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Marriage Visa, Proof Of Income Q

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Brit Living in Thai, on and off.

Considering a Marriage Visa.

Show roughly £120,000 going in and out (to Thailand ironically) of my accounts on my Priv Santander Off-Shore Account - Jersey which is the only account i show publicly.

Do not work, nor have i resided in the UK for numerous years (cant remember but well over 6) .

So no Tax Returns, and no P60 as registered non res.

How do i show 'Income' if i don't have one.. and in-light of the current hate towards wealth offshore what sort of issues have others had (tax investigations are ok etc but restrictions whilst they inv would be a pain in the bum...

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There are different ways of approaching this. Perhaps, the easiest for you might be a multiple entry Non Imm O visa from the consulate in Savannakhet Laos. This does not require financial proof. It allows unlimited 90-day entries for 12 months. Each 90-day entry can (if desired) be extended for 60 days at the local immigration office.

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If you want to try for an extension of stay on the basis of marriage to a Thai, I think the income verification from the British Embassy will be tricky. Look at the form and consider whether it clearly shows the 800,000 baht annual income. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/513543/Pension_06_04_16.pdf

Edited by BritTim
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There are different ways of approaching this. Perhaps, the easiest for you might be a multiple entry Non Imm O visa from the consulate in Savannakhet Laos. This does not require financial proof. It allows unlimited 90-day entries for 12 months. Each 90-day entry can (if desired) be extended for 60 days at the local immigration office.

I think so too reading that other post otherwise ill be hammered the moment i show the past funds by the look of it sad.png

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If you want to try for an extension of stay on the basis of marriage to a Thai, I think the income verification from the British Embassy will be tricky. Look at the form and consider whether it clearly shows the 800,000 baht annual income. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/513543/Pension_06_04_16.pdf

The problem is... i'd rather not have my statements open to either the embassy or the thai but will if needs be, but its considerable more, and worse, apparently Thailand can now tax you on money you bring in...sad.png - Which is a concern...

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You could put 400k baht in a Thai bank your name only. For an extension of stay based upon marriage the money only has to be in the bank for 2 months. It will not delay things since you will need to be on a 90 day non-o visa entry to apply for the extension and you cannot apply until the last 30 days of that entry.

You are only liable to pay taxes on money you bring into the country you earned from working. And it has to money earned in the current tax year. Thai taxes will not be a problem for you.

You can get a single or multiple entry non-o visa based upon marriage.

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the 2 ways to stay in Thailand long term being married to a Thai are,

Marriage based Multi entry non imm 'o' visa either from birmingham, or Lao no financial proof required, good for 90 day entries and can be extended by local immigration for 60 days, so with entry just before visa expiry good for 17 months.

yearly extension of stay based on marriage, a non 'o' entry is required and then 400,000 baht in Thai bank in own name, 90 day immigration reports required.

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I've transferred in considerable more over the years., this is no longer the issue, its the link i've attached ref tax.

Are we or are we not liable for funds we transfer in as taxable "Incomes" under Thai Law as stated?

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I've transferred in considerable more over the years., this is no longer the issue, its the link i've attached ref tax.

Are we or are we not liable for funds we transfer in as taxable "Incomes" under Thai Law as stated?

The law is that income transferred into Thailand within 12 months of it being earned is taxable if you are resident here.

Obviously, with a transfer from overseas, it is difficult to know when the income was actually earned. I doubt there is a problem in practice, though it is wise to be a little paranoid about such matters.

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I've transferred in considerable more over the years., this is no longer the issue, its the link i've attached ref tax.

Are we or are we not liable for funds we transfer in as taxable "Incomes" under Thai Law as stated?

The law is that income transferred into Thailand within 12 months of it being earned is taxable if you are resident here.

Obviously, with a transfer from overseas, it is difficult to know when the income was actually earned. I doubt there is a problem in practice, though it is wise to be a little paranoid about such matters.

Many countries have "double taxation" agreements with Thailand.

Pulling money from a place where no tax is paid or from a country with no agreement may result in problems.

The source of funds "imported" to a Thai bank is easily determined.

The world is slowly but surely becoming a place where tax avoidance/evasion is becoming increasingly difficult smile.png

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For marriage I had to show income to "registrar" here...

I wrote a number on a form and got it stamped at the Brittish embassy in BKK... They didn't even look at it... It's BS..!

I'd not lived in Uk for 12 years! ... But I was in Thailand under my Uk passport .. So that's what they needed...

Decided to stay here with retirement visa... Which is easier and not "controlled" by my delightful wife...

I understand that for marriage visa you need 400k in the bank here... And for retirement visa 800k...

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For marriage I had to show income to "registrar" here...

I wrote a number on a form and got it stamped at the Brittish embassy in BKK... They didn't even look at it... It's BS..!

I'd not lived in Uk for 12 years! ... But I was in Thailand under my Uk passport .. So that's what they needed...

Decided to stay here with retirement visa... Which is easier and not "controlled" by my delightful wife...

I understand that for marriage visa you need 400k in the bank here... And for retirement visa 800k...

Neither of them are "Visas"

You are referring to permisions of stay obtained from Immigration.

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For marriage I had to show income to "registrar" here...

I wrote a number on a form and got it stamped at the Brittish embassy in BKK... They didn't even look at it... It's BS..!

I'd not lived in Uk for 12 years! ... But I was in Thailand under my Uk passport .. So that's what they needed...

Decided to stay here with retirement visa... Which is easier and not "controlled" by my delightful wife...

I understand that for marriage visa you need 400k in the bank here... And for retirement visa 800k...

A somewhat exaggerated ( and untrue) tale of the process involved in obtaining a statement of income from the BE where PROOF of the claimed income has to be provided.

Now only undertaken by post.

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For marriage I had to show income to "registrar" here...

I wrote a number on a form and got it stamped at the Brittish embassy in BKK... They didn't even look at it... It's BS..!

I'd not lived in Uk for 12 years! ... But I was in Thailand under my Uk passport .. So that's what they needed...

Decided to stay here with retirement visa... Which is easier and not "controlled" by my delightful wife...

I understand that for marriage visa you need 400k in the bank here... And for retirement visa 800k...

A somewhat exaggerated ( and untrue) tale of the process involved in obtaining a statement of income from the BE where PROOF of the claimed income has to be provided.

Now only undertaken by post.

Neither exaggerated nor untrue... It took about one hour in the queue at BE... BKK...

I cannot comment on what happens today...this was 6 years ago...and was for the purposes of getting married...

And from memory it cost 200bht...

The only thing that struck me was how complicated it was to actually get married... A status which confers no rights or privalleges that I'm aware of... But, if I had chosen to "shack-up" with numerous women and have multiple kids ... No problem...!

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I got married 2 years ago, never needed to show income - and have never heard of anybody who has. Only requirement is the permission to marry document and any valid visa.

To be honest, with $120,000 a year going through an offshore account, surely putting 400,000 baht into a Thai bank account cannot be much of an issue.

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For marriage I had to show income to "registrar" here...

I wrote a number on a form and got it stamped at the Brittish embassy in BKK... They didn't even look at it... It's BS..!

I'd not lived in Uk for 12 years! ... But I was in Thailand under my Uk passport .. So that's what they needed...

Decided to stay here with retirement visa... Which is easier and not "controlled" by my delightful wife...

I understand that for marriage visa you need 400k in the bank here... And for retirement visa 800k...

A somewhat exaggerated ( and untrue) tale of the process involved in obtaining a statement of income from the BE where PROOF of the claimed income has to be provided.

Now only undertaken by post.

Neither exaggerated nor untrue... It took about one hour in the queue at BE... BKK...

I cannot comment on what happens today...this was 6 years ago...and was for the purposes of getting married...

And from memory it cost 200bht...

The only thing that struck me was how complicated it was to actually get married... A status which confers no rights or privalleges that I'm aware of... But, if I had chosen to "shack-up" with numerous women and have multiple kids ... No problem...!

There never was a need to show or prove income in order to get married !

I think time has distorted your memory about what was obtained from the BE !

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For marriage I had to show income to "registrar" here...

I wrote a number on a form and got it stamped at the Brittish embassy in BKK... They didn't even look at it... It's BS..!

I'd not lived in Uk for 12 years! ... But I was in Thailand under my Uk passport .. So that's what they needed...

Decided to stay here with retirement visa... Which is easier and not "controlled" by my delightful wife...

I understand that for marriage visa you need 400k in the bank here... And for retirement visa 800k...

A somewhat exaggerated ( and untrue) tale of the process involved in obtaining a statement of income from the BE where PROOF of the claimed income has to be provided.

Now only undertaken by post.

Neither exaggerated nor untrue... It took about one hour in the queue at BE... BKK...

I cannot comment on what happens today...this was 6 years ago...and was for the purposes of getting married...

And from memory it cost 200bht...

The only thing that struck me was how complicated it was to actually get married... A status which confers no rights or privalleges that I'm aware of... But, if I had chosen to "shack-up" with numerous women and have multiple kids ... No problem...!

There never was a need to show or prove income in order to get married !

I think time has distorted your memory about what was obtained from the BE !

Ok ... Whatever you say... Not interested in arguing ...

As clearly you are the font of all wisdom...

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I should have probably updated this, resolved visa being sorted.

Ref why no funds in Thailand (building and literally just bought another property on Phuket that cleared my onshore out - and then some... actually they should allow you to put down property as proof of funds :P).

Ref the argument above, no there is no proof of income required to get married... well not from the Thai register, but from the family who knows tongue.png

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  • 1 month later...

Are you asking a question ?

No proof of income is required to get married in Thailand but if an extension of stay based on marriage is wanted then 400 K Baht in a Thai bank or a certified monthly income of 40K is needed.

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