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Its only 6 000 lt

Tested the city water prior to adding & Alkali / Ph up

? is

1. Do you shock treat first or add Muriatic (dry) acid first to bring down the levels

Now about half full may take all night

Thanks for any advice

PS : For those interested it is 2.6 mt inside diam square by 1 mt deep above gr, Granite tops, Mosaic tiles With Webber Gres glue & Epoxy

Stainless hand rails, Aquanta pump (10 000 lt ph & Filter (12 000 lt ph) (Global House)

150 000 bht roughly the cost of a 6 seat spa if are small


You need to test the water with a basic test kit that you can buy in pool shop or online for about Baht 200.00

Your pH must be between 7.2 and 7.6

If it is below, you need pH PLUS (soda ash). if it is above, you need pH MInus (dry acid). get these products in (most) pool shops but also certainly online at a GOOD online pool store - shop around and don't be influenced by claims of 'lguranteed owest prices' - the service you get is more important, and check the shipping costs.

Shock the water first with a small amount of chlorine powder, say about 250 gr, and repeat dcaily until the level is correct. After that, for this small pool you can use qa folating chlorine dispenser loaded with chlorine tablets (go for a good quality such as PoolChlor, rather than Acuchlor).


Thanks chaichara

Have been doing some research & came across an article that indicates you go in alphabetical order when dealing with chemical treatments

Also shock treatment is 7 x the daily dose would doing this every day until (as mentioned ) be a lot of chlorine

Take into account this is my first serious effort of owning a pool

I get my products from Aussie

& will be using 5 in 1 tablets

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