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Voters stand by Trump as champion of political incorrectness


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The poorly educated & religious are less capable of critical thinking than educated people. It makes good business sense to target the gullible, that can easily be persuaded. The "Southern strategy." The Republican base.

40% of Adult Americans are illiterate & approximately 34 percent of the US population’s IQ falls between 85-100, which coincidentally, is the number of Republicans who support Trump.

They are "angry" that the Mexicans and Chinese took away all their $1 an hour jobs.

I had to grin at your post.

Minimum wage in California and New York is now 15 usd. Many people are unemployed and that does not make them stupid. Some of the goofiest people you run across have a college degree. My dad, and granddad were not stupid. They worked hard as carpenters for 30 bucks a week (way back when). They were much wiser than many 21 year old college grads that come out of college with a degree in underwater basket weaving..liberal arts, or worse.....psychology.

Very inaccurate in all your points. You could go to a college town, and take a poll in the university area...... Sure. What I see are hard working americans...like my dad and grandpa, that just are fed up with politics in general. Has nothing to do with smart or dumb. I never assume anybody is dumb. They may not have that degree, but they know what life is about.

You make the Mexicans and illegal immigrants seem smarter than the hard working citizens, that lost their jobs.

You are incorrectly attributing your percentage of Trump supporters along with the illiterate rate.

It seems, sir, that your information is sadly misleading.

I realize that those job coming back from China will pay $15 an hour vs $1 an hour.

Your stuff is gonna cost allot more. You do know that? Have you checked on the effect this will have on the economy?

And your food is going to cost 20% more too, when the Mexicans get rounded up. And no, there are not Americans that will do these farm jobs. That's a fantasy.

Now that 11 million mexican 'consumers are suddenly be gone, you think it might cause chaos in our farm towns? Suddenly there will be around 5 million rentals available and all the places these people shopped will probably struggle or fold.

And your ford truck will have a new $9,000 tax.

By the way...The only Mexicans paying for that wall are Mexicans in the US that want to buy a Ford.

What about the trade war that is sure to happen when the other countries go and "pull a trump"

The US exported a record $1,4 trillion last year. Look for that number to drop. There are gong to be massive layoffs in the US.

Trump backers dont care about consequences or maybe they don't think at all?

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Lots of treason happening. Constitution gives rights. Arms, free speech, U.S. president must be U.S. born (not referring to Obama, but to the Canadian) ...

Its amazing how treasonous people are, especially when something is in black and white.

Feels like animal farm combined with Orwell. No longer is it follow the rules, its break all the rules, yell in your face, destroy evidence then let the courts figure it out. That is Treason.

But wait, it gets worse.

As long as everybody is breaking laws, Here is a good fix:

Only the head of the household should get to vote. (removes feminism) If your on some kind of assistance for the last 5 years (removes the lazy handout crowd), you do not get to vote. If your a government employee you do not get to vote (removes vote for more government crowd). If your not a citizen, no vote. (removes illegals, and ...)

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Post #60 slipperylobster.

"I had to grin at your post. Minimum wage in California and New York is now 15 usd"

I have to grin too dude, at 55Jay who has a bug in his a*s about my Titus Kotkke "typical Trump profile". You bet, I stereotyped that guy, it is my opinion that the guy fits the profile is that bigotry and racism, no, it's GOM's take on the typical Trump follower.

slipperylobster, 10$ an hour is minimum wage in California my friend.

Carry on !!! thumbsup.gif

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More jobs have been lost to automation over the last ten years than have gone offshore.

Trump will probably ban automation and robots that are taking the jobs from Americans. Right?

Why stop there? Lets get rid of cars next. There are allot of saddle makers that are hurting.

What about sawmills, tractors or power tools? These should be banned or people that use these things taxed 45%.

Come to think of it, hand tools are job killers too. Buying a shovel is just plain unAmerican. They should be digging with their hands. Thats what god gave us fingernails for.

Edited by CousinEddie
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Impoliteness, gutter level remarks and crude insults, the politically correct thing to do.

Trump fans love it!

GO TRUMP. Pull down your pants and shoot us a moon!

If Trump was half as brilliant as he says he is, he would of had the system sussed and ran the race to win it in the battle space as it is, not as he wishes it ought to be. It's a slot machine. The house lets you win for a while but in the end.... He ought to know that better than most people. Of course, that's his point, but his timing sucks, as does his delivery.

I believe the US is inching toward civil unrest. The signs are evident, but my sense is Americans haven't reached real desperation and despair, and thus, don't have the stomach for it (yet). It's going to take a helluva catalyst to get them united in singular resolve. The Arab Spring was touched off by one guy self-immolating in protest of a relatively minor thing, but it was representative of broad, common grievance over long period of time.

Having said that, once the cork goes POP, it can get really messy. I would wager that Obama has gathered some advisors and war-gamed the "what ifs" of a contested election. I think there could be some isolated trouble. They need to be very cautious but firm in how they handle it, and control how it's covered by the MSM.

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The poorly educated & religious are less capable of critical thinking than educated people. It makes good business sense to target the gullible, that can easily be persuaded. The "Southern strategy." The Republican base.

40% of Adult Americans are illiterate & approximately 34 percent of the US population’s IQ falls between 85-100, which coincidentally, is the number of Republicans who support Trump.

They are "angry" that the Mexicans and Chinese took away all their $1 an hour jobs.

I had to grin at your post.

Minimum wage in California and New York is now 15 usd. Many people are unemployed and that does not make them stupid. Some of the goofiest people you run across have a college degree. My dad, and granddad were not stupid. They worked hard as carpenters for 30 bucks a week (way back when). They were much wiser than many 21 year old college grads that come out of college with a degree in underwater basket weaving..liberal arts, or worse.....psychology.

Very inaccurate in all your points. You could go to a college town, and take a poll in the university area...... Sure. What I see are hard working americans...like my dad and grandpa, that just are fed up with politics in general. Has nothing to do with smart or dumb. I never assume anybody is dumb. They may not have that degree, but they know what life is about.

You make the Mexicans and illegal immigrants seem smarter than the hard working citizens, that lost their jobs.

You are incorrectly attributing your percentage of Trump supporters along with the illiterate rate.

It seems, sir, that your information is sadly misleading.

I, in turn, had to grin at your post. The minimum wage in NY and California is not $15 per hour. Currently in California it's $10.00. In New York it's $9.00 Thanks to new bills in both states the wage will gradually rise but only after several years. In California the target year is 2021. https://ballotpedia.org/California_%22Fair_Wage_Act_of_2016%22_$15_Minimum_Wage_Initiative_(2016)

In New York the target date is the end of 2021. And there is a dual minimum in New York. For high cost of living areas, mainly if not entirely the southern portion of the state it will be $15. For poorer regions the wage will rise to $12.50.

But thanks for the chuckle.

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The only thing that bothers me about Trump is his stance on spying. While it is o.k. to spy on non-citizens, foreign countries, even allies, it was not o.k. to spy on citizens. Snowden blew the whistle, and had to run. He would have stayed, did his job if everybody (3 letter agencies) followed the rules.

Now everybody (except for the clueless) knows whats up, and is using encryption. The NSA has now lost their gold mine. Instead of NSA saying we screwed up, broke the law, they doubled down and in my opinion have gone rogue. Trump should instead say: "Edward was right, this must stop, rule of law applies now clear out your desks".

As far as I know though Trump views Ed as a traitor. That is the only thing about Trump that bothers me. He should change his tack on this.

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I must say, it seems that people who don't agree with Trump need to get angry, and insulting.

Not quite sure why...but I figure it is their frustration of not having a worthy opponent that can rack up delegates ...as Trump does.

Perhaps they are frustrated at Cruz's inability to dominate the the quest for nomination.

I see several angry posts directed towards Trump supporters. (not quite warranted). We have a free society and free election.....let the numbers speak for themselves. You may not like it...but take a chill pill and watch the show. It's called democracy. live and let live.

Obama has not really met expectations..and he has been in Office 8 years. Lets try something else for four. Stop being afraid of changes.

In any case, no single viewpoint is going to get Trump elected. Let people speak their mind and stop over reacting


Many (most?) on this forum are not American citizens and cannot have a say in the matter. Their points are irrelevant, and, has been pointed out time and time again, more than a few of the anti-Trump spammers don't even understand how American institutions, laws, and bureaucracies work. A huge number of the posts amount to little more than virtue signalling.

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The poorly educated & religious are less capable of critical thinking than educated people. It makes good business sense to target the gullible, that can easily be persuaded. The "Southern strategy." The Republican base.

40% of Adult Americans are illiterate & approximately 34 percent of the US population’s IQ falls between 85-100, which coincidentally, is the number of Republicans who support Trump.

They are "angry" that the Mexicans and Chinese took away all their $1 an hour jobs.

"The poorly educated & religious are less capable of critical thinking" CousinEddie

"Does not have a secondary education" "white male stupidos" "Titus types will have a big problem with such a big word" Grumpyoldman

You guys seem to have a problem you're not aware of, looking down your nose at others who have a completely different life experience than your's and you have Trump supporters nicely boxed up in simplistic terms " racism, bigotry, misogyny" It seems that you well illustrate the intellectual tyranny or in your case snobbery, that is referenced in the article as a solid reason for the rise of Trump.

Trump really is a godsend to vent your own form of bigotry and you just can't believe your luck!

You seem to miss the point in your focus on Trump's characteristics and whatever you think he represents.

What is important is to see WHY the rise of Trump and how undemocratic this election will become. The GOP (Good Old Politburo) have their rules that the people do not vote for their candidate, the party elite does. They don't fear because they think the Great Unwashed will go back to their soap operas and sports after election time. Just like some of the posters on here who believe the Great Unwashed are beneath their level of intelligence also. The party elites may underestimate the people waking up to the demise of the 2 party system and it's corruption even if the politicians can't see it.

Clinton in the White House will not solve America's problems either except self service.. Expect President Goldman Sachs to rise taxes to address the $19 trillion national debt, reduced benefits, banks too big to fail or jail, shrinking pensions and more of the same mismanagement. Except for Sanders, neither party has any plans to reduce this debt. Nobody thinks it's important.

The time are a-changing. The Democrat slave owner party became the representative of minorities and the religious Republicans has become an ad hoc mixture of religious right, neo cons, tea party and libertarians. But the young are thinking and the old are dying. If Trump doesn't get the nomination the GOP will break up and there will be more Trumps on the horizon to come.

Stop blaming individuals like Trump, he is a symptom of the times. He is unsophisticated and not slick like Hillary. He's inexperienced politically and can change his mind on the same day but is less covert about his mind changes. But he at least is not in the pocket of the establishment or special interest groups or owes any banks big time favors for donations. I see that factor alone far more important than any of his wild and exaggerated electioneering rhetoric which people seem to get their jollies castigating in similarly wild and delirious celebration.

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The only thing that bothers me about Trump is his stance on spying. While it is o.k. to spy on non-citizens, foreign countries, even allies, it was not o.k. to spy on citizens. Snowden blew the whistle, and had to run. He would have stayed, did his job if everybody (3 letter agencies) followed the rules.

Now everybody (except for the clueless) knows whats up, and is using encryption. The NSA has now lost their gold mine. Instead of NSA saying we screwed up, broke the law, they doubled down and in my opinion have gone rogue. Trump should instead say: "Edward was right, this must stop, rule of law applies now clear out your desks".

As far as I know though Trump views Ed as a traitor. That is the only thing about Trump that bothers me. He should change his tack on this.

Snowden is an interesting topic, there does not seem to be much information about him except the Glen Greenwald interviews. I

was looking around for some additional info and stumbled upon this article, which makes for a very interesting read.

What if Snowden is not what/whom we have been led to believe? FOIA requests denied.

What if Snowden was a CIA or NSA OP to give us a false sense that the latest tech is unhackable? Think about

the whole recent FBI can't hack into the San Bernardino IPhone story, which they now have done for example!

Open your mind, read the following:


Edited by expat_4_life
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I must say, it seems that people who don't agree with Trump need to get angry, and insulting.

Not quite sure why...but I figure it is their frustration of not having a worthy opponent that can rack up delegates ...as Trump does.

Perhaps they are frustrated at Cruz's inability to dominate the the quest for nomination.

I see several angry posts directed towards Trump supporters. (not quite warranted). We have a free society and free election.....let the numbers speak for themselves. You may not like it...but take a chill pill and watch the show. It's called democracy. live and let live.

Obama has not really met expectations..and he has been in Office 8 years. Lets try something else for four. Stop being afraid of changes.

In any case, no single viewpoint is going to get Trump elected. Let people speak their mind and stop over reacting


Many (most?) on this forum are not American citizens and cannot have a say in the matter. Their points are irrelevant, and, has been pointed out time and time again, more than a few of the anti-Trump spammers don't even understand how American institutions, laws, and bureaucracies work. A huge number of the posts amount to little more than virtue signalling.

I think the following cartoon might be relevant to your thoughts. The problem with the cartoon is they forgot to list Aussies as know-it-all America and Trump haters.


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As an early poster noted this may be why Trump is not elected- the forces of Political Correctness (read socialism/fascism). This is why Trump is popular. And there it is: This election fundamentally distills down to those who embrace the radical chains being placed around every aspect of American social, spiritual, political, military, and economic life under the guise of "correctness," (READ: Approved) and those who's tolerance for so long has unintentionally empowered the very "correctness" (READ: Approved) that is destroying America.

Political Correctness (READ: Approved (or not)) is a disease, a pathology. It has an entire pathogenesis and one can trace its origin/aetiology, reservoir, vector, and virulence. Political Correctness is no less than the manifestation of Leftist agenda; it is the necessary by products of State interjecting in the Individual. This is what the byproduct of Progressive Agendas look like- division, disparate people reduced to their own camps of need and want, Balkanization, and hand-outs under the cover of "entitlement." Political Correctness is an appalling regression in human/societal evolution. It ensures equality of outcomes, non industry, redistribution, thought policing/enforcement (READ: Political Correctness), ethical/cultural relativity, and racism under the cover of... not racism. Indeed, not-racism platforms of Political Correctness (READ: Racism) are entirely predicated upon percolating race in every single facet of social life by government decree and design. Always race, 24/7, always packages as not-racism (Read: Progressive/Liberal Agenda).

Trump is popular not because he is Trump but because Trump is a lightening rod for what people are sick of- Progressive Policies (READ: A slow motion coup). Rarely in elections is it so clear not only what people are sick of but the louder the voices of their opposition scream the more confirmed the rejection; the more obvious the stakes. Trump's supporters are only 1/2 of this fascinating story. The other 1/2 is how his candidacy smokes out of hiding all the various cogs and wheels of the Socialist/Fascist machine he opposes. It is as if people are lining up to declare their opposition to Trump but what they are intentionally doing is finally "outing" themselves; after all, they are the problem!

You didn't articulate what 'political correctness' Socialism / Fascism was stopping you from actually venting? What exact 'progressive policies' do you disagree with exactly and why?

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The only thing that bothers me about Trump is his stance on spying. While it is o.k. to spy on non-citizens, foreign countries, even allies, it was not o.k. to spy on citizens. Snowden blew the whistle, and had to run. He would have stayed, did his job if everybody (3 letter agencies) followed the rules.

Now everybody (except for the clueless) knows whats up, and is using encryption. The NSA has now lost their gold mine. Instead of NSA saying we screwed up, broke the law, they doubled down and in my opinion have gone rogue. Trump should instead say: "Edward was right, this must stop, rule of law applies now clear out your desks".

As far as I know though Trump views Ed as a traitor. That is the only thing about Trump that bothers me. He should change his tack on this.

Snowden is an interesting topic, there does not seem to be much information about him except the Glen Greenwald interviews. I

was looking around for some additional info and stumbled upon this article, which makes for a very interesting read.

What if Snowden is not what/whom we have been led to believe? FOIA requests denied.

What if Snowden was a CIA/NSA OP to give us a false sense that the latest tech is unhackable? Think about

the whole recent FBI can't hack into the San Bernardino IPhone story, which they now have done for example!

Open your mind, read the following:


Minimally interesting at first, spiraling to a fact free, naive rant. When he did the cream soda analogy, I quit reading.

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Impoliteness, gutter level remarks and crude insults, the politically correct thing to do.

Trump fans love it!

GO TRUMP. Pull down your pants and shoot us a moon!

I believe the US is inching toward civil unrest. The signs are evident, but my sense is Americans haven't reached real desperation and despair,

Civil unrest? No way. Don't believe the 'sky is falling' nonsense you see on the fake conservative news shows. It's dirty politics disguised as news.

The conservative "news' and the right wing echo chamber tactic is to scare everyone into voting for their side. Dirty politics thinly disguised as news.

Manufactured Doom and Gloom or as you say, D&D desperation & despair.

Things are going quite well actually. Obama staved off the Bush Depression and improved the economy.

The US is doing better than just about every other country at the moment.

The strong dollar is creating some headwind and the world economy has not recovered from 2008 economic fiasco.

This is what Republicans refer to as a horrible economy that they claim to want to “fix”:

-The US Business are doing record exports. $1.4 trillion in 2015.

-The stock market (and 250 million retirement accounts) have grown a record nearly 200% since Obama took office.

-Unemployment, 5%. Was 10% under the Republicans last term and getting worse. Bush lost 2 million jobs in his last 3 months!

-Jobs, 71 straight months of growth. 15 million new jobs under Obama. 9 million jobs lost last Republican term.

-Strong dollar. 2008 predicted to collapse during the last republican term.

-Housing Recovery. Check. inventory at historic lows.
-Auto industry setting records now (instead of collapsing like they did in 2008.)
-Budget deficit. 2.5% GDP. Obama oversaw a reduction in the federal budget deficit by two-thirds since taking office. Under the previous Republican term the deficit was 9.8% of GDP.
The drop from 9.8 percent in 2009 to 2.5 percent in 2015 is the largest five-year reduction in federal red ink since the end of World War 2, that is, in almost 70 years.
-Obama has killed more terrorists than any other President.
-Mexican illegal Immigration is at an all time low. More Mexicans are leaving the USA than arriving the last 10 years.
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The only thing that bothers me about Trump is his stance on spying. While it is o.k. to spy on non-citizens, foreign countries, even allies, it was not o.k. to spy on citizens. Snowden blew the whistle, and had to run. He would have stayed, did his job if everybody (3 letter agencies) followed the rules.

Now everybody (except for the clueless) knows whats up, and is using encryption. The NSA has now lost their gold mine. Instead of NSA saying we screwed up, broke the law, they doubled down and in my opinion have gone rogue. Trump should instead say: "Edward was right, this must stop, rule of law applies now clear out your desks".

As far as I know though Trump views Ed as a traitor. That is the only thing about Trump that bothers me. He should change his tack on this.

Snowden is an interesting topic, there does not seem to be much information about him except the Glen Greenwald interviews. I

was looking around for some additional info and stumbled upon this article, which makes for a very interesting read.

What if Snowden is not what/whom we have been led to believe? FOIA requests denied.

Open your mind, read the following:


Yes I know most of that. Thanks for the link. Also Bloomberg got caught spying on users of their terminal system. Its all cooked now. A farce. Lasers front running microwaves at the NYSE. I paid attention way before all this stuff with Snowden happened and remembered the news about the locked room in a ATT building. hmmmm

Its interesting how it all works, a actual (multiple) prisms copying data to that place in Utah, that data is then mined. Like I said too bad nobody follows the law. Some animals ARE more equal. lol

Too bad for greed.

Edited by jerico2017
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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

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Impoliteness, gutter level remarks and crude insults, the politically correct thing to do.

Trump fans love it!

GO TRUMP. Pull down your pants and shoot us a moon!

I believe the US is inching toward civil unrest. The signs are evident, but my sense is Americans haven't reached real desperation and despair,

Civil unrest? No way. Don't believe the 'sky is falling' nonsense you see on the fake conservative news shows. It's dirty politics disguised as news.

The conservative "news' and the right wing echo chamber tactic is to scare everyone into voting for their side. Dirty politics thinly disguised as news.

Manufactured Doom and Gloom or as you say, D&D desperation & despair.

Things are going quite well actually. Obama staved off the Bush Depression and improved the economy.

The US is doing better than just about every other country at the moment.

The strong dollar is creating some headwind and the world economy has not recovered from 2008 economic fiasco.

This is what Republicans refer to as a horrible economy that they claim to want to “fix”:

-The US Business are doing record exports. $1.4 trillion in 2015.

-The stock market (and 250 million retirement accounts) have grown a record nearly 200% since Obama took office.

-Unemployment, 5%. Was 10% under the Republicans last term and getting worse. Bush lost 2 million jobs in his last 3 months!

-Jobs, 71 straight months of growth. 15 million new jobs under Obama. 9 million jobs lost last Republican term.

-Strong dollar. 2008 predicted to collapse during the last republican term.

-Housing Recovery. Check. inventory at historic lows.
-Auto industry setting records now (instead of collapsing like they did in 2008.)
-Budget deficit. 2.5% GDP. Obama oversaw a reduction in the federal budget deficit by two-thirds since taking office. Under the previous Republican term the deficit was 9.8% of GDP.
The drop from 9.8 percent in 2009 to 2.5 percent in 2015 is the largest five-year reduction in federal red ink since the end of World War 2, that is, in almost 70 years.
-Obama has killed more terrorists than any other President.
-Mexican illegal Immigration is at an all time low. More Mexicans are leaving the USA than arriving the last 10 years.

Why do you have to do these hyper-sensitive knee jerk ass-umptions? I'm not influenced by the type of media you mention. I do look at it just to be aware of the narrative, which is fairly predictable most of the time, so I don't have to watch for long to get the gist, then move on to other perspectives.

Civil unrest, nope, probably not. At least not yet. Will there be some spats? Probably. That's what I said.

Thanks for the data points.

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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

Nothing forcing you to go to the US. So you don't need to deal with all the riff raff you so disdain. BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.


He probably remembers candidate George W Bush in 2000, literally ran on not being the world's policeman and using American power with humility.


Edited by CousinEddie
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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Really? I think he understands quite well.

He probably remembers candidate George W Bush in 2000, literally ran on not being the world's policeman and using American power with humility.


The only reason to mention the Bushes in relation to Trump is that Trump singlehandedly destroyed their would-be family dynasty. You should be happy about that.

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Sounds like allot of unhappy maple leafs don't like the Donald. Its weird that they let anybody but Americans in. They sure do like take allot of jobs in the States.

Windsor should go across the border to Detroit, look around. Is that what you like?

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BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Is that a joke statement?! In case you didn't notice, Trump has talked about carpet bombing dune villages. How is that 'pulling back' US involvement. Have you seen how Trump gets angry at the drop of a hat? Add that to a man who is ignorant of world affairs and military matters, and you've got a formula for wars all over the map. With Trump, no one knows (not even Trump himself) whether, when or where he will direct military strikes. He gets vindictive and flip-flops more intensely than a raging woman who just witnessed her meds get flushed down the toilet by her angry ex-husband. Trump, with his finger on 77 nukes, is a scary thought.

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" If the #NeverTrumpers fail to stop Trump at the convention, they could rally around an independent candidate. Who might that be? That's the billion-dollar question. Some want a true outsider like retired Marine General James Mattis."


Popular vote really does not count at all.

Changing rules as they go, the Republican Party is ignoring Trumps popularity (based on number of delegates). The convention will be "adjusted" to bring in a surprise nominee.

Might even be a retired Marine General. Not in all history has the Republican Party gone so far as to snub voters, and twerk the rules. Trump has a legitimate complaint....but, sadly, our system is not pure. Votes are ignored. People ran out to support Trump, but they have been blocked at every corner. Liberal antagonists, Media, Republican Party Heavyweights.

Looks like if you don't fall into favor with the Heavyweights, you don't stand a chance. George Bush Jr knows the deal...

Now, I must ask those folks who despise Trump so much, if they would be more supportive of a Retired Marine General...as the nominee. Then, indeed, the world would be shuddering. I prefer Trump..but as a retired Marine myself, I would swallow the pill, if this popped up. I was not aware that this possibility would be presented. Fair enough....the system sucks. Put the General in there and let God sort the rest out.

Today, I am realizing...no matter how successful one becomes, the backdoor fat-daddies and elbow rubbing special interest/lobbyists...do pretty much as they please.

Lots of You Tube VDO's of marines twerking. Can't find any Generals doing it but plenty of others.

Now if Mr. Mattis did this routine, he might out trump Trump.

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BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Is that a joke statement?! In case you didn't notice, Trump has talked about carpet bombing dune villages. How is that 'pulling back' US involvement. Have you seen how Trump gets angry at the drop of a hat? Add that to a man who is ignorant of world affairs and military matters, and you've got a formula for wars all over the map. With Trump, no one knows (not even Trump himself) whether, when or where he will direct military strikes. He gets vindictive and flip-flops more intensely than a raging woman who just witnessed her meds get flushed down the toilet by her angry ex-husband. Trump, with his finger on 77 nukes, is a scary thought.

Leaving aside the hysteria rampant in this statement, ONLY Trump is talking about withdrawing from Nato and reducing Asian commitments. Why should the US commit itself to nuclear war if there is a conflict b/w Estonia or Latvia with Russia? That is what the rest of them want.

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BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Is that a joke statement?! In case you didn't notice, Trump has talked about carpet bombing dune villages. How is that 'pulling back' US involvement. Have you seen how Trump gets angry at the drop of a hat? Add that to a man who is ignorant of world affairs and military matters, and you've got a formula for wars all over the map. With Trump, no one knows (not even Trump himself) whether, when or where he will direct military strikes. He gets vindictive and flip-flops more intensely than a raging woman who just witnessed her meds get flushed down the toilet by her angry ex-husband. Trump, with his finger on 77 nukes, is a scary thought.

He does what he wants without a puppet master. He also has brainpower, much more then little Bush, look at his strategic bankruptcies.

Your right he may be ignorant of some things. I suppose you want Hillary? Maybe another Obama?

I shouldn't be railroaded because the unemployed, or unemployable want to be vocal and open the borders to everyone. Lets all hug a tree. You either have a country or you don't.

Let me put it like this: You either make a potty or get off the pot for someone else.

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BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Is that a joke statement?! In case you didn't notice, Trump has talked about carpet bombing dune villages. How is that 'pulling back' US involvement. Have you seen how Trump gets angry at the drop of a hat? Add that to a man who is ignorant of world affairs and military matters, and you've got a formula for wars all over the map. With Trump, no one knows (not even Trump himself) whether, when or where he will direct military strikes. He gets vindictive and flip-flops more intensely than a raging woman who just witnessed her meds get flushed down the toilet by her angry ex-husband. Trump, with his finger on 77 nukes, is a scary thought.

Don't worry, our Military leaders already said they wont pay attention to Trump and his off the wall commands.

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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

Nothing forcing you to go to the US. So you don't need to deal with all the riff raff you so disdain. BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Multiple non sequiturs I'm afraid. What makes you think I want to go to to the states again? The issue was whether it was reasonable for non American citizens to comment. In fact, and at the risk of boring other contributors I have been fortunate enough to live there on three separate occasions ( Austin, Texas; Cambridge, Mass and Los Gatos, Ca since you ask). Great times - I still stream KLBJ FM 94! But no place to bring up kids sorry to say. No you miss the point. I think it's reasonable for the rest of the world to take a view and yes, feel worried about what's going on. You are the super power and I wish you would take the responsibility seriously. I, for one look forward to seeing Bill back in the White House. Edited by Grouse
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Just caught up with this thread.

Goodness me, what a load of codswallop!

Someone on here indicates that because I am not an American citizen I should not comment. Well, if you stayed within your own borders and stopped messing up half the world you might have a point!

Another poster states that the situation was a combination of animal farm and George Orwell! Laugh? I nearly did.....

Look, the rest of the world don't whether to be embarrassed or worried that you might choose someone as unsuitable, abhorrent even, as Trump or Cruz

I am genuinely appalled that so many Americans here could support such people. I do hope that you are not a representative sample.

It seems to me that The USA is going downhill. The education system is dreadful and inequality is frightening.

Please choose a grown up to be president

Nothing forcing you to go to the US. So you don't need to deal with all the riff raff you so disdain. BTW, the ONLY candidate promising to pull the US back from its involvement abroad, where both the Dems and Reps have "mess[ed] up half the world" is, guess who? Donald Trump. Proof again, you really don't understand the country or its candidates. Stay home.

Multiple non sequiturs I'm afraid. What makes you think I want to go to to the states again? The issue was whether it was reasonable for non American citizens to comment. In fact, and at the risk of boring other contributors I have been fortunate enough to live there on three separate occasions ( Austin, Texas; Cambridge, Mass and Los Gatos, Ca since you ask). Great times - I still stream KLBJ FM 94! But no place to bring up kids sorry to say. No miss the point. I thing it's reasonable for the rest of the world to take a view and yes, feel worried about what's going on. Your are the super power and I wish you would take the responsibility seriously. I, for one look forward to seeing Bill back on the White House.

Non sequitur does not mean what you seem to think it means. BTW, nobody asked where you lived.

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