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Donald Trump is set to be the Republican US presidential candidate


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What if he gets elected and does what he says he wants to do?....Maybe appoints some Ambasadors that know business and can work on the many problems. Whats so wrong about having a guy in the oval office that is not beholden to anyone. He seems to have done well for himself in the private sector. He also has some very smart people in his organization. So with the right people around him who knows. He seems to think that there are liberal fixes and conservative fixes to problems.....Not stuck on just one side of the fence......

"He seems to have done well for himself in the private sector." You hit the nail right on the head there. He's done well for himself and a small clique around him, but stepped on a lot of toes and screwed a lot of people over in the process, and did not seem to give two hoots about the thousands of people that he employed.

And he did well for himself in the private sector, but running a country is a completely different matter altogether.

Trump was born rich. Massively rich. Hardly the tale of a guy who made it on his own.

I agree with you, and the point that he is not a self-made man is valid. However, how many are? I see Trump as a charlatan, but he has my respect as a winning business competitor, and one who has applied a maxim the fastest and best companies must use today: "to succeed today, you've got to disrupt or be disrupted."

Trump has accurately read the tea leaves, moved fast, and disrupted absolutely the Republican party and perhaps soon the USA. We'll have to wait to see if his brand of disruption is also destruction.

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Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

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Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

The end of America is not because of Trump. Trump is a symptom not the cause

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Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

The end of America is not because of Trump. Trump is a symptom not the cause

When you have symptoms like this you rush to the Hospital, you don't try to be more sick

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Janet Yellen is the Chairperson of the Federal Reserve.

Loretta Lynch is the current Attorney General.

OOPS! my bad, sorry!!!

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Trump has been mouthing off about Brexit again today.

So it was no coincidence that 24 hours later Mr Trump decided to weigh in on the Brexit debate, attempting to undermine Mr Cameron by suggesting that Britain should leave the European Union.

Mr Trump said that "migration has been a horrible thing for Europe" and Britain should get out. “I know Great Britain very well," he told a US television interviewer. "I would say that they’re better off without it."

Trump's backing of Brexit was the latest salvo in a transatlantic stand-off with David Cameron that threatens to cast a shadow over US-UK relations if he reaches the White House. Trump is now in the process of deconstructing US-UK relations. What a genius.


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Hillary is fine on the FBI investigation. Obama will run out the clock keeping the "investigation" in a slow crawl until Inauguration. After that, no one will care enough to pursue it further. If it starts to look particularly threatening, he will pardon any sins calling is an honest mistake. Anyone hoping it will derail her isn't looking at the cast of characters playing the key roles. If anything does her in, it will be her own personal incompetence and lack of political skills..

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Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

The end of America is not because of Trump. Trump is a symptom not the cause

When you have symptoms like this you rush to the Hospital, you don't try to be more sick

Exactly right. America has a disease. Bernie and Trump are the only candidates that have correctly diagnosed it. The other insider vampires recommend bleeding

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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

Other than an expression of angst (and I get that this is real, even if to a lesser extent) - how is Trump himself good for the USA as a president?

If it sums up to kicking an anthill, without much by way of having a clue what to do next, doesn't strike me as a great proposition. And no, I do not think that Trump, other than capitalizing on said angst, presented a vision of realistic goals and policies. Once he clears the nomination, hard to see him not simply taking over the Republican Party (and given the nomination, many will come running). To assume anything other than the further degradation of the political system requires casting Trump as an agent of reform....admittedly, lacking the needed imagination (or self-delusion). Perhaps the underlying idea is that Trump's "role" is to bring things to a tipping point with regard to public disgust of politics? If so, that's quite a roundabout way of getting a result. not to mention a possibly a painful one, or the danger of things not getting back on track.

Even if there was a general agreement as to the causes of divisions within the USA, how is Trump going to change that? Most of what's coming from his corner promises even more of the same. More to do with over compensating to the right, rather than finding ways to bring people together.

There's a position, sometimes articulated by yourself (I think) and others, that choosing the lesser evil is one of the banes of USA politics. Often brought up in the context of HRC's candidacy. Is support for Trump that much different? What qualifies Trump as a good candidate - one that would be worthy regardless of the opposition? Or beyond being an expression of public angst?

Hello Morch

IMO, Trump does not need to articulate a vision; not to me. The vision that has caused all the problems Trump rants on about are his vision. He does not need his vision to compete with a failed vision. All he needs to do is oppose it, unwind it, repeal the sad Progressive Agenda that poisons America from the classrooms to the bathrooms to the coal mines to the R&D and manufacturing plants to the man made drought zones to the...

Yep! Its a false argument that he lacks a vision; its all in perspective. His bread and butter is repealing the status quo. The abused notion that every 4/8 years someone needs a new vision is BS. Its this false cyclic narrative that keeps people guessing this or that is different. None of it has been different, its just been sold differently. This is the zone of RHINOs and 2 steps left, 1 step right- its all the same, reverse/obverse.

I personally do not think Trump will be successful without great struggle, and I do not mean just him struggling to repeal. As evidence of the insurgency, Trump being elected would be the easiest part of repealing the current vision; the real work and danger to follow. The quiet insurgents of a generation will demonstrate the very brownshirtish nature I often suggest before and after Trump is elected. Those core leftist shrines of dependence, effective law by not-law, imbalanced trade, open-borders, etc., must be repealed or America cannot survive. No vision is necessary. Just return to turn back the clock.

What is the rationale for choosing the lesser of two evils? When someone considers this, then chooses, what thinking is evidenced? I do not consider Trump the lesser of two evils (though not a darling choice I would have preferred). Rhetorically speaking, HRC represents this solidly for me. So, I do not accept the premise. The increasingly narrow stepped-question you last offer is something I cannot answer; it increasingly narrows, reflecting a lack of will to actually reach an answer (or only a desirable one).

*I realize not vision is no vision to many; this is not the case to me. There is a very, very low threshold for what I think is a viable candidate. I do not want a different vision. I want the prior apparatus dismantled! I am tired of visions and their BS consequences.

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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

Other than an expression of angst (and I get that this is real, even if to a lesser extent) - how is Trump himself good for the USA as a president?

If it sums up to kicking an anthill, without much by way of having a clue what to do next, doesn't strike me as a great proposition. And no, I do not think that Trump, other than capitalizing on said angst, presented a vision of realistic goals and policies. Once he clears the nomination, hard to see him not simply taking over the Republican Party (and given the nomination, many will come running). To assume anything other than the further degradation of the political system requires casting Trump as an agent of reform....admittedly, lacking the needed imagination (or self-delusion). Perhaps the underlying idea is that Trump's "role" is to bring things to a tipping point with regard to public disgust of politics? If so, that's quite a roundabout way of getting a result. not to mention a possibly a painful one, or the danger of things not getting back on track.

Even if there was a general agreement as to the causes of divisions within the USA, how is Trump going to change that? Most of what's coming from his corner promises even more of the same. More to do with over compensating to the right, rather than finding ways to bring people together.

There's a position, sometimes articulated by yourself (I think) and others, that choosing the lesser evil is one of the banes of USA politics. Often brought up in the context of HRC's candidacy. Is support for Trump that much different? What qualifies Trump as a good candidate - one that would be worthy regardless of the opposition? Or beyond being an expression of public angst?

Hello Morch

IMO, Trump does not need to articulate a vision; not to me. The vision that has caused all the problems Trump rants on about are his vision. He does not need his vision to compete with a failed vision. All he needs to do is oppose it, unwind it, repeal the sad Progressive Agenda that poisons America from the classrooms to the bathrooms to the coal mines to the R&D and manufacturing plants to the man made drought zones to the...

Yep! Its a false argument that he lacks a vision; its all in perspective. His bread and butter is repealing the status quo. The abused notion that every 4/8 years someone needs a new vision is BS. Its this false cyclic narrative that keeps people guessing this or that is different. None of it has been different, its just been sold differently. This is the zone of RHINOs and 2 steps left, 1 step right- its all the same, reverse/obverse.

I personally do not think Trump will be successful without great struggle, and I do not mean just him struggling to repeal. As evidence of the insurgency, Trump being elected would be the easiest part of repealing the current vision; the real work and danger to follow. The quiet insurgents of a generation will demonstrate the very brownshirtish nature I often suggest before and after Trump is elected. Those core leftist shrines of dependence, effective law by not-law, imbalanced trade, open-borders, etc., must be repealed or America cannot survive. No vision is necessary. Just return to turn back the clock.

What is the rationale for choosing the lesser of two evils? When someone considers this, then chooses, what thinking is evidenced? I do not consider Trump the lesser of two evils (though not a darling choice I would have preferred). Rhetorically speaking, HRC represents this solidly for me. So, I do not accept the premise. The increasingly narrow stepped-question you last offer is something I cannot answer; it increasingly narrows, reflecting a lack of will to actually reach an answer (or only a desirable one).

*I realize not vision is no vision to many; this is not the case to me. There is a very, very low threshold for what I think is a viable candidate. I do not want a different vision. I want the prior apparatus dismantled! I am tired of visions and their BS consequences.

Well, he just flipflopped and now supports an increase in the minimum wage and has rescinded support for his own tax plan that would have drastically lowered taxes on the rich. So, for this week, at least, he's sounding more and more progressive. Next week, who knows?

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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

The best function for him would be interior minister. Keep him away from foreign affairs.

There is an interesting exercise in legitimizing into law that which bypasses congress. There are few ways to do this. One is through the treaty making provisions the other the circuitous regulatory "Leviathan." For more than a few decades both avenues have been aggressively exploited by the globalist crowd in both US parties. This is why we see the inexorable slide in a direction that seems, well... planned, and certainly not widely approved. ...the US is not the authority for such actions after all.

The fact is, we are to the point where domestic agenda is substantially married to foreign affairs- by design. It is the only mechanism whereby those who are determined to inflict agenda can subordinate domestic affairs to the executive and bypass congress/consent. Large... large slices of Domestic America now cite as regulatory authority various UN conventions, treaties, etc. From Agenda 21 (offered as non-binding) sustainable living to other conventions, domestic agenda is now intimately wrapped in foreign agenda.

An (intentional) consequence of globalism is the abuse of domestic sovereignty/laws/agenda; in fact, subordination is vital. America must return to its own regulatory and legal authorities/scheme. (No more of such BS as Ginsburg stating that other, equal forms of governing legal instruments should be sourced when considering the US's Supreme Laws, or US firearms, electric/plumbing codes, building zones/codes, water use rights, etc., being subordinate to non-domestic and non-elected mechanisms).


2016- US Domestic law inextricably married to foreign affairs. This must change!

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Trump keep changing his words! Why do people support somebody that say someting, and keep defending it, and than Trump takes a 180 degree turn and it is still ok with the Trump supporters?

He acted like my wife, she change her mind to all the time.

But at least she is better looking.

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...No vision is necessary. Just return to turn back the clock...

The current conservative movement summarized. Living in a fantasy world that ignores the reality of the last 50 years egged on by an entertainment industry that keeps them all stirred up and believing it is possible. Actually very sad and certainly not sustainable (hence Trump),


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Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

The end of America is not because of Trump. Trump is a symptom not the cause

Bravo! Anyone missing this would miss a freight train in their cereal.

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Trump is already creating jitters across financial markets worldwide with his latest tinsel hair-brained scheme to cut national debt (which he learned from his business bankruptcies): basically having the US do a chapter 11 bankruptcy (paying creditors a fraction of what they're owed).

Mr. Trump told the cable network CNBC, “I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal.” He added, “And if the economy was good, it was good. So, therefore, you can’t lose.”

Such remarks by a major presidential candidate have no modern precedent. The United States government is able to borrow money at very low interest rates because Treasury securities are regarded as a safe investment, and any cracks in investor confidence have a long history of costing American taxpayers a lot of money.

Experts also described Mr. Trump’s vaguely sketched proposal as fanciful, saying there was no reason to think America’s creditors would accept anything less than 100 cents on the dollar, regardless of Mr. Trump’s deal-making prowess.


This guy gets wilder by the minute. Instead of reigning in inflammatory rhetoric, he just doubles down. His disruption of the GOP is turning into total destruction.

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Let's face it, the house and senate are made up of hardcore democrats and Republicans who both dislike trump. Without their support nothing will happen in America, nothing !!! Might as well not have a president. Then you have the rest of the world who he has already offended. The English already tried to have him banded from entering the country. How many middle eastern countries will want to trust him ? Trump and his 30 million supporters against the world .... I knew the end of America was coming some day but I didn't know it could be so soon.

The end of America is not because of Trump. Trump is a symptom not the cause

When you have symptoms like this you rush to the Hospital, you don't try to be more sick

I applaud you conceding there is a national "sick[ness" and Trump only reflects the "symptoms like this." As HRC is an architect of this sickness, and the likely alternative, it seems dismissive to suggest a remedy cannot be found among the afflicted. This is "more sick."

Also, the appeal to fear actually empowers Trump while simultaneously blinding HRC's supporters to believing they've offered argument. 'The world will not like US/us, UK bans entrance, Dubai doubles visas, Iran is angry, Saudi Arabia is calling notes,' ad naseum, is the exact same noise that voices American rage and Trump support. No one gives a crap any longer. Its a long known pearl that leaders must be respected and not liked. Obama has groveled so the world likes America. Everyone likes the punk in the playground at lunchtime.

Trump forces the worst of our problem-children front and center to present themselves for our inspection now. So, when the false argument of others not liking Trump or the US are wielded like a sword to slay Trump, it does not. It empowers Trump. The more they protest Trump the more Trump gains. If they all shut up tomorrow and stopped attacking Trump his road to the White House would be near impossible- Americans have a short memory!

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Trump keep changing his words! Why do people support somebody that say someting, and keep defending it, and than Trump takes a 180 degree turn and it is still ok with the Trump supporters?

He acted like my wife, she change her mind to all the time.

But at least she is better looking.

Do you ever change your mind? Or do you lie like the usual politicians and deny or can't remember having said?

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Trump keep changing his words! Why do people support somebody that say someting, and keep defending it, and than Trump takes a 180 degree turn and it is still ok with the Trump supporters?

He acted like my wife, she change her mind to all the time.

But at least she is better looking.

Do you ever change your mind? Or do you lie like the usual politicians and deny or can't remember having said?

Most politicians in the course of their careers flipflop. But Trump oscillates. You need a stroboscope to get a fix on any position he takes.

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In many ways that oscillating is useful to Trump when his opponents can't nail him down. He is an anti politician unknown quantity, that's why Hilllary would have prefered to facedown Cruz. Hillary also can't even change her mind when she is obliged to read off the Goldman Sach's agenda

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I used to dislike Trump least in the combined crowd. Increasingly I like Trump most. I reasoned this was a false appraisal only because so few are left standing to contrast. However, it is not a false appraisal. Trump really is the only voice in a very long time to articulate the angst of this center right nation.

Trump increasingly defines and distills exactly what ails the USA- leftist minority agenda being inflicted upon the whole. Trump's resilience is both hopeful and terrifying, however. Its hopeful because America cannot long survive this leftist insurgency couched in other guise. Its terrifying because no where in recent memory is there any evidence of anything going right (good) for any America First policies. There is just no reference point as 2 steps left, 1 step right politics has long been replaced by 3 steps left.

The etiology of America's malaise is the Progressive insurgency of the minority. Trump knows this, speaks to this, and for this reason he reflects a disgusted populace.

Other than an expression of angst (and I get that this is real, even if to a lesser extent) - how is Trump himself good for the USA as a president?

If it sums up to kicking an anthill, without much by way of having a clue what to do next, doesn't strike me as a great proposition. And no, I do not think that Trump, other than capitalizing on said angst, presented a vision of realistic goals and policies. Once he clears the nomination, hard to see him not simply taking over the Republican Party (and given the nomination, many will come running). To assume anything other than the further degradation of the political system requires casting Trump as an agent of reform....admittedly, lacking the needed imagination (or self-delusion). Perhaps the underlying idea is that Trump's "role" is to bring things to a tipping point with regard to public disgust of politics? If so, that's quite a roundabout way of getting a result. not to mention a possibly a painful one, or the danger of things not getting back on track.

Even if there was a general agreement as to the causes of divisions within the USA, how is Trump going to change that? Most of what's coming from his corner promises even more of the same. More to do with over compensating to the right, rather than finding ways to bring people together.

There's a position, sometimes articulated by yourself (I think) and others, that choosing the lesser evil is one of the banes of USA politics. Often brought up in the context of HRC's candidacy. Is support for Trump that much different? What qualifies Trump as a good candidate - one that would be worthy regardless of the opposition? Or beyond being an expression of public angst?

Hello Morch

IMO, Trump does not need to articulate a vision; not to me. The vision that has caused all the problems Trump rants on about are his vision. He does not need his vision to compete with a failed vision. All he needs to do is oppose it, unwind it, repeal the sad Progressive Agenda that poisons America from the classrooms to the bathrooms to the coal mines to the R&D and manufacturing plants to the man made drought zones to the...

Yep! Its a false argument that he lacks a vision; its all in perspective. His bread and butter is repealing the status quo. The abused notion that every 4/8 years someone needs a new vision is BS. Its this false cyclic narrative that keeps people guessing this or that is different. None of it has been different, its just been sold differently. This is the zone of RHINOs and 2 steps left, 1 step right- its all the same, reverse/obverse.

I personally do not think Trump will be successful without great struggle, and I do not mean just him struggling to repeal. As evidence of the insurgency, Trump being elected would be the easiest part of repealing the current vision; the real work and danger to follow. The quiet insurgents of a generation will demonstrate the very brownshirtish nature I often suggest before and after Trump is elected. Those core leftist shrines of dependence, effective law by not-law, imbalanced trade, open-borders, etc., must be repealed or America cannot survive. No vision is necessary. Just return to turn back the clock.

What is the rationale for choosing the lesser of two evils? When someone considers this, then chooses, what thinking is evidenced? I do not consider Trump the lesser of two evils (though not a darling choice I would have preferred). Rhetorically speaking, HRC represents this solidly for me. So, I do not accept the premise. The increasingly narrow stepped-question you last offer is something I cannot answer; it increasingly narrows, reflecting a lack of will to actually reach an answer (or only a desirable one).

*I realize not vision is no vision to many; this is not the case to me. There is a very, very low threshold for what I think is a viable candidate. I do not want a different vision. I want the prior apparatus dismantled! I am tired of visions and their BS consequences.

What is it in Trump's record, statements and conduct which leads you (and others) to have faith things will actually change is he's elected?

Even giving the usual allowances for campaign trail talk, there's quite a gap between words and possible delivery there.

Perhaps vision was a poor way of putting it, change to plans, realistic options, what can be done. Ranting is all very well, but doesn't change much. Being opposed to something is not the same as being able to or knowing how to fix it. The simplified notion of turning back the clock, is wishful thinking, not a realistic proposition. Assuming this could be achieved fully, and without compromise, is nothing more than a mirror image of the things riled against.

Saying Trump is "not a darling choice I would have preferred" is pretty much an expression of choosing the lesser of two evils.

Odd talking about narrowing the discussion while setting a framework in which all one opposes is denounced to the extreme.

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I just look at the state of affairs at the VA hospitals, and the lack of support our leaders give to Area Commanders in Afghanistan and Iraq.

We had a bad Commander in Chief for quite a while now.

Give Trump a chance and see if he will allow the US Military to do their job. Deploy and win or do not deploy. Also, provide first class medical care to those who answered the call.

Hillary never answered the call, did she? She let them die in Benghazi, when they called for help. I think Trump would of picked up the phone.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Black Women are lining up in droves to vote for The Donald! biggrin.png

According to reports "“Blacks need to wise up and come on the side to make history and be on the right side of history as a Republican.”

About time, eh? smile.png

Edited by Boon Mee
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