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Gen Prawit believes draft charter will pass referendum


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Gen Prawit believes draft charter will pass referendum

BANGKOK, 23 May 2016 (NNT) – Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defense Gen Prawit Wongsuwan has voiced his personal belief that the draft constitution will receive a majority vote from the public.

Gen Prawit told the press that he was not worried about the upcoming public referendum which is scheduled for August, saying he strongly believes that the draft constitution will be approved by the majority.

However, should the charter fail to pass the referendum, he said a new drafting team will be formed and it is still not certain if the roadmap’s time frame will be pushed back.

He went on to say that Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam had been assigned by the premier to look into the possibility of revising the public referendum law so as to allow political parties to express their opinions on the draft constitution.

-- NNT 2016-05-23 footer_n.gif

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No option if it fails to push back ( road map )

absolutely debate needs to be open and with out big brother ready to

move you to attitude adjustment if your opinion

does not agree with the draft.

FREEDOM = The right to act , speak or think as one wants,

= Absence of subjection to foreign domination or DESPOTIC government,

= The power of self determination.

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Does he know something that we don't know?


Well, besides the fact that the cartoon book and the junta vote-yes campaign are going to be smash hits, ...

and that the vote-no campaign will be facing military courts and a decade in the klink...

besides that, ... whistling.gif

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Independence of the vote counters is indeed something that cannot be ignored , not wishing to be rude but who can trust a Junta , over the time that this un- elected administration has been in power they have made sure that quite a few issues have not made the local press, but they managed to make it outside, one issue they have kept quite is the student protest numbers , they are higher than they actually reported or protests not reported at all , ,Not with standing this , with a country that appears to have now 2 DPM with the inclusion of DPM Wissanu , the actual truth is hard to come by..........................................coffee1.gif .

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I'm sure General Prawit knows already the outcome of the charter referendum. ........ His people will be counting the votes.

The only problem will be inventing a plausible percentage to the yes vote to fob of on the public.

Dare not make it 95% ....... that's for sure.

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Does he know something that we don't know?

The ballot will be two-sided:

Side 1: Yes.

Side 2: Please turn over to vote.

In all seriousness, I don't think the Junta will allow the referendum to proceed if they are not certain that it will pass. A "no" vote would be a 'no confidence' vote for the Junta, with extreme loss of face.

If it looks unlikely to pass I suspect they will come up with some reason(s) for delaying it, or even cancelling it.

Edited by mtls2005
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I'm sorry but didn't the PM say just the other day that the draft will Sail through,,, and that he does not know if there will be an election???

Please junta fan boys correct me if I'm wrong but that is what the public have been told yeah?whistling.gif

Things which are said are supposed to be forgotten in short order. If you compiled a (very long) list of all the PM's and Governments spokespersons pronouncements over the past 2 years and then removed all the contradictory ones, you would be left with almost nothing of substance.

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I don't share his optimism. The two biggest political parties (good for 83% of votes last time around) have both rejected the draft.

Maybe he knows something the rest of us don't. I sure hope they are not planning on rigging the election, as that will come out sooner rather than later.

Edited by sjaak327
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At this stage in the exercise, Prawit more or less has to 'express confidence that it will pass'. Whatever he thinks will happen, and we got a glimpse of that as recently as last week when he said it if fails, it's back to the drawing-board for draft 3 and probably no election next year.

Both scenarios can't be true at the same time. Maybe General Prawit has a problem with logic as well as with his image, after all, he's just a grunt and grunts are not best known for their excessive intellect.


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At this stage in the exercise, Prawit more or less has to 'express confidence that it will pass'. Whatever he thinks will happen, and we got a glimpse of that as recently as last week when he said it if fails, it's back to the drawing-board for draft 3 and probably no election next year.

Both scenarios can't be true at the same time. Maybe General Prawit has a problem with logic as well as with his image, after all, he's just a grunt and grunts are not best known for their excessive intellect.


Prawit is a clone of the former PTP DPM. full of B/S

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