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Teacher caught on video assaulting female student - but many see nothing wrong in that


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Why are there so many people supporting what he did?

He strikes her out of his own uncontrolled rage, not as punishment or in any way for her to learn a lesson. Then she is forced to feel shameful and support the mafia goon teacher.

What that teacher did is as bad as raping someone. He should be in jail for a long time.

Just sickening. That teacher did what he did, and the way several members of TV seem to be fantasising about and supporting what he did.

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Mentalities need to change. Hitting women and/or children is completely wrong. I don't care what the culture is.

First sentence right back at you Mr "It's okay to hit men though, just exempt women and children from violence".

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.we used to get a wack with a cane on the buttocks or hand, never done me any harm,thumbsup.gif

Never did any good either, plenty of teenage violence in the 50's, 60's and 70's.

Just because you got your jollies out of being caned on the bottom doesn't mean that you should be allowed to do the same. That's the same as saying I was sexually abused so I think it's ok to do!

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

I agree entirely. Step out of line you get walloped, behave and you don't. Unlike today in the west where, because of the absence of corporal punishment, kids more or less do as they like, including beating up their teachers. Reading the comments from the lefties on here, it's hardly surprising that the youth of today doesn't know the difference between right and wrong. On this occasion I think that the Thais have got it right.

That ok Mr Thai-bashing policeman?

Do you punch your kids hard in the head then when they do something wrong? Wow, must be great having you for a dad.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

Yes I remember them unpampered days only to well. We had the big brown belt rule at home and the odd kick in the posterior. It was an experience and I like to think it made me into a better person. Now children goad their parents and teachers to see how far they can push them. I was wrong to hit this girl about the head and face for sure. Sadly we have given our kids an inch and they are now taking a mile and more. They are in the "we know it all" generation till one day they wake up and realize they really don't but its to late by then. Ask me I woke up in time to make something of my life. There are a lot who will not. All this IT stuff has turned teens into fat button pushers lacking the wisdom and knowledge of how to roll up their sleeves and tackle a real job.

In my school we would never be physical with a student. There are a million other things you can do instead, that actually teach the student a lesson and help them to grow. Punching students in the head is not a way for anyone to learn except to feel that violence is the quickest way to get your way. Also, our kids are respectful and caring for one another, I would like to think so because they learn from the adults around them that even if they do wrong, and need to be punished, they will still be respected as human beings in the process.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

spot on.

And now look at the results...a generation of entitled brats. The kids WE should have disciplined early are now going around killing each other without a thought.

Spare the rod and all that.

I think a good strapping never hurt any kid.

In fact i think it sent a psychological message to young minds that there are consequences for bad behaviour.

The western PC crowd is even worse than the Thai parents who just smile like idiots when their kid does something completely innapropriate.

result: just look at the news

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

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Only in Thailand: hitting children is ok at schools. blink.png

There is written law against that at schools. (Mission Impossible theme in the background). I would leave that printed law on their desks surreptitiously and voila! Hitting stopped, for a while.coffee1.gif

A few weeks later, it starts again. Like a dog chasing its tail.bah.gif

There is a written law in Thailand that you should wear crash helmets etc but that makes no difference either.

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do you expect anything to change a few days ago a guy beat his girlfriend on the bus and then said sorry to the RTA for wearing a camouflaged tee-shirt and bring the Military into a bad light, and a teacher striking a child what will happen to him? do they have a inactive teaching post. Could he not teach in prison then try slapping a prisoner over the head

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In fact i think it sent a psychological message to young minds that there are consequences for bad behaviour.

The western PC crowd is even worse than the Thai parents who just smile like idiots when their kid does something completely innapropriate.

result: just look at the news

Oh yeah, and in your day I guess there just were no problems at all?

The psychological message you are sending when you strike someone without that person being able to strike back is that the person is not worth enough as a human being to talk to and to come up with consequences that will help them to grow. Instead, a good smack on the head and you feel powerless, ashamed, and helpless. Later on when that girl is being thumped by her husband for burning the chicken, she'll have learned her lesson and just be quiet in her shame. Or, if she is raped, she will again be quiet and live in her shame.

Edited by tominbkk
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Why are there so many people supporting what he did?

He strikes her out of his own uncontrolled rage, not as punishment or in any way for her to learn a lesson. Then she is forced to feel shameful and support the mafia goon teacher.

What that teacher did is as bad as raping someone. He should be in jail for a long time.

Just sickening. That teacher did what he did, and the way several members of TV seem to be fantasising about and supporting what he did.

Is there any comparison ask the girl whether she would prefer a slap around the head or being raped, I think I know the answer.

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Why are there so many people supporting what he did?

He strikes her out of his own uncontrolled rage, not as punishment or in any way for her to learn a lesson. Then she is forced to feel shameful and support the mafia goon teacher.

What that teacher did is as bad as raping someone. He should be in jail for a long time.

Just sickening. That teacher did what he did, and the way several members of TV seem to be fantasising about and supporting what he did.

Is there any comparison ask the girl whether she would prefer a slap around the head or being raped, I think I know the answer.

Both are physical violations with the victim unable to say no to. Then made to feel shame for.

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Sorry but i disagree with previous posters.

Being a teacher these days would challenge anyone to keep their cool;

Many children goad teachers just to see how far they can go.

Only point i agree on, is he should not have hit her head.

When i was a kid ( many many ) years ago, speak or step out of line and wallop you got it.

End of story, you learned to behave, never went home and told parents, or you got more for disrespecting your teacher.

spot on.

And now look at the results...a generation of entitled brats. The kids WE should have disciplined early are now going around killing each other without a thought.

Spare the rod and all that.

I think a good strapping never hurt any kid.

In fact i think it sent a psychological message to young minds that there are consequences for bad behaviour.

The western PC crowd is even worse than the Thai parents who just smile like idiots when their kid does something completely innapropriate.

result: just look at the news

Jesus! What does it take to get it into your head that this was an assault - IT WAS NOT DISCIPLINE. I got caned and strapped at school back in the 50s and 60s, but it was always done in a way that reinforced the notion of discipline, not pain*. This incident was straight out assault, carried out by a guy who believes he has a power - the power of arrogance? - that goes beyond accepted standards.

*My headmaster ordered me to wait for him outside his office after school assembly, having told me he would give me 3 of the best on the backside. He was a mean wielder of the cane. I waited (several handkerchiefs stuffed down my pants :) )for 2 hours in fear before he popped his head out the door and said "go back to your class". By that time I didn't need the cane - I was suitably chastised. This headmaster ran a great school with lots of accomplishments and very few incidents.

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.we used to get a wack with a cane on the buttocks or hand, never done me any harm,thumbsup.gif

Never did any good either, plenty of teenage violence in the 50's, 60's and 70's.

Just because you got your jollies out of being caned on the bottom doesn't mean that you should be allowed to do the same. That's the same as saying I was sexually abused so I think it's ok to do!

".we used to get a wack with a cane on the buttocks or hand, never done me any harm:

The very fact he wrote this shows exactly what harm it did. He learned that violence against kids is OK, And statistics show that people who were assaulted as kids, often go on to assault kids themselves... because they learned it was OK. Caning a girl on the buttocks is especially egregious and suspect behaviour.

Thailand seems to regard man-on-woman violence whether domestic or at school is OK. There's something very wrong with these people...


Edited by Winniedapu
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Half the problem with kids today, not only here, but anywhere in the West too, is a lack of respect for elders or authority, and no fear of discipline.

Back in my day, your local neighbourhood had a beat bobby, and if you did wrong, you'd expect a good clip round the earhole. Ditto teachers. Never harmed me, nor anybody else i know, and believe me, i was a very naughty boy in my youth, and the bane of any teacher i thought of as too "soft".

I have a good friend in the UK who had been a teacher most of his adult life. He was an excellent teacher, was a bit of a hippy, and hence seen as a "softie", but he had a temper on him when things went too far. Once all the regulations changed 20-25 odd years ago in favour of pc and "you can't touch the kid", his job just spiralled downhill. He could'nt take the abuse, took early retirement and worked the last 3 years before state pension age as a shelf filler at Waitrose, generally stoned. And this was at a decent secondary modern out in the sticks, certainly not "inner city". I think if he'd kept at it, he may have throttled some kid and he knew it...

...he would have hated teaching me...

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And here is the law regarding this brutality! thumbsup.gif

Thai Law against corporal punishment in schools

Corporal punishment is unlawful in all schools under the Ministry of Education

Regulation on Student Punishment (2005) and the National Committee on Child

Protection Regulation on Working Procedures of Child Protection Officers Involved

in Promoting Behaviour of Students (2005), pursuant to article 65 of the Child

Protection Act.

การลงโทษทางกายเปน*สงผดกฎหมายในโรงเรยน* ตามกฎกระทรวงศกษาธการ (..

2548) และ ระเบยบคณะกรรมการค$%มครองเด'กแห(งชาต


(.. 2548) ตามมาตรา 65 แห(งพระราชบ*ญญ*ตค$%มครองเด'ก

1, This applies to ALL schools in Thailand with NO exceptions be they public

or private institutions! If a school tells you different then they are wrong

and you should be wary of schools who are ignorant of the law.


ถ%าโรงเรยนใดแจ%งให%ท(านทราบต(างไปจากน1 แสดงว(าโรงเรยนเหล(าน*1นไม(ถ7กต%อง


2. There is no such thing as a parental opt out. Individuals cannot "opt

out" of the law of the land. Any teacher who hits a child with parental

permission is STILL breaking the law.

ไม(มการเล5อกปฏบ*ตจากผ7%ปกครอง ไม(มบ$คคลใดถ7ก "เล5อกปฏบ*ต"



3. That parents of children who are hit can demand financial compensation

from the school. (nothing like money to make parents become more active).

บอกผ7%ปกครอง โดยผ7%ปกครองสามารถเรยกร%องค(าชดเชยจากโรงเรยน


4. The new Women`s and Child protection Unit of the Royal Thai police waht to

catch and punish teachers who hit kids (they are beinhd the website)

ขอบค$ณมาก เราสามารถกย$ตการลงโทษทางกายได%



5. Remember a teacher who hits a child has broken the law and you are

entitled to protection from people who commit a crime.

โปรดจ9าไว%ว(า คร7ทตเด'กน*1นท9าผดกฎหมาย


6. You should NOT respect people who break the law.


7. You should report all events of teachers hitting kids to your local



8. The Thai Ministry of Education recommends that children who have been hit

by a teacher to report the matter. See the MOE website below (it is in


กระทรวงศกษาธการแนะน9าให%น*กเรยนทถ7กคร7ตร%องเรยน โปรดอ(านเวบไซต,ของ ศธ.

ด%านล(างน1 (เปนภาษาไทย)

9. Corporal punishment is illegal in Thailand. Any teacher who hits a child

is breaking the law. If you break the law you are committing a crime. If you

commit a crime you are a *criminal*!


คร7คนใดก'ตามทตเด'กถ5อว(าก9าล*งท9าผดกฎหมาย ถ%าค$ณท9าผดกฎหมาย

ค$ณก'ก9าล*งก(ออาชญากรรม ถ%าค$ณก(ออาชญากรรม ค$ณก'ค5อ*อาชญากร*!

This law is very well thought out, written, and educational in the way it repeats and emphasises its point. So, congratulations to the people who wrote it.

But of course, for anyone who knows what is actually going on in Thai schools, the only reaction we can have when reading that law is : wow ... way to go ...

What it proves, among other things, is that laws do not change mentalities, customs, social habits.

Except on very small, unimportant matters, laws do not, cannot change the socio-cultural paradigma of a society. It works only when it's the other way round. Once the mentality changes then the law usually follows.

But there is more to this ...

Thailand, like many other countries, and like or not, is in a situation of financial/economical/cultural dependance to the West, in what can only be called post-colonization. It is never clearly said, by either party, because it's embarrassing, unethical, absurd, brutal, and it means that politics are divided between what we see (20%) and what is actually happening (80%). It means that politicians have in fact very little power, no matter what they claim, be it in the West or in developing countries. All of them bow to a system rather than to deep political and moral beliefs.

The discrepancy between laws and social reality is one major consequence of this situation : on many matters, especially those that are sensitive to Westerners, Thailand apparently bows to the West, and issues laws that seem to be in line with the Western way of thinking. Issues like human rights, women's rights, children's rights are at the center. However, these laws do not reflect the actual mentality of the country. No matter how shocked we Westerners may be, the common attitude of most Thais (of all social classes) on matters like gender equality, brutality to children, paedophilia, prostitution, corruption, is completely different from ours.

Of course Westerners take it for granted that the Western stance is the most advanced and civilized one. To even suggest that things may be more complicated, to even suggest that perhaps it would be worth questioning and comparing with an open mind is nigh impossible, and the emotion involved makes discussions overheated and sterile.

But we should make no mistake : we Westerners are so convinced that we are 100% in the right on so many matters that we do not even open them to discussion. We want to change the so-called 'thirld world', rather than understand it. We think we have nothing to learn from Asia, Africa, or the Arab world, because we take it for granted that they are behind us in terms of civilization. Of course nothing could more wrong, or more dangerous. That approach has not changed since colonial times. We still think that if only 'these people' would do as we say, things would get a lot better immediately. Our haughtiness, however, makes us blind. We don't even see how much anger it generates, we don't realize how much spite against the West is building up throughout developing countries, except when it reaches a stage of horror like ISIS.

This school incident is a mere drop of water in an ocean, yet it illustrates the problem(s) very clearly.

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I am .... concerned.... about the use of corporal or physical punishment when applied at schools and by legitimate school employees. That does not say I am wholly against it in all forms and situations... but ... I recognize that it can come with side-effects and unless done in a controlled and transparent manner, opens the door to *possible* misuse..

I AM wholly for the disciplinary process as I think that is a part of the larger learning process that schools are one part of (noting the the process has multiple players such as the parent/guardian among others)

I do not think that issue is the gender of the student nor the gender of the teacher - only because I think IF the conversation is about discipline and the disciplinary process, that it should be inclusive and gender-neutral.

I DO think there IS a difference between the application of case-specific disciplinary action in a school setting and by school personnel, and what may more accurately called 'assault'. As I didn't see the whole series of events that transpired, I can't comment on what it was or wasn't, but do agree that from a 3rd person optic viewpoint, it DOES looks bad -- but that alone, to me, should not be what drives the determination.

If I had to vote for or against the use of *any* corporal punishment, in totality, I'd probably vote no... but ..; that comes with a caveat ... and that caveat is that in lieu of schools being the disciplinary mechanism, it MUST be done by the parents...

I don't think you can say the schools can't AND the parents won't.. That, to me, is an unworkable scenario.. Again, discipline is not and should not always be physical punishment - it needs to be case specific, but while I myself am not a huge proponent of it, I can't say that it should always be a non-option.. I just want to be sure that when it IS used, that it is done fairly, and in a manner that does not create real injury.

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Just enforcing the no long trouser Tuesday rule. I have an idea......Lets bring in a bitch

slap all teachers Wednesday rule. Every student must comply or they will be sent home. tongue.png

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I remember a girl here who was often beaten by her boyfriend. She told her friends and they asked "well, what did you do wrong?"

Mentalities need to change. Hitting women and/or children is completely wrong. I don't care what the culture is.

Yeap, it's all about the "local culture", complete with smug and sanctimonious exhortations to love it or leave it, until something like this happens. Then it's funny how quickly the culture-lovers learn to put a sock in it.

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This incident teaches a message to children in Thailand and elsewhere that violence is necessary to resolve issues. Children should not be taught this method of discipline. Violence is the quick and easy way instead of spending a little more time in convincing persuasion, and has no regard for the future behavioural traits that they will grow up with - violence first, think later!

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In NO circumstances is it okay for a teacher to hit a student around the head area.

do you understand what you just wrote ? you are deserving of a desperately needed major tune-up . .......

Edited by mikiea
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If it was my daughter, I'd slap the teacher and tell him never ever to touch my daughter again and next time to contact me.dry.png

No need to hit! Taking her iphone away for a week would be much more effective... facepalm.gif

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