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Chiang Mai: Husband Strangles Wife Because of Crying Baby


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Husband Strangles Wife Because of Crying Baby


CityNews – A 25-year-old man has been arrested after strangling his wife to death after their baby wouldn’t stop crying.

This morning, May 31, police were informed of a murder in the Romyen Place apartment block, Chang Phueak. When arrived at the scene they discovered the body of a 20-year-old Burmese national identified as Nan Kamhon, next to her baby who was crying.

Her death was reported by her husband and murderer, 25-year-old Sak Sanghuang, by telling police he wished to turn himself in, he waited at the scene for police to arrive.

He told police that his baby woke him up in the middle of the night, but his wife refused to wake up and help calm the baby.

Full story: http://www.chiangmaicitylife.com/news/husband-strangles-wife-crying-baby/

-- Chiang City News 2016-06-01

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"... his wife refused to wake up and help calm the baby." So good to see the parenting skills shared by husband. Only room enough for one baby in that set up. My gf had baby with a loser like this guy. He left her and baby after 6 months because he didn't like baby crying, no support, nothing for her to help raise the baby (lovely girl, 18 and going to uni now). I suppose the gf dodged a bullet with him as he didn't kill her. Never thought of that before.

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So many weird things happen in this country. You kill your wife because of the baby crying ?. Did the wife made alone the baby.I am disgusted by this story.

Hmmmm...he should have stangled his brother Dick or Terminated his services before the child was born!!!!! IDIOTS

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Well he wont be bothered with crying babies where he is going.

Absolute disgrace of a man.

I get the feeling others in the nick may be complaining about a crying baby of their own.

But hopefully not for too long.

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Healthcare workers get a license to practice; a couple must get a license to marry; people have to have a license to drive & some need a license to carry a gun.WHEN are we going to require people to get a license to have a baby? If you want that baby license, you'll take a 6-wk course in child development, care & feeding & you'll have to care for one of those high-tech 'babies' that mimic a REAL baby. It's amazing how many kids who thought they wanted to have a baby changed their minds when that robo-baby screamed bloody murder for an hour- or two (mimicking colic) & nothing could make it turn off &/or shut up. You might be surprised how many robo-babies showed signs of abuse even though the party's are forewarned EVERYTHING done for/to 'their' baby will be recorded on microdisk. Teaching today's youth about parenthood has to be a priority what with most folks growing up without extended families or so addicted to their cellphones & have lost the ability to communicate with live human beings. Those who won't allow licenses usually say, "They'll figure it out...eventually...we did." doesn't work & never did. That nonsense is why we have so many abused/neglected kids & parental skirmishes. It's amazing how many young people have zero knowledge of real babies as opposed to what they see on TV/net. It's ignorance of what babies are like that causes what happened with this couple. It could've been avoided with mandatory parenting classes for all parents-to-be.

Anyone who's been locked in a room with a crying baby understands the frustration felt when a baby keeps crying. That's what Nature intended when this survival instinct was hardwired into us. Many studies have proven the cry of a hungry baby is more than 5x more effective than a siren to wake sleeping people during a fire. In other words, we're supposed to wake up & get irritated at a baby's cry. But we're not supposed to go off the deep end & commit murder. How typical of this 'Me, Me, Me' age where anything that isn't adding to a person's 'happy' has to be eliminated. I'd be willing to bet a week's salary this guy didn't want the baby in the first place. He either gave in to her constant 'I want a baby!' pleas or she fixed things so he didn't have a choice...which happens so often every guy who isn't planning on being called 'Dad' should think twice before he has sex with a woman. Many women feel pregnancy is their decision & that the man doesn't get a vote. When the baby comes the man resents it from the start.

None of which explains why HE didn't get up for the baby or at least go for a walk to get away & calm down. This poor kid will have to be raised by grandparents (hopefully hers). I don't envy them, either. One day they're going to have to explain to this kid just why her mommy's dead & her dad's in prison for life (or dies before that talk, which, given the state of Thai prisons is far more likely.

As a Trauma RN I never could accept the idiocy of people who go out & have a baby & expect them to be perfect little angels. Or the mother/father thinks a baby will give them the love they long for. Oh, puh-leaze. A baby doesn't love...they want. They demand love & care around the clock & our sleep isn't a priority with them,. I've treated kids who were beaten, starved, had bruises & broken ribs & even some that a parent tried to kill all because 'the kid wouldn't.....[whatever]" A 5 yr old girl was scalded by her mother when she tossed the girl into a bathtub of straight hot water as punishment for wetting the bed. A 4 mos old was tossed around like a stuffed animal by parents, neither of whom wanted to care for it. Their baby toss was a 'game' to see which one'd get stuck with him; the one who missed the catch lost. He had a subluxated shoulder & 4 displaced ribs. He was also seriously malnourished because neither one bothered to feed him more than an occasional bottle. A 2 yr old with so many sores, bruises & old/new broken bones the X-ray supervisor said the toddler'd reach her limit of exposure before they got through shooting half her injuries. We finally decided on a full-body CAT. It took 3 pages to list her injuries. Why did her parents commit such horrors? "She wanted to know 'why' all the time", (Duh.) "She never finishes her meal. she can't sit still long enough.' (Duh twice)."She's still in diapers & won't potty train." ('Nuff said: they, like every adult who commits such horrors, are ignorant to 10 decimal points.)

I wonder what this guy's thinking now...when it's far too late.

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Healthcare workers get a license to practice; a couple must get a license to marry; people have to have a license to drive & some need a license to carry a gun.WHEN are we going to require people to get a license to have a baby? If you want that baby license, you'll take a 6-wk course in child development, care & feeding & you'll have to care for one of those high-tech 'babies' that mimic a REAL baby. It's amazing how many kids who thought they wanted to have a baby changed their minds when that robo-baby screamed bloody murder for an hour- or two (mimicking colic) & nothing could make it turn off &/or shut up. You might be surprised how many robo-babies showed signs of abuse even though the party's are forewarned EVERYTHING done for/to 'their' baby will be recorded on microdisk. Teaching today's youth about parenthood has to be a priority what with most folks growing up without extended families or so addicted to their cellphones & have lost the ability to communicate with live human beings. Those who won't allow licenses usually say, "They'll figure it out...eventually...we did." doesn't work & never did. That nonsense is why we have so many abused/neglected kids & parental skirmishes. It's amazing how many young people have zero knowledge of real babies as opposed to what they see on TV/net. It's ignorance of what babies are like that causes what happened with this couple. It could've been avoided with mandatory parenting classes for all parents-to-be.

Anyone who's been locked in a room with a crying baby understands the frustration felt when a baby keeps crying. That's what Nature intended when this survival instinct was hardwired into us. Many studies have proven the cry of a hungry baby is more than 5x more effective than a siren to wake sleeping people during a fire. In other words, we're supposed to wake up & get irritated at a baby's cry. But we're not supposed to go off the deep end & commit murder. How typical of this 'Me, Me, Me' age where anything that isn't adding to a person's 'happy' has to be eliminated. I'd be willing to bet a week's salary this guy didn't want the baby in the first place. He either gave in to her constant 'I want a baby!' pleas or she fixed things so he didn't have a choice...which happens so often every guy who isn't planning on being called 'Dad' should think twice before he has sex with a woman. Many women feel pregnancy is their decision & that the man doesn't get a vote. When the baby comes the man resents it from the start.

None of which explains why HE didn't get up for the baby or at least go for a walk to get away & calm down. This poor kid will have to be raised by grandparents (hopefully hers). I don't envy them, either. One day they're going to have to explain to this kid just why her mommy's dead & her dad's in prison for life (or dies before that talk, which, given the state of Thai prisons is far more likely.

As a Trauma RN I never could accept the idiocy of people who go out & have a baby & expect them to be perfect little angels. Or the mother/father thinks a baby will give them the love they long for. Oh, puh-leaze. A baby doesn't love...they want. They demand love & care around the clock & our sleep isn't a priority with them,. I've treated kids who were beaten, starved, had bruises & broken ribs & even some that a parent tried to kill all because 'the kid wouldn't.....[whatever]" A 5 yr old girl was scalded by her mother when she tossed the girl into a bathtub of straight hot water as punishment for wetting the bed. A 4 mos old was tossed around like a stuffed animal by parents, neither of whom wanted to care for it. Their baby toss was a 'game' to see which one'd get stuck with him; the one who missed the catch lost. He had a subluxated shoulder & 4 displaced ribs. He was also seriously malnourished because neither one bothered to feed him more than an occasional bottle. A 2 yr old with so many sores, bruises & old/new broken bones the X-ray supervisor said the toddler'd reach her limit of exposure before they got through shooting half her injuries. We finally decided on a full-body CAT. It took 3 pages to list her injuries. Why did her parents commit such horrors? "She wanted to know 'why' all the time", (Duh.) "She never finishes her meal. she can't sit still long enough.' (Duh twice)."She's still in diapers & won't potty train." ('Nuff said: they, like every adult who commits such horrors, are ignorant to 10 decimal points.)

I wonder what this guy's thinking now...when it's far too late.

Wow that woz a long rant, I see ur a newbie. There's no such thing as healthcare over here, an licences are not worth the paper it's printed on.

Welcome to Thailand.

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Healthcare workers get a license to practice; a couple must get a license to marry; people have to have a license to drive & some need a license to carry a gun.WHEN are we going to require people to get a license to have a baby? If you want that baby license, you'll take a 6-wk course in child development, care & feeding & you'll have to care for one of those high-tech 'babies' that mimic a REAL baby. It's amazing how many kids who thought they wanted to have a baby changed their minds when that robo-baby screamed bloody murder for an hour- or two (mimicking colic) & nothing could make it turn off &/or shut up. You might be surprised how many robo-babies showed signs of abuse even though the party's are forewarned EVERYTHING done for/to 'their' baby will be recorded on microdisk. Teaching today's youth about parenthood has to be a priority what with most folks growing up without extended families or so addicted to their cellphones & have lost the ability to communicate with live human beings. Those who won't allow licenses usually say, "They'll figure it out...eventually...we did." doesn't work & never did. That nonsense is why we have so many abused/neglected kids & parental skirmishes. It's amazing how many young people have zero knowledge of real babies as opposed to what they see on TV/net. It's ignorance of what babies are like that causes what happened with this couple. It could've been avoided with mandatory parenting classes for all parents-to-be.

Anyone who's been locked in a room with a crying baby understands the frustration felt when a baby keeps crying. That's what Nature intended when this survival instinct was hardwired into us. Many studies have proven the cry of a hungry baby is more than 5x more effective than a siren to wake sleeping people during a fire. In other words, we're supposed to wake up & get irritated at a baby's cry. But we're not supposed to go off the deep end & commit murder. How typical of this 'Me, Me, Me' age where anything that isn't adding to a person's 'happy' has to be eliminated. I'd be willing to bet a week's salary this guy didn't want the baby in the first place. He either gave in to her constant 'I want a baby!' pleas or she fixed things so he didn't have a choice...which happens so often every guy who isn't planning on being called 'Dad' should think twice before he has sex with a woman. Many women feel pregnancy is their decision & that the man doesn't get a vote. When the baby comes the man resents it from the start.

None of which explains why HE didn't get up for the baby or at least go for a walk to get away & calm down. This poor kid will have to be raised by grandparents (hopefully hers). I don't envy them, either. One day they're going to have to explain to this kid just why her mommy's dead & her dad's in prison for life (or dies before that talk, which, given the state of Thai prisons is far more likely.

As a Trauma RN I never could accept the idiocy of people who go out & have a baby & expect them to be perfect little angels. Or the mother/father thinks a baby will give them the love they long for. Oh, puh-leaze. A baby doesn't love...they want. They demand love & care around the clock & our sleep isn't a priority with them,. I've treated kids who were beaten, starved, had bruises & broken ribs & even some that a parent tried to kill all because 'the kid wouldn't.....[whatever]" A 5 yr old girl was scalded by her mother when she tossed the girl into a bathtub of straight hot water as punishment for wetting the bed. A 4 mos old was tossed around like a stuffed animal by parents, neither of whom wanted to care for it. Their baby toss was a 'game' to see which one'd get stuck with him; the one who missed the catch lost. He had a subluxated shoulder & 4 displaced ribs. He was also seriously malnourished because neither one bothered to feed him more than an occasional bottle. A 2 yr old with so many sores, bruises & old/new broken bones the X-ray supervisor said the toddler'd reach her limit of exposure before they got through shooting half her injuries. We finally decided on a full-body CAT. It took 3 pages to list her injuries. Why did her parents commit such horrors? "She wanted to know 'why' all the time", (Duh.) "She never finishes her meal. she can't sit still long enough.' (Duh twice)."She's still in diapers & won't potty train." ('Nuff said: they, like every adult who commits such horrors, are ignorant to 10 decimal points.)

I wonder what this guy's thinking now...when it's far too late.

Finally, someone who knows there are two sides of a coin...economic issues seem to be part of the problem that adds to the frustration and agitation of bringing-up children these days...a lot of the people in this forum don't want to look at the root of all these problems...but would rather dish-off the guilty without so much as a wonder why; so much for education and/or intellect

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