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Is it too late to stop the Donald Trump machine?


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That's it. I gazed into my crystal ball this morning, and here's what I saw: Ann Coulter will be his VP pick.

I'm hopeful that will be true, as it will be fun watching them both crash and burn (figuratively speaking).

Wishful thinking. Probably Carson or Rubio each will bring votes. Hillary is toast. I said it when Trump announced he is running . Watch and learn... Hillary will crash and burn.

And he may well take the country down with him if his latest piece of foolishness is any indication. He seriously discussed the idea negotiating a haircut with investors in US Treasury bonds. In other words doing some hard negotiating with them to make them agree not to be paid back in full. Hey, he's done it with investors in his Atlantic City casinos, so why not?

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Trump's coining of "Crooked Hillary" and "Goofy Warren" have stuck because that's what they are! biggrin.png

I don't think that kind of juvenile crapola is going to play very well in the general election. But good if he thinks so ... love to see him use stupid tactics.

Not sure about the "Goofy Warren" accolade. Maybe Trump is trying various 5 yr old name-calling labels on each prominent person who is not a fan, to see which one sticks. I heard he called Elizabeth Warren, THE INDIAN, because prior, Ms Warren mentioned she had some Native American heritage. Boy, Trump sure knows how to stick his shoe into the shit, doesn't he. Now he's offending Native Americans. Who will be next? Inuits? Africans? Oh he already touched on Africans with his browbeating of Obama being Kenyan. Argentinians? Fijians?

Trump thinks he's so superior to everyone else. He's even said "I've got a great memory. I really do." Yet, when asked which foot had a bone spur (to enable him to dodge the draft 5 times) ...he said he couldn't remember.

The Indian tribe Pocahontas Warren claims to be descended from have said she is lying.

I seriously doubt if the Cherokee Nation will be up in arms over this, as you so spectacularly claim.

And you blame Trump for having a bad memory!

For your belated information.


Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?
Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.
Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.
Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.
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Trump's coining of "Crooked Hillary" and "Goofy Warren" have stuck because that's what they are! biggrin.png

I don't think that kind of juvenile crapola is going to play very well in the general election. But good if he thinks so ... love to see him use stupid tactics.

Not sure about the "Goofy Warren" accolade. Maybe Trump is trying various 5 yr old name-calling labels on each prominent person who is not a fan, to see which one sticks. I heard he called Elizabeth Warren, THE INDIAN, because prior, Ms Warren mentioned she had some Native American heritage. Boy, Trump sure knows how to stick his shoe into the shit, doesn't he. Now he's offending Native Americans. Who will be next? Inuits? Africans? Oh he already touched on Africans with his browbeating of Obama being Kenyan. Argentinians? Fijians?

Trump thinks he's so superior to everyone else. He's even said "I've got a great memory. I really do." Yet, when asked which foot had a bone spur (to enable him to dodge the draft 5 times) ...he said he couldn't remember.

The Indian tribe Pocahontas Warren claims to be descended from have said she is lying.

I seriously doubt if the Cherokee Nation will be up in arms over this, as you so spectacularly claim.

And you blame Trump for having a bad memory!

For your belated information.


Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?
Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.
Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.
Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

he uses the word indian in a disparaging manner. he's a fool

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How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Obama got dinged for 1 lie. Pollitifacts examined 77 statements from Trump and found he had lied 76 times. He is far in advance of any other politician including Hillary and Obama in his lying percentage. He's the all time champ. And that was just in 2015.

And Obama's lies, repeated multiple times, helped in the passage of the Affordable Care Act which is costing the taxpayers Billions of dollars, soon to be in the Trillions.

You don't really want to bring Hillary into this particular side conversation about lying, do you?

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How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

Trump wins again!!!

Oh, I see you already brought up Hillary.

The most glaring thing I see in your somewhat silly post is Hillary's lies are only covered from 2008. You do know she has been involved in politics since the early 70's so it would appear you are conveniently bypassing some 40 years of documented lies to arrive at your mythical number of three (3) lies during the past eight years.

There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

Since we are now into estimating lies, my estimation is Hillary probably lied three times before she had her morning coffee today.

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Not sure about the "Goofy Warren" accolade. Maybe Trump is trying various 5 yr old name-calling labels on each prominent person who is not a fan, to see which one sticks. I heard he called Elizabeth Warren, THE INDIAN, because prior, Ms Warren mentioned she had some Native American heritage. Boy, Trump sure knows how to stick his shoe into the shit, doesn't he. Now he's offending Native Americans. Who will be next? Inuits? Africans? Oh he already touched on Africans with his browbeating of Obama being Kenyan. Argentinians? Fijians?

Trump thinks he's so superior to everyone else. He's even said "I've got a great memory. I really do." Yet, when asked which foot had a bone spur (to enable him to dodge the draft 5 times) ...he said he couldn't remember.

The Indian tribe Pocahontas Warren claims to be descended from have said she is lying.

I seriously doubt if the Cherokee Nation will be up in arms over this, as you so spectacularly claim.

And you blame Trump for having a bad memory!

For your belated information.


Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What?
Elizabeth Warren is not a citizen of the Cherokee Nation.
Elizabeth Warren is not enrolled in the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians.
And Elizabeth Warren is not one of the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee.
Nor could she become one, even if she wanted to.

he uses the word indian in a disparaging manner. he's a fool

"he uses the word indian in a disparaging manner. he's a fool"

A classic case of:


PS: Not capitalizing the word "Indian" might be considered disparaging to the Indian Nations.

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How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Obama got dinged for 1 lie.

One BIG lie that Obama repeated dozens of times while insisting that it was the truth. That particular lie was a WHOPPER.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Did Donald Trump Just Hand the Senate to Elizabeth Warren?

"Warren’s powerful fundraising chops and the potential for a Donald Trump candidacy to push Senate seats into Democratic hands,

the next Senate could see a whole new power bloc with Warren at the head."

"While Republicans decide which cliff to leap off, Trump’s nomination could unwittingly usher into power a small army of liberal women,

following Warren into battle against wealthy money men like himself."

"And the gate-crasher who ran for Senate in 2012 because Senate Republicans wouldn’t let her run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau,

could soon be pulling the strings of the Senate Democrats, and bossing around the very Republicans who blocked her."

Most excellent!
Once the Hispanic vote (of millions) serves up the Bloviator the Toad, his Karma, his ignorant, bigoted simple mind will cause the GOP to lose it's reactionary grip on the Senate.clap2.gif
Not to forget, the 70% of the nation's women who detest him.
It's going to be glorious. biggrin.png


Edited by iReason
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Pictured with taco bowl, Trump proclaims, 'I love Hispanics!'

"Trump posted the picture to Twitter and Facebook with the caption, "Happy Cinco de Mayo! The best taco bowls are made in Trump Tower Grill. I love Hispanics!"

"People loved it, and you know what, I'm going to do great with the Hispanics," the real estate mogul said,

repeating a line he's used throughout his presidential campaign that he plans to win among Hispanic voters." whistling.gif

"An online menu for Trump Tower Grill doesn't list a taco bowl, but an entree listed on the menu for Trump Tower Cafe includes a "Taco fiesta!" which matches the description of Trump's taco bowl.

Cinco De Mayo isn't a hispanic holiday it's a mexican one" clap2.gifcheesy.gif clap2.gif


Further evidence of the ignorant, pandering fool that is the Bloviator. laugh.png I love it!


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Once the Hispanic vote (of millions) serves up the Bloviator the Toad, his Karma, his ignorant, bigoted simple mind will cause the GOP to lose it's reactionary grip on the Senate.clap2.gif

Not to forget, the 70% of the nation's women who detest him.

It's going to be glorious. biggrin.png

What seems to be the problem?

Once you accept that the majority vote rules then you'll sleep easier at night.

The nation's women and hispanics have had their chance to dump the nominee but they didn't.

They have one last chance when Trump runs for president. I'm guessing you'll be spouting the same old even when Trump is sworn in.

Edited by wooloomooloo
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Hillary lost the very last primary she was in, just Tuesday against a wobbly old socialist called Bernie. Where's her following? Where's her momentum?

Bernie is on the same page as Trump about free trade and outsourcing jobs. Hillary is running against Trump lite and losing regularly.

More people, in record numbers are leaving the work force and a record number of people are on public assistance. They want jobs. Unions, a traditional Democrat stronghold are bolting toward Trump.

I can't wait for the first "debate" between Trump and Hillary. Hillary will be crying for her mama.

"It's the economy, stupid."


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Oh boy some really behind the curve here. Everything has already changed,Trump whether people realise it or not here yet has already won. whistling.gif

I doubt that Trump envisioned himself sitting in this position a year ago. I not sure he entered the race really wanting to be President. The personal PR...sure. Not sure he really does now but he underestimated to popularity of the message at the polls and here he sits after vanquishing 17 mostly career politicians. To the extent he ( and Sanders to a lesser extent) has already demonstrated to the establishment that a whole hell of a lot of people view them as the problem , and possibly blowing up the status quo going forward, then that's a win even if Clinton wins in November.

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Hillary (and many posters here) have been reduced to "You can't let Trump get into office" instead of pointing out Hillary's great accomplishments to elevate her abilities above his. There's nothing about Hillary to sell, other than continually reminding us she's a woman. (I didn't realize that until about a week ago, myself.)

That's no way to run a winning campaign (or a debate.)

See ya in November.

Edited by NeverSure
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How about this from Politifact? The Donald Trump Campaign gets the Lie of the Year Award for 2015


Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

Trump wins again!!!

There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

So where's the report? I think what you shoud have written is that there is a baseless lying rumor out there that Hillary was fired for lying and unethical behavior. How gullible can you be? http://www.snopes.com/politics/clintons/zeifman.asp

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Youse guyz have a problem here that you cannot recognise never mind acknowledge and that youse comprehend even less.

Georgia is a solid red state. Maybe not this year however....

A new Landmark/RosettaStone poll in Georgia finds Donald Trump barely ahead of Hillary Clinton in a fall match up, 41% to 40%.

The survey also shows more than a third of independent voters have not made up their minds about a candidate.

In a red state the current numbers and the fact a third of mostly red voters don't yet know who they will vote for leaves Trump with the burden of winning over solid red Republican voters -- a large and significant number of 'em.

So for youse guyz there's something wrong with this picture yet youse guyz can't see the image, even though it is in black and white...or maybe red vs blue. More blue (in more ways than one.)

Things aren't going to get any better for him y'know. Or maybe y'don't know.

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Hillary (and many posters here) have been reduced to "You can't let Trump get into office" instead of pointing out Hillary's great accomplishments to elevate her abilities above his. There's nothing about Hillary to sell, other than continually reminding us she's a woman. (I didn't realize that until about a week ago, myself.)

That's no way to run a winning campaign (or a debate.)

See ya in November.

It's not Hillary's scary talents and "qualifications", that the media has so carefully crafted, that is Trumps obstacle. The campaign will be against all of the paid surrogates and sycophants with unlimited funding who will be doing her dirty work for her so that she can appear to stay above the fray.

Look for a scandal a week. If they can't find one, they'll fabricate one.

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Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

Trump wins again!!!

Oh, I see you already brought up Hillary.

The most glaring thing I see in your somewhat silly post is Hillary's lies are only covered from 2008. You do know she has been involved in politics since the early 70's so it would appear you are conveniently bypassing some 40 years of documented lies to arrive at your mythical number of three (3) lies during the past eight years.

There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

Since we are now into estimating lies, my estimation is Hillary probably lied three times before she had her morning coffee today.

And no, I'm not "estimating lies". I'm going to an independent source whose business it is to evaluate specific instances of what public figures say..It's called Politifact. Politifact. Politifact. Has it sunk in yet?

We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure. Nor do we have one on Donald Trump. Are you suggesting that Donald Trump was an honest person until his entry into politics? That his record-breaking lying is some sort of aberration? Really?

As for 3 times being a "mythical number". Again, that comes from an independent source: Politifact. And it only refers to the number of times she got awarded Pants on Fire. That was against Trump's 19.

As for "cherry picking", Politifact was launched in 2007. So that's as far back as they go.. So to compare Donald and Hillary, the best way to do it is to compare rates of lying. How many per year. I'll go and compare their performances in 2015 and 2016. I'll be sure to share the results with you.

Edited by ilostmypassword
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Once the Hispanic vote (of millions) serves up the Bloviator the Toad, his Karma, his ignorant, bigoted simple mind will cause the GOP to lose it's reactionary grip on the Senate.clap2.gif

Not to forget, the 70% of the nation's women who detest him.

It's going to be glorious. biggrin.png

What seems to be the problem?

Once you accept that the majority vote rules then you'll sleep easier at night.

The nation's women and hispanics have had their chance to dump the nominee but they didn't.

They have one last chance when Trump runs for president. I'm guessing you'll be spouting the same old even when Trump is sworn in.

If anything reeks of mathematical ignorance this post is it. Hispanics overwhelmingly vote Democratic. Or are you saying that Democrats were allowed to vote in all the primaries? In most of the Primaries? Don't you get it?. Donald Trump ran in Republican primaries. So yes, they do have one mere last chance. You know, it's called a general election. That's the time when Republicans run against Democrats (pace, third parties).

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It's not Hillary's scary talents and "qualifications", that the media has so carefully crafted, that is Trumps obstacle. The campaign will be against all of the paid surrogates and sycophants with unlimited funding who will be doing her dirty work for her so that she can appear to stay above the fray.

Look for a scandal a week. If they can't find one, they'll fabricate one.

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Trump's coining of "Crooked Hillary" and "Goofy Warren" have stuck because that's what they are! biggrin.png

I don't think that kind of juvenile crapola is going to play very well in the general election. But good if he thinks so ... love to see him use stupid tactics.

Sure it is! smile.png

Did y'all hear what the Dems came up with as a retort to "Crooked Hillary"?

"Dangerous Donald"! laugh.png


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I'm guessing you'll be spouting the same old even when Trump is sworn in.

"....when Trump is sworn in."

Yea, that will be rich. I can picture Trump at the swearing in, saying things like, "Ok folks, you want me to act presidential? Ok, I'll act presidential but it will be soooooo boring."

"This inauguration thing is a deal. It's a deal isn't it, folks? I'm the best deal maker in history. Politicians wrote this inauguration deal. I could write a much better deal, I promise you."

"I can't do anything wrong. All my rivals have been losers. Big losers, am I right folks? Of course I'm right. I'm very rich also. And you people are going to very very happy with me. I promise you. You will like me like no nobody's business, because I'm very rich. Everyone will like me, foreign leaders, Putin, I promise you. I'll be unpredictable to foreign leaders, but they'll like me for it. I'll bomb the shit out of ISIS. they won't even know what hit them. But I like everybody and everybody likes me. I'll be the peace president, wait and see. I'll be the greatest president ever, except maybe Lincoln. He was a pretty good guy, though I'm not sure if he was a hero. For me, heroes don't get shot."

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Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

Trump wins again!!!

Oh, I see you already brought up Hillary.

The most glaring thing I see in your somewhat silly post is Hillary's lies are only covered from 2008. You do know she has been involved in politics since the early 70's so it would appear you are conveniently bypassing some 40 years of documented lies to arrive at your mythical number of three (3) lies during the past eight years.

There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

Since we are now into estimating lies, my estimation is Hillary probably lied three times before she had her morning coffee today.

And no, I'm not "estimating lies". I'm going to an independent source whose business it is to evaluate specific instances of what public figures say..It's called Politifact. Politifact. Politifact. Has it sunk in yet?

We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure. Nor do we have one on Donald Trump. Are you suggesting that Donald Trump was an honest person until his entry into politics? That his record-breaking lying is some sort of aberration? Really?

As for 3 times being a "mythical number". Again, that comes from an independent source: Politifact. And it only refers to the number of times she got awarded Pants on Fire. That was against Trump's 19.

As for "cherry picking", Politifact was launched in 2007. So that's as far back as they go.. So to compare Donald and Hillary, the best way to do it is to compare rates of lying. How many per year. I'll go and compare their performances in 2015 and 2016. I'll be sure to share the results with you.

"We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure." cheesy.gif

Google is your friend.

My bet is you don't even know Hillary wrote her Senior thesis at Wellesley College on the life and thinking of Saul Alinsky.

She wrote it in 1969.

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Thanks for referring to Politifact. They have different grades of lies and truth. Anyway for Hillary Clinton the entire total of Mostly False, False, and Pants on Fire is 56

Trump is now tied with Barack Obama for Politifact's Lie of the Year.

One-all is the score.


Donald Trump, in his short political career has already amassed 104. That's over twice as many has Hillary Clinton already!!! He has 19 Pants on Fire award as against Hillary Clinton's puny total of 3.

What's more I'd estimate about 90 percent of his lies were made in 2015 and 2016. A few statements go back to 2011 through 2014 but not many. Hillary's record goes back to 2008. So she has taken a lot longer to accumulate her much smaller total.

Trump wins again!!!

Oh, I see you already brought up Hillary.

The most glaring thing I see in your somewhat silly post is Hillary's lies are only covered from 2008. You do know she has been involved in politics since the early 70's so it would appear you are conveniently bypassing some 40 years of documented lies to arrive at your mythical number of three (3) lies during the past eight years.

There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

Since we are now into estimating lies, my estimation is Hillary probably lied three times before she had her morning coffee today.

And no, I'm not "estimating lies". I'm going to an independent source whose business it is to evaluate specific instances of what public figures say..It's called Politifact. Politifact. Politifact. Has it sunk in yet?

We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure. Nor do we have one on Donald Trump. Are you suggesting that Donald Trump was an honest person until his entry into politics? That his record-breaking lying is some sort of aberration? Really?

As for 3 times being a "mythical number". Again, that comes from an independent source: Politifact. And it only refers to the number of times she got awarded Pants on Fire. That was against Trump's 19.

As for "cherry picking", Politifact was launched in 2007. So that's as far back as they go.. So to compare Donald and Hillary, the best way to do it is to compare rates of lying. How many per year. I'll go and compare their performances in 2015 and 2016. I'll be sure to share the results with you.

"We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure." cheesy.gif

Google is your friend.

My bet is you don't even know Hillary wrote her Senior thesis at Wellesley College on the life and thinking of Saul Alinsky.

She wrote it in 1969.

Nice attempt to distort what I wrote. The full quote would be We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure. Nor do we have one on Donald Trump. Interesting how you forgot to include the latter part. The context was fact checking. Yes, I can find lots and lots of material about what both Clinton and Trump said. But then I would have to do the legwork of fact checking. And that would not be convenient.

When honorable people have their statements disproven, they acknowledge it. When Neversure corrected an assertion of mine about NAFTA, I owned up to it. You passed along an untruth about Hillary and the Whitewater committee and instead of owning up that it was a falsehood you try to change the subject. Saul Alinsky indeed! .

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Oh, I see you already brought up Hillary.

The most glaring thing I see in your somewhat silly post is Hillary's lies are only covered from 2008. You do know she has been involved in politics since the early 70's so it would appear you are conveniently bypassing some 40 years of documented lies to arrive at your mythical number of three (3) lies during the past eight years.

There is a report out Hillary was fired by the Watergate Committee in 1974 for lying and unethical behavior with Congress. Since you're cherry picking from 2008 only, I suppose ancient history like that doesn't count.

Since we are now into estimating lies, my estimation is Hillary probably lied three times before she had her morning coffee today.

And no, I'm not "estimating lies". I'm going to an independent source whose business it is to evaluate specific instances of what public figures say..It's called Politifact. Politifact. Politifact. Has it sunk in yet?

We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure. Nor do we have one on Donald Trump. Are you suggesting that Donald Trump was an honest person until his entry into politics? That his record-breaking lying is some sort of aberration? Really?

As for 3 times being a "mythical number". Again, that comes from an independent source: Politifact. And it only refers to the number of times she got awarded Pants on Fire. That was against Trump's 19.

As for "cherry picking", Politifact was launched in 2007. So that's as far back as they go.. So to compare Donald and Hillary, the best way to do it is to compare rates of lying. How many per year. I'll go and compare their performances in 2015 and 2016. I'll be sure to share the results with you.

"We don't have a convenient record on Hillary Clinton before she became a public figure." cheesy.gif

Google is your friend.

My bet is you don't even know Hillary wrote her Senior thesis at Wellesley College on the life and thinking of Saul Alinsky.

She wrote it in 1969.

Nor do I know what Donald Trump had some ghostwriter write his senior thesis on. Nor how much he paid him. OK, I confess, I just made that up. The difference between you and my is that I acknowledge my fiction. As for Saul Alinsky, I looked him up on google. Here are rules #3 and #4 from his book Rules for Radicals. Rule #3:" Wherever possible, go outside the experience of the enemy; and Rule #4: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. " Trump must be a secret acolyte.

And some not so secret acolytes: "Adam Brandon, a spokesman for the conservative non-profit organization FreedomWorks, one of several groups involved in organizing Tea Party protests, says the group gives Alinsky's Rules for Radicals to its top leadership members. A shortened guide calledRules for Patriots is distributed to its entire network. In a January 2012 story that appeared in The Wall Street Journal, citing the organization's tactic of sending activists to town-hall meetings, Brandon explained, "his [Alinsky's] tactics when it comes to grass-roots organizing are incredibly effective."

By the way, I have a shameful fact about Hillary Clinton for you. But you've got to promise to tell no one. In 1964 she supported Barry Goldwater.

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