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Thai public seek justice for handicapped man killed by policemen's children


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Where is Prayuth now. Why does he support the murderous kids of RTP officers. What has he got to gain by it.Where is the justice that he is bragging about,where is his pretended fight against corruption, and last but not least, does he really think that the general population will support him after this example of RTP corruption

He can't do anything about RTP, they've got some serious dirt on him. I suspect money from drug or people trafficking, the police and the army are both in on that. That's why Prayuth changed from bragging about reforming the RTP to saying that the next government would do it in short order.

Someone quite high up in the police had a quiet word in his shell-like ear and suggested he keep his trap shut. Prayuth does not want a war between the RTP and the Army. Not that he's scared of one, but it would be very very public and the details would come out.

And that would be the end of Prayuth and his coterie.

Imagine what his wife and daughters would think of being a part of a destroyed family after all the sunshine they've been basking in for 2 years.


Edited by Winniedapu
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Where is Prayuth now. Why does he support the murderous kids of RTP officers. What has he got to gain by it.Where is the justice that he is bragging about,where is his pretended fight against corruption, and last but not least, does he really think that the general population will support him after this example of RTP corruption

He needs no support, he has article 44.

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Everyone knows how the disabled and homeless are preferred to be kept in a backroom or out of sight of Thailand's shame based eyes and are, in most cases, shunned and treated like Lepers, as if they are sub-human. When you are dehumanized your life can be taken, by those who are of the belief they are more superior than you, without a second thought. Justice is seldom seen, for those without disabilities. Therfore, why would Justice make an appearance in this case?

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Where is Prayuth now. Why does he support the murderous kids of RTP officers. What has he got to gain by it.Where is the justice that he is bragging about,where is his pretended fight against corruption, and last but not least, does he really think that the general population will support him after this example of RTP corruption

He needs no support, he has article 44.


And I suspect (based on the apparent rate with which he is being found out), he will rely on Article 44 to either set aside the referendum results or announce it as a pass whatever the actual result Probably the latter. I just can't see any way the Thai people are going to pass it. Truly I can't and I have tried every which way.

If and when he does either, he will be down to overt repression as his only mechanism to remain in power. Foreign governments will likely apply sanctions and eventually, Thais will throw him out unless a coup against him does it for them. In the mean time, Thailand will become even more of a basket case than it already is, and his support will leak away by inches until he won't even be able to go out in public. His big boss Prem will die, Prayuth will flee and uncle too will be right royally gefuk'd. Every time I see Prawit or Prayuth on the telly I see more and more desperate men, who for all the world, appear not to understand why Thais do not kneel down and kiss their feet. Legends in their own mind, I think they truly believe they are the saviours of Thailand - really.

Perhaps it's all wishful thinking on my part but it seems to me that Prayuth has painted himself into a corner of his own construction, I think he will be forced to break cover, and if he does that, then everyone will see him for exactly what he is. The lies he has told the Thai people and the international community are so outrageous that he simply cannot keep up the pretence for very much longer.


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Interesting how this website page is mysteriously now blocked; lucky the General's lack of education and vision means VPN allows us all to view ongoing matters around the globe. Justice is a relative term to those making the choices > RTP are <deleted> hopeless + convict one of their own children for such a diplorable crime?? 555+ please

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Wait on you lot..What about the videos of the Benz killer? The whole world saw the speed he crashed thru' the toll barrier..then minutes later we all witnessed him SLAM into the poor students...and he's only answering to a lesser charge brought against him...that video of him killing the 2 occupants of the car seems to be missing the point here a wee bit...Oh but I forgot..he's donned an orange robe now has he not...?

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