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Air strike on Kunduz hospital ‘not a war crime’ says US military report


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Air strike on Kunduz hospital ‘not a war crime’ says US military report


A United States military investigation has concluded that a deadly US air strike on an Afghan hospital last year did not not amount to a war crime.

Forty-two people were killed and 37 others wounded in the strike that destroyed the Kunduz facility run by the charity Doctors Without Borders.

A top US general said it was caused by a number of factors, including human errors.

“The investigation concluded that certain personnel failed to comply with rules of engagement and the law of armed conflict. However, the investigation did not conclude that these failures amounted to a war crime,” said Army General Joseph Votel, Commander of US Central Command. “The investigation found that the incident resulted form a combination of human errors, process errors and equipment failures. And that none of the personnel knew they were striking a hospital.”

Doctors Without Borders said it will examine the US report and determine whether or not it answers the many questions that remain outstanding seven months after the attack.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-04-30

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If the Russians allegedly bomb a hospital in Syria it's a crime. If the US do the same in Afghanistan it's not.. Double standards or what!

Did the Russian's publicly admit they bombed a hospital? Did they launch an inquiry into the event, exposing all the details that lead up to the attack? Did they punish those involved in the attack? Definitely double standards...especially as some didn't even condem the Russian attacks.

More info here, and worth a read:


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If the Russians allegedly bomb a hospital in Syria it's a crime. If the US do the same in Afghanistan it's not.. Double standards or what!

Did the Russian's publicly admit they bombed a hospital? Did they launch an inquiry into the event, exposing all the details that lead up to the attack? Did they punish those involved in the attack? Definitely double standards...especially as some didn't even condem the Russian attacks.

More info here, and worth a read:


I don't know did they? Did they even bomb a hospital? Edited by casualbiker
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If the Russians allegedly bomb a hospital in Syria it's a crime. If the US do the same in Afghanistan it's not.. Double standards or what!

The Kunduz hospital was on a no-strike list before the attack...

Yes it was. Horrible mistake. Which happens in times of war. FYI: I'm not in favor of US involvement in these wars. 100% against it. Also not in favor of any foreign country involved in these wars. Of which there are many, sadly.

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If the Russians allegedly bomb a hospital in Syria it's a crime. If the US do the same in Afghanistan it's not.. Double standards or what!

Did the Russian's publicly admit they bombed a hospital? Did they launch an inquiry into the event, exposing all the details that lead up to the attack? Did they punish those involved in the attack? Definitely double standards...especially as some didn't even condem the Russian attacks.

More info here, and worth a read:


I don't know did they? Did they even bomb a hospital?

It's hard to figure out exactly what's going on in Syria. But, this has been reported by many news agencies.


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......if you go over to someone's house.....and launch a bomb.......is it a crime..... ???


....for whatever 'pretext'.......call it...... ' war'.......

....and it's alright to murder people in their own 'house' (country)......thousands and thousands of miles away from your own home....???

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......if you go over to someone's house.....and launch a bomb.......is it a crime..... ???


....for whatever 'pretext'.......call it...... ' war'.......

....and it's alright to murder people in their own 'house' (country)......thousands and thousands of miles away from your own home....???

Those involved are being punished. Not sure how, or how severe, but it's being recorded on their records. If you know anything about the US military, this is a huge deal and has the potential to ruin your career. So, it is a crime. Just not a "War" crime.


A war crime is an act that constitutes a serious violation of the law of war that gives rise to individual criminal responsibility.[1] Examples of war crimes include intentionally killing civilians or prisoners, torture, destroying civilian property, taking hostages, perfidy, rape, using child soldiers, pillaging, declaring that no quarter will be given, and using weapons that cause superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering.[2]

Though perhaps an independent organization could have done the research instead of the US military....of course, that would have taken years. Look at how long war crimes take to be prosecuted. Cambodia is one of the worst examples....

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Listening to the report and explanation from the Americans it seems that a load of stuff went wrong and caused the wrong targets to be hit. Including the gunship setting of early without coordinates for the hospital.

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If the Russians allegedly bomb a hospital in Syria it's a crime. If the US do the same in Afghanistan it's not.. Double standards or what!

The Kunduz hospital was on a no-strike list before the attack...

Yes it was. Horrible mistake. Which happens in times of war. FYI: I'm not in favor of US involvement in these wars. 100% against it. Also not in favor of any foreign country involved in these wars. Of which there are many, sadly.

Your posting history on similar threads tells me the opposite.

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If the Russians allegedly bomb a hospital in Syria it's a crime. If the US do the same in Afghanistan it's not.. Double standards or what!

The Kunduz hospital was on a no-strike list before the attack...

Yes it was. Horrible mistake. Which happens in times of war. FYI: I'm not in favor of US involvement in these wars. 100% against it. Also not in favor of any foreign country involved in these wars. Of which there are many, sadly.

Your posting history on similar threads tells me the opposite.

Sorry you've interpreted my posts the wrong way. Now you know. With that being said, if serious provocation is involved, then I'm all in favor of a serious reply. That doesn't seem to be happening in the Middle East though....with the exception of Saddam's invasion of Kuwait many years ago.

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Whilst some may criticise at least the Americans have investigated the issue.

Some 16 military personnel have been cited and will face disciplinary action.

It was always unlikely that the US was going to find itself guilty of committing a "war crime" and the Kunduz tragedy may indeed not be such a crime. My own belief is that problem was caused by "Gung Ho" incompetence rather than by deliberate intent.

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What a surprise..... USA is never guilty of anything, especially when they investigate themselves..... bah.gif

Troll post. Have you done any research on the punishment handed out? Seems not....


While none of those punished was court-martialled, in many cases a non-judicial punishment, such as a letter of reprimand or suspension, can effectively end a military career.

More info on Friday.

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Why get so worked up about yet another US whitewash when the history of this imperial power is a litany with war crimes which have gone unpunished - though, fortunately, not unrecorded.

It's easy enough to Google the evidence, which is overwhelming and irrefutable. Harder to fathom is why Uncle Sam continues to get away with murder on such a prodigious global scale.

Maybe being the biggest bully on the block helps - that and having the economic and military muscle to stick two fingers up to world authorities everybody else is obliged - under the threat of reprisals from you-know-who - to respect and obey.

Wikipedia blows the whistle like this:

War crimes can be prosecuted in the United States through the War Crimes Act of 1996. However, the United States Federal Government does not accept the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court (ICC) over its nationals, as the United States is not a party to the Court.[1]

Makes you think, dunnit.

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What else would a U.S. sponsored report say about a U.S. blunder? Frankly, it probably doesn't rank as a war crime, and I'm not sure it was ever viewed as such. But a blunder of stupendous proportions it was, and U.S. military heads need to roll.

Edited by Jonmarleesco
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What a surprise..... USA is never guilty of anything, especially when they investigate themselves..... bah.gif

Troll post. Have you done any research on the punishment handed out? Seems not....


While none of those punished was court-martialled, in many cases a non-judicial punishment, such as a letter of reprimand or suspension, can effectively end a military career.

More info on Friday.

Troll post? Are you serious? Don't be ridiculous. What JulesMad stated is fact, and the so-called punishment doesn't change that one iota.

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Troll post? Are you serious? Don't be ridiculous. What JulesMad stated is fact, and the so-called punishment doesn't change that one iota.

US servicemen get convicted all the time. Easy to search for this. So yes, a troll post.


US soldier sentenced to life in prison for shooting 16 Afghans

The punishment does fit the crime.

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