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Is 1000Bt note the same as 10 years ago?

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They should be though there was a new issue in the last year or so....A thread on the new notes ran here recently.

Don't expect them to 'stretch' as far as they did ten years ago though......sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

Thanks, that's good to hear... And I'm already prepared for the increase, I think i got close to 70bt to the £ when I was visiting previously, I guess those days are long gone.

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For the time being I'd say they are, but you never know what is around the corner, though tinpot regime, after tinpot regime have hammered the nation in taxes to cash in while their tenuous grips on power last....

We could open a tin of worms here by debating whether you are going to get the same sort of value for money you did ten years ago but there is a similar and entertaining thread running on that along the lines of 'I can't afford to live in Thailand any more' which can be found here.....


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For the time being I'd say they are, but you never know what is around the corner, though tinpot regime, after tinpot regime have hammered the nation in taxes to cash in while their tenuous grips on power last....

We could open a tin of worms here by debating whether you are going to get the same sort of value for money you did ten years ago but there is a similar and entertaining thread running on that along the lines of 'I can't afford to live in Thailand any more' which can be found here.....


Thanks again Meryl

I'm on a different job than I was when I was younger and expect a price increase as it is, I'm imagining it is still cheaper than most other holiday destinations and not too concerned about the cost (within reason obviously)

My trips 10 years ago I stayed in rooms for 450bht a night to keep costs down, fortunately I wont need to this time round. But I know what you mean, I was surprised 10 years ago at the prices people used to moan about, it was always cheap I thought

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