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Trump rubbishes Republican rivals over 'collusion'


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Donald Trump made one shockingly insightful comment during the first GOP debate

It was a bizarre, but effective, diagnosis of the deep corruption in American politics. Reformers tend to present themselves as blameless.

Trump is presenting himself as someone who has so mastered the corruption of American politics that he can be trusted to resist it. Here's the exchange:

Q: You've also supported a host of other liberal policies, you've also donated to several Democratic candidates, Hillary Clinton included, Nancy Pelosi.

You explained away those donations saying you did that to get business related favors.

And you said recently, quote, when you give, they do whatever the hell you want them to do.

TRUMP: You better believe it... I will tell you that our system is broken. I gave to many people. Before this, before two months ago, I was a businessman.

I give to everybody. When they call, I give. And you know what? When I need something from them, two years later, three years later, I call them. They are there for me.


The broken system was fine for the Bloviator when he worked it to his advantage. thumbsup.gif

Outsider my a$$...

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"collusion" is often illegal in many other industries

In politics it's called coalition and perfectly legal.

It's where enemies collaboate against a common opponent or frenemies. Common in the USA Congress to get legislation passed and parliamants to elect a prime mininster. But obviously, not something Mustang Trump can recognize as legitimate.

Not quite and nor should "Mustang Trump" because it's not legitimate.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.They are conspiring to steal delegates after the first ballot nullifying the right to vote in the Primaries. They don't think it's right for the people to vote for someone the establishment doesn't approve of. They want to cheat the people of their choice. This should be considered voter fraud.Writing up a rule to make it legal cannot circumvent the right to vote under the Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.


Creating a right to vote under the Constitution and then denying that vote should violate Civil Right Statute 18 U.S.C. § 241


It will be interesting to see where this goes but I won't hold my breath. On one side you have Hillary who should be in prison for several issues including accepting donations to her Clinton foundation from 20 countries she sold arms to as Secretary of State and on the other we have Cruz and Kasich conspiring to deprive the people their right to vote which is a felony.

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"collusion" is often illegal in many other industries

In politics it's called coalition and perfectly legal.

It's where enemies collaboate against a common opponent or frenemies. Common in the USA Congress to get legislation passed and parliamants to elect a prime mininster. But obviously, not something Mustang Trump can recognize as legitimate.

Not quite and nor should "Mustang Trump" because it's not legitimate.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.They are conspiring to steal delegates after the first ballot nullifying the right to vote in the Primaries. They don't think it's right for the people to vote for someone the establishment doesn't approve of. They want to cheat the people of their choice. This should be considered voter fraud.Writing up a rule to make it legal cannot circumvent the right to vote under the Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.


Creating a right to vote under the Constitution and then denying that vote should violate Civil Right Statute 18 U.S.C. § 241


It will be interesting to see where this goes but I won't hold my breath. On one side you have Hillary who should be in prison for several issues including accepting donations to her Clinton foundation from 20 countries she sold arms to as Secretary of State and on the other we have Cruz and Kasich conspiring to deprive the people their right to vote which is a felony.

remind not to hire you if i ever need a lawyer! lol

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"collusion" is often illegal in many other industries

In politics it's called coalition and perfectly legal.

It's where enemies collaboate against a common opponent or frenemies. Common in the USA Congress to get legislation passed and parliamants to elect a prime mininster. But obviously, not something Mustang Trump can recognize as legitimate.

Not quite and nor should "Mustang Trump" because it's not legitimate.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.They are conspiring to steal delegates after the first ballot nullifying the right to vote in the Primaries. They don't think it's right for the people to vote for someone the establishment doesn't approve of. They want to cheat the people of their choice. This should be considered voter fraud.Writing up a rule to make it legal cannot circumvent the right to vote under the Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.


Creating a right to vote under the Constitution and then denying that vote should violate Civil Right Statute 18 U.S.C. § 241


It will be interesting to see where this goes but I won't hold my breath. On one side you have Hillary who should be in prison for several issues including accepting donations to her Clinton foundation from 20 countries she sold arms to as Secretary of State and on the other we have Cruz and Kasich conspiring to deprive the people their right to vote which is a felony.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.

You are incorrect.

They are attempting to divert votes for Trump to either of themselves. They are not blocking anyone's ability to vote for Trump. They are engaged in nasty politics that is not illegal anymore than Trump's nasty campaign is illegal

Furthermore, this is a political party primary. In short the Constitutional right to vote does not apply. The party decides who is eligible to vote and how votes will be counted. For example, the party can decide that only registered Republicans can vote, preventing registered Democrats and Independents from voting. A party can decide to include super delegates in addition to elected delegates in the party nomination process. A party can apply different election rules state-by-state.

You don't like a party nomination rules, get the rules changed. find another party. Or start your own.

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"collusion" is often illegal in many other industries

In politics it's called coalition and perfectly legal.

It's where enemies collaboate against a common opponent or frenemies. Common in the USA Congress to get legislation passed and parliamants to elect a prime mininster. But obviously, not something Mustang Trump can recognize as legitimate.

Not quite and nor should "Mustang Trump" because it's not legitimate.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.They are conspiring to steal delegates after the first ballot nullifying the right to vote in the Primaries. They don't think it's right for the people to vote for someone the establishment doesn't approve of. They want to cheat the people of their choice. This should be considered voter fraud.Writing up a rule to make it legal cannot circumvent the right to vote under the Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.


Creating a right to vote under the Constitution and then denying that vote should violate Civil Right Statute 18 U.S.C. § 241


It will be interesting to see where this goes but I won't hold my breath. On one side you have Hillary who should be in prison for several issues including accepting donations to her Clinton foundation from 20 countries she sold arms to as Secretary of State and on the other we have Cruz and Kasich conspiring to deprive the people their right to vote which is a felony.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.

You are incorrect.

They are attempting to divert votes for Trump to either of themselves. They are not blocking anyone's ability to vote for Trump. They are engaged in nasty politics that is not illegal anymore than Trump's nasty campaign is illegal

Furthermore, this is a political party primary. In short the Constitutional right to vote does not apply. The party decides who is eligible to vote and how votes will be counted. For example, the party can decide that only registered Republicans can vote, preventing registered Democrats and Independents from voting. A party can decide to include super delegates in addition to elected delegates in the party nomination process. A party can apply different election rules state-by-state.

You don't like a party nomination rules, get the rules changed. find another party. Or start your own.

I would agree with you, but the two major US parties have gone out of the way to ensure that it stays a two-party system, especially at the national level. Of course, the Citizens United case doesn't help the cause for any truly viable third party, unless you're maybe Trump or Bloomberg. Politics, especially at the higher levels, has just gotten too freakin' expensive.

I do wonder if one hope for third parties, and I haven't studied this, is whether they can organize and raise funds like Sanders has done on the Internet. It is a new world with the Internet, social media, etc.

Otherwise, I think you make a lot of sense.

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^^^ It's irrelevant and immaterial. Those guys are mathematically eliminated. There aren't enough delegates left for either Cruz or Kasich to win the nomination.

They are staying in to please their masters on Wall Street, hoping to get just enough to deny Trump the nomination.

It ain't gonna work.

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^^^ It's irrelevant and immaterial. Those guys are mathematically eliminated. There aren't enough delegates left for either Cruz or Kasich to win the nomination.

They are staying in to please their masters on Wall Street, hoping to get just enough to deny Trump the nomination.

It ain't gonna work.

so you know more than the masters of wall street??

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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


You could be a little more appreciative of the people who finance your country's overspending.

"Foreign governments hold about 46 percent of all U.S. debt held by the public, more than $4.5 trillion. The largest foreign holder of U.S. debt is China, which owns more about $1.2 trillion in bills, notes and bonds, according to the Treasury."


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Halloween, the poster you address strikes me as the quintessential cookie cut, Fox Views disciple.

That's all you'll get. Simplistic Fox (like) sound bites.

Polish your rifles... Yeee Haw!

Edited by iReason
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Well, he does seem to be encouraging Hispanics with green cards to get naturalized.


And since Donald says Hispanics love him, this has got to be great news for the Trump campaign.



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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.


Not just that. Universal health care superior to the USA's, free or low cost university education, greater social mobility (you know, the right to rise). It's a nightmare over there.

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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


People vote for Trump?

Surveys show Trump will have the lowest minority vote in the history of POTUS elections.

He has alienated himself from most of the major religions in the USA.

He has alienated himself from women voters.

Republican registered voters say they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump. Or not vote at all.

Recent poll of voters age 18-29 shows only 25% likely to vote for Trump compared to 61% for Hillary, marking a low point back to 1972.

Like the Prayut regime, Trump is drawing the nation together - against himself.

Surveys are krap.

What you are dealing with, is a bunch of dummies calling up random households...or handing out pamphlets with check boxes. Results can be obtained just by selecting areas that you know will feed in the numbers.

Wise up....and look at the real facts.

millions of supporters....way more than the opposition. More delegates....nobody even comes close. For Christmas's sake....look at the numbers. Close to a thousand now.

More republican voters going out to vote. Don is on a roll. Even some democrats are jumping a sinking ship to join up on Don's side.

Edited by slipperylobster
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"collusion" is often illegal in many other industries

In politics it's called coalition and perfectly legal.

It's where enemies collaboate against a common opponent or frenemies. Common in the USA Congress to get legislation passed and parliamants to elect a prime mininster. But obviously, not something Mustang Trump can recognize as legitimate.

Not quite and nor should "Mustang Trump" because it's not legitimate.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.They are conspiring to steal delegates after the first ballot nullifying the right to vote in the Primaries. They don't think it's right for the people to vote for someone the establishment doesn't approve of. They want to cheat the people of their choice. This should be considered voter fraud.Writing up a rule to make it legal cannot circumvent the right to vote under the Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.


Creating a right to vote under the Constitution and then denying that vote should violate Civil Right Statute 18 U.S.C. § 241


It will be interesting to see where this goes but I won't hold my breath. On one side you have Hillary who should be in prison for several issues including accepting donations to her Clinton foundation from 20 countries she sold arms to as Secretary of State and on the other we have Cruz and Kasich conspiring to deprive the people their right to vote which is a felony.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.

You are incorrect.

They are attempting to divert votes for Trump to either of themselves. They are not blocking anyone's ability to vote for Trump. They are engaged in nasty politics that is not illegal anymore than Trump's nasty campaign is illegal

Furthermore, this is a political party primary. In short the Constitutional right to vote does not apply. The party decides who is eligible to vote and how votes will be counted. For example, the party can decide that only registered Republicans can vote, preventing registered Democrats and Independents from voting. A party can decide to include super delegates in addition to elected delegates in the party nomination process. A party can apply different election rules state-by-state.

You don't like a party nomination rules, get the rules changed. find another party. Or start your own.

Thanks for your explanation. I am not an American and that might show but it seems you are saying that the Republican party can do whatever it likes with it's rules.

I understand that the Primaries are about electing delegates but after creating a right for the people to vote and then ignoring that vote even for delegates should violate 18 U.S.C. § 241

"intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured"

Whether you like Trump or not is immaterial to the fact that if he is frozen out and any other candidate is elected when Trump holds the majority vote, then millions of voters cannot vote for the candidate of their choice because that right has been taken away from them. That seems to me tantamount to disenfranchisement.

Edited by Linzz
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"collusion" is often illegal in many other industries

In politics it's called coalition and perfectly legal.

It's where enemies collaboate against a common opponent or frenemies. Common in the USA Congress to get legislation passed and parliamants to elect a prime mininster. But obviously, not something Mustang Trump can recognize as legitimate.

Not quite and nor should "Mustang Trump" because it's not legitimate.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.They are conspiring to steal delegates after the first ballot nullifying the right to vote in the Primaries. They don't think it's right for the people to vote for someone the establishment doesn't approve of. They want to cheat the people of their choice. This should be considered voter fraud.Writing up a rule to make it legal cannot circumvent the right to vote under the Constitution which is the Supreme law of the land.


Creating a right to vote under the Constitution and then denying that vote should violate Civil Right Statute 18 U.S.C. § 241


It will be interesting to see where this goes but I won't hold my breath. On one side you have Hillary who should be in prison for several issues including accepting donations to her Clinton foundation from 20 countries she sold arms to as Secretary of State and on the other we have Cruz and Kasich conspiring to deprive the people their right to vote which is a felony.

Cruz and Kasich have conspired to commit a federal crime in attempting to deprive Americans their right to vote.

You are incorrect.

They are attempting to divert votes for Trump to either of themselves. They are not blocking anyone's ability to vote for Trump. They are engaged in nasty politics that is not illegal anymore than Trump's nasty campaign is illegal

Furthermore, this is a political party primary. In short the Constitutional right to vote does not apply. The party decides who is eligible to vote and how votes will be counted. For example, the party can decide that only registered Republicans can vote, preventing registered Democrats and Independents from voting. A party can decide to include super delegates in addition to elected delegates in the party nomination process. A party can apply different election rules state-by-state.

You don't like a party nomination rules, get the rules changed. find another party. Or start your own.

Thanks for your explanation. I am not an American and that might show but it seems you are saying that the Republican party can do whatever it likes with it's rules.

I understand that the Primaries are about electing delegates but after creating a right for the people to vote and then ignoring that vote even for delegates should violate 18 U.S.C. § 241

"intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured"

Whether you like Trump or not is immaterial to the fact that if he is frozen out and any other candidate is elected when Trump holds the majority vote, then millions of voters cannot vote for the candidate of their choice because that right has been taken away from them. That seems to me tantamount to disenfranchisement.

dont quit your day job. a political party cant create rights

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dont quit your day job. a political party cant create rights

Thank you for your sarcasm. Are you capable of any meaningful discussion like Srikcir? Perhaps not. Looks like your partisanship is getting in the way. I don't get to vote so I don't really care.


The GOP gave the people the right to vote for Trump in allowing his candidacy as a Republican representative, and then possibly removing him and therefore removing the majority vote for him in one foul swoop and denial of voting for him in November.

If millions of people are denied the candidate of their choice by the political establishment and delegates not being bound in a contested convention, then this is a demonstration of the will of the party over the will of the people effectively undermining the democratic process. It would be unusual but apparently it is still possible for Trump to be denied nominee, even if he reaches 1237 as delegates could vote to change the rules even before the first ballot.

If party rules are all about retaining their cushy positions of power then I agree that the sooner there is a multi party situation that can offer parties that will not attempt to thawt the majority vote, then the better. Where I come from I am not used to the 2 party system but coalitions.


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dont quit your day job. a political party cant create rights

Thank you for your sarcasm. Are you capable of any meaningful discussion like Srikcir? Perhaps not. Looks like your partisanship is getting in the way. I don't get to vote so I don't really care.


The GOP gave the people the right to vote for Trump in allowing his candidacy as a Republican representative, and then possibly removing him and therefore removing the majority vote for him in one foul swoop and denial of voting for him in November.

If millions of people are denied the candidate of their choice by the political establishment and delegates not being bound in a contested convention, then this is a demonstration of the will of the party over the will of the people effectively undermining the democratic process. It would be unusual but apparently it is still possible for Trump to be denied nominee, even if he reaches 1237 as delegates could vote to change the rules even before the first ballot.

If party rules are all about retaining their cushy positions of power then I agree that the sooner there is a multi party situation that can offer parties that will not attempt to thawt the majority vote, then the better. Where I come from I am not used to the 2 party system but coalitions.


that is not a right and all your saying that it is does not make it true

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dont quit your day job. a political party cant create rights

Thank you for your sarcasm. Are you capable of any meaningful discussion like Srikcir? Perhaps not. Looks like your partisanship is getting in the way. I don't get to vote so I don't really care.


The GOP gave the people the right to vote for Trump in allowing his candidacy as a Republican representative, and then possibly removing him and therefore removing the majority vote for him in one foul swoop and denial of voting for him in November.

If millions of people are denied the candidate of their choice by the political establishment and delegates not being bound in a contested convention, then this is a demonstration of the will of the party over the will of the people effectively undermining the democratic process. It would be unusual but apparently it is still possible for Trump to be denied nominee, even if he reaches 1237 as delegates could vote to change the rules even before the first ballot.

If party rules are all about retaining their cushy positions of power then I agree that the sooner there is a multi party situation that can offer parties that will not attempt to thawt the majority vote, then the better. Where I come from I am not used to the 2 party system but coalitions.


that is not a right and all your saying that it is does not make it true

OK did the GOP give Trump legal entitlement to stand and voters legal entitlement to vote for him?

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dont quit your day job. a political party cant create rights

Thank you for your sarcasm. Are you capable of any meaningful discussion like Srikcir? Perhaps not. Looks like your partisanship is getting in the way. I don't get to vote so I don't really care.


The GOP gave the people the right to vote for Trump in allowing his candidacy as a Republican representative, and then possibly removing him and therefore removing the majority vote for him in one foul swoop and denial of voting for him in November.

If millions of people are denied the candidate of their choice by the political establishment and delegates not being bound in a contested convention, then this is a demonstration of the will of the party over the will of the people effectively undermining the democratic process. It would be unusual but apparently it is still possible for Trump to be denied nominee, even if he reaches 1237 as delegates could vote to change the rules even before the first ballot.

If party rules are all about retaining their cushy positions of power then I agree that the sooner there is a multi party situation that can offer parties that will not attempt to thawt the majority vote, then the better. Where I come from I am not used to the 2 party system but coalitions.


that is not a right and all your saying that it is does not make it true

OK did the GOP give Trump legal entitlement to stand and voters legal entitlement to vote for him?


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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


People vote for Trump?

Surveys show Trump will have the lowest minority vote in the history of POTUS elections.

He has alienated himself from most of the major religions in the USA.

He has alienated himself from women voters.

Republican registered voters say they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump. Or not vote at all.

Recent poll of voters age 18-29 shows only 25% likely to vote for Trump compared to 61% for Hillary, marking a low point back to 1972.

Like the Prayut regime, Trump is drawing the nation together - against himself.

Surveys are krap.

What you are dealing with, is a bunch of dummies calling up random households...or handing out pamphlets with check boxes. Results can be obtained just by selecting areas that you know will feed in the numbers.

Wise up....and look at the real facts.

millions of supporters....way more than the opposition. More delegates....nobody even comes close. For Christmas's sake....look at the numbers. Close to a thousand now.

More republican voters going out to vote. Don is on a roll. Even some democrats are jumping a sinking ship to join up on Don's side.

We've seen this kind of reasoning before. Or is it unreasoning? Remember 2012? When Fox and similar outlets were claiming that the polls were skewed? In fact, somebody created a site called unskewedpolls.com just to cater to that mathematically challenged crowd. It was very popular with the right until Nov 8, 2012. Nate Silver was vilified by the right for saying Obama was by far the likely winner of that election. And when the results came in Silver had called a mere 50 out of 50 states correctly. I suspect that a lot of these hyped-up Trump supporters subscribed to that vilification.

But if you want to see a sample of the kind of "reasoning" used by slipperylobster et alii, just go to this Peggy Noonan posting at the Wall Street Journal made on Nov 5, 2012. It's truly astonishing. http://blogs.wsj.com/peggynoonan/2012/11/05/monday-morning/

If you don't want to read the whole thing but only the highlights go here: http://www.businessinsider.com/peggy-noonan-romney-obama-prediction-electoral-college-map-wall-street-journal-2012-11

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that is not a right and all your saying that it is does not make it true

OK did the GOP give Trump legal entitlement to stand and voters legal entitlement to vote for him?


Well I'm sure you know what I'm going to say next. When is a legal entitlement not a right? I'm happy to learn

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that is not a right and all your saying that it is does not make it true

OK did the GOP give Trump legal entitlement to stand and voters legal entitlement to vote for him?


Well I'm sure you know what I'm going to say next. When is a legal entitlement not a right? I'm happy to learn

when its not inalienable. it can be modified or even removed at any time.

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Americans are watching Europe in horror. It's live on TV. They don't want any part of it. Build a wall. Control borders. Polish your rifles.

China has been ripping the US off for more than 40 years now under both Dem and Repubs, and thumbing their nose with what they do in the South China Sea. Trump has promised to put the hurts on them and bring jobs back. Americans are tired of wars in God forsaken places. People believe him and they are voting for him.

The bale of hay Hillary is toast.


People vote for Trump?

Surveys show Trump will have the lowest minority vote in the history of POTUS elections.

He has alienated himself from most of the major religions in the USA.

He has alienated himself from women voters.

Republican registered voters say they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump. Or not vote at all.

Recent poll of voters age 18-29 shows only 25% likely to vote for Trump compared to 61% for Hillary, marking a low point back to 1972.

Like the Prayut regime, Trump is drawing the nation together - against himself.

Surveys are krap.

What you are dealing with, is a bunch of dummies calling up random households...or handing out pamphlets with check boxes. Results can be obtained just by selecting areas that you know will feed in the numbers.

Wise up....and look at the real facts.

millions of supporters....way more than the opposition. More delegates....nobody even comes close. For Christmas's sake....look at the numbers. Close to a thousand now.

More republican voters going out to vote. Don is on a roll. Even some democrats are jumping a sinking ship to join up on Don's side.

We've seen this kind of reasoning before. Or is it unreasoning? Remember 2012? When Fox and similar outlets were claiming that the polls were skewed? In fact, somebody created a site called unskewedpolls.com just to cater to that mathematically challenged crowd. It was very popular with the right until Nov 8, 2012. Nate Silver was vilified by the right for saying Obama was by far the likely winner of that election. And when the results came in Silver had called a mere 50 out of 50 states correctly. I suspect that a lot of these hyped-up Trump supporters subscribed to that vilification.

But if you want to see a sample of the kind of "reasoning" used by slipperylobster et alii, just go to this Peggy Noonan posting at the Wall Street Journal made on Nov 5, 2012. It's truly astonishing. http://blogs.wsj.com/peggynoonan/2012/11/05/monday-morning/

If you don't want to read the whole thing but only the highlights go here: http://www.businessinsider.com/peggy-noonan-romney-obama-prediction-electoral-college-map-wall-street-journal-2012-11

Interesting thank you.

Reason 1: No one really knows, still.

But to quote No.1 I have seen countless posts from the left on TV predicting celebrating a Hillary victory already along the lines of "President Mrs HRC get used to it" theme far more many times than I have seen anyone saying on here that Trump will be President guaranteed.

Personally I would never risk egg on face.

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Well I'm sure you know what I'm going to say next. When is a legal entitlement not a right? I'm happy to learn

when its not inalienable. it can be modified or even removed at any time.

So this means that current party candidate election votes are alienable and the Federal elections are unalienable?

The Constitution of the United States clearly states, "The right of citizens of the United States, who are eighteen years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age."-

United States Constitution: Article XXVI.[Proposed 1971; Ratified 1971]------------- Referring only to the Federal Elections?

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We've seen this kind of reasoning before. Or is it unreasoning? Remember 2012? When Fox and similar outlets were claiming that the polls were skewed?

The usual dishonesty. Fox News never claimed any such thing. Some of their guests did and they also claimed the same thing on other networks.

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