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2016 Thai tourism continues growing


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2016 Thai tourism continues growing

BANGKOK, 24 May 2016 (NNT) - The Ministry of Tourism and Sports has reported that the number of Thai and international tourists in Thailand in the second quarter this year will likely increase by 9.2% following continuous tourism growth.

Minister of Tourism and Sports Kobkarn Wattanavarangkul on Monday said in the first quarter Thailand’s tourism revenue was 680 billion baht, increasing by 16% compared to the same period last year.

The second quarter revenue was expected to stand at 560 billion baht—355 billion baht of which from foreign tourists. Most of the international tourists visiting Thailand this year were Chinese people, followed by those from Europe and ASEAN, said the minister.

The ministry has estimated that the combined tourism revenue of the first and second quarter will stand at 2.4 trillion baht. It has set plans to promote tourism in seven major and 12 minor cities with the objective to distribute tourists and tourism revenue to communities.

Furthermore, the ministry is preparing to promote health and wellness tourism in line with the government’s Thai tourism strategy for the years 2015 - 2017.

-- NNT 2016-05-24 footer_n.gif

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Just keeps going up and up at unprecedented levels. I think they need more resorts, hotels and taxis. If numbers keep soaring the local population is going to be outnumbered 2 to 1.

The figures include Thai tourists.

Many people enter Thailand multiple times per year.

Many Thais take multiple vacations per year.

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Are the Baht numbers increasing because of gullible Chinese tourists paying extortionate prices for latex goods & jewellery? They certainly do not spend money elsewhere which is why so many street level businesses are suffering.

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All these tourists, and yet every tourist dependent business I know of is hurting.

clap2.gif Spot On.

All i hear from a couple of friends who have a small restaurant / bar is ' where are all these supposed tourists then ? "

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I believe it's their brilliant advertising and marketing that's key.

Go and try their famous seafood

Go on a coach ride north and sing along with the driver as we hurtle around bends

We all hear about the famous military protection of all tourists.

Wow that sounds so cool

I saw the posters of Smooth as silk and pretty Thai air hostesses so had to experience their graciousness .

Straight to world famous cheap markets.

They sold me T-shirts and teaching me to understand the Thai baht I would need (so helpful) only 500 each!

I had almost run out after the airport Taxi took me on a side trip.( day before)

Settled in my deluxe room after resetting my safe combination ( the staff again helpful) I was ready for beach .

Some lovely jet ski man left me off the damages to his ski by half .

I had accidentally hit something ( though didn't feel it) and did 28,000 damages.

He was so nice about it and said my I pad and 5000 would be ok.

I need a new update Version anyway so it's a great excuse.

The water was a bit murky that day so remember to gaggle folks.

Going out to walking street to see a European ( Russian ) girls exotic dancers .

A nice man called Egor is arranging my entire night.

I said I like Karaoke too.

And tomorrow I am off to a full moon party .

I hear the locals are so cool down south can't wait.

Ps ...I am writing my entire trip down on Facebook for the world to see....

I am not Chinese

Edited by Plutojames88
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With so many tourists there will surely come a time in the near future where there simply are not enough Thai tour guides and they will have to allow foreign workers to do the job (after gaining the required qualification of course).

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These people must do an audit every 24 hours, the quarter finished 24 days ago , there is a massive amount of stats to pour over which would generally take 6 months to get a rough idea, all the tourist agency's have to report in, hotels , tourist related org and they have all this information in their hands in 24 days , amazing Thailand.........................................coffee1.gif

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All these tourists, and yet every tourist dependent business I know of is hurting.

clap2.gif Spot On.

All i hear from a couple of friends who have a small restaurant / bar is ' where are all these supposed tourists then ? "

The Chinese hordes are all on large tour buses being delivered to a few select destinations where they are cleverly relieved of their money. There are obviously some tasty crumbs for the people who work in those establishments but there is currently no room for the traditional tourist industry people.

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Planes from China are full of holidaymakers on cut rate flights, but they to contribute to increasing arrivals figures. They help maintain hotel occupancy rates throughout the year, albeit at low margin tariffs. The transport business does nicely out of trucking them to huge eateries to be fed and watered before being deposited at the entrance of the duty-free emporiums and jewellery shops that Burmese labourers construct apace at diverse locations. There they are left at leisure to walk the convoluted route past every brand name outlet represented….. opportunity at last to spent the cash they have saved for their holiday. Throw in a ladyboy cabaret, a dolphin show and the like for a bit of entertainment. One way or another the money rolls in for the well connected big shot investors into the connected businesses.

Meanwhile, the travellers from traditional markets, on whom the tourism industry was built over the past 3 or 4 decades, find Thailand less than welcoming these days, and have moved on to more hospitable places. The small business that depended upon this patronage are struggling now. A good few near the beaches have been bulldozed.

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You got love these statements , does anyone think these figures are true as the tourism industry does not reflect these stats

They used to be kind of a laugh, now they are very irritating and a plain lie.

The best thing the government can do today is to get rid of this brainless woman.

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You got love these statements , does anyone think these figures are true as the tourism industry does not reflect these stats

They used to be kind of a laugh, now they are very irritating and a plain lie.

The best thing the government can do today is to get rid of this brainless woman.

The same woman who recently spent a bunch of money hiring a fancy room in a top class hotel for a meeting & news conference which surely could easily have been done in the ministry offices.

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You got love these statements , does anyone think these figures are true as the tourism industry does not reflect these stats

They used to be kind of a laugh, now they are very irritating and a plain lie.

The best thing the government can do today is to get rid of this brainless woman.

Apart from being married to a general she does fit right in it seems.

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Rather like Syphilis,that also the gift that keeps on giving.
As a note,have had some info about there being cases of syph on the dark side on a rather large scale.

This is not a troll post,i still have friends in that area that keep in touch.

Rain coats on boys!

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You got love these statements , does anyone think these figures are true as the tourism industry does not reflect these stats

They used to be kind of a laugh, now they are very irritating and a plain lie.

The best thing the government can do today is to get rid of this brainless woman.

And replace her with?

The highest bidder?

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You got love these statements , does anyone think these figures are true as the tourism industry does not reflect these stats

They used to be kind of a laugh, now they are very irritating and a plain lie.

The best thing the government can do today is to get rid of this brainless woman.

And replace her with?

The highest bidder?

There must be somebody with a little more brains.

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You got love these statements , does anyone think these figures are true as the tourism industry does not reflect these stats

They used to be kind of a laugh, now they are very irritating and a plain lie.

The best thing the government can do today is to get rid of this brainless woman.

And replace her with?

The highest bidder?

There must be somebody with a little more brains.
I doubt it very much as this is a reserved occupation for Generals wives only. However, should they expand it to Mia Noi's we may see an improvement. Edited by BigBadGeordie
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Planes from China are full of holidaymakers on cut rate flights, but they to contribute to increasing arrivals figures. They help maintain hotel occupancy rates throughout the year, albeit at low margin tariffs. The transport business does nicely out of trucking them to huge eateries to be fed and watered before being deposited at the entrance of the duty-free emporiums and jewellery shops that Burmese labourers construct apace at diverse locations. There they are left at leisure to walk the convoluted route past every brand name outlet represented….. opportunity at last to spent the cash they have saved for their holiday. Throw in a ladyboy cabaret, a dolphin show and the like for a bit of entertainment.

Meanwhile, the travellers from traditional markets, on whom the tourism industry was built over the past 3 or 4 decades, find Thailand less than welcoming these days, and have moved on to more hospitable places. The small business that depended upon this patronage are struggling now. A good few near the beaches have been bulldozed.

One way or another the money rolls in for the well connected big shot investors into the connected businesses.

Concur, it was immediately prior to the days of the credible terrorist threats being directed at Bangkok, and the SARs virus 'panic' on the back of that, when tourist numbers plummeted across the kingdom, hotels laid off staff, particularly those catering to the Chinese market, and put the remainder into rotating shifts of one day on, one day off, , businesses shut up, the Chinese had begun to roll up in large numbers. I remember sitting in Simon's? Pattaya and watching the bus loads of Chinese tourists being ushered in, in orderly fashion, you could say regimented, to watch the 'live show'. The were given the option of 1 Beer or I Soft drink per man/woman which was issued to them on arrival. No cash changed hands. Everything pre-arranged. Show over. Fall in. March out. On the bus and off to the next pre-planned, pre-paid destination.

Japanese tourism was conducted in a similar fashion in the 70's & 80s. Hopefully in the future the Chinese may become a bit more independent, free thinking and 'intrepid'

There is no money for the grass roots of the industry from this style of tourism.

Ok if you're getting a piece of the action though.

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These people must do an audit every 24 hours, the quarter finished 24 days ago , there is a massive amount of stats to pour over which would generally take 6 months to get a rough idea, all the tourist agency's have to report in, hotels , tourist related org and they have all this information in their hands in 24 days , amazing Thailand.........................................coffee1.gif

No need for stats to be calculated since they made 18 numbers on calculators

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I just got back from a SETV run to Vietnam with a two week look around taking advantage

of the UK passport holders not requiring a visa for 2 week visits that is currently allowed.

I was very surprised and impressed. I was only in Saigon(HCMC) and Nha Trang and traveled

between the two by train. Both cities were cleaner than the places I have visited in Thailand.

The beach and water was cleaner that the popular tourist beaches in Thailand. (I know there

are special places in Thailand that are excellent as well). The number1 tourist group according

to hotel and restaurant staff was Russian 40%, followed closely by Chinese 35% and all other

countries combined making up 25%. The food was great, the people were very friendly and

helpful and prices were 30-40% lower than Thailand. No visible sex industry (although I am

sure it exists as it does everywhere in the world). A much better choice for couples, families,

backpackers. Thailand really needs to look over its shoulder. I really enjoy Thailand but

there are other options. coffee1.gif

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Rather like Syphilis,that also the gift that keeps on giving.

As a note,have had some info about there being cases of syph on the dark side on a rather large scale.

This is not a troll post,i still have friends in that area that keep in touch.

Rain coats on boys!

I think this woman has syphilis and it has affected her brain

AND As for your post - I am a Doctor and have been with 4 people in Chiang Mai with this serious disease.

There is a VERY VERY big outbreak and the response here? Oh well if they come we give medicine if not come up to them

And UP TO THEM means a serious disease that will spiral out of control and affect them for the rest of their lives and YOURS too if unprotected

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Minister Kobkarn is not brainless, nor is she well qualified for the position. But she is exceptionally well connected and loyal.

The tourism numbers are suspect, in my view, for several reasons:

- the underlying data are not readily available, thus not easily subject to validation.

- the numbers are reported too quickly, suggesting they lack quality assurance

- the local and international tourism numbers are most often combined, which impedes understanding, and that may be deliberate.

Beyond that, there is the obvious quality vs quantity argument.

Nevertheless, it does appear that tourism is one aspect of the Thai economy that can be spun positively. Low petrol prices might be another.

Lord knows, the Junta needs a life ring.

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Planes from China are full of holidaymakers on cut rate flights, but they to contribute to increasing arrivals figures. They help maintain hotel occupancy rates throughout the year, albeit at low margin tariffs. The transport business does nicely out of trucking them to huge eateries to be fed and watered before being deposited at the entrance of the duty-free emporiums and jewellery shops that Burmese labourers construct apace at diverse locations. There they are left at leisure to walk the convoluted route past every brand name outlet represented….. opportunity at last to spent the cash they have saved for their holiday. Throw in a ladyboy cabaret, a dolphin show and the like for a bit of entertainment. One way or another the money rolls in for the well connected big shot investors into the connected businesses.

Meanwhile, the travellers from traditional markets, on whom the tourism industry was built over the past 3 or 4 decades, find Thailand less than welcoming these days, and have moved on to more hospitable places. The small business that depended upon this patronage are struggling now. A good few near the beaches have been bulldozed.

The best summary of the current state of tourism in Thailand I've read.

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