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Sanders: Democratic convention could be 'messy'


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The biggest problem I personally have with Sanders is that the promises he make to the naive younger population that he can legalize pot, socialized medicine and other subject that he will never get thru congress or the house. Then his age, even if he's healthy he may do 1 period but if he don't achieve his promises the republicans will win after 4 years. Democrats need a better candidate and I think Hilary can do the job, us did a lot improvement under Bill.

I interact often with younger folks, from dozens of countries. There are many other adjectives I would use other than 'naive'. The majority I've met are are bright, savvy, well-informed and wise. Look at what elders have brought us: Wars, hand-outs for biggest businesses, spending on business and wars to the detriment of the environment. I'm not saying all elder statesmen have their heads in the butts, but most do.

Someone suggested both Sanders and Trump run as 3rd (and 4th) party candidates. If Trump hadn't won the Rep nod, that might be plausible. I'd love it if there was a 4-way race. Even so, I don't want to see Sanders running as a 3rd candidate without the balance of a right-winger doing the same. If Sanders ran as a 3rd party, it would almost guarantee a Trump win, and that would be disastrous for the US.

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I agree with Thaidream's post, above, except to say: If it's HRC vs Trump (as looks very likely) you'd do well to vote for Hillary as the lesser of 2 evils. Even if you consider HRC is evil and or a liar, she's still miles better than Trump. Everything about Trump, including his basic character, is repulsive.

That's certainly what Clinton is counting on from the electorate. It's not a universally held opinion though

it sounds like Sanders isn't about to say he will tell his supporters to vote for Clinton, at least not at this point. He said Hillary will have to reach out to them. Sanders does not like the way he and his supporters have been treated by the DNC and I think he may just consider a third party run. I hope he does !

Sanders has good reason to be upset. The media and DNC has ignored his campaign as much as they possibly can.

Yep, I agree. Poor old Sanders and his supporters should never forget the way the Clintons and the Democratic machine has treated them. If I were them, I would do everything possible to see that they pay for it in November.

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The only chance the losing democrats have is shedding both Hillary and Sanders.

Best scenario there is....FBI completes their investigation and files Criminal Charges against Hillary.

That leaves Sanders...but he may not make it (I fear for his health...much to old for this)

Possibly another democratic nominee..their "White Horse" Last Chance.

Would definitely have to be better than Hillary or Sanders. More Charismatic, and have some kind of plan (unlike Hillary), instead of the same old sheep.

Anyways, when Hillary is in Court, she will have to drop out of the Race. Bernie is no Match for The Trump Machine.

Bernie will be chewed up and spat out.

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Sanders is 74, Trump is 69. Not a big diff. Some people die young. Some live happily into their 90's.

Yep, I agree. Poor old Sanders and his supporters should never forget the way the Clintons and the Democratic machine has treated them. If I were them, I would do everything possible to see that they pay for it in November.

How have the Clintons and the Democratic machine treated Sanders so badly? Specs please. Did they call him a communist as Republicans have?

On a side note: Trump had one of his fans come up and call Obama a Muslim. Trump didn't even bat an eye, let alone correct the fan. Proof that I'm a better person than Trump: If someone came up to me and said Obama was a Muslim, I would correct that person. Trump just grinned, thinking, "aha, my sheeple followers think Obama is a Muslim, that will help my hate-mongering campaign. Cool. Now, I wonder how many of my sheeple I can get to think Obama is a Kenyan who is illegally occupying the White House."

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Yep, I agree. Poor old Sanders and his supporters should never forget the way the Clintons and the Democratic machine has treated them. If I were them, I would do everything possible to see that they pay for it in November.

Spoken like a true Trump lover. Make mountains out of molehills, and then hold angry grudges - and seek recriminations. If Trump gets to be prez, he can change the Presidential seal to state the following: "United in Finding Fault and Blaming Others. May all our enemies be Walled out"

While he's added, he can design a new plaque to put up at the Statue of Liberty:

"Give us your rich with prestigious university degrees, yearning to make tons of money. Anyone else, particularly poor people and those who aren't white skinned, stay away."

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Yep, I agree. Poor old Sanders and his supporters should never forget the way the Clintons and the Democratic machine has treated them. If I were them, I would do everything possible to see that they pay for it in November.

Spoken like a true Trump lover. Make mountains out of molehills, and then hold angry grudges - and seek recriminations. If Trump gets to be prez, he can change the Presidential seal to state the following: "United in Finding Fault and Blaming Others. May all our enemies be Walled out"

While he's added, he can design a new plaque to put up at the Statue of Liberty:

"Give us your rich with prestigious university degrees, yearning to make tons of money. Anyone else, particularly poor people and those who aren't white skinned, stay away."

This is what fear sounds like on a message board. BTW, immigration policy is not made by a statue, much less a plaque attached to some statue at a much later date.

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Yep, I agree. Poor old Sanders and his supporters should never forget the way the Clintons and the Democratic machine has treated them. If I were them, I would do everything possible to see that they pay for it in November.

Spoken like a true Trump lover. Make mountains out of molehills, and then hold angry grudges - and seek recriminations. If Trump gets to be prez, he can change the Presidential seal to state the following: "United in Finding Fault and Blaming Others. May all our enemies be Walled out"

While he's added, he can design a new plaque to put up at the Statue of Liberty:

"Give us your rich with prestigious university degrees, yearning to make tons of money. Anyone else, particularly poor people and those who aren't white skinned, stay away."

This is what fear sounds like on a message board. BTW, immigration policy is not made by a statue, much less a plaque attached to some statue at a much later date.

It's more concern than fear. I'm concerned about the non-rich Americans who will get shafted by the Divider if he gets the power seat.

When the Chinese took over HK, they took the name "British" off of everything. They even painted the red mailboxes green. Painting a mailbox green doesn't change policy, but the overall policies that Trump proposes will be harmful for Americans and for the world in general. Reagan was a bumbler controlled by his wife. Trump is a dangerous bungler.

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Bernie's strongest political card is he would get a greater majority of votes against Trump, than Hillary.

Also on the menu, he has motivated younger voters like no one since JFK. That's massive, because it's so easy for youngsters to get cynical about politics, like their parents. He's got millions engaged in the political process who would ordinarily not care. Feel the bern!

"Bernie's strongest political card is he would get a greater majority of votes against Trump, than Hillary."

If that's true, why haven't they been turning out to vote for him in the primaries in greater numbers than for Hillary? Your statement makes no sense. If Sanders "would get a greater majority of votes against Trump", why isn't this majority turning out in the primaries?

The "bern" is burnt out. He's been demoted from Contender to Spoiler First Class. He remains a huge bump in the road, or perhaps more like a bridge that's washed out, for Hillary.

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OK what happens if she is indicted?

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Only the Obama Justice Dept. can indict her. So, I guess Obama could give the go-ahead to Lynch to do so and get the convention superdelegates to turn things in Biden's favor for the nomination. Two birds with one stone. Obama sinks the Clintons, who he doesn't like very much, and he promotes Biden as his possible successor, whom he respects. Real bad day to be Hillary Clinton.

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Bernie should let the democrats know that if he does not get the nomination he will run as a third party, perhaps Green Party. This election it is possible for an independent like Bernie to win the majority of the vote with three running but almost not possible to get the 50 percent plus one that is required. Hillary is out anyway and the House I think would give it to Bernie if he got the most votes.

Presidential elections in the US don't work that way. Look up "US Electoral College" and read up.

what I said above is exactly correct. In order to become president from the general election one must have 270 electoral votes. If that number is not met then the House will select the president.

"what I said above is exactly correct."

Well, not exactly.

Had you bothered to mention the 270 electoral votes required, then you would have been correct.

You indicated the popular vote, which is incorrect. Now you have it right.

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Bernie's strongest political card is he would get a greater majority of votes against Trump, than Hillary.

Also on the menu, he has motivated younger voters like no one since JFK. That's massive, because it's so easy for youngsters to get cynical about politics, like their parents. He's got millions engaged in the political process who would ordinarily not care. Feel the bern!

"Bernie's strongest political card is he would get a greater majority of votes against Trump, than Hillary."

If that's true, why haven't they been turning out to vote for him in the primaries in greater numbers than for Hillary? Your statement makes no sense. If Sanders "would get a greater majority of votes against Trump", why isn't this majority turning out in the primaries?

The "bern" is burnt out. He's been demoted from Contender to Spoiler First Class. He remains a huge bump in the road, or perhaps more like a bridge that's washed out, for Hillary.

Because Bernie has less negatives than either HRC or Trump. A significant # of people who will vote for Trump reluctantly, would rather vote for Sanders if given the choice. Even some of the Trump supporters on Thai Visa have said as much. I think against HRC, Trump would lose by 15%. Against Sanders, he'd lose by closer to 30%.

OK what happens if she is indicted?

Could be messy. You may also ask; "What happens if the class action lawsuit against Trump goes to court before the election?" (Re; Trump's fake university) It's doubtful that Trump's case will go forward prior to the election. Same for Trump's tax returns.

You know, if the shoe was on the other foot, Trump would be shouting at and harassing HRC each day "Where are those tax returns? Everybody wants to see them! What are you hiding Pants Suit Hillary? Come on, don't be a chicken! Don't tell us that you can't legally release them, because you know that's a lie."

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Hillary is such a loser. She can't shake a wobbly old socialist even though her party anointed her long before the primaries started. Her Royal Thighness aka the Pantsuit Monster will lose this election one way or another - either to Bernie or to Trump.


Could we just stop with these stupid names for candidates? Is this 5th grade? The vile monster royal thighness pantsuit monster socialist crooked bla bla bla. It just comes off as moronic.

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