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You must be terrified all the way up on your balcony!!

Why don't you try helping the situation by adopting one or sponsoring one at Tony's compound in Jomtien until it has been adopted rather than just looking to get the council to round them up and kill them.

I'd rather see some useless farrangs rounded up and shipped out myself

O.K for starters these stray dogs should be rounded up and if not found homes put to sleep, end of! My 3 year old was bitten by a stray a couple of months back not to bad but bad enough!!,if you really want to sponsor something what about some of these street kids or orphans or are they less important than dogs!! :o Sober up!! :D


This karma thing about killing the dogs is nonsense

Toksin killed of humans by the 1000's during the drug clean up and look at the great karma he received

Billions of dollars, 5 star life, supportive family and friends - visa where ever he goes - no queues


So if everyone takes one dog out we can all live better lives

Theres a little black one that hangs outside the Grand in Jomtien thats first on my list

haaahahaahahahahahaha ( like Vincent Price )


Well whats the point of arguing with you idiots.. look after your kids and keep them away from stray dogs.. I have 2 they haven't been bitten because I teach them well how to treat animals and to be wary, I would not let my kids around stray dogs unless they have been trained again.

As for helping the street kids.. I do, I make regular donations to various charities, do you? I have 2 kids 1 is mine 1 is an adopted girl whose parent were HIV victims. I also put 2 additional Thai children a boy of 7 and a girl of 11 through school every term, and have for the past 5 years.

I don't shout about it because its really only my business and that's not why I do it. So come on what do you do to help anyone or anything in Thailand on a regular basis?

Put up or shut up you morons.


Very nearly fell for that one and joined a flame fest.

Your skill at teaching kids to stay away from stray, potentially rabid dogs is merit worthy. However your arguments will only make sense when you come up with a scheme to teach potentially rabid dogs to stay away from children.

As to your noble charity efforts, I'm sure we all applaud you. But you were right when you said it was your business and totally off topic.

Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


anyone can assist then email me


I had a similar problem with one large soi dog who threatened me when I walked past his soi. After avoiding him I decided to make friends with him and feed him some tasty food when I was walking past. Soon he stopped barking and was pacified. Now he doesnot cause a problem for me. Anyway, this seemed to work for in my case, perhaps it can work in your situation.

Very nearly fell for that one and joined a flame fest.

Your skill at teaching kids to stay away from stray, potentially rabid dogs is merit worthy. However your arguments will only make sense when you come up with a scheme to teach potentially rabid dogs to stay away from children.

As to your noble charity efforts, I'm sure we all applaud you. But you were right when you said it was your business and totally off topic.

Not at all off topic when aka_jack tells me time and efforts are spent better helping children. I have a few posts on here over a reasonable period of time and never felt the need to mention it before, however when some one assumes without asking that just because you care for dogs or any animals that you don't care for children or people as well then its time to put the record straight.

Just keep your children away from where you know the dogs are, its not rocket science, they tend to stay in the same places all the time.

Like grover a few years ago I took the bully dog of the soi, I fed him and got his hair to grow back, after a few months at night when I went out he would cry like a baby when he heard my bike pull up he was so happy. A elderly Thai lady adopted him after about 6 months and he lived with her until he died. His name was holly as he only had half an ear. (after the boxer holyfield who's ear tyson bit off)

If any of you who can only think a kull is the only answer actually took the time to take just one of these poor creatures and gave it a proper life then you would I am sure change your "Im allright Jack" attitudes.

Black Jack your posts are not even worthy of a reply you really are a pr*ck if you think that you are clever or funny.


Very nearly fell for that one and joined a flame fest.

Your skill at teaching kids to stay away from stray, potentially rabid dogs is merit worthy. However your arguments will only make sense when you come up with a scheme to teach potentially rabid dogs to stay away from children.

As to your noble charity efforts, I'm sure we all applaud you. But you were right when you said it was your business and totally off topic.

Not at all off topic when aka_jack tells me time and efforts are spent better helping children. I have a few posts on here over a reasonable period of time and never felt the need to mention it before, however when some one assumes without asking that just because you care for dogs or any animals that you don't care for children or people as well then its time to put the record straight.

Just keep your children away from where you know the dogs are, its not rocket science, they tend to stay in the same places all the time.

Like grover a few years ago I took the bully dog of the soi, I fed him and got his hair to grow back, after a few months at night when I went out he would cry like a baby when he heard my bike pull up he was so happy. A elderly Thai lady adopted him after about 6 months and he lived with her until he died. His name was holly as he only had half an ear. (after the boxer holyfield who's ear tyson bit off)

If any of you who can only think a kull is the only answer actually took the time to take just one of these poor creatures and gave it a proper life then you would I am sure change your "Im allright Jack" attitudes.

Black Jack your posts are not even worthy of a reply you really are a pr*ck if you think that you are clever or funny.

I totally agree that this problem is for " people " to solve

The packs of dogs are not a quirk of nature but the product of human stupidity and a general uncaring attitude in the local populace. However, as much as I would wish for a cuddly wuddly solution, the problem is so widespread and out of hand, that action folk like 4B find distasteful is all that is left.

I can not "avoid" these packs, as I have a home in the sticks and the ###### things inhabit just about every bloody bush in mabprachan. If every farang took one in, by the next week, city dwelling locals dump ten more. I honestly can not walk for a box of milk without arming myself and keeping the old fingers firmly crossed.

Sorry, something must be done. If a kull is too radical for you, forced sterilization may keep the numbers down to the unexceptable, rather than the down right dangerous, the situation that now exists in the countryside. :o


I lived in Pattaya City for 2 years and I've now been living at Maprachan for 2 years and I can honestly say I've never felt seriously threatened by a stray dog.

There have been occasions when I have shouted at 1 or 2 dogs to let them know who's the boss but that's the point, we are way above dogs in the pecking order.

I started feeding the most flea bitten and horrible looking cur at the local temple a while back and I often have to fend of the rest of the pack whilst Beckham eats the food I give her (called Beckham because the only fur it's got is a mohican that it can't scratch off and because it's a girl, like Beckham).

In truth the only dogs I am wary of are owned dogs near their owners properties, especially the imported big breeds, but at the end of the day they are only doing their jobs.

Domestic dogs aren't vicious by nature, train them to attack or kick them about and see what happens.

When I lived on Corfu Island, after all the tourists had left in November, the council would tell everyone to keep their dogs in for a week while they laid poisoned food all over the Island, it wasn't nice but there were no strays.

I'm sure this arguement will roll on for a long while yet.

When I lived on Corfu Island, after all the tourists had left in November, the council would tell everyone to keep their dogs in for a week while they laid poisoned food all over the Island, it wasn't nice but there were no strays.

A workable solution to the problem here?? Sounds effective and worth a try.

we are way above dogs in the pecking order.

I've encountered quite a few of these associates of ours in the animal world who apparently never received that memo. :o


I obvioulsy don't live in pattaya, but do visit quite often. The stray dog situation will never improve until a cull is carried out. Not a poisoned meat one which would leave the animals in painl, but a humane bullet or injection.

We lived in the Middle East for a while and the Muslims hated dogs. We had packs of feral Wadi dogs running around our neighbourhood, every couple of months the police would drive around and shoot them. The bin cats would be poisoned which was horrid.

Not a nice idea, but there is only one way to get a grip of the problem.

I lived in Pattaya City for 2 years and I've now been living at Maprachan for 2 years and I can honestly say I've never felt seriously threatened by a stray dog.

There have been occasions when I have shouted at 1 or 2 dogs to let them know who's the boss but that's the point, we are way above dogs in the pecking order.

I started feeding the most flea bitten and horrible looking cur at the local temple a while back and I often have to fend of the rest of the pack whilst Beckham eats the food I give her (called Beckham because the only fur it's got is a mohican that it can't scratch off and because it's a girl, like Beckham).

In truth the only dogs I am wary of are owned dogs near their owners properties, especially the imported big breeds, but at the end of the day they are only doing their jobs.

Domestic dogs aren't vicious by nature, train them to attack or kick them about and see what happens.

When I lived on Corfu Island, after all the tourists had left in November, the council would tell everyone to keep their dogs in for a week while they laid poisoned food all over the Island, it wasn't nice but there were no strays.

I'm sure this arguement will roll on for a long while yet.

PS. I don't believe that poisoning animals is right, humane execution of animals that are either pests or have no quality of life is fair enough.

I feed Beckham every day, but if I could buy a pill that I knew would end her life without pain, that pill would be in her next bowl of food :D:o (any ideas vet's?)


Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


anyone can assist then email me


You must be terrified all the way up on your balcony!!

Why don't you try helping the situation by adopting one or sponsoring one at Tony's compound in Jomtien until it has been adopted rather than just looking to get the council to round them up and kill them.

I'd rather see some useless farrangs rounded up and shipped out myself


Last week 2 friends were attacked by stray dogs

yesterday I was attacked

today from my balcony I saw several dogs attack anything that moved or went past on a bike

a dangerous situation has developed and its getting out of hand

So can anyone tell me who in the local government is in charge of getting rid of them

If you dont believe take a walk down Jomtien Beach road and if you dont count at least 200 stray dogs then I buy the beer


anyone can assist then email me


You must be terrified all the way up on your balcony!!

Why don't you try helping the situation by adopting one or sponsoring one at Tony's compound in Jomtien until it has been adopted rather than just looking to get the council to round them up and kill them.

I'd rather see some useless farrangs rounded up and shipped out myself


I'm with BJ on this one. The dogs themselves are having a miserable existence and need to be rounded up and neutered. Same dog chased my car every b-loo-dy time I went round the lake; poor thing ended up in bits by the side of the road. Quick death for him, but how many strays limp off into the bushes to die a long, slow painful death ?

Round them up for the good of us humans and often for the good of the animal.

Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all

Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all

And what is it that we are meant to do about this?

1) we are not permitted to work,

2) City hall runs this city

3) We came here to retire relax, finish work and spend our hard earnt cash

We are all tax payers in this city through vat 7%, if we wasn’t here, Pattaya would once again be a fishing village, but without the fish, starving bar girls and plenty of rabid stray dogs. :o:D:D


There are now 15 dogs on the corner of soi 19

more cute little puppies on the way

So please

any touchy feely people that would like to adopt a stray dog and give it a good home please come and pick one up

Anytime of day or night is OK with me



Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all

And what is it that we are meant to do about this?

1) we are not permitted to work,

2) City hall runs this city

3) We came here to retire relax, finish work and spend our hard earnt cash

We are all tax payers in this city through vat 7%, if we wasn’t here, Pattaya would once again be a fishing village, but without the fish, starving bar girls and plenty of rabid stray dogs. :o:D:D

:D:D:D:D Pattaya would never survive without you Rocky.. I know why don't you test your theory..


Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all

And what is it that we are meant to do about this?

1) we are not permitted to work,

2) City hall runs this city

3) We came here to retire relax, finish work and spend our hard earnt cash

We are all tax payers in this city through vat 7%, if we wasn’t here, Pattaya would once again be a fishing village, but without the fish, starving bar girls and plenty of rabid stray dogs. :o:D:D

:D:D:D:D Pattaya would never survive without you Rocky.. I know why don't you test your theory..

sadly no one cares


Take the easy route - pass the buck. Help rather than complain - whine whine whine but sit on your <deleted> doing bugger all

And what is it that we are meant to do about this?

1) we are not permitted to work,

2) City hall runs this city

3) We came here to retire relax, finish work and spend our hard earnt cash

We are all tax payers in this city through vat 7%, if we wasn’t here, Pattaya would once again be a fishing village, but without the fish, starving bar girls and plenty of rabid stray dogs. :o:D:D

:D:D:D:D Pattaya would never survive without you Rocky.. I know why don't you test your theory..

sadly no one cares

I am sure Pattaya would survie without me, but did not use the word I, used the word WE pay, if We.

How many people do not come back as a result of having a bad expierience with these street dogs? What about family groups from the west.

I do believe that the stray dogs have a massive negative impact on toursim here in Pattaya

I do believe as one of the posters stated prior, the stray dogs makes the place look like a sh^^t hole.

I do believe more should be done about it, but what are we as farangs ment to do ?

We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

Personally after being chased many times by stray dogs, I carry pepper spray and hope to never feel the need to use it, but despise feeling scared as I pass by a pack of starving barking dogs,

Personally after being chased many times by stray dogs, I carry pepper spray and hope to never feel the need to use it, but despise feeling scared as I pass by a pack of starving barking dogs,

maybe you should get some more meat on your legs :o


Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

Was chased by a giant rottweiler last night, I never saw it until he ran out from a dark spot, his breathing was what made me turn my head, that s how close he was. Had I been on foot, I was screwed, good thing I was on the motorcycle.

I won't be sorry running that one over with the truck if the opportunity presents itself. Stupid dog owners. :o

mmmmm... if he's in good health, let me know when you do the right thing and please try to do it in such a way that you can save me a big, undamaged hind quarter for me... Big breed dogs like Rottweilers are great on a Rotisserie bar-b-q. :D

As expected there has been no response from the authorities i contacted


But thank you for contacting them. I wouldn't expect them to get back to you but maybe, just maybe, they are going to do something.

As expected there has been no response from the authorities i contacted


At least you have tried, you never know what they are doing behind the scenes, How did you contact them, prehaps if more of us on this site do the same the wheels may turn. ust a thought

Do you think it would be possible for us to make a kitty collection and then pay for a local vet to inject the strays that create us the greatest problems.

(About the pepper spray, i feel alot safer with it. Where I live there is a dog that the owner lets out, it runs at you barking but keeps a bit of distance, this is no where near its house. Before i was trying to get away encouraging the dog to continue with its agressive behaviour, now i feel i can contine as I was, knowing that if the dog gets any nearer, I have a chance of protecting my self. 170bht beach road)

How many people do not come back as a result of having a bad expierience with these street dogs? What about family groups from the west.

I do believe that the stray dogs have a massive negative impact on toursim here in Pattaya

I do believe as one of the posters stated prior, the stray dogs makes the place look like a sh^^t hole.

More impact than one would think. There will always be once in life time visitors who would not come again anyway. I am sure many of potential returns were put off by presence of stray dogs.

3 years ago, while visiting Singapore with my wife, her jaw dropped at sight of cleanliness, efficiency, organization of everything. I asked her what would happen to Singapore if it was turned to Thais to manage it for 3 months. She could not think of any decay more apparent than "Stray dogs everywhere".

We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

Depends who you class as we? I recall similar comments on how Thailand would never survive if the visa rules were changed, I never noticed any negative impact and never read any adverse reports.

I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay?

I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October.

It was a thriving city when I came here 10 years ago and there were probably only 30% of the whinging Cheap Charlies there are now.

Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not.

As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out.

Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya.

We do bring the money to this city and if we left what would be left ? If you think I am inacurate, please explain your thoughts

Depends who you class as we? I recall similar comments on how Thailand would never survive if the visa rules were changed, I never noticed any negative impact and never read any adverse reports.

I - We what ever don't include me in your little band of people who keep Pattaya alive and well.

Do you work here? are you paying tax apart from your 7% purchase tax which every one has to pay?

I doubt Pattaya would suffer if half of the long stay residents here left, as I am sure we will see in 90 days from the 1st of October.

It was a thriving city when I came here 10 years ago and there were probably only 30% of the whinging Cheap Charlies there are now.

Like i said why not test your theory and round up your band of big spenders and see if the rest of us here like it better or not.

As for what makes Pattaya look like a shit hole ask the Thais, they will tell you its the fat gutted farrangs walking around town with their bellies hanging out.

Soi Bukhow doesnt have many street dogs but it is the largest shit hole in Pattaya.

Yes, they are rather unattractive. And generally so miserable looking and will not give one space, will not step aside one inch on the sidewalk so that we can pass each other comfortably. Must be because of crowded European cities.

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