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Hunt on for pick-up racers who killed 17 year old in Bangkok


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Just a complete lack of policing, no interest, no incentive, no bloody nothing.

About time the glorious leader got his arse into gear and had a serious look at where this country is heading, then I guess no provocative dancing, wet T shirts with titties showing, not touching the titties during Songkran was a BIG step in stamping out the rampant crime what appears to be on the increase and of course don't forget the oldies playing bridge and don't forget completing your 90 reporting on time.

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If the police had been proactive in stopping these racers this boy might still be alive. You can't stop racers sitting in the police box.

Just a hunch, but the kind of kids who can buy trucks and afford all of the upgrades to turn them into sport trucks for racing, may come from wealthy families, thus the reason they have been permitted to be a nuisance. Well, one of the reasons. The other being lazy police.
The upgrades actually cost than the truck itself... They are wealthy for sure if they can afford this hobby

What wonders me most is how do they actually pass with their heavily customized cars the annual vehicle checkup (mlt), for the requires purple tax sticker?

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Give it a week and we'll see about 5-6 suspects sat behind a table wearing a bulletproof vest with smirking members of the RTP behind them.

Meanwhile the other 295 members of this gang (& their pick-ups) were somehow unable to be traced..Same-old, Same-old.

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In BKK are plenty of smoking pickups with wide tires who are used for racing. Just look at the black smoke from the worn out engines.

Those racers have nothing to fear from the police, they even just block the BKK ringroads at night to have a race. Can you imagin that happening in another country?

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If the police had been proactive in stopping these racers this boy might still be alive. You can't stop racers sitting in the police box.

Too right. They knew it was happening and have said so, no excuses!! 'We couldn't be bothered or were too cowardly to prevent such a crime. Any crime, in fact'. Explain that one to bereaved parents. wai.gif

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thailand is finnished..i dont care what the brain dead rose tint wearers say, this shows a huge problem with THAIS and their society ...land of smiles anyone dont you just love the gentle orange robe wearing culture bah.gif

The monastic culture that you try to blame has nothing to do with road racing gangs.

He is not saying that, or blaming the "monastic culture". The point he is making is that Thailand claims to be the Land Of Smiles and likes to present itself as a peaceful, Buddhist culture. However, in the last 3 or 4 years at least the behaviour seems to be contradicting this claim.

So many reports of violence, murder, corruption, scams etc, etc that you could easily be forgiven for thinking the country is going down the toilet.

This poor guy was set upon by a gang who obviously have little regard for the law, other people and the Police, and it is not a small gang..

RIP this poor fellow, so young and what a terrible way to go

terryp: 'Thailand is finished' and those who disagree are 'brain dead rose tint wearers' yeah? But, still you stay. Mmm, pretty hypocrital then, I'd reckon. All sad, tragic stuff which could have been prevented for sure, lots of problems to address as always, but ANYONE on here who presumes to talk like any of our own countries are less pretentious about just how 'peaceful' they are, are just, well.. 'rose tint wearers'.. selectively.. so, like it or lump it.. shut up, put up or sod off, basically.. you DO have the choice. And 'brain dead'? Learn to spell before you start throwing things like that around. Sad indeed, though. wai.gif

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thailand is finnished..i dont care what the brain dead rose tint wearers say, this shows a huge problem with THAIS and their society ...land of smiles anyone dont you just love the gentle orange robe wearing culture bah.gif

So then also the US and UK are finished (actually they may be lol) but my point being, this has happened all over the world historically speaking, still happens all over the world to this day, and will continue to happen all over the world until we as a species evolve to a point where emotions such as greed anger and jealousy do not control parts of our lives; which probably won't happen.


From the crusades to British colonisation, to the unspeakable indiscriminate atrocities by US against Japan and Iraq, nothing has been more constant than mans' inhumanity to man. Nothing changes yet nothing remains the same.

RIP young man, I hope you suffered little.

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If the police had been proactive in stopping these racers this boy might still be alive. You can't stop racers sitting in the police box.

Its the same were ever you turn, now on RR-7 AH-19 / AH-123 Pattaya - Leamchabang last section completed now the speedmaniacs truck-, bus- and Van-drivers have learned that the fat asses in the Highway Police Honda cars in airconditioned comfort are crawling along in the LH side Emergency parking strip of the Hiway so the speed maniacs are now using the frontage roads on eithers side of the Hiway because the fat asses in the Hiway Police Honda are on the otherside of the devider wall so they can't get them. I see the last of the Camera poles are being installed. Will be interesting to see if camera control will slowdown the speed maniac, it sure as hell hasn't slowed them down on the Chonburi - Bangkok section which has been completed for several months now. While ago there seem to be a trial because some speed maniacs were complaining on TVF about having been charged with exceeding the 120KPH limit and had not been told about the system being in operation. The audacity of these Merc drivers.

Edited by swerver
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If the police had been proactive in stopping these racers this boy might still be alive. You can't stop racers sitting in the police box.

Just a hunch, but the kind of kids who can buy trucks and afford all of the upgrades to turn them into sport trucks for racing, may come from wealthy families, thus the reason they have been permitted to be a nuisance. Well, one of the reasons. The other being lazy police.
The upgrades actually cost than the truck itself... They are wealthy for sure if they can afford this hobby

If have a neighbor who has one of these pimped out trucks.... Its basically a monster truck

No idea how they get away with raising the suspension by a Metre or the engine and exhaust not supposed to be standard from the manufacturer ??

Black windows so dark you can't see..... If the police could be bothered they could make a fortune from these violations...

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thailand is finnished..i dont care what the brain dead rose tint wearers say, this shows a huge problem with THAIS and their society ...land of smiles anyone dont you just love the gentle orange robe wearing culture bah.gif

The monastic culture that you try to blame has nothing to do with road

so how many of the gang members have been ordained? the point the member make is...thai society is hypocritical and has no values that may form the core of behavior...

I won't condemn a whole religion but I have a Thai friend who went to a monastery for drug rehab. He has kicked his habit for the time being and has become a monk and continued on trying to help others. Problem is that others have stayed on as well as they have no place to go and many continue to consume alcohol and drugs. They ask my friend for money which he does not have. He only gets what his parents allocate for basic needs. He is trying his best to stay away from these people but also knows that if he sticks around these monks will ultimately have a bad effect on him. He finds that it seems like some monks who have been with the system long enough to get privileges to accept money from people stay with the system to live a fairly easy lifestyle. I have heard enough stories from him to realize that as with other religions there is alway a percentage that take advantage of the system for their own gain. Most Thais I have asked about their Buddhist religion can't even answer the most simple questions as to why certain things are done. It's quite pathetic really. I think most Buddhists just learn the chants and ceremonial stuff but really don't understand the ethics and morals behind any of it. (My friend is making plans to remain a monk and study education further at another location with hopes of staying busy on away from drugs.)

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thailand is finnished..i dont care what the brain dead rose tint wearers say, this shows a huge problem with THAIS and their society ...land of smiles anyone dont you just love the gentle orange robe wearing culture bah.gif

So then also the US and UK are finished (actually they may be lol) but my point being, this has happened all over the world historically speaking, still happens all over the world to this day, and will continue to happen all over the world until we as a species evolve to a point where emotions such as greed anger and jealousy do not control parts of our lives; which probably won't happen.

A simple, useless answer. "No solution except to evolve." Yeah, evolution would be nice. The problem is it only takes a hundred thousand years. So c'mon now. How about some proactive enforcement? This was a gang of 100! A public street in one of the world's largest, most populous cities was blocked off. The rose-tint boyz always insist all this crap happens "all over the world" and then go back to tending their flowers. OK, Mr. Cronkite, cite some statistics for us where a youth gang of street-racers beat another teenager to death: I'm sure it happens hundreds of times a day, right? Let's see just how "all over the world" this really is and how "everyday" it really is.

OK, so back here on Planet Earth, there actually ARE some solutions. More proactive, NOT dozing in a police box, enforcement, and enforcement less concerned with tourist shakedowns and bridge clubs and more concerned with actual crime would be a start. 'Nothing necessarily wrong with checkpoints - if they're for a legitimate purpose and fairly and properly used - but checkpoints don't address street crime like this. Neither do for-public-consumption "crackdowns" on this & that. Neither does the occasional finger-pointing photo-op. RTP has explored and exploited all the shortcuts; it's now time for some real shoe-leather type law enforcement. And while you're at it, maybe cancel the ongoing xenophobic conditioning program. Start encouraging parents to be parents rather than Olympic blame-game finalists.

Perhaps over-the-top to say Thailand is "finished", but it's certainly in a downward self-absorbed spiral, and that's not really news to anybody.

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We were always taught as kids to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.

The Thai do not seem to understand, nor care about this.

I have been working here for some time now and like many others have said, Thailand is around 50 years behind other parts of the civilized world.

Until the Thai's lose their ignorance to outside assistance and knowledge nothing will change.

That stupid stubbornness and fear of losing face if someone shows you that what you are doing is blatantly wrong, frustrates the hell out of us.

I wish the Thai's would realise, that sometimes, people offer help and advice, not to show them up or to belittle them, but to actually help and improve them.


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The police military chased them off their motorcycles so now they've progressed up to pickups and watching American motor movies and so an odd murder here and there is just the normal progression and odds of 100 against one disabled boy would be the proper Thai norm for a fight

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Another tale of peaceful Buddhist country filled with people renown for kindness poise and calm.

Much like with any religion, it is tainted and tarnished by many of it's followers. Buddhism here is far removed from what it is meant to be, shrouded in luck, greed and egotism. Just as Christianty in the US fuels hate and murder in foreign lands, or how Muslims wage war on Christians worldwide. If these people actually followed their religion as to what it preaches, there would be far less problems in this world.

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R.I.P this 17 y.o. lad! So unnecessary!

'Makes you wonder about the expression "RIP"... Much as I agree with the sentiment, this boy's demise was violent and most certainly untimely. A Thai "ghost-worthy" event if there ever was one. 'Hopefully the 100 useless thugs will come to be haunted by it until the day they die.

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thailand is finnished..i dont care what the brain dead rose tint wearers say, this shows a huge problem with THAIS and their society ...land of smiles anyone dont you just love the gentle orange robe wearing culture bah.gif

The monastic culture that you try to blame has nothing to do with road racing gangs.

I usually support people warning against those who lump things together too fast, or generalize, or will lash out at anything Thai.

In this case, however, I disagree with you. Those who hold some kind of religious power over members of a society (and that's true for any society, anywhere in the world) are in fact accountable for whatever they do with that power. And that may aptly be questioned here.

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