not untypical that a ghost writer does all the heavy lifting."

"In most cases, a second by-line is included in the book’s artwork. Such is definitely the case for Donald Trump’s 1987 bestseller The Art of the Deal,

which acknowledges self-help author and ghostwriter Tony Schwartz on the bottom-right of the front cover."


What's even better is Schwartz' tweet, which he later declined to comment on further, obviously for fear of being sued by Trump:

I wrote the Art of the Deal. Donald Trump read it.

I was pleasantly surprised to learn that Trump can read. wink.png

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I think Trump had his time in the news. Now there is less and less talk about him, which is good.

A joker who entered the game and make a huge mess. Fortunately in the future he will be remembered simply as yet another Sarah Palin copy.

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I think Trump had his time in the news. Now there is less and less talk about him, which is good.

A joker who entered the game and make a huge mess. Fortunately in the future he will be remembered simply as yet another Sarah Palin copy.

You're possibly right (with the exception of the fiasco to come at the convention) but I think he will be remembered more for clarifying any questions of intellect and reasoning ability we might have had for people who jumped on his bandwagon.

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Donald Trump Forgets All His Ghost Writers and Co-Authors

"On Fox News, he announced to Sean Hannity, “I’ve written a lot of bestsellers, including the Art of the Deal. I know something about writing”

"Donald forgets: Tony Schwartz wrote Donald’s real bestseller, “The Art of the Deal,” in 1988."

"Meredith McIver wrote several of the others including “How to Get Rich,” “Think Success,” “Trump 101,” and so on."

"Every single book published by Donald Trump and listed on amazon has a co-author’s name right on its cover–it’s not like Trump was trying to hide it.

"Only [one] book, a collection of aphorisms from other business people–lists Trump solo.


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Right............."bleeding heart liberals have no idea how the government works".............sure mister why don't you explain it to us because we're all so stupid!

Well if Trump is such the skilled negotiator, if he duped enough right-whingers into buying his book "The Art of the Deal", I guess all you Trump followers will be quite happy with the brokered convention as The Donald's fine negotiating skills will have him sailing clear, correct?

Or, the guy is as abrasive as a brillo pad and no negotiating skills matter when you are just a complete a**h%le.

So are you saying that you will be satisfied to leave your decedents a huge debt? Would you vote for a communist? Would you vote for Hillary even if she is in jail? The existing politicians are not capable of balancing a budget let alone paying down the debt. At this point, it is my opinion that the entire government is corrupt. Big government stinks.

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Right............."bleeding heart liberals have no idea how the government works".............sure mister why don't you explain it to us because we're all so stupid!

Well if Trump is such the skilled negotiator, if he duped enough right-whingers into buying his book "The Art of the Deal", I guess all you Trump followers will be quite happy with the brokered convention as The Donald's fine negotiating skills will have him sailing clear, correct?

Or, the guy is as abrasive as a brillo pad and no negotiating skills matter when you are just a complete a**h%le.

So are you saying that you will be satisfied to leave your decedents a huge debt? Would you vote for a communist? Would you vote for Hillary even if she is in jail? The existing politicians are not capable of balancing a budget let alone paying down the debt. At this point, it is my opinion that the entire government is corrupt. Big government stinks.

Clinton knows about balanced budgets. Her husband even had a surplus.

It is as the republiccans that blew Clintons balanced budget.

How soon they forget ...

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Right............."bleeding heart liberals have no idea how the government works".............sure mister why don't you explain it to us because we're all so stupid!

Well if Trump is such the skilled negotiator, if he duped enough right-whingers into buying his book "The Art of the Deal", I guess all you Trump followers will be quite happy with the brokered convention as The Donald's fine negotiating skills will have him sailing clear, correct?

Or, the guy is as abrasive as a brillo pad and no negotiating skills matter when you are just a complete a**h%le.

So are you saying that you will be satisfied to leave your decedents a huge debt? Would you vote for a communist? Would you vote for Hillary even if she is in jail? The existing politicians are not capable of balancing a budget let alone paying down the debt. At this point, it is my opinion that the entire government is corrupt. Big government stinks.

Clinton knows about balanced budgets. Her husband even had a surplus.

It is as the republiccans that blew Clintons balanced budget.

How soon they forget ...

Super funny !!!!

Did anyone read where I posted I'd be satisfied leaving my decedents a huge debt? I missed where I posted that............would I vote for a communist (?), would I vote for Hilary if she were in jail...........we've been down this road, she's not going to jail, thats Rwingers grasping at straws............communism seems to not work so well so , nooooooo, I probably wouldn't vote for that cheesy.gif .

The budget matter as stated by CE, last time that was in order the family name of the President was/is Clinton.

Wow, they are coming in out of the woodworks now !!! Cue the Eagles "Desperado".

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One man, one vote certainly doesn't apply in the good ole USA. And no, I'm not replying to a troll.

Maybe I am replying to one. There certainly is a troll running for the Republican party nomination for Potus. Political Troll Number One is and always has been the bottom feeder Donald Trump.

Regardless, the principle of an entire population being represented in government was upheld unanimously by Scotus last month. The fringe extreme righwhinge out there had been attempting to exclude the non-voting population from qualifying for representation counts in constituent districts, to include children.

The right had been attempting legally to change one person one vote to only those voters they like. One rightwinger one vote, everyone else, no vote, no representation in government, no nuthin. Fail.

Supreme Court upholdsone person, one vote'

The Supreme Court has unanimously upheld a Texas law that counts everyone, not just eligible voters, in deciding how to draw electoral districts.

The justices turned back a challenge Monday that could have dramatically altered political district boundaries and disproportionately affected the nation's growing Latino population.

"Nonvoters have an important stake in many policy debates — children, their parents, even their grandparents, for example, have a stake in a strong public-education system — and in receiving constituent services, such as help navigating public-benefits bureaucracies," liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wrote in an opinion signed by six justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Anthony Kennedy.


Rightwhinge justices Clarence Thomas and Joseph Alito agreed with the majority of six justices, hence the unanimity, however, the two agreed for a different reason (never say never even when never means never laugh.png ).

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Here is a #NoTrumper getting ready for the Convention bashing ..

attachicon.gifno trumper.jpg

I don't think anyone would be brave enough to walk around Walmart admitting they don't like Trump.

His rallies are probably packed with Walmartians.



I nominate the poster you quoted as the best dressed person at Walmart.


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