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Watana held in military custody for an unspecified period of time


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To the few Westerners who still support the junta;

You're a disgrace to the countries you were raised in!

Well I was raised in the UK which is in the EU.... Not very good examples of democracy and just as full of liars, cheats and corruption as any third world country, and if you want to look at the USA and their electoral primaries and how they are going, it is like watching Zimbabwe's electoral process unfold.

I don't know what country YOU hail from, but I bet it is equally disgraceful in its oppression of its populous.

If you claim that the governments of the West are as oppressive as the junta then you are an extremist and I don't debate with those.

Open your eyes.... Germans being arrested under hate speech laws for daring to criticise the open door migrant situation. A comedian arrested for making a harmless joke about the Turkish president.... IN GERMANY.

UK teenagers thrown in prison for laying bacon over the door handles of a mosque for a laugh.

Swedes being arrested, losing their homes and their jobs for daring to speak out against migrants.

Man.... you need to wake up. Many many more examples of how the west is going.

If you think I am wrong to think this is oppression and suppression of freedom, then YOU are the extremist.

What is happening to this guy in Thailand is hardly a public execution, he will be released completely unharmed.

I seriously doubt your intelligentsia on any subject let alone this one.

Edit to add.... A German friend recently returned back there from Thailand now can't post certain things on his facebook in fear of arrest..... Also the EU looking at ways to stop anyone criticising the EU project by making it illegal and forcing member states to make it law........ So YES.... Western governments are as bad and getting worse.

The examples you cite were violations of civilian criminal codes made law passed by representative participation of the public, aka civilians. Consequences of such violations were enacted through a legal due process of law wherein the rights of the accused was respected.

Watana was not charged with a crime prescribed by Thailand's organic laws. That's why he was not charged by the RTP.

The junta operates under its own self-created Interim Constitution that gives it absolute power to issue its own laws in contradiction to people's rights prescribed by its own Interim Constitution.

Junta power supercedes Thailand's organic laws. And that's why it is the junta that took Watana into custody. Watana disturbed the military's support for the draft constitution with his opposition.

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To the few Westerners who still support the junta;

You're a disgrace to the countries you were raised in!

Well I was raised in the UK which is in the EU.... Not very good examples of democracy and just as full of liars, cheats and corruption as any third world country, and if you want to look at the USA and their electoral primaries and how they are going, it is like watching Zimbabwe's electoral process unfold.

I don't know what country YOU hail from, but I bet it is equally disgraceful in its oppression of its populous.

If you claim that the governments of the West are as oppressive as the junta then you are an extremist and I don't debate with those.

Open your eyes.... Germans being arrested under hate speech laws for daring to criticise the open door migrant situation. A comedian arrested for making a harmless joke about the Turkish president.... IN GERMANY.

UK teenagers thrown in prison for laying bacon over the door handles of a mosque for a laugh.

Swedes being arrested, losing their homes and their jobs for daring to speak out against migrants.

Man.... you need to wake up. Many many more examples of how the west is going.

If you think I am wrong to think this is oppression and suppression of freedom, then YOU are the extremist.

What is happening to this guy in Thailand is hardly a public execution, he will be released completely unharmed.

I seriously doubt your intelligentsia on any subject let alone this one.

Edit to add.... A German friend recently returned back there from Thailand now can't post certain things on his facebook in fear of arrest..... Also the EU looking at ways to stop anyone criticising the EU project by making it illegal and forcing member states to make it law........ So YES.... Western governments are as bad and getting worse.

Again the old "it's the same in other countries" tactic. No it's not at all the same in UK and EU. Is it forbidden to campaign for BREXIT? Anyone arrested for supporting BREXIT on Facebook? Anyone sent to attitude adjustment sessions? Anyone prevented to campaign or arrested in any recent referendum in any European country?

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