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Suspected tiger meat slaughterhouse found near Tiger Temple


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Maybe a good idea; let the tigers sort it out directly with all those monks who knew and were around; same same with all those government officials who have turned blind eyes for years.
Last not least introduce the tigers to all those Thai living in the neighbourhood and NOT having filed complaints with those blind officials.
Suggest to starve the tigers for a day or two and then put it live on all TV stations with free satellite feeds to China and all those countries not doing enough against poaching.
Reality show at its very best and possibly driving the message home this time!

Maybe a little harsh but then, did anyone ever ask the tigers before how they felt about the (or)deal?

Edited by Sydebolle
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With all the feet dragging going on over errant monks, all of senior positions, it's worthwhile to think beyond their supporters ready to defend them at all cost supposedly and wonder who of their unseen supporters has the power and authority to put the brake on investigations and, who knows, maybe even scupper them completely.

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Well we all knew this story was going to keep unfolding however this is just about as low as it gets but I have a feeling that there's a lot more to come

I don't know how they found it but hats off to the authorities and threaten these two low life's with life in jail unless they give up the names of the Mr bigs involved .

Hats off to the authorities! ... why?

Reports of abuse have been flowing for decades about this 'sanctuary'

The question that should be asked is.... why do something about it now all of a sudden?

Who used to be flavour of the month and who allowed it to continue for so long?

Apparently, the reason for it happening now is that the DNP has been ordered to enforce the law or it would face Article 157 of the Criminal Code for negligence of duty. So, how old is this law and why was it never enforced before? Rhetorical question for the sceptics coffee1.gif

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Time to educate the buffoons who actually believe parts of a tiger are miracle cures for ailments.

Severe penalties and Government education in airports, tourist places, at customs, everywhere where people come and go.

If there is no demand then these disgusting people should never exist. they should be so ashamed of themselves, killing these animals for nothing more then exploitation and money.

It is reported that there are only 3000 Tigers left in the Wild today across the entire world. 3000!!! More people then that at a football match, more people then that in an average shopping centre. It is really scary to think they are so close to extinction. I don't want to think of a world where there are no Tigers left.

These people should be in prison for the rest of their miserable lives.

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I think one of the worst things about crimes like this in Thailand are the people who commit them thinking they've done nothing wrong. Criminals like this have amassed the power and money and think they can do whatever they want. That they're special. They then act genuinely shocked and come off indignant when they're accused or punished.

I can handle bad people in this life. I just can't handle bad people who think they're decent and special. Some foreigners often say "well, it happens all over the world" when talking about crimes here in Thailand. Sure, or course it does. But I don't think it's just the crime that's got people so mad. It's also the hypocrisy.

The majority of people who commit organized crime do not think they have done anything wrong, it is just business.

Watch the movie Money Monster

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If I can't trust the Thai monks and I can't trust the police, nor the tuk-tuk drivers, nor the junta - then who did the Minister want me to trust when he proclaimed the new tourism slogan "trust me, we are Thai"?

There's a retard living next door. He can't speak and has a weird look in his eyes. Sometimes he howls, no kidding! I trust him!

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So they are suddenly cleaning up a notorious tiger farm of which the international community knew for ages there was something fishy going on... And they also raided a soapy where sex was on sale, with minors. Sex! For! Sale! Who would have known... So what's next? Closing sweatshops in Mae Sot? ("3 months of in-depth investigation learned us Burmese people were being exploited in the border town")... This country needs a complete RESET.

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People eat Cows and Chickens I never heard of a either them eating people

Yes I think it is better to eat Tigers and Lions are you aware how people they eat every year.

If people want to eat Tigers and Lions raise them like Chickens and Cows

A famous Biologist said even Tomatoes and Potatoes have feeling

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All these years there were foreign aids from different nationalities present to help taking care of the tigers. They never saw something suspicious or were they part of this criminal gang?

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Why does the press continue to refer to these people as "monks"? They are not monks, they are common criminals in disguise and should be called out.

Are you a Abbot who can determine who is a Monk

My feeling is that it is up to Buddhist to determine who Monk

Once again are a Big Buddhist or non believing Ex Christian who is anti Religion?

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People eat Cows and Chickens I never heard of a either them eating people

Yes I think it is better to eat Tigers and Lions are you aware how people they eat every year.

If people want to eat Tigers and Lions raise them like Chickens and Cows

A famous Biologist said even Tomatoes and Potatoes have feeling

I'm inclined to agree with you general point - but the tiger temple was promoted as a tourist attraction and a conservation centre run by Buddhist monks.

Slaughter houses for farm animals never pretend they are anything other than slaughter houses.

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Why does the press continue to refer to these people as "monks"? They are not monks, they are common criminals in disguise and should be called out.

Are you a Abbot who can determine who is a Monk

My feeling is that it is up to Buddhist to determine who Monk

Once again are a Big Buddhist or non believing Ex Christian who is anti Religion?

Read up on the tenets of Buddhism rolleyes.gif .

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Why are reading reports daily about new shocking evidence & discoveries, yet no reports about a mass round-up & arrests of all connected to

this barbaric story..??

It amazes me just how many folk are above this nation's laws, & the scandalous reports/stories just keep coming day by day, week by week, any other country would be crawling over themselves to round up all the guilty parties.

I never thought we'd see abbots & monks on the same list as Red bull heirs, Benz drivers, rice-mill owners etc.

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Why does the press continue to refer to these people as "monks"? They are not monks, they are common criminals in disguise and should be called out.

Are you a Abbot who can determine who is a Monk

My feeling is that it is up to Buddhist to determine who Monk

Once again are a Big Buddhist or non believing Ex Christian who is anti Religion?

Read up on the tenets of Buddhism rolleyes.gif .

Written by who you or ME maybe you should read what I say it is better than what you have been reading.

Anyone can write anything

Look how many believe in Certain Book I known you have no use for.

Please write the truth as I have before and now

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If I can't trust the Thai monks and I can't trust the police, nor the tuk-tuk drivers, nor the junta - then who did the Minister want me to trust when he proclaimed the new tourism slogan "trust me, we are Thai"?

I think it's pretty much, never trust a thai in anything.
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If the temple was involved in the trade of supplying tiger parts then now that its been shut down, what are the implications for the remaining wild tigers (approx. 200) in Thailand?

probably sold to China to ensure the china/thai rail project still goes ahead.
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Here are some photos I took a few years ago when I visited the Tiger Temple at Kanchanaburi. I got the impression that life was pretty good for at least some of those tigers. These shots show them having a good time at the far end of the canyon. wink.png


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"Police detained two caretakers at the facility who claimed the tigers were the private property of the home's owner, said Montri. Police were searching for the owner who was not there during the raid."

That should be interesting. Don't hold your breath waiting for the owner's name.

From the link in the OP - "Police said they believe the home is owned by Thawat Kajornchaikul."

Yes, thank you for that, I missed the link. As stated, his nickname is Sia Tong. Perhaps when they come for him he will have tong sia.

Yep, it is getting to the point where (at least) 70% are now ruining the public image of the rest. My family are very devout and the current high profile goings-on are really upsetting them.

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"Police detained two caretakers at the facility who claimed the tigers were the private property of the home's owner, said Montri. Police were searching for the owner who was not there during the raid."

That should be interesting. Don't hold your breath waiting for the owner's name.

From the link in the OP - "Police said they believe the home is owned by Thawat Kajornchaikul."

Who is Occam and is he a Motorola shareholder? (Simple answers only accepted.)

Edited by The Deerhunter
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