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getting homesick with all the flies about this year


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there are so many little black flies about this year

start thinking of all the times back home with friends around the bbq

and 1billion flys

we grew up with them and only gave the oz wave to get them out of your eyes

when i took wife to oz outback she was amazed to see1000on peoples sweaty backs

all day now wife is running around with fly swat like a crazy women

we always would say take your pants off

and they will leave face alone

happy swating

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Same here in Saudi, In fact I believe the Bluebottle is the Saudi National Bird......Sure I have seen it on a stamp.....gigglem.gif .

Went on a BBQ in the desert once........and once was enough!! The flies were landing on the middle of the Burger while it was still on the barbie...bah.gif

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Same here in Saudi, In fact I believe the Bluebottle is the Saudi National Bird......Sure I have seen it on a stamp.....gigglem.gif .

Went on a BBQ in the desert once........and once was enough!! The flies were landing on the middle of the Burger while it was still on the barbie...bah.gif

Oooo, that takes me back. Did a year ther in 1970.

We were working on secret comms sites in the middle of the desert and even there the flies were horrendous!

The goat shit was dehydrated to feather weight and if a twister passed by as you came out of the shower block it stuck to your damp body abd started to rehydrate.

A lovely year - NOT!

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Same here in Saudi, In fact I believe the Bluebottle is the Saudi National Bird......Sure I have seen it on a stamp.....gigglem.gif .

Went on a BBQ in the desert once........and once was enough!! The flies were landing on the middle of the Burger while it was still on the barbie...bah.gif

...adds to the flavour mate!

What happened to the good ol' "RID" or "OFF"?

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years ago i took a german friend out to Tibooburra in the far north- west of NSW, Australia.

we arrive just after lunch, our little 2 cyl. air - cooled citroen wasn't happy to continue, we disembarked and migrated into the local pub.

cool beer - and NO flies!

No flies? mate, it's way too hot for those little bastards!

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Same here in Saudi, In fact I believe the Bluebottle is the Saudi National Bird......Sure I have seen it on a stamp.....gigglem.gif .

Went on a BBQ in the desert once........and once was enough!! The flies were landing on the middle of the Burger while it was still on the barbie...bah.gif

...adds to the flavour mate!

What happened to the good ol' "RID" or "OFF"?

Makes the meat taste funny, plus you should not spray near a naked flame.....biggrin.png

Also, I do think they are all immune to OFF. blink.pngrolleyes.gif

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Same here in Saudi, In fact I believe the Bluebottle is the Saudi National Bird......Sure I have seen it on a stamp.....gigglem.gif .

Went on a BBQ in the desert once........and once was enough!! The flies were landing on the middle of the Burger while it was still on the barbie...bah.gif

...adds to the flavour mate!

What happened to the good ol' "RID" or "OFF"?

Makes the meat taste funny, plus you should not spray near a naked flame.....biggrin.png

Also, I do think they are all immune to OFF. blink.pngrolleyes.gif

Do you still have the four engine ones that make you hang on tight to your burger or they fly off with it LOL

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l was in the roadside pub halfway between Port Hedland & Karatha(WA), forget the name, in the 70s & everyone was drinking from tallies.

No draft beer.

After taking a long swig, you would put your finger into the neck of the bottle to stop the furry black flies from getting at your beer.

Every so often, a drinker would forget & the next pull from the bottle would result in swearing & spitting as he would expel the fly, or flies from his beer.

Some blokes were too late & would swallow the fly!

Adding to their discomfort of spitting & retching, the crowd would raise a cheer & some wag would always shout, "Did you get the crunchy bits"?

Just remembered the pub, Whim Creek.

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back in the 60s drove around oz

dirt rds and flies

the drive from darwin to perth was wild

we were driving a long lonley rd 100s miles between stops

came across a guy walking the dirt track in middle of nowhere

stopped to see if he wanted a lift

and still today hear what he said

he was a 10pound uk man

working on a property and didnt want a lift as said was only 45miles to go

but would like bread and fill his water bag

his face was black with flies

ijoked flies are bad here

he said no but about 50miles down the rd they were really bad

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theres a restaurant around mabprachan lake where you cant even see what food you ordered because it arrives coated in flies. the pickle dishes (with lids on) are full of flies. the floor is a sea of flies.

i probably cant name it but i am a fisherman and its a cafe ill never use again.

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We get the tiny fruit or vinegar flies which are very aggravating as they like ears.

Usually find a cats-tail of them collecting on something hanging.

Worst was when some damned farmer spread chicken shit on the large field at the back.. a month of misery.

Edited by jacko45k
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i remember one year in west qld

we had to wear nets around our head

you had to put our food and beer up under the net

even tried drinking beer through the net but got a bit frothy

when wet for crap inbush had to be quick fast and run

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To keep the flies away: Get a clear plastic bag (the kind they use for noodle soup and stuff), stick a one-baht coin in it and fill it with water, tie the top with a rubber band and then hang it near wherever you hang out. Apparently the flies' compound eyes don't like looking at that bag of water and stay away from it. Gotta say I was skeptical but tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it frickin' works...

To trap 'em and kill 'em: Get an empty 1.5L water bottle remove the cap and cut the bottle into 2 pieces around 1/3 of the way down. Turn the top part upside down and reassemble the bottle as shown in the pic.


Then you just need to experiment with bait to place in the bottom of the trap - different bait works for different flies, but you need something that is rotting. Potato peelings work for some people, rotting shrimp works for others. Use tape to stick the 2 pieces of the bottle together if you plan to hang the trap.

And if you get the bait right, you should end up with something like this...


It works because the flies enter the trap through the opening and when it's time to leave they expect that the exit will be via the highest point inside the bottle, only it's not... (So don't tell 'em...)

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To keep the flies away: Get a clear plastic bag (the kind they use for noodle soup and stuff), stick a one-baht coin in it and fill it with water, tie the top with a rubber band and then hang it near wherever you hang out. Apparently the flies' compound eyes don't like looking at that bag of water and stay away from it. Gotta say I was skeptical but tried it for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it frickin' works...

To trap 'em and kill 'em: Get an empty 1.5L water bottle remove the cap and cut the bottle into 2 pieces around 1/3 of the way down. Turn the top part upside down and reassemble the bottle as shown in the pic.


Then you just need to experiment with bait to place in the bottom of the trap - different bait works for different flies, but you need something that is rotting. Potato peelings work for some people, rotting shrimp works for others. Use tape to stick the 2 pieces of the bottle together if you plan to hang the trap.

And if you get the bait right, you should end up with something like this...

attachicon.gifFly Trap 2.jpg

It works because the flies enter the trap through the opening and when it's time to leave they expect that the exit will be via the highest point inside the bottle, only it's not... (So don't tell 'em...)

Beer works just as well.

When the flies die, (drown?), their rotting bodies attract more flies.

Warning, they really do stink!

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..., also..., be thankful they don't have March(or horse) flies up there..., they can be as big as your thumb (up to the first knuckle)...., and those buggers really can bite.., and they hurt ! I should have brought back one of those electronic racquet like fly swatters on my last trip up there....., It'd hit em for 6 as well as lighting them up > visions of flaming flies shooting across the room..., but not into curtains hopefully ! clap2.gif

Edited by Sandy Freckle
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dont take the elect fly swatter back

some years ago landed bris

taken aside room by customs

said you pack this bag? thinking someone put drugs in there

you have an illeagly product in bag

bloody elect fly swatter

not allowed in oz i think best thing since sliced bread

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