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Forget the drought, Thailand's national water fight is on


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Despite this terrible drought I welcome the 2 day's water splashing to cool down a little bit from this massive melting heat. hit-the-fan.gif

Can't you just take a quick shower to cool off?

If, come July, millions of people turn on the shower and nothing comes out, that may cause some self-reflection. Maybe not. Self analysis seems to be lacking here at times, along with logic and foresight.

And come July when your alarmist attitude is proved to be just that and most peoples taps work perfectly normally will that cause you to make some self-reflection? Maybe not, self analysis seems to be lacking here at Thaivisa all of the time.

It's not alarmist. It's recognizing there is a problem and acting accordingly.

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Songkran brings happiness to the people ---- Songkran is the most stupid event in Thailand bringing misery and death to many thousands.

It is a return to childhood for stupid idiots with water canons that shoot peoples eyes out, idiots on trucks with ice water knocking people off Bikes and killing them, drunkeness and mayhem on the roads.

Maybe in his devine wisdom the enlightened one could ban water canons, ban pickups and vehicles carrying water to kill motercyclists with.

And send it back to what it was 20 years ago so that you are only allowed to flick a few splashs on people from a small bowl.

The only people busy after this event will be the temples,which is very sad, a few enforced rules could prevent the misery and death this overgrown childrens lunatic game brings.

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We can't drink money generated from cash flow from tourists nor does it make food grow! How much does it cost for the massive police presence and all the medical bills from eye injuries and accidents on wet, oily roads?

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Agree with roomuck, why do the expats get so worried about the huge waste of water? lets keep it in context the water authorities say they have to release an extra 100,000 m3 at Songran, given that the Mekong flow rate is between 16,000 to 360,000m3/sec go into the sea, so Songran wastes less than a minute of the Mekong flowarate!

I wouldn't stand by any of these figures but they give a rough idea of the waste taking place!

Little enough Sanuk in the working Thai life, let them have some fun smile.png

How does the water from the Mekong fill the various dams/lakes and such around scattered around Thailand that are used for water supply ?


So why are the dams/lakes low then, did someone forget to open some valves ?

You need pipes to secure the valves too! they haven't got around to that bit yet - give them a chance.

I was only giving an example of the amount of water we are talking about that is wasted at Songkan, obviously there is a long way to go to optimize what is available, once everybody buys into the "charter" I'm sure they will get around to it - maybe?

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How does the water from the Mekong fill the various dams/lakes and such around scattered around Thailand that are used for water supply ?


So why are the dams/lakes low then, did someone forget to open some valves ?

You need pipes to secure the valves too! they haven't got around to that bit yet - give them a chance.

I was only giving an example of the amount of water we are talking about that is wasted at Songkan, obviously there is a long way to go to optimize what is available, once everybody buys into the "charter" I'm sure they will get around to it - maybe?

But roomack says there is pipes.

Why is there a drought ?

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Despite this terrible drought I welcome the 2 day's water splashing to cool down a little bit from this massive melting heat. hit-the-fan.gif

Can't you just take a quick shower to cool off?

If, come July, millions of people turn on the shower and nothing comes out, that may cause some self-reflection. Maybe not. Self analysis seems to be lacking here at times, along with logic and foresight

I am sorry you struggle with logic and foresight. There are only 16 provinces with a drought. The others don't have a problem. There isn't just one water supply in Thailand.

This "drought" is being overplayed by the Songkran haters. If we had flooding there would still be people calling for it to be banned on thaivisa as every year. Some even claim it is bad for tourism which is a joke.

Most Thais work hard in the heat all year. It is their water, they can do what they bloody like with it.

If you are really concerned about the drought, then go back to your own country until it is over and stop using the Thai farmers water. I reckon you will use more water showering, washing clothes over the next few months than a Thai person will splashing a bit of water around for a day on his holiday.

Have your showers back in your own country.

How would you like it if Thais visited your country and told you to forget about Xmas, so as to save the trees (wrapping paper). ? Would you laugh at them?

Thai bashers hate Songkran, because there is nothing worse seeing someone you hate having a good time.

Have you always been irresponsible or is it just since you came here?

It's nothing less than criminal to waste water during a period of severe drought. Billions of gallons will be wasted, not the piffling amounts you speak of. Some figures from you would be helpful.

I wonder if you've ever experienced Songkran here in Pattaya?

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This article totally contradicts what the Head Honcho has been preaching the last few days...anyone surprised?...Total mayhem as usual here

It doesn't contradict anything about the Songkran celebrations at all.

Over the past couple of weeks it has been confirmed many times that the water throwing can go ahead without causing significant problems with water stocks.

The only "mayhem" is in the minds of the contradictory posters here.

Yep, and the government always speaks the truth dunnit?

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Songkran brings happiness to the people

And send it back to what it was 20 years ago so that you are only allowed to flick a few splashs on people from a small bowl.

As long as its not a red bowl with "someone's" signature on it.

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Despite this terrible drought I welcome the 2 day's water splashing to cool down a little bit from this massive melting heat. hit-the-fan.gif

Can't you just take a quick shower to cool off?

If, come July, millions of people turn on the shower and nothing comes out, that may cause some self-reflection. Maybe not. Self analysis seems to be lacking here at times, along with logic and foresight

I am sorry you struggle with logic and foresight. There are only 16 provinces with a drought. The others don't have a problem. There isn't just one water supply in Thailand.

This "drought" is being overplayed by the Songkran haters. If we had flooding there would still be people calling for it to be banned on thaivisa as every year. Some even claim it is bad for tourism which is a joke.

Most Thais work hard in the heat all year. It is their water, they can do what they bloody like with it.

If you are really concerned about the drought, then go back to your own country until it is over and stop using the Thai farmers water. I reckon you will use more water showering, washing clothes over the next few months than a Thai person will splashing a bit of water around for a day on his holiday.

Have your showers back in your own country.

How would you like it if Thais visited your country and told you to forget about Xmas, so as to save the trees (wrapping paper). ? Would you laugh at them?

Thai bashers hate Songkran, because there is nothing worse seeing someone you hate having a good time.

Have you always been irresponsible or is it just since you came here?

It's nothing less than criminal to waste water during a period of severe drought. Billions of gallons will be wasted, not the piffling amounts you speak of. Some figures from you would be helpful.

I wonder if you've ever experienced Songkran here in Pattaya?

I have always been irresponsible, maybe that's why I like Thailand so much, very few anally retentive people and few fun police. I lived thru a 10 year drought in Oz. I didn't listen to the doomsayers. Friends used to harp on about me having two showers a day. I had a saying " There is no drought, until the water runs out" and then run a tap to show them. The Victorian government spent billions of dollars to build a desal plant. And guess what, it wasn't needed and a complete waste of money. It rained and filled the dams.

I had a lot of fun stirring my unwashed friends who had been nagging me for years. The water never ran out.

Yes I have experienced pattaya songkran. Wouldn't miss it. Last year had Hua hin songkran, then naklua songkran, then the big one in pattaya. This year I am doing Mahasarakam, then naklua, then pattaya.

I like most Thais realize that a drought is not going to be stopped or caused by Songkran.

Do you know how many liters of water takes to produce a liter of beer? A bowl of rice? Or a steak?

Why do you care? And if you do care, why don't you leave and let the Thais have their water.

The dams are empty ish because a few years ago there was a flood. And the government released too much the following year and it hasn't recovered.

Happy Thai new year!

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There's no drought until there's no more water. See? <turns on tap>. Genius.

Reminds me of the half-wits on Fox Noise who point to snow and say, "Global Warming! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA". Not that I'm a global warming guy, but that's just stupid on display.

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There's no drought until there's no more water. See? <turns on tap>. Genius.

Reminds me of the half-wits on Fox Noise who point to snow and say, "Global Warming! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA". Not that I'm a global warming guy, but that's just stupid on display.

I guess I am just a glass half full person and you are not.

The water never did run out. But the government threw away 4 billion dollars to build a desal plant that didn't produce a single liter of water, and must payout for maintain the white elephant. All to keep,the worriers from worrying.


Get it? Or not?

Are you owing to thank me next year if we have devastating floods again? Many people died directly and many more indirectly not being able to reach hospitals etc. When was the last time anyone died of hunger or of thirst because of a drought in Thailand?

We are in the tropics. Everything will be ok. Trust me. No need to cancel having fun. The Thais have it all sorted.

There is no drought, until the water runs out. Happy Songkran.

No global warming??????? Guess you are not a person who listens to facts. Also Fox News is a commercial product owned by a billionaire Aussie who spins stories into what the Americans want to lap up. I suggest if ou want real news you look for a different source.

Edited by Roomuck
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"I will not ban water throwing, that's impossible," Prayuth Chan-ocha, the prime minister, said in response to a proposal for government controls on holiday water use. He added dismissively, "Parents should teach their children to use less water and not splash it around for three days and three nights."

1. I am weak.

2. I didn't think ahead/or I just didn't think.

3. Mods, please don't ban me. wai.gif

It is hard to determine the child in this case. In the PM's case its to late for parental instruction. Our PM statement saying that he cannot ban water throwing is priceless. Article 44 and its all over make arrests. Its amazing the power this guy wields when he wants to and how childish he can become when passing the buck to the parents. I just stand in amazement at this man and his machinations.

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All you downstream people should be aware, that on every tributary spring in the mountains, farmers are putting up dams and pumps and pipes, to get any water they can. Because their pigs are dying, their fish are dying, their gardens are dying, the fruit trees are dying, and they need water for themselves too. So have fun tossing the water about, because when that stuff is gone, there won't be any more until the rains come.

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To the poster who appears to think he/she is an expert on Thailand and also its use of water. This drought is serious and it effects 46 provinces not 16. The government is doing the right thing and reminding people to conserve water. No one is suggesting Songkran be cancelled, however, anyone one that understands responsibility knows that when the country has a problem- all citizens, visitors etc need to do their share to conserve a precious resource. The massive waste of water can be toned down this year. There are plenty of other activities such as concerts; food festivals etc to keep one occupied. Learn the real history of the Songkran custom and stop the criticism of others who may have a different opinion. As an added, don't ever tell me to go home because I do not agree with your opinion. I am home.

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And send it back to what it was 20 years ago so that you are only allowed to flick a few splashs on people from a small bowl.

Another Thaivisa myth. You were not her twenty years ago were you. Here is fifty years ago. Don't believe what thaivisa experts tell you. Ask any Older Thai, they know. Or just open your eyes.post-253491-0-11553100-1460431784_thumb.post-253491-0-46719000-1460431795_thumb.post-253491-0-83738800-1460431808_thumb.post-253491-0-39610100-1460431827_thumb.

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There's no drought until there's no more water. See? <turns on tap>. Genius.

Reminds me of the half-wits on Fox Noise who point to snow and say, "Global Warming! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA". Not that I'm a global warming guy, but that's just stupid on display.

I guess I am just a glass half full person and you are not.

The water never did run out. But the government threw away 4 billion dollars to build a desal plant that didn't produce a single liter of water, and must payout for maintain the white elephant. All to keep,the worriers from worrying.


Get it? Or not?

Are you owing to thank me next year if we have devastating floods again? Many people died directly and many more indirectly not being able to reach hospitals etc. When was the last time anyone died of hunger or of thirst because of a drought in Thailand?

We are in the tropics. Everything will be ok. Trust me. No need to cancel having fun. The Thais have it all sorted.

There is no drought, until the water runs out. Happy Songkran.

No global warming??????? Guess you are not a person who listens to facts. Also Fox News is a commercial product owned by a billionaire Aussie who spins stories into what the Americans want to lap up. I suggest if ou want real news you look for a different source.

Correct. Songkran will NOT cause a drought. Because Thailand is already IN drought.

I'm not saying Songkran will break the bank where it is being allowed. I'm not suggesting those who can do SK shouldn't, just to demonstrate solidarity in suffering with those in dry areas.

What I am saying is, that for many of the head shaking reasons you mention about government, highlighted even further by the ineptitude that got us here in the first place, and the current level of mealy mouthed flip flop coming from this government...... that placing too much faith in their ability to have this "sorted", borders on wishful thinking at best, and willful ignorance at worst.

If life bowls us a googly on the way to July and/or things don't work out the way Met Office says they will (LOL), the decision to roll over and give the children the sweet taste of candy on their lips today will, in hindsight, prove to be just another cock up. One which, with a minimal amount of responsibility, disciplined resolve and leadership, would of been avoidable or minimized.

But, I'm sure you are right, and I hope you are. My guess is Thailand will party like it's 1999, and scrape through this by the skin of their teeth. Ignore the lesson, and do the same shit next time.

Edit to add: And yes, that kind of cavalier attitude is what makes this place so awesome and tragic at the same time. No Nanny watching over your shoulder saying "No" and squashing the fun. I acknowledge that too. thumbsup.gif Cheers.

Edited by 55Jay
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Well, for your information. I was here 50 years ago and Thais indeed threw water but not in the same manner you see today. Also, the pictures do not show any Farang or any foreigners partaking of the festival. There were very few Foreigners here and none of the entertainment areas existed as they do now. What has changed is mass tourism which has brought a bunch of drunken louts to Thailand who monopolize the festival and make fools of themselves. Don't worry, the Thais will still take your money and then laugh and curse at you behind your back. You won't understand them though.

However, the actual topic is about drought, which is real, and the Thai government is attempting to educate its people to conserve water. No one is cancelling Songkran. However, the Government is asking people to be responsible and that includes foreign visitors and residents. The Thais seem to understand this much better than some people on this board who want to continue being irresponsible and rude because they don't believe there is a drought and can't be bothered by having anyone limit their 'fun'. These are the same people who complain and curse the Thai people when they feel slighted by a Thai person. I wonder where the Thais get their opinions of Westerners? Watch the news or watch the drunken louts do their thing during the festival and that will answer any questions you may have.

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