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Is 'dual pricing' on the increase


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I was disgusted when I found out KFC have dual pricing for Thai/Falang on thier home delivery service here.

I have not and shall not ever eat there again.

Not that i ever have a delivery from them, but is that true? How do you know? Is it printed somewhere?

rumor monger ? inquiring minds need to know .

Rumor monger? It just seems strange for a big company like that, so just interested in how he knows. smile.png

The website states a national 40 Baht delivery charge. The Thai and English versions are exactly the same.

They do mention that local pricing may vary according to local stores.

It is probably a misunderstanding by the poster.

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I think some may have missed the fact that dual pricing is fairly common in tourist areas in many countries--sure, that doesn't make it right, but it also doesn't make it a Thai-only problem. Thai barbers and hairdressers used to provide full service--haircut, manicure, pedicure, wash and shave for one small fee; they would even offer you a cold beer or a Thai spirit and mix while being serviced. In fact, most tourist-dependent businesses offered drinks just for shopping in their shops. That too seems to have disappeared. I live in a large city not inundated with farangs; I see very little of the dual pricing, police hassles, and frequent rip-offs so many posters mention.

I have long-believed we foreigners are our own worst enemies when prices and hassles increase. Foreign tourists come and flash money around and willingly or unknowingly pay higher prices, as if they were rich. Note some of the recent forums, one just a few days ago about small scale rip-offs in satangs--many of the posters said, so what, it is only a few cents?

The solution seems too simple. If you don't like the price, go elsewhere.

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i employ my own form of dual pricing by always leaving a small tip, 20 or 40thb. is worth it to see the look of surprise from the guy who filled up my pickup at the gas station. stuff is so cheap here paying an extra dollar here or there dose not make much difference. having a thai drivers licence and speaking a few words of thai normally gets around the double pricing thing. i was just in new zealand where the topic of making national parks more expensive for tourists came up. i doubt it will happen but it was still being discussed.

You tip for having your pickup filled with gas? You must be the only one to do that. I'd sooner self-service anyway with the reluctant reduction in price. Plus I don't think I'd get 12 liters into my 8 liter can as has happened a few times when filled by an attendant here.

i love the look of surprise i get tipping for the guy fueling my pickup. last guy did a great job of cleaning my windscreen while truck was being fueled. he did such a great job i gave him 40thb. is nothing ontop of the 1000thb i normally put in.

believe it or not it is illegal for a foreigner to fuel his own vehicle. guy was done filling up his motorbike a few years back, story is they were watching him as he was renting out motorbikes in competition with the thais and that was the best way to get him.

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Two tier pricing in Thailand doesn't offend me at all. When I look at what I have because I live in a developed country, compared to what these hard working Thai people have, I'm quite happy to pay a little more and know that I am helping them out.

Take a look at Kabula post above. He (or she) has just about said it all.

Good service, good tip. Crappy service, no tip, any country.

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The OP has got it spot on, myself and some mates went down to Pattaya last week, and decided to go to this theme park about 20 Ks away. There was a notice board

telling you what was on and had a set price for each thing depending on what you wanted to see, no mention of any dual pricing.

When we went to pay, we were told that as Farangs we would have to pay more, I refused, but as my mates had children with them, they just paid the extra.

I know some posters will say they are entitled to use dual pricing, and may have a point, as some Thais pay tax etc. But for Farangs who actually live in Thailand,

we are also contributing to the Thai economy, and If we can prove this, ie work permit, Thai driving licence, yellow book, we should not be discriminated against in this way.

But hey, we are "guests" here, are we not?

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Nothing you can do about it, if you think they are charging you more walk away, their loss at the end of the day

I don't even bother saying anything if I think I am being dual charged, just walk off, I remember a incident years ago where a brush salesman came outside my house whilst I was in the garden, I asked him how much for a brush, he said 100 Baht, (30-40 in the Shopping Mall) I didn't say a word to him and walked in the house, when I came out 10 minutes later he was still stood there laugh.png

There are things I have seen on the markets that I would like to buy but never do, I really can't be bothered with all the haggling, I just shop at places where the price is clearly shown

As for hairdressers the one I go to charges me the price shown in Thai on the list,

I really don't class it as racism, Thais try to rip each other off as much as they do Farangs

"Thais try to rip each other off as much as they do Farangs"

Of course they do, capitalism is rife here in Thailand as in Western countries.

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I also believe the previous use of a Thai driving licence by foreigners to get Thai price at attractions and parks is being curtailed.

So yes it would be on the increase.

Yes, you are right, we tried that and it didn't work.

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I don't understand people getting upset

Over a duel price for the poor workers

And the wealthy foreigners. If it bothers

You so much go back to your home

Country and pay 20X more for housing

Heating in the horrible weather and be

Among the other cheap Charlie's like

Yourself! TIT!!!

Are you referring to me?

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i employ my own form of dual pricing by always leaving a small tip, 20 or 40thb. is worth it to see the look of surprise from the guy who filled up my pickup at the gas station. stuff is so cheap here paying an extra dollar here or there dose not make much difference. having a thai drivers licence and speaking a few words of thai normally gets around the double pricing thing. i was just in new zealand where the topic of making national parks more expensive for tourists came up. i doubt it will happen but it was still being discussed.

It's not a look of surprise, it'a look of shock that somebody tipped them, Thais don't tip them so why do you? By doing this you are adding to the problem

I always leave a 100 bhat tip when I eat a "breakfast included" at a hotel. The second day when I walk in, they have my coffee ready (the way I like it) and they remember how I like my eggs. You pay for good service. I know this makes some people angry. Years ago, when I worked in restaurants, there was a saying: "if you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the service".

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I employ dual pricing of my own...I will sometimes rent a condo...when a Thai individual wishes to rent the place, they always ask for a discount (100% of the time)...I always tell them I only discount to farangs, not Thais...this always draws a blank stare from them...my gf usually accompanies me on these meetings, as I am not fluent in Thai...she gets a small kick out of it as well...the constant double pricing annoys her too, because she now is a victim of it as well, since local vendors know we are together and so try to gouge her...

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I was disgusted when I found out KFC have dual pricing for Thai/Falang on thier home delivery service here.

I have not and shall not ever eat there again.

All the wonderful food here and you eat KFC? I met a pommie bloke once in a restaurant here that ordered egg and chips - said it tasted just like home. Strange fruit indeed.

He was probably sick of all the MSG ,sugar, salt ,chili and 200 mls of oil in everything they cook here

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i employ my own form of dual pricing by always leaving a small tip, 20 or 40thb. is worth it to see the look of surprise from the guy who filled up my pickup at the gas station. stuff is so cheap here paying an extra dollar here or there dose not make much difference. having a thai drivers licence and speaking a few words of thai normally gets around the double pricing thing. i was just in new zealand where the topic of making national parks more expensive for tourists came up. i doubt it will happen but it was still being discussed.

It's not a look of surprise, it'a look of shock that somebody tipped them, Thais don't tip them so why do you? By doing this you are adding to the problem

I always leave a 100 bhat tip when I eat a "breakfast included" at a hotel. The second day when I walk in, they have my coffee ready (the way I like it) and they remember how I like my eggs. You pay for good service. I know this makes some people angry. Years ago, when I worked in restaurants, there was a saying: "if you can't afford the tip, you can't afford the service".

People who EXPECT to be tipped get nothing from me, the job that you are/were expected to do is to service customers no matter if they tip or not

Edited by darrendsd
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Thai's understand farang means money.If your A poor farang Thailand might not be the country for you.

If you go out in the sticks then it's A good chance you'll pay what A Thai does.

What I do cause I know Thailand isn't A rich country.If I go and get A haircut and it's say 30 baht.I will

Probably give 50 or 60 baht.

Exactly such foreigners like you are the problem. This has nothing to do with rich or poor foreigners. That's just posturing. In the end everything is expensive, even for the Thais when they suggest that money does not matter. Tipping is OK, but to pay twice for a haircut is nonsense in a country where a large part of the population earns in one day 300 baht. Thinking helps!

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i think it is just good manners to leave 20thb when i pay a bill, or at least leave the change. i tend to go to the same places over and over again. i prefer to get a warm greeting when i arrive. for example i normally have breakfast at the danmark (best breakfast in jomtien) i like to have an ice coffee. the staff bring me a tall glass of ice before i can even sit down. beautiful, just beautiful.

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I don't understand people getting upset

Over a duel price for the poor workers

And the wealthy foreigners.

What about rich Thai people and poor foreigners?

Your stance (and that of others with the same point of view) is ludicrous. Dual pricing isn't based upon wealth, but upon the colour of one's face, and that is straightforward, out and utter racism.

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It seems many living here like to have "sucker" stamped on their forehead.

I have met a number of foreigners who like to show off and drive expensive cars, throw money around like a drunken sailor... etc.

They are cutting the throat of every foreigner here.

And yes, most countries do not have dual pricing but the sheep keep staying and taking the punishment.

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I .....what a load of tosh.

I should be greatful to pay extra based on my race?? Entrance the national parks etc

Is that a joke? It's just greed and stupidity.

A race tax...yeah oh I'm so grateful.

I'm sure the wealthy Thais would be happy to pay double or triple when they travel abroad to just for the wonderful opportunity to help out a greedy racist

Having lived in four foreign countries as an expat and traveled to 45 countries, it has been my experience there is dual pricing most foreign countries.

There should be!

Most citizens in foreign countries that tourists and many expats come in contact with did not have the same money making opportunities. Woman in Thailand

over 25 have difficulty getting jobs competing with younger women. When many reach 40, it's very difficult for them to earn money. The elderly depend upon family members for financial security, primarily their daughters.

The dual price system is increasing with the loss of Thai jobs, food inflation, currency exchange rates, increased taxes, and more tourists spending less money and spending less time in the country.

Without dual pricing many citizens and elders would be homeless, hungry or be forced to crime.

Be thankful for the dual pricing and it's better not to even talk about it. Just be thankful what you have and the more money you spend, the power of money dictates it will come back to you in the future. Feel good about it as you are proving a gift to feed the needy, help with rents, medical expenses, and social security for the elderly, school uniforms and much more.

The land of smiles are not smiling as back in the day.

Be calm and show empathy.coffee1.gif

Edited by simonuk
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What poor foreigners?? To retire here

You're supposed to have B65K per

Month. I seldom suspend more than

That and live well.

Is that right? If they feel that is the amount required to live in Thailand then why do Thai government schools only pay half that amount to English teachers?

Oh yeah forgot greed again.

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I don't understand people getting upset

Over a duel price for the poor workers

And the wealthy foreigners.

What about rich Thai people and poor foreigners?

Your stance (and that of others with the same point of view) is ludicrous. Dual pricing isn't based upon wealth, but upon the colour of one's face, and that is straightforward, out and utter racism.

Your stance is ludicrous also, as I stated in one of my above posts Thais try to rip Thais off also so what is that classed as?

It is not racism at all, it is simply Thais trying to get more money because they think you have more money then them

The word Racism is banded about far to often, usually by people with a chip on their shoulder about the colour of their skin

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Having lived in four foreign countries as an expat and traveled to 45 countries, it has been my experience there is dual pricing most foreign countries.

There should be!

Most citizens in foreign countries that tourists and many expats come in contact with did not have the same money making opportunities. Woman in Thailand

over 25 have difficulty getting jobs competing with younger women. When many reach 40, it's very difficult for them to earn money. The elderly depend upon family members for financial security, primarily their daughters.

The dual price system is increasing with the loss of Thai jobs, food inflation, currency exchange rates, increased taxes, and more tourists spending less money and spending less time in the country.

Without dual pricing many citizens and elders would be homeless, hungry or be forced to crime.

Be thankful for the dual pricing and it's better not to even talk about it. Just be thankful what you have and the more money you spend, the power of money dictates it will come back to you in the future. Feel good about it as you are proving a gift to feed the needy, help with rents, medical expenses, and social security for the elderly, school uniforms and much more.

The land of smiles are not smiling as back in the day.

Be calm and show empathy.coffee1.gif

Pabula, I understand you're thinking and I think you have a very generous heart. However, I had learned that this only adds to the problems of increasing taxes, inflation, and homelessness. You see, the central bank and government in Thailand like many countries collude to steal your money through taxes and inflation. It's the biggest conspiracy and corruption of our time. The taxes are mostly spent on corruption in some way, bailing out businesses that deserve to fail. Inflation, which is even bigger than the taxes, which robs us all. The idea of taxes is grand, but the more money Thai people have, the higher the taxes (fuel tax, motor tax, toll tax, VAT, fines and penalties, income tax, etc). I pity the common man in this world, but my money isn't going to help him, it's just going to prolong the inevitable.

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dula pricing is CLEAR RACISM! thailand is not poor country . just they dont give poor people money or care. and overpopulated land also not help to kvality of life.. but its problem whole asia.

nobody like this in TH years . and they want increase ??

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