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Mediterranean Sea disasters leave more than 1,000 dead


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Mediterranean Sea disasters leave more than 1,000 dead

GENEVA (AP) — The treacherous Mediterranean Sea crossing from Libya to Italy claimed the lives of at least 1,083 migrants over the past week — mostly because barely seaworthy smuggling boats foundered and sank despite calm seas and sunny skies, a migration agency said Tuesday, citing new accounts from survivors.

The staggering death toll could foreshadow more disasters in coming months as the region gears up for the traditional summer-fall spike in human trafficking as the weather improves and seas grow warmer. Aid officials say it also suggests that Libyan smuggling gangs are using even riskier tactics to profit from the torrent of people desperate to reach the safety and economic promise of Europe.

Making matters worse, the tally is only from the capsizings or shipwrecks known to authorities, who acknowledge they don't have precise information on how many people are being jammed into unsuitable vessels and swallowed up by the vast waters of the southern Mediterranean.

Two Eritreans among the hundreds of shipwreck survivors brought to Italian ports last week described being haunted by the number of women and children on their capsized boat who did not survive. They could still hear the cries of the children as the ship sank Thursday, they said.

"I started to cry when I saw the situation and when I found the ship without an engine. There were many women and children," said 21-year-old Filmon Selomon who plunged into the sea to save himself. "Water was coming in from everywhere, top, bottom."

"The children were crying and the women," said Habtom Tekle, a 27-year-old Eritrean. "At this point I only tried to pray. Everybody was trying to take the water out of the boat."

The International Organization for Migration said Tuesday that 62 people were confirmed dead and another 971 were missing and presumed drowned in nine separate emergencies since May 25 on the Libya-to-Italy sea route.

William Spindler, a spokesman for the U.N. refugee agency, told reporters in Geneva that this year was already proving to be "particularly deadly" on the Mediterranean, with some 2,510 lives lost compared to 1,855 over the same period a year ago.

IOM spokesman Joel Millman told The Associated Press that last week's toll was the largest in a single week since mid-April of last year, when 1,226 people drowned or went missing, most in two deadly sinkings.

In the deadliest of last week's shipwrecks, 500 people remain missing after a boat without an engine capsized on Thursday as it was being towed by another boat loaded with some 800 people, the agency said. A day earlier, a sinking left some 250 people missing and five confirmed dead. By Saturday, 45 people were confirmed dead and 215 missing in a shipwreck off Reggio Calabria, Italy.

Six smaller incidents left another 68 people dead or missing last week, IOM said.

Spindler gave a somewhat lower toll, saying UNHCR estimates that at least 880 people were believed dead. He noted such estimates were an inexact science and UNHCR figures tend to be "conservative."

The discrepancy between the two agencies' counts stems largely from the May 25 sinking: IOM now estimates that 250 people died. Like UNHCR, it had originally estimated about 100 deaths.

Frederico Soda, who heads IOM's Mediterranean office in Rome, said the increase in those making the deadly crossing was due "in part, to better weather, and in part to the use of bigger wooden boats that can carry more people than the rubber boats" used last year.

"During the last few days we have had major accidents involving unsafe wooden boats," he said. "This also explains the increase in the number of migrants dead or missing: One accident can result in hundreds of fatalities."

Among other possible factors for the high number of fatalities, survivors have told UNHCR staffers that some smugglers in Libya appeared to be trying to earn extra cash before the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, which begins next week.

Spindler also noted new and far riskier tactics. Until Thursday's capsizing, he said, he had never heard of smugglers using an overloaded boat carrying hundreds of people to tow another vessel that had no engine and was packed with hundreds more. IOM said that boat carried mostly Eritreans.

Millman said traffickers could also be cutting fare prices to draw new migrants, mostly from elsewhere in Africa.

Those factors appear to mean that more people were dying even as fewer were coming.

IOM said nearly 19,000 migrants arrived in Italy by sea in May — more than twice the figure in April but less than the 21,221 arrivals in the same month a year ago.

A deal between the European Union and Turkey to return migrants has significantly dampened the key route into Europe, from Turkey to Greece, which was used by hundreds of thousands of people last year. That has left international refugee agencies watching for signs that traffickers may be shifting to the longer, more dangerous Libya-Italy route.

"As of now, UNHCR has not seen evidence of a significant diversion of Syrians, Afghans or Iraqis from the Turkey-Greece route to the central Mediterranean one," Spindler said.

He reiterated UNHCR's appeal to the EU to allow more legal pathways for refugees to reach Europe, calling it "shameful" that the 28-nation bloc had resettled fewer than 2,000 people under an EU plan announced last year to resettle 160,000.


Sarah El Deeb contributed from Pozzallo, Italy.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-01

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Were there not several warnings on this very forum that having navies acting as glorified aquatic chauffeur services would result in a huge increase in people trying to make the crossing, and dying while doing so. Yes, there were, many warnings. Warnings that were shot down as the words of racists and bigots, although to be fair they were exactly correct. My own opinions on the matter - which involved navies doing the job they should be doing - did a vanishing act. Frustrating to not have a voice when one can so clearly see the situation for what it is. And then thousands more died, and next week they will again.....

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Soon you will be able to walk across the Mediteranian Sea, all the floating dead bodies will form a solid bridge. But then the sea will start to smell to high heaven, from the rotting floaters. On a possitive note, it may signal to others who wish to go to Europe, maybe have a rethink.

Edited by Inepto Cracy
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If they stayed Libya/Turkey or wherever else they decide to come from instead of trying to get to the EU then it wouldn't happen.

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It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

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It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

cheesy.gif Why would the Jew's want to bring the Muslims to Europe, unless it was to throw them overboard. Europe is trying to mind its own business but its a bit hard when to are being invaded by unwanted guests

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It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

cheesy.gif Why would the Jew's want to bring the Muslims to Europe, unless it was to throw them overboard. Europe is trying to mind its own business but its a bit hard when to are being invaded by unwanted guests

The Jew Christians and other should bring these poor people to Europe by their navies to save lives. That is the reason to save their brother lives

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It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

cheesy.gif Why would the Jew's want to bring the Muslims to Europe, unless it was to throw them overboard. Europe is trying to mind its own business but its a bit hard when to are being invaded by unwanted guests

The Jew Christians and other should bring these poor people to Europe by their navies to save lives. That is the reason to save their brother lives

cheesy.gif, not a chance

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It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

Are you drunk or some ya ba?

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This is a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions. It is time that the UN, Europe and Africa join forces to stop and return anybody who is found in unlicensed, un-seaworthy boats and return them to the point of debarkation. It's starting to be less about human rights and more about the safety and simple survival of people.

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This is a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions. It is time that the UN, Europe and Africa join forces to stop and return anybody who is found in unlicensed, un-seaworthy boats and return them to the point of debarkation. It's starting to be less about human rights and more about the safety and simple survival of people.

We can not sit back and do nothing and let poor people die

Maybe Europe can send their ships tp save lives

The British and French use to control this area maybe they can sent these poor people to their countries with thir navies this will save lives.

Someone must help

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This is a humanitarian disaster of epic proportions. It is time that the UN, Europe and Africa join forces to stop and return anybody who is found in unlicensed, un-seaworthy boats and return them to the point of debarkation. It's starting to be less about human rights and more about the safety and simple survival of people.

We can not sit back and do nothing and let poor people die

Maybe Europe can send their ships tp save lives

The British and French use to control this area maybe they can sent these poor people to their countries with thir navies this will save lives.

Someone must help

The key point being that they ALL get sent back to where they came from, not shuttled to Europe. This is crucial. So long as they know they can set sail in an unseaworthy boat and will be scooped up by European navies and given a cushy life on welfare they will keep coming at an exponential rate as we have seen. This was a total no brainer. This 1,000 that died, well it is true that their relatives can personally hold Merkel to blame, for inviting them and for ripping up the rule book as per migration. Again, absolutely no surprises with all this, it was obvious that the present mass deaths were going to occur.

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It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

cheesy.gif Why would the Jew's want to bring the Muslims to Europe, unless it was to throw them overboard. Europe is trying to mind its own business but its a bit hard when to are being invaded by unwanted guests

The Jew Christians and other should bring these poor people to Europe by their navies to save lives. That is the reason to save their brother lives

Send them your address and invite / sponsor them to come and live you if you feel that strongly about the matter.

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The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

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It is time for the Israel Navy to bring all these poor Moslem's to the shores of Europe to teach the Europeans to mind their own business

Think What Europe will do sink the Ships the poor Moslem's on it.

cheesy.gif Why would the Jew's want to bring the Muslims to Europe, unless it was to throw them overboard. Europe is trying to mind its own business but its a bit hard when to are being invaded by unwanted guests

The Jew Christians and other should bring these poor people to Europe by their navies to save lives. That is the reason to save their brother lives

Send them your address and invite / sponsor them to come and live you if you feel that strongly about the matter.

If I was rich I will do it

By the way I give about 1200 US to the UN for Refugee a year.

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The human cost of regime change in Libya increases by the day. Gadaffi for all his faults effectively stopped this nonsense from happening, now we have anarchy and theocratic savages squabbling amongst themselves whilst desecrating war graves. Europe should stop meddling and concentrate on policing its own borders.

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The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

The Swedish police have taken to blaming the victim in the case of rapes, they have also stopped collating the data by race in classic liberal tradition.
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The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

That's how they take over... They breed us out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

That's how they take over... They breed us out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

Strong genes replacing weak ones.

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The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

That's how they take over... They breed us out

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

Strong genes replacing weak ones.

Not really, just breeding like rats

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk whilst drinking a cold beer

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The danger of un-seaworthy boat travel was the excuse Australia used to stamp it out. The reality was the population didn't want Muslim immigration, but danger was the excuse the government was able to use without appearing racist. Perhaps Europe should pay attention, was reading Sweden has had a 1,500% increase in rapes since they embraced Muslim immigration, you wonder what it will take to realize what a disaster they have created. And this is even before the agitation for Sharia law and the local immigrants start reproducing more Muslims at a frightening rate, family reunion and the other usual BS has started.

The Swedish police have taken to blaming the victim in the case of rapes, they have also stopped collating the data by race in classic liberal tradition.

Classic liberal tradition? Are you sure? Did Adam Smith really propose to disregard key crime data or are you trying to create a meme from nothing?

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There are two factors that affect the flow of people, first is the push factor and second is the pull factor. Obviously, people in war torn countries and those where natural disasters and extreme poverty will move out of an area. The pull factor is where will they go. They will go to the countries that are most welcoming, if possible.

In the situation occurring in the Mediterranean most are escaping poverty. Poverty can be dealt with out being relocated to a 3rd country. The situation is different than those from Syria who may have no choice but to flee and for whom no organization can help them in a war zone.

As civilized countries, we do not permit people to make these extremely dangerous journeys when it is not necessary. Most would not be refugees and wouldn't be eligible for resettlement. Allowing them to get to Europe is a part of the pull factor and it is helping to create a very dangerous situation for those that will follow. The numbers don't seem to be dropping and the boats are getting more seaworthy.

The priority has to be on saving lives. Politics can come later.

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There are two factors that affect the flow of people, first is the push factor and second is the pull factor. Obviously, people in war torn countries and those where natural disasters and extreme poverty will move out of an area. The pull factor is where will they go. They will go to the countries that are most welcoming, if possible.

In the situation occurring in the Mediterranean most are escaping poverty. Poverty can be dealt with out being relocated to a 3rd country. The situation is different than those from Syria who may have no choice but to flee and for whom no organization can help them in a war zone.

As civilized countries, we do not permit people to make these extremely dangerous journeys when it is not necessary. Most would not be refugees and wouldn't be eligible for resettlement. Allowing them to get to Europe is a part of the pull factor and it is helping to create a very dangerous situation for those that will follow. The numbers don't seem to be dropping and the boats are getting more seaworthy.

The priority has to be on saving lives. Politics can come later.

Great observations, but I think the "pull" is driving the train. It's simple crowd psychology. The pull weighs the "tipping point" then hysterical drive for change sets in. Soon it seems a right.

I remain unsure what saving lives and politics can come later really mean. I know what YOU mean. I am unsure what this will mean in application. Applied, it means the end of western civilization as it has been known, imo. Conceding lives before politics is on its face correct and defines humans at their best. Implemented without restriction, it's an appeal to emotion and irrationality. Besides, with an imperative to save life before "politics" (read: self interest), why would the injunction to do so before politics and self interest stop here?

Edit predictive text

Edited by arjunadawn
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There are two factors that affect the flow of people, first is the push factor and second is the pull factor. Obviously, people in war torn countries and those where natural disasters and extreme poverty will move out of an area. The pull factor is where will they go. They will go to the countries that are most welcoming, if possible.

In the situation occurring in the Mediterranean most are escaping poverty. Poverty can be dealt with out being relocated to a 3rd country. The situation is different than those from Syria who may have no choice but to flee and for whom no organization can help them in a war zone.

As civilized countries, we do not permit people to make these extremely dangerous journeys when it is not necessary. Most would not be refugees and wouldn't be eligible for resettlement. Allowing them to get to Europe is a part of the pull factor and it is helping to create a very dangerous situation for those that will follow. The numbers don't seem to be dropping and the boats are getting more seaworthy.

The priority has to be on saving lives. Politics can come later.

All coastal European countries are doing what they can to save lives. It is the human traffickers who push off the boats.

European folks just do not want to integrate more of them in their societies. There are already too many of them causing major problems.

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I don't for a moment think that any of the European countries aren't doing enough. They have gone far above and beyond in their efforts. It now requires a combined effort with African nations and some negotiating by the UN to stop people getting in those boats. It also requires agreements to get them back on land where they came from.

The European navies can only pick them up and take them to Europe. The situation with those coming from Africa is very different from those coming from Syria (and to a lesser extent Iraq). They are by and large economic migrants.

In theory they should be screened before being returned, but in this situation, the death toll is too great to run the risk of 'pulling' any more people from Africa toward Europe.

I worked with the Vietnamese refugees throughout SE Asia and Hong Kong. Those headed toward Thailand were at extreme risk of piracy and upwards of 40% died at sea, most from pirates, but many, many others were lost at sea. The Orderly Departure Program was set up, first under the Auspices of the UN, to provide for screening while they were still in Vietnam. The purpose was to stop the very dangerous boat journeys. It's hard to estimate how many were saved by not leaving Vietnam illegally, but it was, at least, marginally successful in slowing the number of people fleeing by sea. It did take some arm twisting by the UN and some of the major world powers to get it implemented.

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This humanitarian catastrophe can be averted only if all illegal tug boats are caught early, and all are returned to their starting point. Europe has had enough problems with the war refugees. Economic refugees fit currently not in the picture.

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