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Has This Evidence Ruined Our Chances?

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Hi all,

Just thought i'd ask you guys if you could help.

My fiancee and I are just about to apply for a Fiancee visa to the UK. We have been gathering all our evidence up over a 3 month period and we have a great deal of good evidence, however today i received the letter i requested from my new employer confirming employment and salary, but it also states that my contract is for 6 months only. This is normal practice for my employer, initially a 6 month contract leading to a permanant position.

Will the fact that it states i only have a 6 month contract ruin any chances my fiancee and i have of getting this visa?

Thanks guys


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Explain the situation to your employer and ask him to give a ('temporary') contract for a longer period which you will give back after you have your visa...


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Already asked them today and they won't supply me with anything other than my current contract, or a letter stating my start date, length of contract and salary. Guess its gonna be a try it and see scenario

Thanks anyways guys

Maybe you have a better chance with a tourist Visa, rather than a Fiancee Visa ! Especially if it's the first time she travels to the UK.

I did the same (other EU country) because we both wanted to see if she could adapt the different life. After that we waited 4 months (and didn't see each other) for the proper Visa. We're happily married now :o


Edited by LaoPo
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I have no idea about the UK, but in the US, a letter with proof of employment and a copy of one's tax return for the previous year would suffice. I think that most immigration offices only care that you can provide "now", and don't put much weight behind what will happen in 6 months, one year, or even ten years from now.

If I were in your position, I would not worry too much. Go ahead with your application.

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Explain the situation in your sponsor's letter, together with your qualifications and employment prospects should this contract not be renewed.

It wont be a problem.

Does the UK allow for a co-sponsor? The US does.
Yes, a friend or family member can offer financial support and/or accommodation if necessary.

See Chapter 9 – The maintenance and accommodation requirements

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