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Can't afford to live in Thailand anymore


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The exchange rate for Canadian dollar has never been lower. I see the same goes for AUD$.

I mean....sure I can still live in Thailand, but I am back in Canada comparing prices and it sure looks like life would be cheaper here long term. Not to mention the long term benefits such as free healthcare, cleaner and safer everything and pension even if one is not working.

The only problem is my gf and future wife has a decent job in Bangkok and I am sure she would be miserable in Canada.

What to do?

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If Canada really is better, your wife ought to recognize the merit in moving there.

Give her plenty of chances to see what it has to offer, and make the decision together.

For me, leaving Thailand is hard to imagine. Once it's in your blood...and all that.

Best of luck.

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Anyone considering moving overseas needs to do worst case spreadsheet simulations of what would happen if the exchange rate and interest rates plunged, and inflation sky rocketed.

If you don't think you would be able to weather a worse case scenario, holding off moving overseas until you are confident you can, should be carefully considered.

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Seems to me if your gf (future wife) has a good job in Thailand, then your combined income should be more than sufficient to live upon. However, there are good things about Thailand in comparison to Canada (or other countries), but that goes vice versa. I am tending to find that, with the exception of rent (and I can find affordable housing back in the US), if you live a parallel type of lifestyle, the costs of living in Thailand are lower, but not always that significantly. So there can be some discomfort in deciding to where to stay. Personally I believe that most farangs move here for two things: economics and women. If you are going to pair up with a woman here, as in any relationship, your life decisions will need to be shared. If for some reason she would be adamant about not leaving Thailand, you will have to consider if that is satisfactory to you (meaning you do not return to Canada unless it is without her). If she is willing to relocate, it might be worth the attempt (however, depending on her language and skill sets, securing a decent job might not be easy, so a single income should be considered). You can, if you have sufficient money, always return to Thailand. All anyone can really do for you is bring forth options and scenarios to consider. The decision as to what you do will always remain within your own hands. I hope it goes well for you! :)

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Once you marry your GF she will qualify to have her go to Canada on a permanent resident visa

Not sure of the current costs, but that and the flight will cost only a few grand

Let her visit Canada and see if she likes it

working a tim hortons can sometimes pay more than a good job in Thailand

Just make sure she arrives in Canada during the summer months, arriving in mid-winter could be tough

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Live in Canada and find a Canadian GF/wife?

Possible, but it would be an ass thing to do.

The bigger issue is that I have nothing in common with a typical Canadian woman.

Not judging, but it is what it is.


You have less in common with women that grew up in the same environment you grew up in? With similar experiences, a common language and culture? Than someone raised in an Eastern culture?

I suspect the reality is that you have no attraction toward Canadian women that are available to you. Can't say I blame you.

Better to concede the truth than fool yourself and end up another trapped foreigner who chose his mate on an internal lie...

I'd recommend every western guy spend some time in Thailand (or SEA) before choosing a wife from the slim pickings available "back home" to guys that look like me. My life would look very different had I done it. I'd love to get back 1/4 of the time, effort, money and heartache I wasted pursuing the elusive babes back home.

But be honest about why. It ain't about "nothing in common". More like "no spark".

Not judging. It is what it is.

Edited by impulse
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When the USA dollar is paired with other dollars also ,with the Thai baht , I still don't understand why the exchange rate also to other dollar is lower? When the U.S. Dollar goes up the Thai Bhat also more strong! But the dollar loose against the Bhat is nothing like the euro loose 20 Procent last week , for next 3 year when draghi not change his master plan nothing will be change, my only hope is that the Thai Bhat goes down also when Thai exports slow down because of strong baht! Here the price go up around 10 Procent need now 12000 Bhat more each month because of bad 36 exchange rate!

Welcome in peng mag ma Thailand !

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Live in Canada and find a Canadian GF/wife?

Possible, but it would be an ass thing to do.

The bigger issue is that I have nothing in common with a typical Canadian woman.

Not judging, but it is what it is.

Understand. Most "normal" Thai girls would much prefer to live in Thailand. It's the screwed up ones from dysfunctional families that want to leave. So at least you have a normal one--that's good. Tough situation. If she's making a decent salary, the two of you should be able to make a go of it in Thailand, even if your job doesn't pay all that well. Unless you have some great career prospects in Canada. I've always felt that working/slaving away in the west and retiring in Thailand was the way to go. But hey, you would know best your own circumstances.

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Live in Canada and find a Canadian GF/wife?

Possible, but it would be an ass thing to do.

The bigger issue is that I have nothing in common with a typical Canadian woman.

Not judging, but it is what it is.


You have less in common with women that grew up in the same environment you grew up in? With similar experiences, a common language and culture? Than someone raised in an Eastern culture?

I suspect the reality is that you have no attraction toward Canadian women that are available to you. Can't say I blame you.

Better to concede the truth than fool yourself and end up another trapped foreigner who chose his mate on an internal lie...

I'd recommend every western guy spend some time in Thailand (or SEA) before choosing a wife from the slim pickings available "back home" to guys that look like me. My life would look very different had I done it. I'd love to get back 1/4 of the time, effort, money and heartache I wasted pursuing the elusive babes back home.

But be honest about why. It ain't about "nothing in common". More like "no spark".

Not judging. It is what it is.

I would reword that to "Canadian women my age have nothing I want, and I have nothing much younger Canadian women want"

(works for me using 'American' in place of 'Canadian')

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Live in Canada and find a Canadian GF/wife?

Possible, but it would be an ass thing to do.

The bigger issue is that I have nothing in common with a typical Canadian woman.

Not judging, but it is what it is.


You have less in common with women that grew up in the same environment you grew up in? With similar experiences, a common language and culture? Than someone raised in an Eastern culture?

I suspect the reality is that you have no attraction toward Canadian women that are available to you. Can't say I blame you.

Better to concede the truth than fool yourself and end up another trapped foreigner who chose his mate on an internal lie...

I'd recommend every western guy spend some time in Thailand (or SEA) before choosing a wife from the slim pickings available "back home" to guys that look like me. My life would look very different had I done it. I'd love to get back 1/4 of the time, effort, money and heartache I wasted pursuing the elusive babes back home.

But be honest about why. It ain't about "nothing in common". More like "no spark".

Not judging. It is what it is.


First of all I am from Europe (call me a typical Euro trash), so your argument that I should somehow be immersed into Canadian culture and have a lot of things in common with a typical Canadian woman is wrong. I immigrated to Canada at 19.

But to put it simply. bars, hockey, office life and talking about work 24/7 simply does not interest me. This has nothing to do with the type of woman available to me as slim/fat/pretty/ugly woman would normally be the same all over Canada.

Yes, I am the problem. But it is what it is.

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Interesting. I've been back in my home country(US) for a while and doing some comparisons. I think most consumer prices are similar. Maybe a hair bit cheaper in the US due to WalMart. Only thing that in cheap in Thailand is the LOW monthly rent for studio apartments and the cheap restaurants. In the US I can't find any apartment for less than about $300 a month(10,000 baht) anywhere. But I can find good studio apartments for less than $150 a month in Thai. You can even find rooms for $50 a month in Thai still. So for me, Thai is still a bargain in the accomodation department. It's actually much for affordable to live in Thai for me. I've been priced out of my own country.

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I have found that I can and do live cheaper in the UK overall compared to Thailand. But that is because when I am in Thailand I am basically running two households with two sets of bills.

After being in Thailand for about 7 years and taking in what that entails and I was given an ultimatum either Thailand or the UK. I would choose the UK.

Not such a long time ago when I was still wearing my rose tinted spectacles, Thailand was the only place I really wanted to be. Hence getting a retirement visa. Circumstances dictated a need to be back in the UK for 9 months last year. It was then I realised what I was missing.

Luckily for me I have friends in both countries. That does help. If I was alone and friendless here in the UK, I might not think about this country in the same way. The same goes for Thailand. Friendless would be very boring.

Where the women are concerned I have no problem being without one - as I was for the 9 months here, out of choice.

In Thailand, the women tend to get under my skin with their attitudes of wanting everything they can get or persuade me to give them. I did not miss that at all when I left. And sex is not everything. Village / small town life can also drive you somewhat crazy when there are very few people to speak to in your native language.

In many ways Thailand is a wonderful place but that is starting to wear a bit thin. Military governments, corruption, cost of living (apart from accommodation) amongst other things.

I'd never bring a Thai back to my home country to live after seeing what has happened to others in my community who did the same.

I cannot say the same about the Filipino lady I am current in a relationship with. That would take time to understand.

If the OP feels he is better in Canada with everything (most things) apart from being interactive with the females, consider it long and hard as it might be the best thing you have done in a long time. With regards to the lady in your life, I'd give her a chance in Canada. If it does not work out at least you tried.

I am certainly seriously considering bringing my current lady here to the UK or to Europe on the same basis. I'd be a fool not to IMHO.

If the situation changes, OP, you can always re-start again. Especially as life is never stagnant unless we make it so.

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The OP is not the only one..... ( but how come the Can$ is so weak when the US$ is so strong ?)

when I moved here in 2005, I got 52 Baht for a Euro.

Today I get 36...... and food gets a lot more expensive...... a 225gr piece of butter was 55 or so a few years back..... now 86....

and has anyone asked a Russian Expat ?

no matter how, many Europeans living here, including me, have to tighten the belt for sure

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Interesting. I've been back in my home country(US) for a while and doing some comparisons. I think most consumer prices are similar. Maybe a hair bit cheaper in the US due to WalMart. Only thing that in cheap in Thailand is the LOW monthly rent for studio apartments and the cheap restaurants. In the US I can't find any apartment for less than about $300 a month(10,000 baht) anywhere. But I can find good studio apartments for less than $150 a month in Thai. You can even find rooms for $50 a month in Thai still. So for me, Thai is still a bargain in the accomodation department. It's actually much for affordable to live in Thai for me. I've been priced out of my own country.

You should count yourself lucky. In the UK, you will not get a one bedroom apartment for less that $750 a month. For Brits Thailand is very cheap.

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Interesting. I've been back in my home country(US) for a while and doing some comparisons. I think most consumer prices are similar. Maybe a hair bit cheaper in the US due to WalMart. Only thing that in cheap in Thailand is the LOW monthly rent for studio apartments and the cheap restaurants. In the US I can't find any apartment for less than about $300 a month(10,000 baht) anywhere. But I can find good studio apartments for less than $150 a month in Thai. You can even find rooms for $50 a month in Thai still. So for me, Thai is still a bargain in the accomodation department. It's actually much for affordable to live in Thai for me. I've been priced out of my own country.

You should count yourself lucky. In the UK, you will not get a one bedroom apartment for less that $750 a month. For Brits Thailand is very cheap.

2 & 3 bed houses available around in a medium sizes town near the sea at about £400 p.m. 1.5 $ to the £ = $600 U.S. per month.

The same in Pattaya - for example 10,000 Baht / £203 / $305 U.S.

I currently pay £55 per month over 12 months for gas and elec. = 2700 Baht p.m. in a 3 bed house in the U.K.

Not as expensive as some would have us believe.

Obviously there are other considerations to take into account.

A condo for me paid recently for a full 12 months in advance cost me 5000 Baht a month. Cheap. But it does myself and the g/f who will move in when her teaching year comes to an end.

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OP, I don't know your age, but don't underestimate the value of your health care as you get older. That one issue can break a lot of guys in LOS.

In Canada you can plan and budget. In Thailand the government is a failure at managing the economy, the value of the baht and inflation. They simply don't have a clue what they are doing to themselves. You can't plan anything to any level, as you are seeing.

In Canada at least you have health care and political stability and a predictable rate of inflation "most of the time."

I moved back to the US after only one year of retirement extension. I've visited many times for several months but I won't move back there. If guys were honest with themselves, Thailand is a dirty, corrupt <deleted> compared to their first world country. For those of us who have money or who come from countries where the cost of living is reasonable (USA) I find it better to visit Thailand about once a year for a few months and then come "home."

Good luck with what you decide.

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Interesting. I've been back in my home country(US) for a while and doing some comparisons. I think most consumer prices are similar. Maybe a hair bit cheaper in the US due to WalMart. Only thing that in cheap in Thailand is the LOW monthly rent for studio apartments and the cheap restaurants. In the US I can't find any apartment for less than about $300 a month(10,000 baht) anywhere. But I can find good studio apartments for less than $150 a month in Thai. You can even find rooms for $50 a month in Thai still. So for me, Thai is still a bargain in the accomodation department. It's actually much for affordable to live in Thai for me. I've been priced out of my own country.

You should count yourself lucky. In the UK, you will not get a one bedroom apartment for less that $750 a month. For Brits Thailand is very cheap.

2 & 3 bed houses available around in a medium sizes town near the sea at about £400 p.m. 1.5 $ to the £ = $600 U.S. per month.

The same in Pattaya - for example 10,000 Baht / £203 / $305 U.S.

I currently pay £55 per month over 12 months for gas and elec. = 2700 Baht p.m. in a 3 bed house in the U.K.

Not as expensive as some would have us believe.

Obviously there are other considerations to take into account.

A condo for me paid recently for a full 12 months in advance cost me 5000 Baht a month. Cheap. But it does myself and the g/f who will move in when her teaching year comes to an end.

I was giving an average.

In London you can pay £3000 a month for an apartment and £6000 for a house.... In Middlesbrough you can get cheap rental, but it is the most depressed, recession hit place in the country with vastly high unemployment.... Why would you live their?

The average price in a town that has employment and decent infrastructure for someone to be able to lead a pretty average life will cost the figures I quoted.

Anyway, I own my house outright in the UK and in Thailand, so luckily I don't have to worry about it and I get £800 a month in rent from my UK home.

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Live in Canada and find a Canadian GF/wife?

Possible, but it would be an ass thing to do.

The bigger issue is that I have nothing in common with a typical Canadian woman.

Not judging, but it is what it is.

Understand. Most "normal" Thai girls would much prefer to live in Thailand. It's the screwed up ones from dysfunctional families that want to leave. So at least you have a normal one--that's good. Tough situation. If she's making a decent salary, the two of you should be able to make a go of it in Thailand, even if your job doesn't pay all that well. Unless you have some great career prospects in Canada. I've always felt that working/slaving away in the west and retiring in Thailand was the way to go. But hey, you would know best your own circumstances.

your generalizations are ridiculous. i know plenty of thais from very good families that love living in my home country and would never think of going home to live!

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