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Assurancetourix - Daily life in Thailand and what I see

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Thank u Aladdin for your kind words ..


Never saw wild life here in Thailand even I am often off roads  ;

Squirrels in a few Wats ; old poor abandonned dogs , yes !

Once an elephant, a big one but it or " she " was domesticated with her mahout ;

Thai people like vietnamese one's eat all what they can find ;

Have a look at the rivers after a big rain; they are all with their square dipping net and when they have a fish 2 cm long or less they keep it in their bag ...:post-4641-1156693976::post-4641-1156693976:


I know there are wild tigers and elephant in the Thung Yai Naresuan Park in Kanchanaburi province, but it's very difficult to have a chance to visit it with rangers .


And about the wood house on the truck, I think the price should be about 300,000 baht .

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And today is another day ...


Friday 28 of october 2016 - 81 km under a very nice and warm sun - photos with Olympus TG 860





Tomorrow I shall cycle the same road as today but shall turn on my right on red roads 100 meters after that umbrella ; a nice landmark or seamark for those who like to sail ..:thumbsup:



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On the road from Chaiwan to main rd 22, this new Wat door




I was on a U-turn on rd 22 and this splendid SUV stopped near me ..

Ah! ah! my friend Mister Good Morning stopped to say " hello " and gave me a bottle of water ;

M Good Morning cycle often with me when not driving his beautiful Alphard with clients ( 4 maximum ) ;

he goes everywhere in Thailand ..




In my village



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Well, maybe I end up in the penalty box for saying this. I like the bike in the pictures, kind of gives life to the scene. Especially where you hardly see the bike behind the vegetation etc. But also, a dirt path with the bike on it shows "ME" that there is something happening. But that is me, others might not like it

Edited by Aladdin
Anyway, it is up to Assurancetourix to do as he pleases as it is his pictures and the most important is that he likes them. I enjoy looking at them dreaming about green landscapes
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Don't know who you are Aladdin; but if Bangkok is too stifling for u, you can come and visit me in Issan ...

Today, saturday 29 of october 2016, I was again on my MTBike for a 60 km ride ...

A few photos, only two ...


First, before 8 am, a very good friend of mine on his road bike, overpassing me quickly ..




The second, at the foot of a water castle in the countryside ; it's broken, as usual in Thailand ...:post-4641-1156693976:



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I don't know if there is an issue ; I shall discover ...





It was an issue; I had to walk sometimes because of much sand , it was okay ..




In Brittany, France, we have often calvary, wayside cross in the middle of our roads ; it's similar here in Thailand with houses of spirits



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On 29/10/2016 at 1:20 PM, Assurancetourix said:

Don't know who you are Aladdin; but if Bangkok is too stifling for u, you can come and visit me in Issan ...

Today, saturday 29 of october 2016, I was again on my MTBike for a 60 km ride ...

A few photos, only two ...


First, before 8 am, a very good friend of mine on his road bike, overpassing me quickly ..




The second, at the foot of a water castle in the countryside ; it's broken, as usual in Thailand ...:post-4641-1156693976:

Well, I just might "POP" by when I go looking for birds. But I have only had one bike since I turned 18. And that bike spent most time in the back of a taxi when I was going back home from the pub. And the trouble to go around looking for a taxi accepting to take the bike.....


But when I go to "explore" the wilderness I usually rent a car and a driver so I can concentrate to look for the wildlife


I will let you know when I'm off for a new adventure



Edited by Aladdin
It looks to be an amazing area you live in. Do you see many birds there?
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If one day u want to visit me, you can "pilot" my little honda 125 cc or be the passenger of my friend Jon on his big bike ; this one or another he has also .




Yes, I can see many birds but need to have a camera with a bigger zoom than I have on mine ( 21 - 105 )

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45 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

If one day u want to visit me, you can "pilot" my little honda 125 cc or be the passenger of my friend Jon on his big bike ; this one or another he has also .




Yes, I can see many birds but need to have a camera with a bigger zoom than I have on mine ( 21 - 105 )

WOW! That looks like a killing machine.


Seriously, I have been on a few bird watching trips and I have always been walking thinking that the people driving around in cars looking for birds are  tw@ts. Enjoying the nature walking around. But then by accident, I have been in a car and I have been able to drive up almost to roll over the bird. I have tried it several times after.


When I walk the birds fly away when I'm pretty far away and I guess they see my legs and thus understand that I'm an animal and thus a threat. But the car, well, I don't know what they think but I manage to get pretty close


But the motorbike, seems like a pretty good idea


I will for sure come to see you. I will see when. 30th of November and I'm off for a tiger safari in India. Can't wait to get back


In November I will try to get to Bali to practice/ training with my new underwater gear preparing for my swim with the humpback whales in Tonga


But I might take you up on your offer in January


My last tiger safari in India,what a fantastic place it is. In the national park that is. As soon as you leave the parks the place is filled with garbage















Edited by Aladdin
And yeah, shouldn't be any trouble to spot the Tw@t Man in the top picture
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Thank u so much;

very beautiful photos;

Even they are not taken in Thailand; I hope our kind moderators will never delete them ;

I like these photos in my thread .


Ok for january; we can continue in Private Message if you want

* About garbage..not only in India where I never went; everywhere in SE Asia , unfortunatly :post-4641-1156693976:

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Today was another day ; 1st of november 2016 ;

Wanted to discover new roads ;

was on the rd to Wang Sammo ; one km on asphalt rd and ...It's rd n* 3059 ; if u can buy the map  PN MAP Udon Thani; on one side u have the city of Udon and on the other side all the province with a little bit more ( a few of Nong Khai, Sakon ... ) , so u can see which rds I cycle on .




Weed, not very beautiful I had the sun in front of me




And cassava, much cassava, maybe 3 or 4 thousand rai of cassava on the two sides of the rd



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Did a few kilometers today , only 55 :cheesy::cheesy: ; I went to the center of Charoen Sin on rd 2280 , bought a big bottle of Coke and came back home


Oh ! I met a mummy dog with her two babies; she was not afraid of me and ate all my dog feed ..




It's a house where somebody makes statues ..




Charoen Sin Post Office



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Yesterday thursday 3 of november 2016 , I went to Nong Han and returned home by main rd 22


A big " banana " ; it's like that we say in France about these trucks: " une banane " with cement in powder inside .




They were making a new surface in front of PoToTo station about 15 km before Sawang




In my village, cows drinking ...




76 kilometers - All photos with Olympus TG 860

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30 minutes ago, Assurancetourix said:

Yesterday thursday 3 of november 2016 , I went to Nong Han and returned home by main rd 22


A big " banana " ; it's like that we say in France about these trucks: " une banane " with cement in powder inside .




They were making a new surface in front of PoToTo station about 15 km before Sawang




In my village, cows drinking ...




76 kilometers - All photos with Olympus TG 860

WOW!  You are for sure living in a great place, beautiful!!


Just my kind of place, except for the snakes. I would really like to live like this. I was thinking about Kangaroo island with Koalas and Kangaroo outside my kitchen (and millions of parrots) But the snakes.... 


Can't wait to come visit! By the way, what do you think your neighbours will think about a 3 ton lump of lard a** hissing around the area on a motorbike?


Cheers, love to see how you people don't care about snakes lives! Beautiful! 

Edited by Aladdin
Yeah, I wish it was me that had taken the picture. But the picture came with the quote button
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Never saw a snake in our garden since we live here; maybe it's because we have 5 little dogs and a cat ..


About " what do you think your neighbours will think  ...."  all my neigbours are thai people, I'm the only farang in the village since 11 years  and they will never think something about u ;

they will accept u as you are a friend of mine.;

if not behind Jon on his big motobike; not a problem to be with me in our Isuzu 3,000cc  ; it can go nearly everywhere I can go with my MTBike ;

I wrote " nearly" because some trails in the hills are too dangerous for a big pickup ; on these trails I never saw a car or a pickup, truck ..only motobikes or me with the bicycle.

U can send me a Private Message when u want ;


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Today , friday 4 of november 2016


Met my french friend who has two companies, one  in France and the second a few km from my village;

he makes essential oils and has also rais with rice and rubber trees .

He was giving water to his young rubber trees





What we can see in the fields in the morning, it's only water not made by a spider



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