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UK minister Iain Duncan Smith on attack after resignation


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Duncan Smith warns government risks 'dividing' society

LONDON: -- Iain Duncan Smith has warned that the government risks dividing society, in his first interview since resigning as work and pensions secretary.

He attacked the "desperate search for savings" focused on benefit payments to people who "don't vote for us".

And he told the BBC's Andrew Marr his "painful" decision was "not personal" against Chancellor George Osborne.

-- BBC 2016-03-21

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Hey Ian, it's already done, didn't you get the memo?:

Post-war consensus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"The post-war consensus is a name given by historians to an era in postwar British political history, from the end of World War II in 1945 to the election of conservative Margaret Thatcher as Prime Minister in 1979. The concept claims there was a widespread public policy consensus that covered support for collectivism, a mixed economy, and a welfare state."

The witch is dead, but its ghost will haunt us for years to come.

Edited by Enoon
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I'm no fan of the Eaton toffs but IDS is a C**T of the first order. Such treason would result in him being hung, drawn and quartered in the past. Ah the good old days.

All to do with Brexit actually. What an odd bunch!

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The sole remit of the conservative party is to divide society and divvy up the money.

I think this is a crafty move take benefits from the poor who would never vote Conservative anyways and give it to their masters the rich. Its happening world wide not just in the UK. The Republicans if they gain the presidency will do it to the poor smucks in the USA and they have already stated this. Why would anyone want to vote for a party that wants to kick you in the arse????

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