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Australian arrested in Bangkok for grooming children on the internet

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There is a lengthy piece on The Guardian's website about a guy who taught in international schools in 6 ot 7 countries. He drugged his victims ( boys in middle school, so around 14-16?). He abused hundreds of these kids over a 25 year period and would never have been caught had it not been for the fact that his housekeeper stole his computer, saw the abuse images stored on it and gave him up to the police.

It's worth reading but quite scary to note just how manipulative and hard to catch some of these people are.

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What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

Theres not much logic in this post.

You hear of 2 incidents and decide its an 'Australian' epidemic ?

And did you miss the part about Australian authorities tipping off Thai police?

Perhaps the Australians felt that the 'open field ' over here you refer to carries a lot more suffering for the convicted...


I wonder who the farang is outside holding a folder. AFP?

My guess is he is someone from the Aussie embassy.

autograph hunters from the Australian Wobble Board and Kangaroo Bondage Club.

So many single Thai mothers let these old reptilian westerners into their homes to be 'stepdad' to their young daughters, just on the promise of financial support. They should all be screened and checked, I'm pretty sure that this would be the normal procedure in the west.

In whose house in the West is it "normal procedure" to screen and check a new boyfriend?

Bloody hell that was a stupid comment. During my last five years I "dated " heaps of single mums as I didn't want a serious relationship and many single mums in OZ are time poor but just want a seeing to once of week on there "day off" from their kids.

I was never "screened or checked", by anyone.

It did surprise me how many mums were trusting though, it is not just a Thai single mum thing.

In any case, making the comparison makes little sense in this argument.

Western, and i assume, Aussy women, work for good money and are independent.

Those who do not often get looked after by an edequate welfare system, alimony and some with laws that enforce ex husbands to pay maintenance money for their kids.

For Thais it is a completely different scenario.

Do you think they do what they do because they want to trade the old mercedes in for a new one?

Nah, nearly all the single mums I knew in Oz were on struggle street. Rents/costs of living are high in Oz, it is hard to get a job to fit around looking after kids.

The fathers would often work for cash so avoiding paying up what they were supposed to.

Being a single mum sucks wherever you are. On the other side of the ledger, the fathers in Oz also get taxed, have maintenance also deducted from their pay and usually also rent.

Everyone is a loser usually when it comes to divorces with kids. The father, the mother, the kids. It is a financial disaster.

Anyway, the point is, nobody screens who the single mums have root/hook up with. It just doesn't happen. It isn't "normal procedure" at all.


well he has plenty of jail time to do maybe he will see the errors of his ways.

He better get a short short haircut with those long locks in the back he will be desired by many in the slammer. He will be on the receiving end for a change and get the true feeling of being used and abused.

He is 62, I don't think they will lining up for him. More likely the other way around.


God, do I wish to have him in a cell with just me and a sharp knife for just 10 minutes...!

Show him some grooming he always will remember.


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

What nonsense! ? Pedophiles come from all countries, socio-economic backgrounds, etc.

I'm not an Aussie but I find your comment pathetic! Are you really that naive to believe that a certain country would have more sickos than other countries/regions of the world?


Not surprised the police are wearing masks and holding noses. Looks and sounds like he just crept out of the sewer.

yes straight from the sewer, the rats and other vermin chased him out.


Some odd comments on this post.

Firstly these sick <deleted> are everywhere, not country specific at all, name me a country that doesn't have them?

All I hope is that before this information was released they thoroughly went through his computer and known associates in order to catch more of them. I really hope it isn't the usual, look how good we are effectively telling all his sick mates to quickly get rid of all evidence!


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

Good question ezzra, and very true, it's disgusting behavior.... And my initial knee jerk response was a feeling of disgust in the pit of my stomach, being Australian and all.

However, to answer your question, one of the main reasons that you will see Aussies caught for this kind of thing, perhaps more regularly than other nations (per 100,000 statistically) is because Australia doesn't sit still for this kind of shit

Several years ago, the government started enacting far reaching laws, enabling them to pursue and prosecute its citizens for crimes committed in foreign countries.... Unlike other nationalities, there is no were for this type of (Australian) scum to hide.... So this is a laudable event, and I for one, hope there are more to come, and that they all end up in Australian jails, were they become prey for the general (prison) population... Not for the use as sex toys, but for brutal and repetitive beatings... Whenever cornered by a main stream con.

Whilst not tolerating these scum... The Australian government has even claimed that it will mount pre emptiness strikes against terrorist on foreigne soil, with or without that countries permission.... Regardless of the potential for it being deemed an "act of war"

Australia takes its security and reputation very seriously,


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

It's not only Aussies, there's many other nationaities joining the rock spider club. It s appears that you're not an Aussie or if you are, then at the very least you're not familiar with Austraian laws, as no matter where these types of offences are committed, if they are known to police and return to Australia they will be arrested, charged, convicted and hopefully gaoled, if the judges are strong enough. If they commit these offences overseasand do not return home, then it is up to the law enforcers of the country involved to charge these low lives and on many occasions the Aussie police will assist.


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

I put these arrests down to the increase efficiency in cooperation between Australian and Thai authorities. Let's hope other farang authorities and citizens follow suit and stop sweeping disgusting matters like this under the carpet and blaming them solely on Thais. (ie, BS like: "This sort of thing would never happen in my country")

Strikes me as insane in these heady days of elevated rights for minorities, that Minor Attracted Persons are still persecuted. In spite of all the lobbying and attempts throughout the western world to legitimize and respect people desires for sexual activity with children - it is tolerated mainly in liberal Afghanistan(google Bacha Bazi). Perhaps a HRC double bill will give enough time to roll this out properly - after all every other perverted act has gone from illegal status, to tolerated, to legal, to being rammed down our throats at every opportunity and positive discrimination in favor of perverts.

What do you mean with perverted?

'A perverted person is also known as a deviant or a sicko. Such a person will have deviated from a healthy sexuality into acts that may include one or more of the following: homosexuality, voyeurism, sadism, flashing, masochism,prostitution, incest, paedophilia, bestiality, rape, swinging, or some other indecent act.'

What the poster is trying to say is he fears it is only a matter of time before paedophilia becomes tolerated, accepted and legalized. Even if you don't agree it will be forced on you as someone's acceptable sexual preference, just as other perverted acts that were once illegal but are now tolerated/legal and even encouraged.

Not put very eloquently but he has a good point.

I googled Bacha Bazi as I'd never heard of it and I suggest you all do the same.


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

It's not just Aussie's who are rock spiders, look at the catholic church and every other place they hide

Love it!! Last week when a Brit was arrested on overstay a bunch of Aussies were here waffling on about the 'British crime wave". Get an Aussie pedo and one comment and it's tears all around lol!!!


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

It's not just Aussie's who are rock spiders, look at the catholic church and every other place they hide

Love it!! Last week when a Brit was arrested on overstay a bunch of Aussies were here waffling on about the 'British crime wave". Get an Aussie pedo and one comment and it's tears all around lol!!!

too true me old china, but garry glitter is still a pom.

you did nail the aussie mob, kudos cobber


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......

It's not just Aussie's who are rock spiders, look at the catholic church and every other place they hide

Love it!! Last week when a Brit was arrested on overstay a bunch of Aussies were here waffling on about the 'British crime wave". Get an Aussie pedo and one comment and it's tears all around lol!!!

too true me old china, but garry glitter is still a pom.

you did nail the aussie mob, kudos cobber

He was indeed a pom, and what a vile one! Almost as vile as Rolf Harris but not in the same league as Saville!!


Send him in for 20 years general pop with pedo engraved into his forehead.

short eyes are not treated kindly anywhere in any prison .


I hate to read about any wrong doing towards children,

just look at their happy, innocent faces, how can anyone

harm any child, we as adults should protect them and

show leadership and guidance so then i'm glad this scum

is caught, their face is shown and their name revealed for

all to see, there should be more of it i think.


Send him in for 20 years general pop with pedo engraved into his forehead.

Time for reflection, one could only assume while enjoying the culinary delights. Perhaps a brand would be a better (cost effective) method of identification?


So many single Thai mothers let these old reptilian westerners into their homes to be 'stepdad' to their young daughters, just on the promise of financial support. They should all be screened and checked, I'm pretty sure that this would be the normal procedure in the west.

More fresh fish in a foreign country. <deleted> is going on with these people. If you are guilty in your own country of child pornographic it should be coupled with your passport and would be picked up by the authorities. When someone see a foreign man with a Thai child and it looks suspicions, it should be report to the authorities, But like so many cases it is being ignored and say “It’s not my business” Wake up people and report these cases and this way you will get rid of all these garbage pedophiles.


So many single Thai mothers let these old reptilian westerners into their homes to be 'stepdad' to their young daughters, just on the promise of financial support. They should all be screened and checked, I'm pretty sure that this would be the normal procedure in the west.

More fresh fish in a foreign country. <deleted> is going on with these people. If you are guilty in your own country of child pornographic it should be coupled with your passport and would be picked up by the authorities. When someone see a foreign man with a Thai child and it looks suspicions, it should be report to the authorities, But like so many cases it is being ignored and say “It’s not my business” Wake up people and report these cases and this way you will get rid of all these garbage pedophiles.

i am done then.

i can't take the young nephew and his cousins to kick the football at his school together.

can't take nong diary and her mates to uni/high school on a rainy day anymore.

yep, i am outed as ped 90602 for this year.

i agree suspicious behaviour should be reported, don't worry rough rider, 'reporting' does happen, but it is to be based on solid information .


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......







@garryburnsblog *

@shoebridemlc **

@Johnsunol ***

@chandibates (Mummyfuckedmegoodlastnight (her website) , a state employee who's been caught on company time, lying to protect ** when he went with paedohpile general* to persecute opposition**.

Garry's a state protected paedophile who's running Australia to a large extent now. See him joke about the kidknap and rape of children, borrowed from their parents on Jezinbris' (his now removed homosexual paedophile sex escapades in Thailand) Xtube channel. We have all the evidence. It's now duck and cover time.


What's with the Aussies and pedophilia now days? only this morning another Australian was

arrested for paddling child pornographic material on the internet and now this,

being far from the reach of the Australian authorities back home, they find an open field for their

disgusting and illicit behavior.......







@garryburnsblog *

@shoebridemlc **

@Johnsunol ***

@chandibates (Mummyfuckedmegoodlastnight (her website) , a state employee who's been caught on company time, lying to protect ** when he went with paedohpile general* to persecute opposition**.

Garry's a state protected paedophile who's running Australia to a large extent now. See him joke about the kidknap and rape of children, borrowed from their parents on Jezinbris' (his now removed homosexual paedophile sex escapades in Thailand) Xtube channel. We have all the evidence. It's now duck and cover time.

Sorry, I said "sex" there and I should have left that word out. It's not sex of course, just forced indecency and consensual indecency; masturbation and mutual masturbation. They've got me using their language now (Hasbara works better than even I thought).


More fresh fish in a foreign country. <deleted> is going on with these people. If you are guilty in your own country of child pornographic it should be coupled with your passport and would be picked up by the authorities. When someone see a foreign man with a Thai child and it looks suspicions, it should be report to the authorities, But like so many cases it is being ignored and say “It’s not my business” Wake up people and report these cases and this way you will get rid of all these garbage pedophiles.

i am done then.

i can't take the young nephew and his cousins to kick the football at his school together.

can't take nong diary and her mates to uni/high school on a rainy day anymore.

yep, i am outed as ped 90602 for this year.

i agree suspicious behaviour should be reported, don't worry rough rider, 'reporting' does happen, but it is to be based on solid information .

Absolutely! When my wife died my twin 9yo step-daughters went to live with their aunt because the suspicions, accusations and even false charges were inevitable.

  • 1 month later...

Everything depends on the persons fate . And nobody in this world can change that. But in the same way some one can improve their

way of living to the good side if the person is willing to....

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