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Badoo seems over-rated. Am I missing something?

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For those who wish to pass moral judgment on internet dating sites and those who use them, could you please start a thread dedicated to that subject and leave this one to its intended purpose?

Apparently Merylhighground and Rayk are under the impression that people use Badoo in search of true love. I don't. I don't know anyone who does. I thought my description of Badoo as a hook-up site made that clear.

Rayk was disappointed to learn that many of the girls on Badoo are hookers or girls looking for sugar daddies. Some of us think that is a good thing.

So, for those who have tried to use Badoo for its intended purpose--quick, no commitment hook-ups, has anyone had any luck with the free version? Does one have to pay Badoo to get useful information out of it?

BTW, I've been in Thailand ten years. I know I have more options than I have the energy for within 20 minutes of my condo, and I routinely take advantage of these pleasurable options. But there is something about being a man that makes him want to find out what else is available.

If that's the case then why do you need an app? Why not just continue to routinely 'take advantage' of the 'pleasurable options' close to your condo?

I agree an app may help you 'expand your horizons', if you will but in my opinion it's more fun the old fashioned way.....

Ok, so you are expressing an opinion. It doesn't answer the questions in the OP, but thank you for your input.

The question remains: Does the free Badoo provide anything useful in terms of facilitating interesting, no-commitment encounters, or does one have to pay to upgrade?

Free badoo is cool, I don't know why you are having difficulties with it.

You should specify a search radius around your area and then take the time to play the "encounters" game, hit "like" for everyone who looks okay and within a few days you will have a list of matches to contact by message.

Finally! An informed answer to my questions instead of judgmental opinions. Thank you, I was about to give up.

I have been using the computer version and mostly been trying to learn the identity of the women who have "like"'d me. I haven't sent many messages and I've been stingy with personal data specific enough to lead to spammers and stalkers.

It seems like I'll have to put in on my phone, enable "Location", and try it on the road.

Once again, thank you for staying on topic and actually answering the questions posed.

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Got to be with Merylhighground and Rayk on this one, 100%.

Maybe it's an attention seeking thread ?

No, I am seeking information.

On the topic of attention seeking, why are you posting off-topic opinions on a thread of no interest to you?

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For those who wish to pass moral judgment on internet dating sites and those who use them, could you please start a thread dedicated to that subject and leave this one to its intended purpose?

Apparently Merylhighground and Rayk are under the impression that people use Badoo in search of true love. I don't. I don't know anyone who does. I thought my description of Badoo as a hook-up site made that clear.

Rayk was disappointed to learn that many of the girls on Badoo are hookers or girls looking for sugar daddies. Some of us think that is a good thing.

So, for those who have tried to use Badoo for its intended purpose--quick, no commitment hook-ups, has anyone had any luck with the free version? Does one have to pay Badoo to get useful information out of it?

BTW, I've been in Thailand ten years. I know I have more options than I have the energy for within 20 minutes of my condo, and I routinely take advantage of these pleasurable options. But there is something about being a man that makes him want to find out what else is available.

"I thought my description of Badoo as a hook-up site made that clear."

You should have made that clear in your original post which clearly you didn't.

"For those who wish to pass moral judgment on internet dating sites and those who use them, could you please start a thread dedicated to that subject and leave this one to its intended purpose?"

"Badoo sems over rated- am I missing something?"

You're a joke. You ask a question which both myself and merlyhighground both answered. You didn't like the answer so you decide to move the goal post.

It's a wonder you're still single.

What is the intended purpose of this subject?

Is it lonely over-rated farang guy looking for cheap sex.

You are correct, I assumed in the OP that everyone who would be interested in this topic knew Badoo was a hook-up site. I only referred to it explicitly so after people indicated they thought it was a serious relationship site.

Regarding the intent of this subject, from the OP:

"Many people on his forum rave about Badoo. Are they raving about the free version, or the version that costs money or personal data about friends?

If the free Badoo is useful, is there a trick to it I haven't discovered?"

Isn't it clear that I am seeking the information from Badoo enthusiasts about the whether the free site is useful, and if so, how to get maximum benefit from it?

The subject is Badoo. I am seeking information from Badoo users. I am not seeking spiritual guidance on how to conduct my love life. If you are not a Badoo user, you don't have pertinent information.

I have been a Badoo member for many years. The free version is useless so I pay for super powers. I have met a few girls over the years but none ever worked out as, has been said here, most are hookers, gold diggers, ladyboys or just desperate. My successful relationships have always been face to face serendipitous random meetings. My present GF of three years i met when I asked her if she spoke English and could translate for me. I have kept up my membership just as a time waster and to see who would be interested in a 74 year old man. Surprise! Hookers, gold diggers, ladyboys and desperates. Entertainment.

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Well another way to look at this issue, for you folks who like the "old fashioned way"... How much money will you spend on 2-3 dates with a woman that is more than just a bar fly? I found that I would spend more probably in a short time getting to know a woman than it cost me for a one year intermediate membership on one of these sites. I also think that if you are serious about finding someone that you try a 90 day membership which by the way is way less than $50 in most cases, and in that 90 days, if you have something to offer more than the average bloke who is trying to get laid and that is it, then you will probably have enough success to keep you busy for a while. If not, do another 90 day membership, and NO it is not exactly like was said, that it is out there to take advantage of poor lonely men. Women also want a relationship. Women are not used to paying for dates in most cultures yet. So they really do expect us, as men to show our cards first. Who can blame them if they are selecting someone to "take care of them" as their husband would be expected to do. Don't fool yourselves and believe this only exists in the Thai culture. It is the same everywhere I have been. Men are expected to be the economic support provider in most cultures, and if you know much about Thai culture will understand that this is the rule here for a good man as they say they want. If you are not prepared to "take care of your woman" then maybe you should consider looking for somewhere else to roost.

But back to Badoo...it is worth a shot. It would not be my first choice out of those available. Plenty of Fish used to be free, don't know if it is still. It is out of Canada. ThaiCupid is part of a huge franchise system that has specialty branches all over the world and they are considered very successful, both as a business model and for the results they get.

Buyer beware...it is easy to believe just because, we as men get a lot of hits on some of these sites, it will be instant gratification. These sites can also be dangerous for your life and health. So take it easy, get to know the women first, don't be anxious so fast to meet. Ask lots of questions. Insist on meeting on a video chat more than once, see them in the morning, at night and in between if you can. Insist on detail about their lives as it is appropriate. If you want quality, do not ask them for internet sex, be respectful as if you were sitting across the table from them, and get to know them as you would on regular dates before you meet and then arrange a meeting ONLY IN A PUBLIC PLACE, for your own safety and the impression that her safety is important to you as well...but the main rule is do not rush these things.

Yes, you can meet someone for a very high quality relationship. I would guarantee that to you...just take your time and do not settle for the first hot proposition you get unless that is all you are looking for and then you must certainly be more cautious if they want to move too fast.

A high quality woman will want to see you also on a video and will have no problem agreeing to meeting you that way.

So those of you who have only opinions, and no experience, well it is like everything else in life...opinions are like a _ _ holes, everyone has one and is entitled to say as they please even if it is so far off base and way out in left field somewhere. But I have over 30 years of experience with internet dating and I love the women I have met through the years and have met unbelievably talented, beautiful, intelligent, and successful women through those years and still have several as very good friends. I would have never met these women "out on the streets" like some of you suggested is the best way to go. My journey was just as exciting as yours I am sure, I just did not want to settle down yet. Now times have changed and I am ready...and guess what, through a site I mentioned, I have met a totally wonderful woman, mature, sweet, caring and those things that make life good for me. But I did not meet her for nearly 8 months before we finally met. I knew her very well and ended up selecting her from over 600 women who had chosen me over a six month period...but it was well worth the investment of time and energy spent. It did not cost me more than $75 for six months before we met and she provided many hours of conversation and getting to know each other over Skype before our final meeting. I do not think anyone would consider me a loser, lonely old man or anything like that....just another guy who is finished being single who wanted to find a good woman to spend my time with...I can only tell you it worked for me and if it worked for me, then I would guess most of you could have the same success if you just are not so damned anxious to bed your date and start paying money for seeing them just to get them in bed....more to life for me...but to each his own.

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For those who wish to pass moral judgment on internet dating sites and those who use them, could you please start a thread dedicated to that subject and leave this one to its intended purpose?

Apparently Merylhighground and Rayk are under the impression that people use Badoo in search of true love. I don't. I don't know anyone who does. I thought my description of Badoo as a hook-up site made that clear.

Rayk was disappointed to learn that many of the girls on Badoo are hookers or girls looking for sugar daddies. Some of us think that is a good thing.

So, for those who have tried to use Badoo for its intended purpose--quick, no commitment hook-ups, has anyone had any luck with the free version? Does one have to pay Badoo to get useful information out of it?

BTW, I've been in Thailand ten years. I know I have more options than I have the energy for within 20 minutes of my condo, and I routinely take advantage of these pleasurable options. But there is something about being a man that makes him want to find out what else is available.

If that's the case then why do you need an app? Why not just continue to routinely 'take advantage' of the 'pleasurable options' close to your condo?

I agree an app may help you 'expand your horizons', if you will but in my opinion it's more fun the old fashioned way.....

Ok, so you are expressing an opinion. It doesn't answer the questions in the OP, but thank you for your input.

The question remains: Does the free Badoo provide anything useful in terms of facilitating interesting, no-commitment encounters, or does one have to pay to upgrade?

Free badoo is cool, I don't know why you are having difficulties with it.

You should specify a search radius around your area and then take the time to play the "encounters" game, hit "like" for everyone who looks okay and within a few days you will have a list of matches to contact by message.

Finally! An informed answer to my questions instead of judgmental opinions. Thank you, I was about to give up.

I have been using the computer version and mostly been trying to learn the identity of the women who have "like"'d me. I haven't sent many messages and I've been stingy with personal data specific enough to lead to spammers and stalkers.

It seems like I'll have to put in on my phone, enable "Location", and try it on the road.

Once again, thank you for staying on topic and actually answering the questions posed.

If you can't get a bird, a stalker mightn't be a bad idea.

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To go back to the OP's topic. if as seems to be generally assumed, most of the women found using such apps are 'on the game', why don't people just save themselves the hassle and 'do it the easy way', visit a bar/pick up joint/meat market?

not every one likes the bar sceen. i got sick of it in oz so i started using adult matchmaker and had some success hooking up. i prefer the bar sceen in thailand so i dont use the internet here. people prefer different ways to get girls. there is no right or wrong, just personal preference.

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What kind of job were you offering?.... She may have been offering a different type. You do need to be clear when writing Job Ads.

I made contact first then informed the girls that replied, what I was looking for. I had plenty of offers to meet on the free version and quite enjoyed chatting with the ladies, not so much the ladyboys!

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Op, I have had great success on tagged and can send messages and have met many at no cost. I was thinking of trying badoo but there's more than enough on the site mentioned that has kept me busy. Try it.

To the ppl that flame others for using this method, open your mind. The ones I've met were not pros, and if they were, then it's up to the user.

It's also a good way to meet a friend, and I'm not kidding. Many of the women are very enthusiastic and there's no clock watching.

Nothing wrong with the old fashioned way, but to each their own.

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Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

"Badoo is a complete waste of time."

Do you speak from experience?

"Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

That was 3 years ago.

If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?

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Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

"Badoo is a complete waste of time."

Do you speak from experience?

"Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

That was 3 years ago.

If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
I said find, I didn't say pick up.

Reading and writing not your strong points I see.


Edited by Rayk
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Finally! An informed answer to my questions instead of judgmental opinions. Thank you, I was about to give up.

I have been using the computer version and mostly been trying to learn the identity of the women who have "like"'d me. I haven't sent many messages and I've been stingy with personal data specific enough to lead to spammers and stalkers.

It seems like I'll have to put in on my phone, enable "Location", and try it on the road.

Once again, thank you for staying on topic and actually answering the questions posed.

you can also specify a search area in the PC version.

set the search in "people nearby" on PC

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For those who wish to pass moral judgment on internet dating sites and those who use them, could you please start a thread dedicated to that subject and leave this one to its intended purpose?

Apparently Merylhighground and Rayk are under the impression that people use Badoo in search of true love. I don't. I don't know anyone who does. I thought my description of Badoo as a hook-up site made that clear.

Rayk was disappointed to learn that many of the girls on Badoo are hookers or girls looking for sugar daddies. Some of us think that is a good thing.

So, for those who have tried to use Badoo for its intended purpose--quick, no commitment hook-ups, has anyone had any luck with the free version? Does one have to pay Badoo to get useful information out of it?

BTW, I've been in Thailand ten years. I know I have more options than I have the energy for within 20 minutes of my condo, and I routinely take advantage of these pleasurable options. But there is something about being a man that makes him want to find out what else is available.

"I thought my description of Badoo as a hook-up site made that clear."

You should have made that clear in your original post which clearly you didn't.

"For those who wish to pass moral judgment on internet dating sites and those who use them, could you please start a thread dedicated to that subject and leave this one to its intended purpose?"

"Badoo sems over rated- am I missing something?"

You're a joke. You ask a question which both myself and merlyhighground both answered. You didn't like the answer so you decide to move the goal post.

It's a wonder you're still single.

I am thinking the OP should open up his friend list to get "superpower Badoo". I am thinking the amount of contacts that Badoo get from there may be very limited 5555

What is the intended purpose of this subject?

Is it lonely over-rated farang guy looking for cheap sex.

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Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

"Badoo is a complete waste of time."

Do you speak from experience?

"Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

That was 3 years ago.

If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
That certainly paints a picture of a demented lunatic frantically running from female to female in a feverish attempt to meet the woman of his dreams within 5 minutes and 5 metres from where he's living .


As to the extremely comprehensive reply as to why you should pay the subscription, I agree completely. If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads.

Edited by BaldPlumber
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Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

"Badoo is a complete waste of time."

Do you speak from experience?

"Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

That was 3 years ago.

If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
That certainly paints a picture of a demented lunatic frantically running from female to female in a feverish attempt to meet the woman of his dreams within 5 minutes and 5 metres from where he's living .


As to the extremely comprehensive reply as to why you should pay the subscription, I agree completely. If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads.

Another I___t whose reading comprehension is that of a 3 year old.

To help you in understanding today's reading comprehension lesson.

I said I can.

I didn't say I do.

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Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

"Badoo is a complete waste of time."

Do you speak from experience?

"Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

That was 3 years ago.

If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
That certainly paints a picture of a demented lunatic frantically running from female to female in a feverish attempt to meet the woman of his dreams within 5 minutes and 5 metres from where he's living .


As to the extremely comprehensive reply as to why you should pay the subscription, I agree completely. If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads.

Another I___t whose reading comprehension is that of a 3 year old.

To help you in understanding today's reading comprehension lesson.

I said I can.

I didn't say I do.

Fair enough, so you just assume that this approach might work since you've not tried it.

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Badoo is a complete waste of time. Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women. You may be surprised at how well that works.

"Badoo is a complete waste of time."

Do you speak from experience?

"Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

That was 3 years ago.

If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
That certainly paints a picture of a demented lunatic frantically running from female to female in a feverish attempt to meet the woman of his dreams within 5 minutes and 5 metres from where he's living .


As to the extremely comprehensive reply as to why you should pay the subscription, I agree completely. If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads.

Another I___t whose reading comprehension is that of a 3 year old.

To help you in understanding today's reading comprehension lesson.

I said I can.

I didn't say I do.

Fair enough, so you just assume that this approach might work since you've not tried it.

Dude, seriously go back to school.

Do you not understand the verb 'find'.

You're posts are asinine at the very least.

So you're telling me that you can't walk outside and find 20 girls to talk to in a span of 5 minutes.

Where do you live, Mars?

For those that can't read, let me make it simple.

Can, does not mean do

Find, does not mean does

Edited by Rayk
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"Badoo is a complete waste of time."

Do you speak from experience?

"Why not try it the way it was done long before the internet came along and just talk to women."

You might as well ask "Why identify exactly what you want on Amazon when you can spend hours driving all over the place looking for it, and maybe not find it?"

If the internet will let me screen many women to identify a small subset of interest before chatting with them, why not do it the efficient way?

Actually, I do speak from experience as I tried it when i first came to Thailand.

Quickly realized that the vast majority of girls on Badoo are either hookers, girls looking for sugar daddies or even worse they are married to a Thai man and looking for the BBD.

I met my fiancee the way my parents met and there parents met, I seen her and had the balls to speak to her.

That was 3 years ago.

If you have to drive around hours to find a girl in Thailand like your reference to Amazon then you have serious problems.

I can walk outside and within the first 5 minutes find at least 20 girls to speak with.

And looking to purchase a television on Amazon is not the same as finding women.

Tv's all look the same and do the same whereas there are no two women the same.

20 girls in 5 minutes. Wow your good! At exaggerating! What else do you exaggerate?
That certainly paints a picture of a demented lunatic frantically running from female to female in a feverish attempt to meet the woman of his dreams within 5 minutes and 5 metres from where he's living .


As to the extremely comprehensive reply as to why you should pay the subscription, I agree completely. If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads.

"If you are at least halfway normal, you should get many potential leads."

I'm a dirty old man, but a good-natured one. Is that normal?

I have no trouble making friends with attractive young women, but I don't hit on them. These aren't hired friends. In fact, when we go out to eat together, they insist on splitting the bill equally even though I eat quite a lot more than them, and I earn quite a bit more than they earn.

However I won't hit on these lovely friends; if I did I would either run them off or end up in a serious monogamous relationship, and I don't want either. I want to meet attractive women for more interesting, no-commitment activities. I realize there are bars and brothels where these women can be rented by the hour, but I want to see what else is out there. Hence my interest is Badoo.

Regarding paying the app for upgraded services, I will once I'm convinced that the app offers something worthwhile and operates with integrity--no recurring charges I haven't authorized and stuff like that. I have free versions of both Badoo and WeChat on my phone now, I'll spend a week or two with them and see what happens.

Edited by heybruce
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  • 1 month later...

Since I wrote my comments in this thread, Badoo has significantly worsened:

- no more advanced search

- it is now sometimes necessary to pay to just even "like" another profile

very annoying and that makes Badoo borderline useless, if more restrictions are coming, I'm out.

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