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One of us got an answer! similar form letter than the previous bumping.... all arlines overbook etc... Only difference we were offered USD 100 each, the previous time it was $150. I will keep on pushing.

June now. Anything from the good ? President yet ?

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All airlines overbook 10-15%. If you get no seat, just complain loudly!

Were there no seats in first class??


Thai have a policy of not upgrading passengers.

BA & QANTAS give upgrades frequently but that only goes some way to compensate for the fat ar*ed gly hostesses.

And I was offered $650 not to fly (on a BA flight) accommodation in Bangkok plus one free international phone call. I didn't take it and was given an upgrade.

The only real airline is SIA

AND the worst by a country mile would have to be Air NZ and thats not even counting the fact that bits keep falling off their planes.



No nothing from Khun Kanok. One of us received a form type of letter from an underling similar to the one in February explaining the over booking story and an offer of USD 100 each.

I sent these proposed MCO vouchers, plus another non offensive letter to Khun Kanok by registered mail, and copies to Thailand Elite. ( this is the second registered letter to him). At this point I really don't expect much as Thai probably feels they have lost some customers in any case and there is no point in compensating us.

We are now flying Cathay , trying to get to Gold status there. So far so good. My wife was already upgraded once on a full flight! Thank you for all the input.


I have been flying THAI ever since the airline started and always enjoyed the best of service. SAS was behind them in the old days. Being in trade myself, I believe that its too easy to run a business down over an isolated incident.

In my view, you are really very lucky to be flying around Asia these days. What's a few hours delay? Before World War II, you likely would have to wait at least a week for another ship to reach Hong Kong.

I have been flying THAI ever since the airline started and always enjoyed the best of service. SAS was behind them in the old days. Being in trade myself, I believe  that its too easy to run a business down over an isolated incident.

In my view, you are really very lucky to be flying around Asia these days. What's a few hours delay? Before World War II, you likely would have to wait at least a week for another ship to reach Hong Kong.

Very sorry but I am having a bit of a struggle beginning to understand just what

(is relevant to the current thread) about travelling around asia some 65-70 years ago.

Many of the current bunch of airlines didn't even exist at that time.

On the subject of communications to Thai, I have sent my comments to Thai (on the form provided in the seat pocket) and have had replies to each. Maybe not addressing the issue (more just an apology) but at least they have repiled.


Dear Payne,

Firstly, this was not an isolated incident, it was the second time in three months. Secondly, if there were other flights available, a few hours would not be a problem. In our case, it was the next day and we would have had to cancel a huge amount of work scheduled for the next morning. This would have had to be done late at night on the 12th. Imagine if you were a patient, scheduled for surgery or other, and you are cancelled at such short notice after preparation etc. less than 12 hours before.

Yesterday Thai in HKG called and we agreed to accept an upgrade to business class on any R/T Economy fare HKG BKK HKG, as well as credit of the lost miles, as well as an entry into the TG computer system that we not get denied boarding again. ( This last item would be difficult to verify) We tried to get a free ticket for the Elite staff who helped us but could not. I also informed Thai that a letter has been written to Business Traveller and will be published.

Issue closed, thank all for advice.



Oh sorry! Just thought that one should point out that one shouldn't get too excited about where one sits on the plane or whether one gets on which flight.

Earlier this week, my daugther and I had to sit back in economy Nairobi/London on Kenya Airlines even though we actually had business class tickets. Seems that a bit a foul up was caused by our Kigali, Rwanda travel agent who booked seats in the wrong class. Anyhow I told my daughter not to worry because we would likely arrive at Heathrow at the same time as the business class passengers. Sure enough we did, promptly at 0830 hrs. The steward in economy even gave us an interesting little breakfast of eggs and beans....very healthy. It has been a few years since I had sat up all night in a packed economy cabin but after having consumed a few glasses of good South African red wine in the Nairobi business transit lounge, I soon nodded off to sleep. Lucky I suppose not to have had to stand up all the way.

Now back to THAI. They are grand chaps in the main. Perhaps their aircraft are not quite up to scratch these days, but the stewards are very helpful. They even come up and down to aisles. Not too many years ago, the chaps just stayed in the gallley and it was left to the stewardesses to serve and jolly up the passengers. Don't worry about the ticket wallahs. They always do their very best for us. Indeed there's many the time when I have forgotten to make a reservation down to Phuket or the other way, and they just ask me to stand by until about 10 minutes prior to departure. Of course, because we are locals they always find a seat for me and the memsahib no matter how many tourist chaps are standing around. Perhaps it helps that I leave a box of chocolates for the counter staff? Try that some time.

Also if you have any problem with THAI please don't hestiate to take it up with the managing director. I can give you the name if it would help. He's a fine fellow who quite often shoots par on the links.

Oh sorry! Just thought that one should point out that one shouldn't get too excited about where one sits on the plane or whether one gets on which flight.....

I don't think I can agree to this. If I pay for business-class I want to sit there as well. Why should I pay e.g. Baht 95,000 to Europe from BKK on business and than be seated in Y-class which I could have gotten for 45,000?


It is happening more and more. I was travelling last week - half a dozen flights across US. Every one overbooked. At San Fran I was trying to board on a confirmed booking to HK and told I was on "wait". I went into a tirade about our contractual arrangement and got a good seat.

However, airlines are closing gates early and using every trick they know to excuse overbooking. It's not just Thai by any means.

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