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PM complains of TV station's news coverage on drought problem


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"He said he had ordered the state-run TV Channel 11 to overhaul its programmes resulting to less audience because the programmes are heavily technical and not entertaining."

Unfortunately, cannot comment on this because the English language is of such poor quality that it doesn't make any sense.

Believe I can help you out there. According to another news site, he'd suggested something along the lines of a South Korean drama whereby 'an army captain who'd peacefully led his country forward, in the interests of nationalism patriotism'. Wonder who he had in mind? smile.png

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Yes there is a drought Ok w nonpotable got that so Why isn't the Government looking into other forms of water? Thailand is surrounded by Sea water A desalinization plant comes to mind by removing salt from sea water you can greatly effect water supply to farmers Since your Chinese buddy Isn't going to stop building dams up stream in the near future. Or by improving waste treatment plants you get at least get non-potable water for farmers and city greenery.

Any improvements that cost money forget it. Desalinization costs money gobs of it. Submarines, planes, missiles, more army personnel to wait hand and foot on the higher ups, tanks, bullets yes improvements on infrastructure for the people not so much so. They seem to be spouting that be patient the rains are coming approach and solution. Ain't going to work out. Demand is climbing fast supply disappearing fast.

Edited by elgordo38
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" He maintained that the media’s job is to create better understanding among the people toward the government."

Only in countries where all media is government controlled. You know, like all the countries that now have become best friends with Thailand, like China, Russia, North Korea.

Little attention has been paid to the Great Defender of Bangkok's education and formative years, but this period clearly contained in depth study of the life and times of Joseph Goebbels, the famous German leader

( 1897/ 1945).

It was from this study that the Great Defender was able to deliver happiness to 99.78 % of the Thai people in 2015 and 98.76 % in 2016, a feat unprecedented in human evolution.

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Thailand needs spitting image so badly.

And what a treasure trove Thailand is for such a program. The makers of a Spitting Image Thailand would have to drive in armored vehicles though as Thais are not exactly know for their sense of self-irony.

Imagine the face of the little general watching his own spitting image - priceless!!!

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Nobody watches the news. If you want to say something, interrupt the skin whitening commercials in the middle. Like "This purified acid will make you look exactly like .. DROUGHT!DROUGHT!RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!! .. the brightest skeleton in the national museum", accompanied by the appropriate binboingweeweeee sounds and a couple of phiis.

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Nothing new here. Most countries have TV channels that are "controlled" to some degree.

Prayut would love Fox News. It is probably one of the most one sided agenda driven journalism ever witnessed on TV.

A show called Q&A in Australia ABC is very liberal when holding the govt accountable so the govt banned their front benchers from appearing on the show until there were departmental changes at ABC allowing the govt to have more control of content on the show.

Different countries, different ways of doing it, but essentially the same result in the end.

Of course the sensationalism and frantic doom and gloom stories mentioning North Korea and China ad nauseous is always humours to read.

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he needs to dry up ... lol .

shocking comments, would be hard complain if made attempts 2 years ago on dam projects & potential strategies for alternative crops etc but loads of talk half a year before the crisis don't result in much hence the mess, admittedly pua thai really messed water management up but it was obvious problem area of great importance ....

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Nothing new here. Most countries have TV channels that are "controlled" to some degree.

Prayut would love Fox News. It is probably one of the most one sided agenda driven journalism ever witnessed on TV.

A show called Q&A in Australia ABC is very liberal when holding the govt accountable so the govt banned their front benchers from appearing on the show until there were departmental changes at ABC allowing the govt to have more control of content on the show.

Different countries, different ways of doing it, but essentially the same result in the end.

Of course the sensationalism and frantic doom and gloom stories mentioning North Korea and China ad nauseous is always humours to read.

Congratulations on being the foremost junta apologist after EJ retired (?). I wonder what it would take for you to say anything critical about them - quite a lot I would imagine.

"Different countries, different ways of doing it, but essentially the same result in the end.:

Uh...no. Not the same result at all. Not all countries turn themselves into banana republics, Some countries do quite well actually. But don't let facts get in the way of your cheerleading of increasingly authoritarian measuresbah.gifbah.gifbah.gif

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