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Thai trans student runner places in US state championships, not everyone is pleased


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Anyway, I would agree that it shouldn't be "anything goes" as far as transgender participation in gender segregated sports. Each sports authority will need to develop their own detailed policies if they don't have them already. I don't see any problem with considering hormone therapy as a factor. While normally that's a private matter, if a person enters competitive sports perhaps it's reasonable that they would come under scrutiny, just as all participants may be subject to performance drug testing.

It seems to me that sport's authorities are going to be capable of coming up with a happy balance of fairness for all without totally banning transgender people or automatically accepting all that state that identity either.

There are detailed policies for this by the IAAF. She is an IAAF girl.
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You should compete as the gender you were born. Nothing else is fair. This should be obvious. There is no coherent argument for doing it any other way. Obviously there could be a transgender league or whatever but their wouldn't be enough participants. One person mentioned a league where anybody can join and this would be fair enough.

In your opinion.

Opinions are not necessarily facts.

The individual was born as a man and should run as a man. This is a fact.

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Looks like a boy dressed as a girl to me very masculine face. If he is male even if he says he is more female than male he should not be in a female team in my point of view anyway

That's one of the reasons they eat hormones (he doesn't), is to soften their features and grow little breast. The downside is, it can make them tired all the time and gain too much weight if not careful. It's a balancing act.

His face and body is a dead give away that he's 100% a male not on any hormones whatsoever.

I briefly dated a trans years back when I was young and curious. It was eye opening. Yea, some actually believe they are woman, but many don't. They are just confused and are flamboyant gay men seeking attention. Seeing them in their private life would tell you everything you need to know about them. Men are men and long hair and a dress won't hide that, no matter how feminine you try to make your voice. But those who really believe they are woman, that shows too, in every aspect. Some that I have met are trans because their family would dress them like a girl when they were a child so they figured that's what they are supposed to do. Very confused people, some of them.

Ice moved to Alaska from Thailand just a couple of years ago. Living in the real world, I'd love to see him 5 years from now and see if he's living as a male or a female. My hunch, based on him currently doing nothing to hormonally change his appearance, is that he'll be a man. Especially after being out of crazy Thailand for a while where his friends probably encouraged his behavior. But who knows, maybe Ice is legit and will have a sexual reassignment surgery in the future and cut off her Willie. THAT is how you truly know they think they are a woman. Unless that commitment is made, I'm sceptical of all of them.

It is interesting you mention that some male to female trans people became that way because they were dressed up as girls when they were young.

There is an autobiography written by Walt Heyer, an ex post op male to female transgender (man who became a woman , had genital surgery, and then changed back to being a man) who lived for years as a woman before studying psychology and being able to self analyze. He says that his grandmother dressing him as a girl caused him to develop a disorder and become transgender, in much the same way as you said. Apparently, he would see his grandmother once a week and she would dress him up in girls clothes, heap praise on him and make him feel special.

Edited by teatree
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A transgender person by DEFINITION identifies with the sex other than their birth sex.

So you say you dated "trans" women that did not.

They were not transgender women.

Don't conflate GENDER identification with sexual ORIENTATION.

They are separate things.

As far as sexual orientation, a transgender person may be attracted to males, females, both, or neither, just as any human.

As far as Miss Ice, yeah she doesn't appear to be on hormones but that's really her personal concern, and has anyone actually provided a link saying either way?

Also keep in mind, it's not a public matter whether a transgender person has undergone surgery. It's only something of concern to their doctors or people intimate with them.

Of course, Miss Ice would normally be too young for any kind of radical surgery, but not too young for hormone therapy.

The one I dated believed 100% that she was a woman. She looked like one, acted like one, smelled like one, and lived every aspect of her life as one. There was nothing manly about her. Had the SRS (chopped), and besides the fact that she was born a he, she is a woman.

Some of her friends.... dudes, without question. Painfully obvious.

I feel for them, the legit ones. In addition to everything else that comes with gender confusion, the hormones really can play with her heads even more. Imagine a woman in her crazy stage when she is about to start her period, it's hormones that does that. So THAT, all the time. Flip a coin, you never know what mood about to get from one minute to the next.

All of that said, they do not need to be competing against women in sports. Period. Create a new category or let them complete based on what their government issued IDs say, male or female.

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Looks like a boy dressed as a girl to me very masculine face. If he is male even if he says he is more female than male he should not be in a female team in my point of view anyway

That's one of the reasons they eat hormones (he doesn't), is to soften their features and grow little breast. The downside is, it can make them tired all the time and gain too much weight if not careful. It's a balancing act.

His face and body is a dead give away that he's 100% a male not on any hormones whatsoever.

I briefly dated a trans years back when I was young and curious. It was eye opening. Yea, some actually believe they are woman, but many don't. They are just confused and are flamboyant gay men seeking attention. Seeing them in their private life would tell you everything you need to know about them. Men are men and long hair and a dress won't hide that, no matter how feminine you try to make your voice. But those who really believe they are woman, that shows too, in every aspect. Some that I have met are trans because their family would dress them like a girl when they were a child so they figured that's what they are supposed to do. Very confused people, some of them.

Ice moved to Alaska from Thailand just a couple of years ago. Living in the real world, I'd love to see him 5 years from now and see if he's living as a male or a female. My hunch, based on him currently doing nothing to hormonally change his appearance, is that he'll be a man. Especially after being out of crazy Thailand for a while where his friends probably encouraged his behavior. But who knows, maybe Ice is legit and will have a sexual reassignment surgery in the future and cut off her Willie. THAT is how you truly know they think they are a woman. Unless that commitment is made, I'm sceptical of all of them.

It is interesting you mention that some male to female trans people became that way because they were dressed up as girls when they were young.

There is an autobiography written by Walt Heyer, an ex post op male to female transgender (man who became a woman , had genital surgery, and then changed back to being a man) who lived for years as a woman before studying psychology and being able to self analyze. He says that his grandmother dressing him as a girl caused him to develop a disorder and become transgender, in much the same way as you said. Apparently, he would see his grandmother once a week and she would dress him up in girls clothes, heap praise on him and make him feel special.

Not surprised at all. A have met many who claim this is the reason they are what they are.

In regards to Thais, it is even more common. They even encourage them, put makeup on them and treat them as little girks when they are too young to know better. I'm sure this does great damage to a child mentally on a subconscious level.

All of that leads me back to my original comment about SOME of them are just confused people and it has nothing to do with being born a woman trapped in a male body. It's sad really.

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You should compete as the gender you were born. Nothing else is fair. This should be obvious. There is no coherent argument for doing it any other way. Obviously there could be a transgender league or whatever but their wouldn't be enough participants. One person mentioned a league where anybody can join and this would be fair enough.

In your opinion.

Opinions are not necessarily facts.

The individual was born as a man and should run as a man. This is a fact.

Incorrect, the only fact assumed is the individual is a biological male. Nothing more. We only assume it as we dont have access to medical records and are relying on a news article.

Rest is your opinion.

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chromosomes determine gender or not?

the day a guy demonstrates that his XY has changed into XX is the day when the vast majority will accept that 'he' is now a 'she'

XX = compete in female sports

XY = compete in male sports

the fact that some people have 'feelings' that he or she wants to live their life in a certain way might be weird to most of us but I say 'live and let live' but that doesn't include competing in the wrong category of sports or using the wrong toilets etc.

Edited by LannaGuy
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