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What Animal in CM Bites Like This During The Raining Season, Every Year? Torture!


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I had this a few times per year always 5-6 bites in a patern, surely not mosquito bites but in my case it was mostly on the upper legs or back. Always over night when I was sleepng. I think many people get these bites but in the case of the OP and myself we are probably allergic to this particular insect bite. Never found out what it was, I moved to condo on the 37th floor and problem was gone ( of course).

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Looks like what we would call flea bites in the US.....Possibly sand fleas....

Had a wife of a friend that attracted them so much she wore flea collars on her ankles... They had dogs & critters....

After that I never felt inclined so much to visit at their house....

I had not thought of that.

Very good solution, if it works.

You could keep them in an airtight container, and then just wear them when you wanted to sit outside.

Not hot like rubber boots.

But maybe too expensive.

(also, probably would not work, since it takes time for the chemicals to be distributed from the collar to the fur)

As flea collars and the like often have a warning about not touching with bare hands and/or to wash carefully after fitting it to poochie, I'd be wary of having such things on ankles, if this was meant to be a serious comment.

It was a serious comment.....Very nice & alluring lady - however I never looked at her quite the same again after seeing flea collars on her ankles......Kinda seeded the where else thoughts.....

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I have also been unfortunate and had these same bites. I really can't recall if it occurs during only a certain part of the year. I do know it happens to me only at night time and when I'm outside. They are not caused by mosquitoes that is for sure... At least not mine.

I'm a smoker and I go outside to have a cigarette then that's when I get them. A mosquito bite for me usually causes a small welt to appear and these bites don't inhibit the welt. And as for me I'm the same as the OP where they only occur near the ankle areas.

I don't own any cats or dogs however there are a couple of friendly stray cats that come around as I feed them. However they are shy and really never come near me. I do sit quite a distance away from where I keep their food bowl. Also my feet are always in sandals and there isn't any rugs nearby, just patio tile.

I can say that I have found a lotion called TRAM which I use that helps a lot with the itching. Reading the label it says: Triamcinolone Acetonide It is a Thai brand and can be found in just about every pharmacy I've been in. Cost is about 30-40 THB a bottle.


Edited by dingdongrb
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Once upon a time my daughter (US) was given a 4' Taz by some neighbors that were moving away & didn't want it.....

Little did I know they had both dog AND/or sand (Monterey area) fleas....Not sure which it was but it took months of steam cleaning & bombing/fumigating a 3 story house before ridding ourselves/the house of the infestation.....

Not even sure if they fumigate here.. ....

The bites appeared below the knees....

What I was told.....although we had no pets the bugs could live for days in bedding or a rug - but then come out to feed (sure they all had different scedules) when their life cycle passed it could take 14 days for the eggs to hatch & the whole cycle was repeated.....

Again - it took months......

Didn't even want to go home after awhile.....

Edited by pgrahmm
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I have also been unfortunate and had these same bites. I really can't recall if it occurs during only a certain part of the year. I do know it happens to me only at night time and when I'm outside. They are not caused by mosquitoes that is for sure... At least not mine.

I'm a smoker and I go outside to have a cigarette then that's when I get them. A mosquito bite for me usually causes a small welt to appear and these bites don't inhibit the welt. And as for me I'm the same as the OP where they only occur near the ankle areas.

I don't own any cats or dogs however there are a couple of friendly stray cats that come around as I feed them. However they are shy and really never come near me. I do sit quite a distance away from where I keep their food bowl. Also my feet are always in sandals and there isn't any rugs nearby, just patio tile.

I can say that I have found a lotion called TRAM which I use that helps a lot with the itching. Reading the label it says: Triamcinolone Acetonide It is a Thai brand and can be found in just about every pharmacy I've been in. Cost is about 30-40 THB a bottle.

What Tricortone is used for

Tricortone contains the active ingredient triamcinolone acetonide (a type of cortisone) and belongs to the group of medicines called corticosteroids. It is available as both a cream and an ointment.

Tricortone is used on the skin to relieve the redness, swelling, itching and discomfort of many skin problems such as:

  • psoriasis (a stubborn skin disorder with raised, rough, reddened areas covered with dry, fine silvery scales)
  • eczema (an often itchy skin condition with redness, swelling, oozing of fluid, crusting which may lead to scaling)
  • other types of skin disease (dermatitis)
  • itching on the anus or vulva
  • inflammation of the external part of the ear.

Ask your doctor if you have any questions about why this medicine has been prescribed for you. Your doctor may have prescribed it for another purpose.

Tricortone is not addictive.

This medicine is available only with a doctor’s prescription.

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No ants, ok.

Strange, according to the picture I would have said bed bugs...?

Better see a doctor!

Definitely, not bed bugs.

Last year, I did consult 2 doctors, and about 3 pharmacies.

They ALL say mosquitoes.

But I am not convinced.

They must be wrong, because of the distribution, and the ground level.

Try the Thai herbal cream:

"Saled Pung pon" it's herbal 100% , without cortisone!

Helped me many times.

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I have also been unfortunate and had these same bites. I really can't recall if it occurs during only a certain part of the year. I do know it happens to me only at night time and when I'm outside. They are not caused by mosquitoes that is for sure... At least not mine.

I'm a smoker and I go outside to have a cigarette then that's when I get them. A mosquito bite for me usually causes a small welt to appear and these bites don't inhibit the welt. And as for me I'm the same as the OP where they only occur near the ankle areas.

I don't own any cats or dogs however there are a couple of friendly stray cats that come around as I feed them. However they are shy and really never come near me. I do sit quite a distance away from where I keep their food bowl. Also my feet are always in sandals and there isn't any rugs nearby, just patio tile.

I can say that I have found a lotion called TRAM which I use that helps a lot with the itching. Reading the label it says: Triamcinolone Acetonide It is a Thai brand and can be found in just about every pharmacy I've been in. Cost is about 30-40 THB a bottle.

This medicine is available only with a doctor’s prescription.

No prescription was required..... sitting right on the shelf (and not behind the counter) next to the calamine lotion.



Uses: Tricortone is approved for Rash,Eczema, Itching and Psoriasis and is mostly mentioned together with these indications.

Itching..... It reduced or somewhat eliminated the itching I had.

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I have also been unfortunate and had these same bites. I really can't recall if it occurs during only a certain part of the year. I do know it happens to me only at night time and when I'm outside. They are not caused by mosquitoes that is for sure... At least not mine.

I'm a smoker and I go outside to have a cigarette then that's when I get them. A mosquito bite for me usually causes a small welt to appear and these bites don't inhibit the welt. And as for me I'm the same as the OP where they only occur near the ankle areas.

I don't own any cats or dogs however there are a couple of friendly stray cats that come around as I feed them. However they are shy and really never come near me. I do sit quite a distance away from where I keep their food bowl. Also my feet are always in sandals and there isn't any rugs nearby, just patio tile.

I can say that I have found a lotion called TRAM which I use that helps a lot with the itching. Reading the label it says: Triamcinolone Acetonide It is a Thai brand and can be found in just about every pharmacy I've been in. Cost is about 30-40 THB a bottle.

Nailed it!

I guarantee we are being bitten by the same species of animal.

I have asked many people what this is, but you are the first to admit to being plagued by this creature.

I am glad I now have company with whom to commiserate.

I know there is some researcher out there who knows more.

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I have never heard of misquotes biting in such a densely concentrated pattern, such as this.

I don't think this animal is airborne.

I think it is on the ground, waiting for an interloper to come by and provide a blood meal, if that is what they are after.

Also, they seem invisible. Or, very small, and you cannot feel them land, or crawl.

The very tiny ants are still perceptible if they crawl on the skin.

I got them for few days long ago, outside and inside the house, and only noticed that they were hundred around when I used an electric racket... Never happens again, and looks like they show up during certain weather pattern... Try to use coconut oil for repellent..

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I disagree, these lacerations are obviously inflicted by ultra midget Thai elephants and should be treated by rubbing in copious amounts of the fresh dung of the Elephantus giganticus.

This treatment will ensure that most other creatures will avidly avoid those that have administered the optimum dosage.

I could be wrong.

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I have also been unfortunate and had these same bites. I really can't recall if it occurs during only a certain part of the year. I do know it happens to me only at night time and when I'm outside. They are not caused by mosquitoes that is for sure... At least not mine.

I'm a smoker and I go outside to have a cigarette then that's when I get them. A mosquito bite for me usually causes a small welt to appear and these bites don't inhibit the welt. And as for me I'm the same as the OP where they only occur near the ankle areas.

I don't own any cats or dogs however there are a couple of friendly stray cats that come around as I feed them. However they are shy and really never come near me. I do sit quite a distance away from where I keep their food bowl. Also my feet are always in sandals and there isn't any rugs nearby, just patio tile.

I can say that I have found a lotion called TRAM which I use that helps a lot with the itching. Reading the label it says: Triamcinolone Acetonide It is a Thai brand and can be found in just about every pharmacy I've been in. Cost is about 30-40 THB a bottle.

This medicine is available only with a doctor’s prescription.

No prescription was required..... sitting right on the shelf (and not behind the counter) next to the calamine lotion.



Uses: Tricortone is approved for Rash,Eczema, Itching and Psoriasis and is mostly mentioned together with these indications.

Itching..... It reduced or somewhat eliminated the itching I had.

Yes, I know T.I.T. and anything goes.

There's obviously a reason why it's not off the shelf in other countries,

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i have seen same in africa

you wrap all body in glad wrap

Not a joke!

This is actually some advice I was looking for.

Socks are useless.

But a thin layer of polyethylene wrap actually would work.

Probably boots are still easiest.

I will buy some green herbal ointment, mentioned above.

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To keep a long story short - your afflicted area looks identical but pales in comparison to my legs while living in a house in Taiwan.

I befriended a neighbourhood dog during monsoon season.

Not a whole lot of close contact but simply visitations by him to get a few snacks I kept handy.

I woke up in the morning feeling extremely miserable and looked down at my legs to see a few hundred red blotches similar to what your picture shows. (yes, a few hundred)

Later in the evening, I was almost delirious and called a friend to take me to a doctor.

"dog fleas" the doctor proclaimed - issued some meds and I soon became better!

My friend visited the owner of the dog and the dog seemed to magically disappear... as did my affliction.

... not to sound too crass but your feet aren't involved in any wayward and adventurous sexual activities are they?

... worth considering, really!

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Yes, I know T.I.T. and anything goes.

There's obviously a reason why it's not off the shelf in other countries,

TRAM is sold in other countries? I guess I didn't have a reason to use or ask for it when I was outside of Thailand.

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To keep a long story short - your afflicted area looks identical but pales in comparison to my legs while living in a house in Taiwan.

I befriended a neighbourhood dog during monsoon season.

Not a whole lot of close contact but simply visitations by him to get a few snacks I kept handy.

I woke up in the morning feeling extremely miserable and looked down at my legs to see a few hundred red blotches similar to what your picture shows. (yes, a few hundred)

Later in the evening, I was almost delirious and called a friend to take me to a doctor.

"dog fleas" the doctor proclaimed - issued some meds and I soon became better!

My friend visited the owner of the dog and the dog seemed to magically disappear... as did my affliction.

... not to sound too crass but your feet aren't involved in any wayward and adventurous sexual activities are they?

... worth considering, really!

Are you suggesting these bites were delivered by female midgets?

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Flees ?

Fleas outdoors?

This only happens Out Doors!

Never inside!

Years ago I stopped to look at crumbling chedi on a side road in Ayuthaya. Overgrown with weeds and grass I walked around it and to my horror saw my legs were covered in fleas. Seems the local soi dogs hang about there. I brushed the fleas off as best I could and departed quick. They could be flea bites. Do the locals dogs linger at this location, sleep overnight?

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Flees ?

Fleas outdoors?

This only happens Out Doors!

Never inside!

Years ago I stopped to look at crumbling chedi on a side road in Ayuthaya. Overgrown with weeds and grass I walked around it and to my horror saw my legs were covered in fleas. Seems the local soi dogs hang about there. I brushed the fleas off as best I could and departed quick. They could be flea bites. Do the locals dogs linger at this location, sleep overnight?

The area is quite clean and well maintained, with no dogs around that I saw sleeping near where I was sitting.

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Yes, I know T.I.T. and anything goes.

There's obviously a reason why it's not off the shelf in other countries,

TRAM is sold in other countries? I guess I didn't have a reason to use or ask for it when I was outside of Thailand.

the point is you really should avoid using any type of steroid unless absolutely necessary. try Calamine lotion. much safer for your health.

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Yes, I know T.I.T. and anything goes.

There's obviously a reason why it's not off the shelf in other countries,

TRAM is sold in other countries? I guess I didn't have a reason to use or ask for it when I was outside of Thailand.

the point is you really should avoid using any type of steroid unless absolutely necessary. try Calamine lotion. much safer for your health.

Hydrocortisone is not quite the same.

1 percent, or 0.5 percent.

Other steroids.... I agree

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Looks like Asian Chicken Foot. You get it from eating too many eggs, like 5 to 10 a day.

I gotta tell you....

One half hour exposure sitting outside at 2am reading on my Note4, and I had over 50 bites on both feet ankles and other lower extremities.

I would not mind so much, BUT they do not go away, and remain painful and irritating just like the first day I was bitten.

Tried hydrocortisone, but useless.

Tried scratching, but only of temporary benefit

My only protection now if I want to sit outside is the giant zip lock bags, but people think I'm nuts.

I may just look for some sort of plastic socks.

It was surprising to me to learn that the doctors and pharmacy all say these are caused by mosquitoes!

Then why are these bites only about 5 inches off the ground.

Maybe if I lay on the ground then I might be bitten elsewhere.

It would be a good experiment, just to rule out that these bugs are only interested in biting below Midcalf.

I was sitting at a table which was on a paved surface.

The mosquitoes here in CM do not bother me at all.

They rarely bite me.

...dab on some full strength white Vinegar...that should ease the itching and stinging.

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Yes, I know T.I.T. and anything goes.

There's obviously a reason why it's not off the shelf in other countries,

TRAM is sold in other countries? I guess I didn't have a reason to use or ask for it when I was outside of Thailand.

the point is you really should avoid using any type of steroid unless absolutely necessary. try Calamine lotion. much safer for your health.

Sorry I thought we were discussing about the need for a Dr's prescription.

BTW, there's only 0.1 % Triamcinolone Acetonide being listed as the active ingredient. I am willing to bet that you ingest more toxins in your daily eating habits.... smile.png

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Looks like Asian Chicken Foot. You get it from eating too many eggs, like 5 to 10 a day.

I gotta tell you....

One half hour exposure sitting outside at 2am reading on my Note4, and I had over 50 bites on both feet ankles and other lower extremities.

I would not mind so much, BUT they do not go away, and remain painful and irritating just like the first day I was bitten.

Tried hydrocortisone, but useless.

Tried scratching, but only of temporary benefit

My only protection now if I want to sit outside is the giant zip lock bags, but people think I'm nuts.

I may just look for some sort of plastic socks.

It was surprising to me to learn that the doctors and pharmacy all say these are caused by mosquitoes!

Then why are these bites only about 5 inches off the ground.

Maybe if I lay on the ground then I might be bitten elsewhere.

It would be a good experiment, just to rule out that these bugs are only interested in biting below Midcalf.

I was sitting at a table which was on a paved surface.

The mosquitoes here in CM do not bother me at all.

They rarely bite me.

...dab on some full strength white Vinegar...that should ease the itching and stinging.

I have noticed that White Vinegar is used by people on TV for everything..

I also like it with soy sauce, chili, ginger, and dumplings.

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I suppose soy sauce work work but for the life of me I dont know how you'd get the chillies,ginger and dumplings to stick to your legs!

Maybe if you mix them altogether like a poultice.... :-)

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Looks like what we would call flea bites in the US.....Possibly sand fleas....

Had a wife of a friend that attracted them so much she wore flea collars on her ankles... They had dogs & critters....

After that I never felt inclined so much to visit at their house....

I had not thought of that.

Very good solution, if it works.

You could keep them in an airtight container, and then just wear them when you wanted to sit outside.

Not hot like rubber boots.

But maybe too expensive.

(also, probably would not work, since it takes time for the chemicals to be distributed from the collar to the fur)

Flea collars contain insecticides and if they get into the bloodstream are poisonous. Humans wearing these collars anywhere on their bodies is a bad idea. I wouldn`t even put them on my dogs.

Every time I venture out into my garden after dark I end up getting bitten to pieces by all kinds of small flying insects. Walk back in indoors and have to immediately shower myself with hot water to help relieve the itching. Going outdoors for long periods at night a person becomes a late night snack for all kinds of irritating flies and tiny insects. Change your habits and stay indoors, problem solved.

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