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ISIL fighters retreating from Palmyra – Syrian army


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ISIL fighters retreating from Palmyra – Syrian army

By Sarah Chappell


Syrian government forces have been advancing into the ancient city of Palmyra on several fronts, supported by Russian air strikes.

The Islamic State (ISIL) militant group seized control of the city in May 2015.

Forces loyal to the government are now said to have recaptured several parts of the city, which is a UNESCO World Heritage site housing many Roman-era ruins.

A Syrian army field commander in Palmyra told Syria TV: “We are destroying the terrorists at the entrances to Palmyra, especially in the western districts of the city – and they are now withdrawing in large convoys and driving away from the city.

Mamoun Abdulkarim, the head of Syria’s antiquities authority, said that the Roman ruins destroyed by ISIL will be rebuilt after the Palmyra is recaptured – which he believes will be within days.

“We invite every expert party that loves Palmyra and wishes to cooperate with us in rebuilding Palmyra. But essentially we will depend on our own national efforts,” Abdulkarim said.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-03-27

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Convoys should be easy to hit with bombs. Since it is Syria, and their Russian backers, it would seem if they were interested in getting rid of ISIL, they could take care of a big part of this problem now.

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I don't trust any news coming out of Syria as editorial stance seems to act as a filter for factual reporting. That said, if it is true that ISIL are retreating from Palmyra I suspect their days of purporting to be a Caliphate holding territory are numbered. Alas this would probably lead to Isis morphing into an Al-Qaeda type organization trying to hit western civilian targets. All Western passport holders returning from Syria need to be interned.

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this is down right stupid.ISIS does not have A navy or an airforce.If the US if Patton was fighting these low life's ,we wouldn't still be talking about this.it would have been finished long ago.In my opinion the only way they were able to get established was because

The US took troops out of Irac and Afghanastan.They are only A bunch of savages with AK-47's.In A way I would like to see them

Get to the US.There are over 300 million guns in the US with many people knowing how to use them.

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