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Department Of Disaster Prevention And Mitigation Warns Tourists Of Wildfire During Winter

Jai Dee

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Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation has warned tourists of wildfire during winter

Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Director-General Anucha Mokkawesa (อนุชา โมกขะเวส) said the weather will be cold and dry during this winter season, while shed leaves and dried grasses can cause wildfire. The wildfire-prone areas are in the northeast, eastern, northern and central regions.

The department has warned residents living nearby forest areas and tourists who are planning to travel to the forests during winter to avoid doing activities that can ignite wildfire such as incinerating trashes. Furthermore, it produces shaggy smokes and low visibility, which can potentially lead to road accidents while land can also lose its moisture.

Mr. Anucha said people could prevent wildfire by getting rid of unwanted floras and dried trees. People could make a fire preventing route in order to keep wildfire from spreading to houses and gardens.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 07 November 2006

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I'm interested in the Tourists sales pitch! Were the TAT involved?

This past three months the pitch seams to have run as:

You're welcome so long as you spend your money (quickly as possible please), get out and stay out until you have a lot of money to spend again.

Please keep down the frivolity, dancing and drinking as your Western decadence leads our youths astray.

Come and enjoy the cold weather, smog and the chance to die in a forest fire.

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