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52 people killed and 431 injured on first day of Songkran festival on Monday


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If speeding is #1 cause as they claim, checkpoints are of no use. They need cops out on the road to pull over those speeders. Checkpoints could lead to increase speeding as drivers try to make up for time lost in line at checkpoints. For some reason traffic cops out in traffic is a concept they just can't fathom.

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Thais are doing their damnest to beat their arch rival Libya for that #1 spot in traffic deaths.

I may be completely stupid, but the 2015 report doesn't seem to contain any rankings. They have country profiles, variables ordered alphabetically but not rankings as far as I can see.

Am I missing something? sad.png

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Thais are doing their damnest to beat their arch rival Libya for that #1 spot in traffic deaths.

I may be completely stupid, but the 2015 report doesn't seem to contain any rankings. They have country profiles, variables ordered alphabetically but not rankings as far as I can see.

Am I missing something? sad.png

BTW Libya recorded 4554 deaths, or 73.4 per 100,000. Interestingly, 97% of those deaths were car drivers (34%), car passengers (37%), Pedestrians (26%) & only 3% of deaths were attributed to motorcyclists or cyclists.

Quite a contrast to the 75% of motorcyclists or cyclists killed in Thailand last year.

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As with December's ' Deadly Days ' there will be the daily count of accidents, fatalities and injuries but accuracy is always in question.

With the death total let's not forget the deceased have to expire at the scene otherwise they're not counted as an an traffic accident death.

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A good start!

Really? is that what you take from the death of 52 people, a good start? will it be better

for you with 500 dead?

One thought, not necessarily a nice one, kinda Mein Kampf style...ish, is to view it as a culling of the idiots, hence raise the average IQ....but then...well...ya know.

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Isn't that figure in the ball park for the daily average, in fact it may be a little lower.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

Good point, but lumping it in with the Songkran holiday makes for better headlines as well as brilliant ideas and commentary on TV.

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Speed limit all cars in Thailand to 80 or 100km an hour.

Worked on all mine sites I worked at in reducing accidents.

and who will enforce it and when?rolleyes.gif

And of course, it's not the speed limit that is the root cause anyway. It's the idiotic mindset, and the usual songkran antics.

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I can't remember the source but from the entire vehicle registrations in Thailand, more than 30% have no tax or insurance.

This might not be directly related to irresponsible driving or death on the road but it should be a source of considerable income for the Government.

Why don't they have a purge on THAT - for a start? Goodness knows what they would uncover when investigating tax and insurance dodgers.

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As with December's ' Deadly Days ' there will be the daily count of accidents, fatalities and injuries but accuracy is always in question.

With the death total let's not forget the deceased have to expire at the scene otherwise they're not counted as an an traffic accident death.

I certainly doubt any figures given! Lets go back to the Thaksin era, the numbers were far, far higher, he had a fix - the local responsible person had to improve on the numbers or they would be out of a job! sure others remember this?

Nobody lost their job every province managed to lower their accident/death rates!

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It's very sad, but it comes as no surprise to see the annual carnage starting already!

Out here in smallsville I needed to go into the big city to get the car checked over, the girlfriend wasn't too keen on the idea of driving this close to Songkran, and it didn't take long to find out why.

We didn't see any accidents, but we saw lots of people rushing to get to one! The idiotic rush to get past was no different to usual except for the increase in numbers.

Girlfriend says they're in a hurry to get to paradise! She also observed, in the 'Big C' car park that there were a lot of Bangkok registered cars, and the car park was a lot busier than usual.

I keep a safe braking distance between me and the car in front, but the "Paradise Run" drivers feel the desperate need to occupy that space. I give 'em space to get by so they're no longer tailgating me, I'm in no hurry to get to paradise myself!

Keep a safe braking distance between you and the car in front of you, huh?...desperate need to occupy that space?! Yesterday I decided to go downtown CM to get the car serviced. Took the G/F with me. That was a mistake, but anyway... she INSISTED I keep a safe braking between me and the car in front of me. I said, "if that's what you want sweetheart." So I backed up a bit to create said safe braking space...then I had to back up again..backed up a bit more....backed up one more time...then I backed u....I ended up getting the car serviced in Lamphun. And ya know, I never WAS able to create that safe braking distance.

I'd rather keep the distance than be involved in a multiple shunt. Just watching the cars in front jockying for position, brake lights flashing in and off like Christmas lights. This was around 80 kph on the main road to the city, not actually in the city itself.

Low speed city driving is entirely different of course, if you leave a gap big enough for half a car someone will try to squeeze a while car in there; this applies to anywhere in the world, not just Thailand.

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Speed limit all cars in Thailand to 80 or 100km an hour.

Worked on all mine sites I worked at in reducing accidents.

Thailands is not a nanny state. No thanks. You can even buy peptides in 7-11s here.

If the stats are correct that means only five or six died in cars, the rest were in pick ups or on motorbikes.

While it would be good if nobody died, that will never happen, five or six dead in car crashes considering all the kilometers travelled is not too bad. No need to limit all cars to 80kms per hour. It would just add to fatigue. They wouldn't even do that in the nanniest of nanny states, Victoria Australia.

You make it sound like cars are not part of or almost irrelevant in the statistics. I'd bet if you removed all cars from the roads the number of motorcycle deaths/injuries would be negligible. It takes two to tango.

RIP to all those who were not the cause of fatalities. May the rest rot in hell.

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Speed limit all cars in Thailand to 80 or 100km an hour.

Worked on all mine sites I worked at in reducing accidents.

Thailands is not a nanny state. No thanks. You can even buy peptides in 7-11s here.

If the stats are correct that means only five or six died in cars, the rest were in pick ups or on motorbikes.

While it would be good if nobody died, that will never happen, five or six dead in car crashes considering all the kilometers travelled is not too bad. No need to limit all cars to 80kms per hour. It would just add to fatigue. They wouldn't even do that in the nanniest of nanny states, Victoria Australia.

You make it sound like cars are not part of or almost irrelevant in the statistics. I'd bet if you removed all cars from the roads the number of motorcycle deaths/injuries would be negligible. It takes two to tango.

RIP to all those who were not the cause of fatalities. May the rest rot in hell.

Where is that located exactly? I have not spoken with anyone that has been there.

Is it near Atlantis or Oz?

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From TV.

116 people were killed in 907 road accidents on April 12, the second day of Songkran. Death toll almost two times higher than last year/ Bangkok Post sms

Total for the first two days is 168 thats almost 3 times higher than last year which at this time had 59 killed.

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Why is Songkran even happening? I thought there was severe droughts in huge parts of the country; is this not a bit unthoughtful..?

Now you went and done it you naively stepped over the line. The cultural police on TV will be coming shortly to nail your hide to the barn door. They will tell you how Songkran evolved from a gentle ceremony to this shoot out at the OK Corral take no prisoners mentality that goes on today. They will like the present PM will try and re-educate you and if that does not work they will trot out the old time worn cliche "Go back to your home country if you do not like it here." Do not use your foreign conceived common sense as a template here it just does not fit. You cannot push a square peg into a round hole. Society here will not admit that there is a problem till the taps burp nothing but air, the light switches bring forth no electricity and the toilet tank does not fill up for flushing. Thats when the gloves come off her to fix things and the powers that be begrudgingly break open their purses to part with some of the many tourist dollars earned in the past. Thing grind on here till they hit a brick and wall and then panic sets in. Enjoy life here hope I did not scare you to much.

Edited by elgordo38
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From TV.

116 people were killed in 907 road accidents on April 12, the second day of Songkran. Death toll almost two times higher than last year/ Bangkok Post sms

Total for the first two days is 168 thats almost 3 times higher than last year which at this time had 59 killed.

Not to worry by the time TAT keys off on these numbers they will be lower than last year. I guess if you do not expire on the spot but pass later in the hospital your considered as injured. From the future that some of the injured face I think I would prefer to expire on the spot. Loss of loved ones, income, unpredictable future. I guess the LOS term no longer exists for these unfortunate souls. Thank God for old age. I can hunker down in my condo for 4 days and re-emerge on Saturday alive. Well there is also food poisoning and earthquakes to worry about. There is also the chance that life could just punch my ticket as well. Oh woes is me.

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Speed limit all cars in Thailand to 80 or 100km an hour.

Worked on all mine sites I worked at in reducing accidents.

Thailands is not a nanny state. No thanks. You can even buy peptides in 7-11s here.

If the stats are correct that means only five or six died in cars, the rest were in pick ups or on motorbikes.

While it would be good if nobody died, that will never happen, five or six dead in car crashes considering all the kilometers travelled is not too bad. No need to limit all cars to 80kms per hour. It would just add to fatigue. They wouldn't even do that in the nanniest of nanny states, Victoria Australia.

You make it sound like cars are not part of or almost irrelevant in the statistics. I'd bet if you removed all cars from the roads the number of motorcycle deaths/injuries would be negligible. It takes two to tango.

RIP to all those who were not the cause of fatalities. May the rest rot in hell.

I was going to make the point that many cars are "involved" in motorbike accidents with little effect on cars or drivers.

What do you think would happen if more people who rode motorbikes drove cars if they could afford them? My own view is that there would be more accidents but less deaths!

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And another 64 people killed and over 500 injured yesterday (Tuesday).

I am lost for words - and so are the dead. I find myself feeling distressed.

Some people reading this sorry state of affairs today, won't arrive home! I hope it isn't you!

This horror story goes on and not much people say on here is going to change that!

Edited by ChrisKC
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A good start!

Really? is that what you take from the death of 52 people, a good start? will it be better

for you with 500 dead?

if you don't understand the irony here, then I am quite sure you must be Asian

just don't get me wrong: This is by no means meant disrespectful. It is just a fact that Asians have no understanding of sarcasm and irony.

and in the meantime, the sad story of increasing fatalities continues....

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Speed limit all cars in Thailand to 80 or 100km an hour.

Worked on all mine sites I worked at in reducing accidents.

Good idea.


My new car which is Drive by wire (same as AB-380 Fly by wire) computer controls everything to name some; accelerator, brakes, steering, road holding, etc. the list goes on.

Computer is set when exceeding 120kph ALARM sounds. RPM Redline fuel to engine is cutoff. All of it set at the manufacturer manufacturing plant(s) to protect manufacturer 100,000km / 3-year WARRANTEE.

Sounds good doesn't???

Unfortunately owners with thinkeritiz can get into the computer and disable these settings. Why did the manufacturer allows Somchai thinkeritiz to do this? Because, if they do not allow it, thinkeritiz Somchai will get in to the computer with a good chance of disabling to the extent of making the car immobile so thinkeritiz Somchai will start halowering WARRANTEE and manufacturer Road Service will have to get out to re-set the computer.

Get the idea, thinkeritiz Somchai will turn good intentions of manufacturer to s#^%(. Now you tell me how do you control Thais when the Thai military isn't even able to control them with some 60,000 plus man on the road. Why don't you just give up like the Thai Highway Police which in first place must be reorganized into HIGHWAY PATROL of 1-Patrol car with one (1) Patrol Officer assisted by 3-Honda Highway Patrol motorcycle Patrol Officers. (Yamaha also makes these motorcycles) before ever attaining any success. Highway Patrol Police crawling along in the left emergency strip will not do it as proven for years by now, but this is Thailand were learning especial from the past is silts.

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77 provinces in Thailand.

Not even 1 per province.

Not too bad really.

And only six in cars for the whole country during a holiday season day.

Thais have the second highest road kill in the world. Try defending that Mr. apologist. You forgot to sign of your post, with the usual line ("clever people these Thais") Hmmmm, are they.

I think you are confused if you think "the Thais have the second highest road kill in the world" . I think you might have read that on thaivisa. Those figures didn't include every country.

Here is the 2013 figures Thailand 24,234, China about 10 times that with 261,340, India 238,562, Brazil, 40,059, Nigeria 35,642, Pakistan, 25,786, Russia 27,025, the USA 34,064 just to name a few.

If you take away motorbikes (Thailand has many) and pickups(same) the death toll is under three thousand per year which is to to bad really and much lower than many,many other countries.

One thing we do agree on though, you are correct, these Thais are very clever people.

Happy songkran, I am just about to head out and buy some ice. I like to start my water play late, I find it more fun to target people dressed up and who are going out for dinner.

Sawadee bpi Mai krab

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