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Israeli media reports police recommend indicting PM’s wife


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Oh boy, another rant.

Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

You are so wrong it is scary. Do you think that the Palestinians would act any different if it were Hindus, Buddhists or Christian that moved in, stole all their land and treated them less than dogs ? Please.

Is the only reason why Palestinians have a problem with Israel because the majority of Israelis are Jewish ? Is that what you are saying ? Come off it. You are the one that brings the Jewish thing into everything Israel. Get over it and get on with it.thumbsup.gif

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It does seem apparent now however, that slowly but surely there is a internal movement against Bibi. Everyday Israelis are awakening to the fact they have a madman at the wheel. The time for him to fall on his political swords is getting closer. clap2.gif

Apparent how? coffee1.gif

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Oh boy, another rant.

Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

You are so wrong it is scary. Do you think that the Palestinians would act any different if it were Hindus, Buddhists or Christian that moved in, stole all their land and treated them less than dogs ? Please.

Is the only reason why Palestinians have a problem with Israel because the majority of Israelis are Jewish ? Is that what you are saying ? Come off it. You are the one that brings the Jewish thing into everything Israel. Get over it and get on with it.thumbsup.gif

Actually I think your entire premise is wrong.

The Jewish people are INDIGENOUS to Israel.

It's the "Palestinian" Arabs that are the latecomers.

Palestinian Arab identity as a specific thing didn't even exist until modern times.

I see you fail to address my point about France. Fantastically high level of hatred against Jews there. Jews. Not Israelis. In France, and nine times out of of then the lame excuse is because of Israel.

Where your line strays far from credibility is acting like these realities don't exist.

That fails to acknowledge the deep NEED for the creation of the Jewish state after thousands of years in the diaspora being periodically subject to expulsions and genocide. The Jewish people going HOME to Israel was absolutely a completely rational thing to do and the movement started many decades before the holocaust.

The toxic hateful B.S. that Israel is equivalent to the history of South Africa (or Belgian Congo, talk about HORRIBLE genocide) is completely wrong. White Europeans were not indigenous to Africa. They were not persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora.

Again, there are indeed two sides, and the Israel demonization agenda promotes hatred and racism by falsely insisting there is only the one side.

Edited by Jingthing
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Oh boy, another rant.

Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

You are so wrong it is scary. Do you think that the Palestinians would act any different if it were Hindus, Buddhists or Christian that moved in, stole all their land and treated them less than dogs ? Please.

Is the only reason why Palestinians have a problem with Israel because the majority of Israelis are Jewish ? Is that what you are saying ? Come off it. You are the one that brings the Jewish thing into everything Israel. Get over it and get on with it.thumbsup.gif

Actually I think your entire premise is wrong.

The Jewish people are INDIGENOUS to Israel.

It's the "Palestinian" Arabs that are the latecomers.

Palestinian Arab identity as a specific thing didn't even exist until modern times.

I see you fail to address my point about France. Fantastically high level of hatred against Jews there. Jews. Not Israelis. In France, and nine times out of of then the lame excuse is because of Israel.

Where your line strays far from credibility is acting like these realities don't exist.

That fails to acknowledge the deep NEED for the creation of the Jewish state after thousands of years in the diaspora being periodically subject to expulsions and genocide. The Jewish people going HOME to Israel was absolutely a completely rational thing to do and the movement started many decades before the holocaust.

The toxic hateful B.S. that Israel is equivalent to the history of South Africa (or Belgian Congo, talk about HORRIBLE genocide) is completely wrong. White Europeans were not indigenous to Africa. They were not persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora.

Again, there are indeed two sides, and the Israel demonization agenda promotes hatred and racism by falsely insisting there is only the one side.

My bold.

Inaccurate I think you will find. Moses brought everyone out of the desert to find the promised land, if they are indigenous to anywhere it is Egypt.

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Oh boy, another rant.

Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

You are so wrong it is scary. Do you think that the Palestinians would act any different if it were Hindus, Buddhists or Christian that moved in, stole all their land and treated them less than dogs ? Please.

Is the only reason why Palestinians have a problem with Israel because the majority of Israelis are Jewish ? Is that what you are saying ? Come off it. You are the one that brings the Jewish thing into everything Israel. Get over it and get on with it.thumbsup.gif

Actually I think your entire premise is wrong.

The Jewish people are INDIGENOUS to Israel.

It's the "Palestinian" Arabs that are the latecomers.

Palestinian Arab identity as a specific thing didn't even exist until modern times.

I see you fail to address my point about France. Fantastically high level of hatred against Jews there. Jews. Not Israelis. In France, and nine times out of of then the lame excuse is because of Israel.

Where your line strays far from credibility is acting like these realities don't exist.

That fails to acknowledge the deep NEED for the creation of the Jewish state after thousands of years in the diaspora being periodically subject to expulsions and genocide. The Jewish people going HOME to Israel was absolutely a completely rational thing to do and the movement started many decades before the holocaust.

The toxic hateful B.S. that Israel is equivalent to the history of South Africa (or Belgian Congo, talk about HORRIBLE genocide) is completely wrong. White Europeans were not indigenous to Africa. They were not persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora.

Again, there are indeed two sides, and the Israel demonization agenda promotes hatred and racism by falsely insisting there is only the one side.

As usual you choose to miss the entire point because it flaws your agenda. That point being the Palestinians do not have a personal grudge against Jews because of their religion. They have a grudge against those that steal their land, oppress them and treat them less than human. Which, in this particular case, like it or not, is being enacted upon them by Israel. FACT not FICTION !!!! Which, unfortunately for your argument, Israel is predominately Jewish. Palestine is NOT being worked over by Hindu, Buddhist, Christian etc etc societies, nor by South Africa,Belgian Congo, France or any other country you which to drag into the equation. So people like yourself always pull the old, JEW HATRED card. You are ethically and immorally wrong to accuse everyone here, there and everywhere, Jew Haters. Get over it.

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It does seem apparent now however, that slowly but surely there is a internal movement against Bibi. Everyday Israelis are awakening to the fact they have a madman at the wheel. The time for him to fall on his political swords is getting closer. clap2.gif

Apparent how? coffee1.gif

Once the press have a politician in their sights it invariably ends bad for said politician. I can hear it now. violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

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Oh boy, another rant.

Please learn the difference, and there is a big difference, between normal criticism of Israeli government policies and obsessive toxic Israel demonization which is indeed very often is mixed with hatred of Jews.

Anyone that can't freely admit that demonization of Israel isn't often mixed with Jew hatred is not being honest, and in my view it's a total waste of time even talking to such people.

Jews in France today report that antisemitism there hasn't been this bad since WW2, and Israel is usually used as an excuse. So grow up and face the reality.

The comment about tossing the PM's wife out of a copter ... sick, sick, sick.

You are so wrong it is scary. Do you think that the Palestinians would act any different if it were Hindus, Buddhists or Christian that moved in, stole all their land and treated them less than dogs ? Please.

Is the only reason why Palestinians have a problem with Israel because the majority of Israelis are Jewish ? Is that what you are saying ? Come off it. You are the one that brings the Jewish thing into everything Israel. Get over it and get on with it.thumbsup.gif

Actually I think your entire premise is wrong.

The Jewish people are INDIGENOUS to Israel.

It's the "Palestinian" Arabs that are the latecomers.

Palestinian Arab identity as a specific thing didn't even exist until modern times.

I see you fail to address my point about France. Fantastically high level of hatred against Jews there. Jews. Not Israelis. In France, and nine times out of of then the lame excuse is because of Israel.

Where your line strays far from credibility is acting like these realities don't exist.

That fails to acknowledge the deep NEED for the creation of the Jewish state after thousands of years in the diaspora being periodically subject to expulsions and genocide. The Jewish people going HOME to Israel was absolutely a completely rational thing to do and the movement started many decades before the holocaust.

The toxic hateful B.S. that Israel is equivalent to the history of South Africa (or Belgian Congo, talk about HORRIBLE genocide) is completely wrong. White Europeans were not indigenous to Africa. They were not persecuted for thousands of years in the diaspora.

Again, there are indeed two sides, and the Israel demonization agenda promotes hatred and racism by falsely insisting there is only the one side.

As usual you choose to miss the entire point because it flaws your agenda. That point being the Palestinians do not have a personal grudge against Jews because of their religion. They have a grudge against those that steal their land, oppress them and treat them less than human. Which, in this particular case, like it or not, is being enacted upon them by Israel. FACT not FICTION !!!! Which, unfortunately for your argument, Israel is predominately Jewish. Palestine is NOT being worked over by Hindu, Buddhist, Christian etc etc societies, nor by South Africa,Belgian Congo, France or any other country you which to drag into the equation. So people like yourself always pull the old, JEW HATRED card. You are ethically and immorally wrong to accuse everyone here, there and everywhere, Jew Haters. Get over it.
I did no such thing. Can't be bothered with being further engaged at the level of sleazy personal attack that you dragged this to. Welcome ignore list. I'm over you alright.
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It does seem apparent now however, that slowly but surely there is a internal movement against Bibi. Everyday Israelis are awakening to the fact they have a madman at the wheel. The time for him to fall on his political swords is getting closer. clap2.gif

Apparent how? coffee1.gif

Once the press have a politician in their sights it invariably ends bad for said politician. I can hear it now. violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

Perhaps, but "the press" is not exactly "internal movement" in this case. Further, these allegations are not new, some go back to the beginning of Netanyahu's career. As for the supposed power of the press - two senior ministers in the current government were the target of corruption investigations, and very much in the press "sights". In one case the investigation came to naught (effectively, that is), in the second, the culprit served time only to return to his old position.

Last time "the press" was confused with "internal movement against Bibi" he won the elections.

Anything other than unfounded generalizations to offer on this? coffee1.gif

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It does seem apparent now however, that slowly but surely there is a internal movement against Bibi. Everyday Israelis are awakening to the fact they have a madman at the wheel. The time for him to fall on his political swords is getting closer. clap2.gif

Apparent how? coffee1.gif

Once the press have a politician in their sights it invariably ends bad for said politician. I can hear it now. violin.gifviolin.gifviolin.gif

Perhaps, but "the press" is not exactly "internal movement" in this case. Further, these allegations are not new, some go back to the beginning of Netanyahu's career. As for the supposed power of the press - two senior ministers in the current government were the target of corruption investigations, and very much in the press "sights". In one case the investigation came to naught (effectively, that is), in the second, the culprit served time only to return to his old position.

Last time "the press" was confused with "internal movement against Bibi" he won the elections.

Anything other than unfounded generalizations to offer on this? coffee1.gif

Nah. I know you like to have the last word on everything so... The prosecution rests. coffee1.gif

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my god...

Bibi and his family, they are not only bigots and ordering war crimes but also corrupt to the hell!

So basically they are not good Jews or not jew at all! Good jewish people are not corrupted.

and, if Bibi's wife is accused, i believe Bibi needs to be accused as well as without Bibi's help, i believe his wife cannot do such corruption.

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Could this scandal bring Bibi down?


But even if he remains unscathed by the criminal and legal proceedings, an indictment of his wife, the most influential woman in Israel, and a senior official in his office over the misuse of public funds will have a major impact on the prime minister. That is of course if Mrs. Netanyahu is indicted.

That would be great if he was replaced by someone better ...

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Could this scandal bring Bibi down?


But even if he remains unscathed by the criminal and legal proceedings, an indictment of his wife, the most influential woman in Israel, and a senior official in his office over the misuse of public funds will have a major impact on the prime minister. That is of course if Mrs. Netanyahu is indicted.

That would be great if he was replaced by someone better ...

For sure; someone like Noam Chomsky.

Although Noam is getting a little long in the tooth, he has always seen clearly that radical Zionism is going to be a disaster for the Jews.

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