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I know it is not Thailand but the fire in Fort McMurtry

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No they can't stop it , it is even getting bigger .

Now it is heading for the oil refinerys north of fortmcmurry

Only think now is an act of nature can stop it .

As soon as I can get out of this area I am going back to Thailand

Can't go south roads are closed and can't fly out most of the refinery airports are closed

So they just keep moving us north

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Sorry to hear about your situation. My heart goes out to you -- I know Alberta very well.

One of the saddest moments of my life was driving trough a forest fire on Vancouver Island. Seeing all that beautiful landscape being destroyed was awful, but the size of this inferno is amazing.

Good luck to you and all Albertans.

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This monster is not over yet .

It has now moved more north and is taking out some of the work camps

The one in the photo is called black Sands executive camp .

The other camps south of there are gone . The trailer park is gone .

The camp I was called Noralra I heard might be on fife to,

There is about 8000 oil workers that were sent further north to get out of the path of the fire some didn't even get a chance to get there belongs before being evacatied north .

Now we are as far north as we can go in camps at the bridge to no were they call it that because the road is only open in winter on ice roads .

Can't go any further

People are trying to drive out now with police along the way informing us of the road ahead

W have about an hour drive through the smoke until we get to the other side of fortmcmurry

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