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North Korea's media praise Trump talk about US troops


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North Korea's media praise Trump talk about US troops
ERIC TALMADGE, Associated Press

TOKYO (AP) — Donald Trump appears to be finding some friends in North Korea.

The presumptive U.S. Republican presidential nominee has been getting good press this week in the North's carefully controlled media, first in an opinion piece that praised him as "wise" and full of foresight and then Wednesday in the official mouthpiece of the ruling Worker's Party itself.

Both articles noted how his suggestions he would be willing to meet leader Kim Jong Un and wants to rethink and possibly withdraw U.S. troops from South Korea have created a "Trump Shock" in Seoul.

The state-run DPRK Today in Pyongyang started off the Trump praise on Tuesday by juxtaposing the "wise" Trump with what it called a "dull" Hillary — describing the leading Democratic Party candidate only by her first name.

In the lengthy column, Trump is described as a "wise politician and presidential candidate with foresight" for his comments about the U.S. potentially withdrawing its troops from South Korea if Seoul doesn't bear the costs. It also noted his public willingness to directly talk with the North Korean leadership if he becomes president.

Clinton, the column said, is "dull" for promising to pursue an "Iran-type model" to solve nuclear issues with the North.

Trump told The New York Times in March that South Korea and Japan should pay much more for the U.S. troops based in their countries — about 28,000 in South Korea and around 50,000 in Japan. In a more recent interview with the Reuters news agency, Trump said he was willing to meet with Kim.

"I would speak to him, I would have no problem speaking to him," he said.

The removal of U.S. troops from the Korean Peninsula and direct talks with a U.S. president dovetail nicely with objectives Pyongyang has held for years — though undoubtedly for different reasons than the American real estate magnate.

The North wants the U.S. troops to leave because it sees them as a direct threat to the regime's security and has long wanted talks with Washington, ostensibly toward a peace treaty to end the 1950-53 Korean War, that would boost its international status and acknowledge that North Korea is a nuclear state.

"There are many 'positive aspects' to take away from Trump's 'inflammatory campaign promises,'" the writer says in the DPRK Today column, pointing out Trump's indications that Seoul should pay "100 percent" of the cost for the American troops stationed in the South and, if not, Washington should pull them out.

"Yes, go away, now!" it says. "Who knew that the 'Yankee Go Home' slogan we shouted so enthusiastically could come true so easily like this? The day that the 'Yankee Go Home' slogan becomes reality would be the day of unification."

The Korean War that solidified the division of North and South Korea ended in an armistice, not a full peace treaty.

The DPRK Today website is considered to be a propaganda outlet aimed at readers outside the North, though its position within the government is not clear.

While not as colorful or overtly supportive as the DPRK Today column, the ruling party's official Rodong Sinmun editorial said the emergence of Trump is causing anxiety in South Korea because of his comments about the potential U.S. troop withdrawal.

It said the South Korean government should stop living as a servant of foreign forces and come back to the side of the Korean nation, but didn't comment directly on Trump as a candidate.


AP writer Kim Tong-hyung in Seoul contributed to this report. Talmadge is the AP's Pyongyang bureau chief.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-06-01

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It's good to know that the US will not be all alone in this world, once Trump becomes the next president of USA with Sarah Palin as part of his cabinet.

North Korea is the best friend ever! There is no other country so friendly as North Korea!

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trump says: The North Koreans love me! The North Koreans are rapists! We'll build a wall made of kimchi and make the Muslims pay for it!

Boring, repetitive ranting against Trump on the part of the obsessed anti-Trump mania.. Can't they come up with a new act? Why all the hissy fits every time they see Trump's name? It is unnatural and disturbing.

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trump says: The North Koreans love me! The North Koreans are rapists! We'll build a wall made of kimchi and make the Muslims pay for it!

Boring, repetitive ranting against Trump on the part of the obsessed anti-Trump mania.. Can't they come up with a new act? Why all the hissy fits every time they see Trump's name? It is unnatural and disturbing.

You're joking right? Every trump press conference is a rant. The man is a vindictive demagogic madman. His movement isn't normal. Decent Americans will make every effort to stop his diseased American fascist movement from taking the white house. Not a joke anymore.

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trump says: The North Koreans love me! The North Koreans are rapists! We'll build a wall made of kimchi and make the Muslims pay for it!

Boring, repetitive ranting against Trump on the part of the obsessed anti-Trump mania.. Can't they come up with a new act? Why all the hissy fits every time they see Trump's name? It is unnatural and disturbing.

You're joking right? Every trump press conference is a rant. The man is a vindictive demagogic madman. His movement isn't normal. Decent Americans will make every effort to stop his diseased American fascist movement from taking the white house. Not a joke anymore.


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trump says: The North Koreans love me! The North Koreans are rapists! We'll build a wall made of kimchi and make the Muslims pay for it!

Boring, repetitive ranting against Trump on the part of the obsessed anti-Trump mania.. Can't they come up with a new act? Why all the hissy fits every time they see Trump's name? It is unnatural and disturbing.

You're joking right? Every trump press conference is a rant. The man is a vindictive demagogic madman. His movement isn't normal. Decent Americans will make every effort to stop his diseased American fascist movement from taking the white house. Not a joke anymore.

The trouble with Trump and the media is that the media made Trump. More reasoned candidates like Marco Rubio could not get media coverage until he made his embarrassing hand size comment - then the channels covered him for a few days hoping he would say something controversial and then stopped bothering. But the media initially lapped up Trump's every word and gave him enormous airtime.

Trump would need to be careful about riling the media, especially the personal attacks - he could face a media boycott of sorts. They would not do a complete blackout. All it would take would be the major TV outlets having a reporter repeating Trumps lines so that his face/hair never appears on TV except in freeze-frame with his mouth open wide. It would be a bit like Robbie Williams' lines being read out in monotone by some geek in glasses. Once people actually listen to the content rather than experience the entertainment, they won't be so enthralled.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

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trump has already declared war on the media. He'd be the Putin of the USA -- there would no free press with him as president. He constantly threatens law suits and has a long history of filing lawsuits over nothing. He threatens to use libel laws to silence criticism. He puts reporters in CAGES in his rallies which are more like commercial entertainment wrestling events, indeed as Hawking correctly charged, appealing to the LOWEST (and darkest) elements of Americans. He openly calls specific reporters SLEAZE in press conferences. The man is massively personally VINDICTIVE and clearly insane and the USA will have gone insane to elect such a madman as their president. Will they? Maybe but not without a HUGE fight.

Edited by Jingthing
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trump says: The North Koreans love me! The North Koreans are rapists! We'll build a wall made of kimchi and make the Muslims pay for it!

Boring, repetitive ranting against Trump on the part of the obsessed anti-Trump mania.. Can't they come up with a new act? Why all the hissy fits every time they see Trump's name? It is unnatural and disturbing.

It the case of this particular poster, it probably has to do with Trump and his anti- Semitic comments during a spiel the Trumpanator gave to the Republican Jewish Coalition late last year. Grudge monster. rolleyes.gif

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

You didn't hear about the Korean War?

Global Nuclear proliferation. Good idea.

Wonderful strategy. So simple. What could go wrong.

Trump is quite the strategist. All looking good so far.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

You didn't hear about the Korean War?

Global Nuclear proliferation. Good idea.

Wonderful strategy. So simple. What could go wrong.

Trump is quite the strategist. All looking good so far.

I wasn't quite born when that war kicked off. But I heard something about it once.

It's not a good idea, but a great idea. I am all for Nuclear proliferation on the Korean Peninsular if it means the withdrawal of US troops.

Yes. Stuff can always go wrong. And if it does it will go wrong on the "Korean Peninsular". Problem belonging to dem'.

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trump says: The North Koreans love me! The North Koreans are rapists! We'll build a wall made of kimchi and make the Muslims pay for it!

Boring, repetitive ranting against Trump on the part of the obsessed anti-Trump mania.. Can't they come up with a new act? Why all the hissy fits every time they see Trump's name? It is unnatural and disturbing.

Trump is a mess, a liar, and a narcissist who has the backing of the leader of North Korea.... If this is your candidate, you have to learn to live with the criticism.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

Donald Trump is not stupid - far from it. However, he has a profound understanding of what stupid people want.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

Donald Trump is not stupid - far from it. However, he has a profound understanding of what stupid people want.

Right. So, does that make him a populist ?

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trump says: The North Koreans love me! The North Koreans are rapists! We'll build a wall made of kimchi and make the Muslims pay for it!

Boring, repetitive ranting against Trump on the part of the obsessed anti-Trump mania.. Can't they come up with a new act? Why all the hissy fits every time they see Trump's name? It is unnatural and disturbing.

You're joking right? Every trump press conference is a rant. The man is a vindictive demagogic madman. His movement isn't normal. Decent Americans will make every effort to stop his diseased American fascist movement from taking the white house. Not a joke anymore.

You lost me at Decent Americans !

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trump has already declared war on the media. He'd be the Putin of the USA -- there would no free press with him as president. He constantly threatens law suits and has a long history of filing lawsuits over nothing. He threatens to use libel laws to silence criticism. He puts reporters in CAGES in his rallies which are more like commercial entertainment wrestling events, indeed as Hawking correctly charged, appealing to the LOWEST (and darkest) elements of Americans. He openly calls specific reporters SLEAZE in press conferences. The man is massively personally VINDICTIVE and clearly insane and the USA will have gone insane to elect such a madman as their president. Will they? Maybe but not without a HUGE fight.

with 6 corporations owning-controlling virtually all mainstream media how free is the press really??? those corporations are in bed with the us government. it has been shown that mainstrem journalists not infrequently promote the narrative they are told to. look at what they did to ron pauls campaign.

trump seems to appeal to a wide spectrum of americans from blue collar to highly educated eg; Dr Ben Carson.

the standard dems and republicans have alll become part of the corrupt special interests system. trump is breaking political correctness, something many many americans are sick of. he hasnt received money from repressive dictatorial countries as has hillary (saudi arabia)

could he be a worse president than the other special interest puppets/???, not likely.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

Donald Trump is not stupid - far from it. However, he has a profound understanding of what stupid people want.

Right. So, does that make him a populist ?

In a sense yes, but more of an economic populism and very in common with European radical right politicians. But in Trump's case he slathers on jingoist nationalism, dog-whistle politics and crude attacks on his opponents. This has worked well with his lowest-common denominator base, but time will tell how that applies to the general. Just as long as no in-depth solutions to the issues are brought up he'll be fine. You know, those difficult lame-stream media type questions that dogged Sarah Palin (what do you read?).

As an aside, it could be a game-changer if his taxes are ever released but that would require his base to bone up on their reading skills over night.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

Donald Trump is not stupid - far from it. However, he has a profound understanding of what stupid people want.

Right. So, does that make him a populist ?

In a sense yes, but more of an economic populism and very in common with European radical right politicians. But in Trump's case he slathers on jingoist nationalism, dog-whistle politics and crude attacks on his opponents. This has worked well with his lowest-common denominator base, but time will tell how that applies to the general. Just as long as no in-depth solutions to the issues are brought up he'll be fine. You know, those difficult lame-stream media type questions that dogged Sarah Palin (what do you read?).

As an aside, it could be a game-changer if his taxes are ever released but that would require his base to bone up on their reading skills over night.

On top of that, there is very credible speculation that he isn't NEARLY as "rich" as he boasts about. I predict he'll never release his taxes and yes that will be an issue, but it would be worse for the vile monster if he does.

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trump has already declared war on the media. He'd be the Putin of the USA -- there would no free press with him as president. He constantly threatens law suits and has a long history of filing lawsuits over nothing. He threatens to use libel laws to silence criticism. He puts reporters in CAGES in his rallies which are more like commercial entertainment wrestling events, indeed as Hawking correctly charged, appealing to the LOWEST (and darkest) elements of Americans. He openly calls specific reporters SLEAZE in press conferences. The man is massively personally VINDICTIVE and clearly insane and the USA will have gone insane to elect such a madman as their president. Will they? Maybe but not without a HUGE fight.

Lawsuits and libel laws. Yes, he uses these so you now attack him for being lawful.

Perhaps you don't like him because he's a real man and not the handbag type.

trump, a real man?

tiny hands trump?

You're joking.

Ignoring your homophobic slur ... that's just stupid.

Personal and childish comments about Trump. I'll rest my case here.

You've nothing really to say.

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All you Trump knockers still think he's an idiot ? blink.png Peace on the peninsular and he hasn't been elected yet. Champion.

On a more serious note, it is good policy. Withdrawing from the Korean peninsular. Give the South Koreans and Japanese the deterrent they need and leave them to it. The problem is there's and nobody else's. The North would never have the balls to go up against the South or Japan if they both had a few nukes.

Donald Trump is not stupid - far from it. However, he has a profound understanding of what stupid people want.

I would put it a little differently if slightly less elegantly: He has a profound understanding of what ignorant and angry people want to hear.

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I think this is one of those rare cases (unique case?) where Trump is actually correct. South Korea doesn't need our troops. In a conventional war, the South Korean army could easily defeat the North Korean army. But if North Korea seriously threatens the south with nuclear weapons, our people there won't be soldiers. They'll be hostages. In addition, China and Japan, the worlds 2nd and 3rd largest economies in the area, are the other 2 nations most directly affected by North Korea's conduct. They can easily afford to deal with the problem.

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Curious calculation. North Koreas status quo or better would obviously continue under Hillary or Sanders, so why the accolades for Trump? Indeed, under HRC there might even be pay for play.

I think they are considering Trump's quest to make allies foot the military bill for their own safety. This would of course weigh heavily on the South. Otherwise, I don't get it.

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It's simple really. Sensible people support Trump. All the Trump supporters on this forum told us so. And, North Korea and it's leader is known for being the most sensible country on the planet. It follows.

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