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Trump proposes funding wall by cutting off remittances


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There is about 700 miles of fences and walls in the problem areas.

The illegal Mexicans I knew in California all came thru the area with a walls and security.

You see, Mexican police are at least as crooked as Thai police. Willing to look the other way.

Mexicans on their way to the US all know how to contact the 'coyotes.'

The coyotes are professional smugglers with friends and relatives in the border security business. Get it?

These coyotes guarantee passage all the way to Los Angeles. Used to cost around $400.

(I knew a Mexican that was picked up by Immigration on a Friday and he was back on the job Monday! )

As Trump is building the big beautiful wall he can also clean up the Mexican Police Department.

"Nobody is better than me at cleaning up police corruption than me, believe me...I have a big brain. " he will probably say.

Defining the problem is good. Productive. Spewing paragraphs of criticism, Can't Can't Can't, oh it's too hard, it's too big, moan moan moan, and belly aching about politics..... is precisely the sort of non-productive behavior that flourishes in both political parties.

I'm from San Diego, so yes, I "get it". Lecturing just makes you sound like a d i kc.

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There is about 700 miles of fences and walls in the problem areas.

The illegal Mexicans I knew in California all came thru the area with a walls and security.

You see, Mexican police are at least as crooked as Thai police. Willing to look the other way.

Mexicans on their way to the US all know how to contact the 'coyotes.'

The coyotes are professional smugglers with friends and relatives in the border security business. Get it?

These coyotes guarantee passage all the way to Los Angeles. Used to cost around $400.

(I knew a Mexican that was picked up by Immigration on a Friday and he was back on the job Monday! )

As Trump is building the big beautiful wall he can also clean up the Mexican Police Department.

"Nobody is better than me at cleaning up police corruption than me, believe me...I have a big brain. " he will probably say.

Defining the problem is good. Productive. Spewing paragraphs of criticism, Can't Can't Can't, oh it's too hard, it's too big, moan moan moan, and belly aching about politics..... is precisely the sort of non-productive behavior that flourishes in both political parties.

I'm from San Diego, so yes, I "get it". Lecturing just makes you sound like a d i kc.

There are allot of people that don't get it. Just look at all the knuckle draggers at the Trump rallies.

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There is about 700 miles of fences and walls in the problem areas.

The illegal Mexicans I knew in California all came thru the area with a walls and security.

You see, Mexican police are at least as crooked as Thai police. Willing to look the other way.

Mexicans on their way to the US all know how to contact the 'coyotes.'

The coyotes are professional smugglers with friends and relatives in the border security business. Get it?

These coyotes guarantee passage all the way to Los Angeles. Used to cost around $400.

(I knew a Mexican that was picked up by Immigration on a Friday and he was back on the job Monday! )

As Trump is building the big beautiful wall he can also clean up the Mexican Police Department.

"Nobody is better than me at cleaning up police corruption than me, believe me...I have a big brain. " he will probably say.

Defining the problem is good. Productive. Spewing paragraphs of criticism, Can't Can't Can't, oh it's too hard, it's too big, moan moan moan, and belly aching about politics..... is precisely the sort of non-productive behavior that flourishes in both political parties.

I'm from San Diego, so yes, I "get it". Lecturing just makes you sound like a d i kc.

There are allot of people that don't get it. Just look at all the knuckle draggers at the Trump rallies.

Do you think something more should/could/ought to be done about SW border security and illegal entry into the country?

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The Rio Grande is the natural border between Texas & Mexico. The border goes right down the middle of the river.

Can't put the wall in the river (does Trump know that?) and the river changes course often.

The big beautiful wall of course will have to be constructed well inside the US boundary so essentially, US citizens, land owners, farmers, ranchers and our animal friends are going to find their access to Americas 5th largest waterway blocked and inaccessible.
Yes, private landowners, municipalities and even national parks are going to abandon hundreds of thousands of riverfront acres.
These ranchers & farmers use 80% of this water before it even reaches the Gulf of Mexico. They can find water somewhere else I guess.
Millions of animals will suddenly not have access to their drinking water and feeding areas.
Somehow, Trump is going to have to block the tributaries too since the Mexicans will scurry thru the gaps.


Water rights shared b/w the US and Mexico are yet another instance where Mexico has been violating its treaty obligations, and doing so for years. http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/border/water-deficit.html

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Sure 55jay.

Ronald Reagan had a good strategy.

Open border, guest worker plan, amnesty for the established Mexicans, clamp down on the employers that hire illegals, force the illegals into paying tax and social security.

Reagan realized they are providing a service that Americans need.

The Mexicans are there because we want them there.

What's the problem? They do the work Americans refuse to do.

Americans are benefiting. A symbiotic relationship has developed over decades and if you want to see chaos, kick them all out.

Besides there are more Mexicans leaving the US than arriving these days.

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If Thailand can have a system where their Laos/Cambo/Myanmar can renew their worker cards at 7/11, surely the U.S. can come up with a system.

It really was not that far back in history that much of America was Mexico, California 1850, community property laws come from their system.

Trump is a fool, deport 11 million and build a wall, continues to prove he is not presidential material, again, the biggest absurdity is that there are people that back him.

RE for edit RE post prior: chicken little the sky is not falling, bank on it thumbsup.gif

Edited by grumpyoldman
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Sure 55jay.

Ronald Reagan had a good strategy.

Open border, guest worker plan, amnesty for the established Mexicans, clamp down on the employers that hire illegals, force the illegals into paying tax and social security.

Reagan realized they are providing a service that Americans need.

The Mexicans are there because we want them there.

What's the problem? They do the work Americans refuse to do.

Americans are benefiting. A symbiotic relationship has developed over decades and if you want to see chaos, kick them all out.

Besides there are more Mexicans leaving the US than arriving these days.

This focuses on the least nefarious of the SW border problems, but yes, would address many knock on issues, human rights/trafficking, and help clean up billions in gray Social Security contributions, tax and benefit fraud.

The more dangerous aspects of the SW border, as you know, are very real national security issues requiring paramilitary solutions. A wall is a basic component, but it also has crossover utility in directing the otherwise honest, hard working illegal guest workers toward the Big Beautiful Legal Door set into the Big Ugly Wall.

WRT managing the ebb and flow of workers, I agree with your comments above, yet lean right a bit about rolling over on another amnesty. I wouldn't have a problem if it was the last step in a series of program reforms and physical security enhancements. When that's ready to flip the switch and go live, no need to symbolically march them back over the border for a U-turn, like a farang on a Thai visa run. Do it in place.

An amnesty without addressing the contributing factors, will see us right back here in another 20 years when the next loud mouth candidate reminds us how stupid and derelict our government reps are/have been. Loud mouth blow hards are annoying. Moreso when they are shouting uncomfortable truths we would rather keep ignoring for political expediency and other reasons.

Thanks for the reasonable, measured reply. Cheers.

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